June 2024 Prayerlink


Sat 1. Patrick & Violet – Kenya

We trained 12 teachers in one of the Muslim-dominated coastal regions of Kenya to empower them to share the gospel effectively in their Islamic context. For a month after, each trainee focused on five people around them. One of the trainees gave this testimony: a neighbor who is into witchcraft allowed us to do a discovery Bible study from his house. After some time of listening and participating in this study, the man decided to receive Christ as his savior and is now attending our church services. Glory be to the Lord.

PAS Training – Lamu, Kenya

Sun 2. Pamazi & Raki – Togo

Through our fasting, prayer, teaching, and evangelistic programs, the Lord brought 20 souls into his kingdom. One of these, a young drug addict, experienced transformation and deliverance from addiction. He is now a regular at church with his wife. Two backsliding women were also restored to faith. We praise the Lord for his immense blessings on our ministry.

Mon 3. Morris – Liberia

Thank God for opening the door of ministry in Zolon, Kaka, and Souid. In Zolon, we ministered to over 800 people during a two-day medical outreach organized in partnership with two large Christian organizations. Thank God for 29 people who accepted Christ’s offer of salvation. We organized a day retreat for two schools in Kaka. Thank God for Tomah and Marnew, two street ladies in Souid who came to faith in Christ. They were released from prison two days before I met them.

Schools Ministry, Liberia

Tue 4. Dickens – Uganda

Our annual theme, "Give Careful Thoughts To Your Ways" (Haggai 1:7) was the focus of my recent messages to over 3000 people in 22 congregations. Thank God for 126 people who committed their lives to Christ and many others who were inspired to embark on a serious discipleship journey through Bible engagement. Our 2-week mission and gospel campaign to 31 primary and secondary schools in Central Uganda also ministered to 12,063 students. Thank God for 4,722 of them who received Christ as their savior. Pray for effective follow-up.

Wed 5. Bereket – Ethiopia

We ministered to over 1000 university and college students during 3-day conferences organized in three centers. Thank God for His visitation during the conferences and for bringing 77 participants to faith in the Lord Jesus. We have been dealing with some issues in the life of a couple for the past 3 years. Thank God for helping them to finally resolve their disagreement. They started living together again after five years of separation.

Aleta Wondo Conference - Ethiopia

Thu 6. Anonymous – Liberia

Late into the evening on New Year's Day while taking a light walk to the market, I came across a teenage girl prostituting herself. I seized the opportunity to share the gospel with her and declare to her the evil effects of sex for money and sex outside marriage. She listened attentively and at the end prayed to receive Christ into her life and expressed her desire to discontinue her life of prostitution and return to school. Pray as we seek effective ways to disciple her. Also thank God for the approval granted by the Bishop of the Assemblies of God in Liberia to organize Bible clubs in all their schools.

Fri 7. Anonymous – North Africa

One of my disciples recently told me that he has been so impacted that he started meeting with his family. He requested that I meet with him once a week. This gave me much joy knowing that he was making progress in his Christian pilgrimage. Thank God for this and for the children in our nursery school who are showing good development and growth in skills and knowledge.

Sat 8. Sabado & Catia – Mozambique

Unlike our outbound journey to Kenya, our return journey via the Tanzania border was uneventful. We thank God for his hand that was upon us and for our safe return to Mozambique. We visited the church we planted before we departed for fellowship. Thank God for watching over the fellowship. Pray for grace and mercy as we move into a new ministry location in June or July.

Church Plant - Mozambique

Sun 9. Josiane & God’spower – Mali

One of our Fulani brothers we are discipling was so greatly impacted and inspired by what he has learned that he is considering becoming a missionary among his people. Please pray for God’s clear direction for him. Pray also for the success of our upcoming programs: a regional convention for ladies and two Agape festivals for 40 Quranic students.

Mon 10. Sarifo & Jorgina – Mozambique

We thank God for 10 full-time missionaries who have recently joined our team. Pray for funds to sponsor their trip and support their training in Malawi. Mozambique is ready to enter Guinea Bissau in 2025. Nelito is billed to travel there to conduct the initial survey. Pray for God’s provision for this trip. Thank God for many house churches that are springing up in the field, the result of our church planting training.

Tue 11. Bolaji & Bunmi - Malawi

Thank God for the spiritual growth taking place in the local church. A conflict that led to some members moving out made the rest of the church open to discipleship training. The effort is already yielding fruits. For the first time, various departments are now operational including the first Missions and Evangelism department. Pray that this department may pursue its mission wholeheartedly.

Children going out for evangelism - Malawi

Wed 12. Tsevi & Afiwa – Togo

An elderly woman, a Voodoo (Idol) follower recently accepted Christ after our many visits. One night after our visit, she had a scary dream where God was pulling her ears and asking why she didn't listen and follow what the evangelists (my wife and I) had been telling her. She was shown two paths; one leads to a church and the other to nowhere. She narrated the dream during our visit and prayed to receive Christ into her life. We are in touch with the pastor of the church she now attends for follow-up and her baptism.

Thu 13. Elias – Ethiopia

I have engaged in one-on-one evangelism and conducted mass evangelism during market days. I have also organized discipleship groups for continuous teaching and up to baptism, prayed for the sick, and mobilized fellow believers in Christ for evangelistic activities. We thank the Lord for his favor in this work. We had 69 new believers and 55 baptisms during the quarter.

Baptism in Omo River – Ethiopia

Fri 14. Worldlink USA

Please join us in prayer for a great response to our year-end appeal which will ensure Worldlink missionary partners can be sustained in their efforts to reach the unreached. During the next Worldlink ministry year (July 2024 through June 2025), Cambodia and Southeast Asia will be one of our focused growth areas. We currently have 320 indigenous missionary partners in Cambodia, including 39 who are church planting trainers. We want to grow that number! 


