July 2024 Prayerlink


Mon 1. Patrick – Uganda

Thank God for opening the door of ministry in the Uganda Revenue Authority. I preached there four times in the past quarter and ministered to a total of 90 tax collectors. The government of Uganda has also given us the license to work with 22 prisons in the Department of Rehabilitation and Re-integration. Pray for effective witnesses in these prisons.

Prison Ministry - Uganda

Tue 2. Jeremie & Judith - Togo

Kossouwa had a mysterious connection with demonic spirits. She woke up badly one day and started behaving strangely and crazily. She tried several times to calm these spirits by offering habitual sacrifices, but her situation only got worse. We went to minister in her village during Easter. After our ministration, she came forward for prayers and regained her senses miraculously. She thereafter gave her life to Jesus Christ and was baptized. Praise the Lord for her deliverance.

Wed 3. Ezekiel – Plateau, Nigeria

During visits to schools, where we conducted discipleship, follow-up programs, and Bible studies and shared the gospel message, we ministered to 1,829 students in total. We also ministered to 13,801 students at the conferences and rallies we organized. Thank God for bringing a total of 1,352 students to faith in Christ and for 398 others who rededicated their lives to the Lord.  

Thu 4. Perpetue – Congo DR

Because of the many challenges facing JK, he lost interest in everything related to the Word of God and the Christian faith. Thank God that following some counseling sessions we had with him, he recommitted himself to the Lord and accepted to be baptized. Pray that the Lord will sustain his faith.

Fri 5. Natasha – S Africa

We are currently conducting life skills in 5 different schools. Each school has 4 to 6 classes with an average of 35 to 45 learners per class. SG, a young volunteer went through a difficult time last year. She was mixing with the wrong people and pulled away from us as her support. We however never stopped praying for her. We were recently invited to join a youth party in Carina. I invited her and she agreed to come with us. She recommitted her life to Christ during the service and received deliverance as well. We thank the Lord for the visible changes that occurred in her life thereafter.

Ministry in School – S. Africa

Sat 6. Mzwabantu – S Africa

Thank God for the transformation a lesbian student recently experienced in her life. She sought my assistance because she was chased away from her home for her public coming out. I prayed for and had counseling sessions with her. She accepted Jesus as her personal Savior and became a witness to other lesbian and gay students. Thank God that the situation at home is back to normal because her father welcomed her back. It is a great joy to see more young people accepting Jesus as their personal Savior and others delivered from drug addiction.

Sun 7. Cecil – Zimbabwe

School assemblies are 15 to 30-minute gatherings of the whole school which happens once, twice, or three times per week. Thank God for many schools that invite us to lead the devotions during their assembly. This allows us to freely share the gospel message with all students and teachers.

Mon 8. Imaculate – Uganda

We organized a seven-day mission in schools where the gospel was preached to children and youth. We also reached out to the children in the Sunday school with sports ministry. A total of 8083 children and youth heard our gospel message, and we thank the Lord for drawing 1657 of them to faith in Himself.

Tue 9. Kiki – Benin

Modeste is a new convert whom I enrolled in a Bible correspondence course. He has taken this course seriously and is a regular at Bible studies. He also enrolled his children and cousins who live with him. He persevered until the end of the Bible Course and was baptized in February. I thank the Lord for the perseverance and spiritual growth of this brother. He is currently in the discipleship class.

Wed 10. Augustin & Rosalie – Cameroon

I shared the gospel with only 8 people whom I had set a goal to reach. Thank God for two of them who received the Lord as their personal Savior and whom I am currently following up. We believe we have completed our mission here in Moloundou. Pray that the Lord may confirm to us the new mission field.

Thu 11. Kossivi & Therese – Togo

A special blessing we have received from the Lord is the steady growth of "the little church" we planted. We have welcomed a few more members into the fellowship. Thank God for this and pray for more growth. We are entering the rainy season, and our concern is to have the means to arrange an appropriate place where we can gather safely. Pray for God’s favor.

Fri 12. Sade & Dogbe – Togo

Organized a 3-day spiritual retreat to strengthen the faith of the brethren. Also conducted door-to-door evangelism which brought 57 new believers into the fold. Thank God for them and for a 57-year-old brother who was healed of an ulcer from which he had suffered for 19 years. According to his testimony, it was after he confessed a sin of disobedience that he received his healing.

Prayer time @ Spiritual Retreat - Togo

Sat 13. Nyei – South Sudan

110 young ladies attended the conference we organized for them. Thank God for many who gave their lives to Christ. MK, one of the conference participants had been quarrelling with her grandmother after she had moved in with her. Feeling despaired with life, she decided to commit suicide. Thank God that her grandma urged her to attend the conference. She testified that the teachings she received saved her life. She called her grandmother right from the conference to confess that she had forgiven her for the torture she suffered from her hand.

Sun 14. Morrison – Sokoto, Nigeria

57 students participated in the training we recently held. Pray that they all may grow steadily in their knowledge of God’s word. Thank God for 11 students who were won for Christ during the mission outreach to new students in two universities in the state.

