May 2024 Prayerlink


Wed 1. Irmiya – Yobe, Nigeria

During our December Conference (Camp meeting), we ministered to 194 teenagers. We thank the Lord for 21 of them who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior. One of the participants, Rebecca gave this testimony, “I was dying quietly until I heard the Gospel preached to me during your ministration at the Conference. My life was set free! Now I have my peace and relationship with Christ restored."

Thu 2. John Musyoka – Kenya

We planted a new church in the interior to serve believers who had migrated to take part in mining activities. Here, a couple of souls were won by the Lord. We then encouraged them to meet for worship. We laid hands on some elders and charged them to take care of the church and reach more people living in the mining area.

Fri 3. Nounagnon – Benin

Dorcas, one of our campers, has been living in a traumatic situation since 2020. Always crying and hurting herself, she tried to commit suicide. As she listened to the messages and went through the prayer sessions and counseling, she received total healing. Her sister testified: “My sister’s life changed suddenly.” Thank God for his intervention in her life. Also thank God for opening the door of ministry in three new schools.

Sat 4. Abolaji – Plateau, Nigeria

From 15th – 18th December, we held our zonal conference in Jos with 293 students in attendance. Thank God for the impact of the conference on all participants. One of them, Emmanuel, a Grade 10 student, said he was introduced to drugs by a friend who later dropped out of school. He gave his life to Christ during the conference and requested prayer to stop using drugs and be able to complete his education. We have handed him over to a mature believer, who visits the school regularly. Please join us in prayer for complete deliverance for Emmanuel.

Games at the Conference – Jos, Nigeria

Sun 5. Vuyokazi – S.Africa

We have a girl in KwaMagxaki High School who was troubled by evil spirits. She received deliverance after responding to God’s word and her teacher and I prayed with her. She is now a regular at the Christian group meetings and has started going to a local church. Pray that the Lord will keep and protect her.

Ministering at KwaMagxaki High School – S. Africa

Mon 6. Sola – Plateau, Nigeria

The outreach to teenagers and children during the Christmas season was a vibrant event filled with joy and spiritual engagement. Through storytelling, interactive games, and music, attendees learned about the true meaning of Christmas and the message of Jesus' birth. Thank God for the sense of community and faith that the outreach fostered. The teenager's outreach was held on the 26th of December, 2023 and the children's outreach was held on the 1st of January, 2024. We were able to reach out to 456 teens and children.

Children Outreach – Jos, Nigeria

Tue 7. Romeo – Zimbabwe

I recently bumped into Emmanuel, a young man I first met some years ago, as we were ministering. It was encouraging to listen to his testimony of how our ministry impacted his life as a young person. He too is now involved in ministry. Many of his peers did not respond positively immediately but the seed was sown and bore fruit in his life. I am encouraged and praise the Lord because our ministry is not in vain in the lives of young people. Pray for God’s blessing on Emmanuel’s ministry.

Wed 8. Peter – Tanzania

During our ministry in schools, 2,722 children and youth heard the gospel message. We thank the Lord for 231 of them who came to faith in Christ Jesus. N. Mohamed responded to our message and turned from Islam to the Lord Jesus. She was subsequently chased out by her family. She is currently living with my family. Please pray that the Lord will sustain her faith and for wisdom as we support her. May the Lord also turn her parents’ hearts to himself.

Schools’ Ministry - Tanzania

Thu 9. Cecil – Zimbabwe

Karen narrated how her membership and participation in her school’s Bible club transformed her life. While in grade 12, a friend invited her to the Bible club at their school. It was in the club she learned to put her faith in Christ, read her Bible, and pray consistently. She also overcame depression and became confident. It helped her to accept herself unconditionally having been raised by a single mother, not knowing her father, and being partially visually impaired. Boosting her self-image enabled her to start writing poetry which is sometimes published in the local newspaper. Pray that the Lord may continue to strengthen her faith.