Sat 15. ISTI – East Asia

Our team carries out our evangelism on three university campuses in our city. Four students are regularly in discipleship in this area. They have been in discipleship for about 6 months and are currently being encouraged and assisted to reach their family and friends. Please pray for God’s grace and wisdom for them.

Sun 16. Kim – Cambodia

By God's grace, in the past 3 months, we have organized "CONGA" (Community Outreach Neighbor Giveaway), home visits, prayer intercession, monthly prayer movement with other churches, and a potluck once a month. I am taking care of 13 house churches and mentoring five church planters. They are all on fire to go out and plant churches. Thank God for blessing us with many children and adults who come to hear the Good News. Pray for grace to fulfill our calling.

Fellowship in Pon Tek Village- Cambodia

Mon 17. Anonymous – Vietnam

BEL follows his Christian family faithfully to church. However, being deaf and dumb, he did not understand God’s message that is taught in their church. When he came to the Source of Light (Deaf People’s Church), he was taught God's word and greatly encouraged. He believed in the Lord and gradually changed his previous bad habits. He is in discipleship class and was baptized last month. Pray for him and the ministry of the deaf church.

Tue 18. RMD – Bhutan

Thank God for the opportunity to share the gospel message one-on-one during visits to family members. Open preaching is nearly impossible in Bhutan. We are not welcome in any village if you don't have any relatives there. I desire to start a cell group for several secret Christians here. Although locals are completely against Christians gathering in homes for prayer, thank God for helping me run two house groups currently.

Wed 19. Pi – India

My ministry focus is on the Gamit tribe. They have deep-rooted beliefs in demons and witches. Beside the crocodile, which is considered a god, they worship groups of deities made of shapeless pieces of stone or wood, placed under trees, where supernatural beings are believed to dwell. The Gamit have no temples in which to hold their religious ceremonies. Pray that God may open their eyes to the truth of the gospel.

Thu 20. HAFA – East Asia

SUP is an 18-year-old Muslim man who believed after hearing the Gospel that I shared. He is a quiet and timid young man, who doesn't like going out and only plays online games at home. After his baptism, he was willing to go out with me to be disciplined. I cannot visit him at home because of the situation of the neighbors. Pray that he will have the courage to testify about his newfound faith to his family and friends.

Fri 21. Abhilash – India

We have just opened a new mission field in Mukkam. Here we have a mixed community. By the grace of God, we have been sharing the gospel as we visit different homes and conduct open-air preaching. Thank God for 23 people who came to faith in Jesus Christ in the last quarter. Four of whom were baptized.

Sat 22. G – Vietnam

In the last 3 months, I spent two months on outreach and one month on our training program. During this time, I led the outreach team to 5 different places to witness, one of which was Ho Chi Minh City where our team conducted open-air evangelism, served the church by leading worship, participated in sports evangelism, and conducted street evangelism. We thank God for blessing us with 30 new believers.

Sun 23. WAN – East Asia

We have identified three families in the three areas where we are ministering to serve as nuclei of house churches. Please pray that they may readily open their homes for this important service and be prepared to serve the Lord. W had encountered some Christians as he pursued his chicken business. Their aversion to alcohol and drugs aligns with his principles, so he became good friends with them. After hearing the story of Isa Al-Masih, (Jesus) who died and rose on the third day to forgive the sins of all mankind including him, he opened his heart and believed in him. Thank God for opening W’s heart to his truth.

Mon 24. Hy – Vietnam

A teenager in our church recently came to faith in the Lord Jesus. She immediately brought three friends to church to also hear the gospel message. The following week, they all responded to the altar call and accepted Christ as their savior. Thank God for the testimony of this young girl.

Tue 25. Po– India

Hindu people came to my village, burned my house, and chased me out of the village because I accepted the Lord. They threatened to kill me if I didn't come back to Hinduism. Three times, they asked me to come to the temple where they planned to kill me. Radical people tied me to a pole and beat me severely. Through it all, I thank the Lord for his protection and for accompanying me as I relentlessly reach out to Gondi villages, 15 of them altogether. Pray for grace never to give up and for fruitful ministry.

Burnt House - India

Wed 26. Subendu – India

L’s family used to worship idols. The mother suffered for six months from serious infections and skin allergies. The family tried several medications and took her to see witch doctors, but all these came to nothing. Our team fasted and prayed for her. The Lord healed her completely. Following this miracle, all the family members believed in Christ. We praise the Lord for the dual miracles of healing and salvation.


Thu 27. Sandra – Guatemala

Thank God for the desire of the children to learn about God and his word and the support their teachers and school principals are giving us. More schools are ready to welcome us. They recognize the importance of children knowing and practicing the values and teachings of the Word of God. Pray for more volunteers to help us seize these ministry opportunities.

School Outreach - Guatemala

Fri 28. LML – Cuba

We have sustained missionary work in five communities. Two of them are new mission fields, in which we have set out to plant new churches. In the next few months, our focus will be on strengthening these reached territories, and other areas that are being evangelized. Pray that worshipping communities may soon emerge in these new areas.

Sat 29. Mildred - Guatemala

We visit the schools every week and share the word of the Lord with the children. We thank the Lord for the fruits we continue to see among them. We have regular meetings with volunteers to pray for the children and our ministry projects.Thank God for his provision that enables us to cater to the needs of some groups.

Sun 30. REMU – Cuba

We organized Vacation Bible Schools for children and teenagers and thank God for its impact on the children of the community and the church. The program included Bible studies and clear preaching of the gospel. We also were in touch with the parents of many of these children. Thank God for the opportunity this program gave us to bring the gospel message to many families who have never heard it.