Bible Study Training - Sokoto, Nigeria

Mon 15. Worldlink USA

We want to take time this month to praise God for his faithfulness in supporting the work of indigenous missionaries through the generosity of his church. The year-end matching appeal response was amazing. This will help us add 275 more partners this year in some of the least reached places in the world.


Tue 16. DNL – East Asia

Our prayer is that God should help us plant a House Church. In the past quarter, I shared the gospel with 80 people, of which 60 of them heard the message for the first time. God brought four people to faith two of whom are Mr. Bambang and his wife in whose house a new group started meeting. Ask God to grant success as we seek to recruit more disciples so the group may soon grow into a house church.

Wed 17. Dharam-Singh – India

JK is from a family of idol worshippers. They, however, lacked peace as their two sons were sickly, and were in and out of the hospital for blood transfusion. We prayed for the boys and God healed them following which the family accepted God’s offer of salvation. Persecution in Northern India has escalated leading to the closure of many churches. We thank God for grace to continue to serve him despite the challenging situation facing believers. Pray that his grace may abound.

Baptism – India

Thu 18. Phnom – Cambodia

Thank God for grace to continue to spread the good news to 37 people who in the past quarter believed in the Lord Jesus as their Savior and 12 who were baptized. We also celebrated a wedding and rejoiced with one who received a miraculous healing.

Fri 19. Sylvain – India

The biggest problem I have is insecurity and instability that prevent my country from functioning normally. Spiritual activities cannot go on well. Our church door has been closed for 2 years because of bandits. Despite these challenges, we thank God for giving us the grace to continue to share the gospel with 12 young people who came to faith in Christ and 5 people who were baptized.

Sat 20. TOOT – East Asia

My personal goal was to share the gospel with 3 to 5 people each day. Thank God for 87 people who heard my message. Pray that the seed sown may grow to maturity in each life. Pray also for the salvation of my family members all of whom are currently Muslims.

Sun 21. Laxmana – India

Sister Gangammaku was barren for 10 years. She gave her life to Jesus and kept believing God to bless her with children. We praise the Lord for finally answering her prayers. She recently gave birth to a baby girl. Construction of our church building has stopped due to a lack of resources. Please pray for God to raise help to complete the building.

Mon 22. JVC – India

Ramesh Northern India was a drug addict, an alcoholic, and a gangster in his region. God drew him to himself after hearing the gospel message and his life was transformed by the power of God's word. He completed missionary training and was sent to serve among an unreached tribe where he had already planted two house fellowships. Praise the Lord.

Tue 23. Samnang - Cambodia

In 2023 we ran four mission schools with a total of about 250 church planters. Two schools completed their 2-year program in December and two new schools with 120 students were launched this year. In two schools in Pailin and Kampong in Thom province, we were blessed with 580 new believers who are in our weekly discipleship classes. Praise the Lord.

Graduation of Church Planting Training – Takeo, Cambodia

Wed 24. Babulal – India

Pray for God to touch the heart of Ghosto to embrace the Lord as his Savior. He appears to be attracted to the gospel but needs to overcome his hesitation. By God's grace, his wife is a believer. She actively participates in church activities including sharing the gospel message in the neighborhood.

Thu 25. Phanna – Cambodia

We thank the Lord for church members’ commitment to outreach. Our 3 home groups go on outreach to families every Saturday and Sunday evening while the youths share the gospel with 30 to 50 youths in our community every Saturday evening. The children section focuses on the children in the nearby community. Pray for God to bless our effort with abundant fruits.

Fri 26. Yovan – India

A lady in our village who received Jesus as her Savior, was baptized, and a regular at church activities suddenly stopped coming to church. I kept visiting her, strengthening her faith in God’s word, and praying with her. Thank God for restoring her to faith and for the changes that have now taken place in her life, especially in Bible meditation and life of prayer.

Sat 27. Vibol – Cambodia

I shared the gospel with many people. Of the 37 people who listened to my message, I thank the Lord for 6 people who received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, two of them after God showed them mercy by healing their diseases.

Sun 28. Phally – Cambodia

People here are generally poor and do not pay attention to the good news we share with them. We approach them by giving them hygiene and health education and then share the Word through a story. Thank God for the few who listen to us and some who remember what we shared with them. Pray for grace to persist in our ministry and fruit to attend our efforts.

Mon 29. Lachayya – India

We thank the Lord for blessing us with a baby girl after 13 years of marriage and for successfully constructing a new church building. Sister Sumathi experienced miraculous healing of her gastrointestinal condition after receiving Christ’s salvation. Pray that the Lord may establish her in the faith.

Tue 30. AYN – Cambodia

We just moved into a new village, where people worship cattle. Pray that they may listen to, understand, and be open to the good news we faithfully proclaim. Thank God for the single soul in the new village who came to faith in Christ in response to our message.

Wed 31. Brettley – India

Bonta Purti was a thief and addicted to alcohol. He also used and supplied drugs. His brother, sobbing, asked us to pray for God to deliver him from his sinful life. We prayed earnestly for him. We met his family the following day, shared the gospel, and prayed with them. God touched Bonta and his parents accepted a new life in Christ. God wrought a great change in Bonta’s life. He and his parents were recently baptized. Thanks be to our God who restores broken life.