School’s Assembly Nyakuipa, Zimbabwe

Fri 10. Saio – Sierra Leone

Conducted a two-day seminar for youth and church workers in Yiffin. Fourteen of the 36 participants came to faith in Christ. At the second Yiffin evangelistic outreach, we held a three-day prayer mobilization and mass evangelism which ministered to 70 people. Thank God for drawing 10 people into his kingdom during the outreach. A new church plant emerged from these outreaches.

Community Outreach – Sierra Leone

Sat 11. Kapampula – Zambia

We named the orientation/training that we held in partnership with a local Church, ‘Transformed to Transform (T2T)’. After the training, we went out to take the gospel to the community and ministered to 460 people. We also conducted a youth rally in which 989 young people participated. We thank the Lord for drawing 299 people into his kingdom through these two outreach programs.

Outreach - Zambia

Sun 12. Lily-Claire – Mauritius

B. is from the Hindu faith. Since she came to our sessions in January, she has been hearing about Jesus and His redeeming work. She recently responded to the altar call, requested for a Bible, and help to read and meditate on it. We praise the Lord for her life and for four young people from the Hindu and Tamil faiths who recently joined our school support program. Two others in the primary school support group who passed their final exams have now been enrolled in our secondary program. We have 19 young people in the secondary and 15 in the primary school support program three of whom are new. Pray that the word of God which we share with them every Monday and Wednesday may impact their lives.

Mon 13. Dickens – Uganda

Blessing Wanyana in Grade 7 committed her life to Christ last year during one of our visits to her school. She pleaded for a Bible which we searched for and gave her. A great surprise was awaiting us during our recent visit to her school. She had memorized more than 350 Bible verses. She not only shared some of these with us but went on to memorize more than 20 new verses in our presence. We could not stop praising God for her life and for making her such a blessing to many, especially her schoolmates. Pray that the Lord will keep her faithful to this.

Tue 14. Helene – Congo DR

We paid an evangelistic visit to Bunia Central Prison. During our visit, we met three people who no longer have hope for living. We thank God for allowing us to minister to them. They received a new lease of life and rejoiced in the Lord for comforting them. Pray that the Holy Spirit may sustain their faith and trust in the Lord.


Wed 15. L.C – Caribbean Island

Luciano, 16, accepted Jesus Christ two months ago after receiving healing from the Lord for heart disease and a mass in his brain. We thank the Lord for hearing our prayers and healing him. We are currently mentoring and encouraging him in his Christian pilgrimage. Please pray that he may grow steadily and become a faithful follower and servant of our Lord.

Thu 16. Buena – Guatemala

My prayer at the beginning of the year was for God to open to us homes that were previously closed to the gospel message. Thank God for answering our prayer. Twenty families opened their doors to us. We visited and presented Christ to them and 20 people came to faith in Christ. Our prayer is that other family members may soon believe in Christ. Pray also for God’s provision to give needed help to those who are in dire need.

Fri 17. Byron – Guatemala

We continue to support the network of church planters in the country, support a school where more than 50 young people heard the Gospel in a community near the border with Mexico, and with my wife, share the gospel with children in various communities. Sofia’s husband died 3 months ago. Being a community leader, we have worked together for some years and become friends. With her loss, we drew closer to her and shared God’s love with her. She received Christ’s love and is coping better with her loss. Please keep her in your prayers.

Church Planters-in-training – Guatemala

Sat 18. Worldlink USA

Praise God for his work around the world through indigenous missionaries. The month of May and June will have a special emphasis on Worldlink work in Cambodia. There are 320 Worldlink partners in Cambodia. The Cambodian people group is one of the top 50 largest unreached people groups in the world. Our country coordinator, Samnang will be joining us in the US in June for speaking engagements about the miraculous work the Lord is doing. Since the Worldlink partnership in Cambodia began in 2021, 56,817 people heard the Gospel, and 4,962 professed faith in Christ. Churches are growing in the number of members and the number of locations. Please join us in focused prayer on this unreached people group to come to Christ and the amazing efforts of Worldlink partners to reach the lost and make disciples.


Sun 19. John – India

I am a singer and evangelist. Our team goes out for four days a week for street preaching and singing. We cover many villages. As I sang a song praising Jesus for his death during a recent street preaching, I noticed one person was crying aloud. I later ministered to him, and he accepted Christ as his personal Savior. We thank God for blessing our ministry time. Please also pray for healing for my father and sister who both recently underwent surgery.

Mon 20. D.G– Southeast Asian Country

Tu, a drug addict for many years, accepted Christ and was delivered from drug addiction. He spent time serving in the rescue center where he was delivered. A poor decision at the center left him feeling guilty, and he left the center for a long time. We recently met him again and with our encouragement, he returned to fellowship. Thank God for his restoration. Pray that his wife too may soon come to faith in Christ.

Tue 21. Sebastian – India

In P and K village where I currently minister, many households have never heard the gospel message. I am sharing the gospel message from house to house and on the streets. We distribute gospel tracts and engage in door-to-door evangelism and open-air preaching. We are yet to see anyone come to faith here. Kindly pray for God’s blessings on our ministry.

Wed 22. Binny – Bhutan

We have focussed ministry on M, H, and K villages. However, the authorities have barred us from meeting the people because we are Christians. Making connections with people inside the village and sharing the gospel message openly has hence become a big challenge. Despite this opposition, we thank God for 30 new believers 10 of whom have been baptized. We continue to train our team and encourage them to persist in sharing the gospel message.

Thu 23. Jeffrey – India

I thank the Lord for my Christian heritage. My late father was an evangelist. My elder brother is serving the Lord in North India. I am a pioneer missionary in P and V areas, 50 km away from my hometown. Pray that my family will remain faithful to the Lord and bear much fruit for his kingdom.

Fri 24. James – Myanmar

No missionary has been here and there are no Christians around the village I am now stationed. Praise the Lord for opening the door for us to minister in the village. We conducted a Christmas program and have followed up with weekly salvation training programs. God blessed our ministry with 11 new believers for which we praise him.

Sat 25. Matthew – India

We continuously have faced a series of opposition from local political party leaders and ordinary people in the community. Thank God that amid all these, three people accepted Christ as their personal Savior during our outreach ministries. Kindly pray that we and these young believers will remain “strong in the Lord and the power of his might.”

Sun 26. Jeeva – Sri Lanka

His team ministered Smyrna Church to 135 children from surrounding rural communities. At another program in Hatton, 103 children from the plantation community actively participated. Over 50% of these children come from non-Christian backgrounds. Pray that the messages they have heard may transform their lives and the lives of their families.

Mon 27. Dhan – India

The Lord has been our strength. One young man possessed of evil spirit was brought to us for prayers. As our team was praying for him, he received instant deliverance. We thank God for answering our prayer and for bringing this young man to faith in the Lord Jesus.

Tue 28. Anonymous – East Asia

I met Mr. ID during street evangelism. We went directly into discussing spiritual things. After a time of friendly conversation, he invited me to his house where I went deeper to convey the good news to him. I challenged him to decide and believe in Jesus Christ. He responded positively and asked Jesus Christ into his life. He said, "I want to be forgiven all my sins and saved by Jesus". Thank God for his salvation. He was initially hesitant but after many visits, he has accepted to be baptised. Please pray for his steady growth in his faith.

Wed 29. Moses & Khin – Myanmar

During the last Christmas, we conducted a whole-day crusade, and two women and two youths accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. We continue to praise the Lord for his hand that is moving like never before amid the challenging times Christians are experiencing in our country.

Thu 30. Brent – India

We have initiated new training in evangelism and church planting in 12 different locations, with an average of 8-10 trainees per location. The trainees have a monthly homework assignment focussed on how God is using them to change the lives of at least four non-believers. Pray that God may bless their ministries. Also, pray for our 11 church planting teams who continue to share their faith.

Fri 31. Khaidua & Mary – Myanmar

Thank God for the progress made in the construction of the bamboo house project. This place will serve as a place to gather for fellowship, teaching, and learning the Word of God. There is currently no meeting place in this area. Please continue to pray for God’s provision to complete this worship center.