Sun 1. Worldlink USA
Please join us in prayer for an eventful October for Worldlink USA. We are welcoming our South Asia International Coordinators for one week to report on various events about the work in India and the region. One of these events will be the board dinner. Please pray for the various meetings that will take place. Pray for fruitful partnership and for the Lord to challenge us all on how we can participate further in the ministry happening among the largest mission field in the world currently.
Mon 2. Stephen – Abuja, Nigeria
Victor responded to the altar call on the second day of Sauka, Kuje evangelistic meetings. He confessed he was in the program that evening by God's divine mercy because prior to that he had just made up his mind to go to an herbalist to get power to become rich. He was so restless and did not know how he found himself in the church rather than the herbalist’s house. He is thankful to God for the Gospel he heard and the peace he has found in Christ. Pray for his steady growth in his faith.
Tue 3. Sidy & Emily - Senegal
We organized a missionary outreach with some young people from the churches in one of our fields with the objective of helping the children develop an interest in missionary work and showing the love of God to those living in this rural area. Being a Muslim area and closed to direct sharing of the Gospel message, we helped the children see ways they could witness Christ by extending his love to the villagers. Pray that many of the children may become bearers of Christ’s message to the lost.
Outing with youth - Senegal
Wed 4. Peter – South Sudan
Organized a conference in the refugee camp in Uganda. Thank God for many lives that were touched by the Lord. One of these, Rhoda, testified that the Lord dealt with the spirit of unforgiveness that had grounded her family. She called her husband right from the conference to reconcile and pray with him.
Thu 5. Albino – Adamawa, Nigeria
In the past three months, I have focussed on the discipleship of campus leaders, teaching them to study the Bible in its context and correctly share its message with other students. Pray that each disciple will grow deeper in the knowledge of the Word of God and be determined to live it out in word and deed.
Leadership Training – Adamawa, Nigeria
Fri 6. Patrick – Uganda
Has reached out to inmates in three prisons, ministering to 507 prisoners in the three prisons. In the largest prison with 1823 prisoners, he focussed on 72 leaders whom he took through a leadership course. Thank God for the three of them who received the Lord as their Savior. Three of the leaders have recently been released into the community with all the skills they received. Pray that they may live a changed life and remain faithful to the Lord.
Sat 7. Abolaji – Plateau, Nigeria
Co-facilitated one-day conferences in two centers where he ministered to almost 600 students in total. Thank God for 44 students who received Christ as their Savior and 76 others who rededicated their lives to the Lord. Miss AU, 15, was troublesome for her parents. She used to go out with her boyfriend and return home quite late. We intervened when her parents, fed up with her wayward life, almost beat her to death. We ministered to her and led her to Christ. Pray for a total turnaround as we continue to disciple her.
Sun 8. AZR – Cuba
In July, we began missionary work in Community 44. We ministered to about 20 families during the two visits we made. Thank the Lord for the first conversions and reconciliations. God is calling us as a church to work intensively to be part of the solution to the latent problems in our community. From this calling has emerged the project, "Giving Hands", initiated with the voluntary offerings of the church. We pray that this work of love can become a local ministry that allows us to alleviate the needs of the most affected people in our community and show them in a practical way, the love of Christ and His message of salvation.
Mon 9. Jose – Columbia
Joleidis, 42, received the Lord as her Savior and answered God’s call to serve as a children’s minister. Please pray for her effective ministry to the children in her Bible school. Thank God for the opportunity to minister to groups of children from displaced immigrant families from neighboring Venezuela. Pray that the love we show them and the Good News we share with them may impact their lives.
Bible Class for Children - Columbia
Tue 10. Rotan – Cuba
Romda, 80, was deep in idolatry. She had an encounter with Jesus Christ that changed her life completely. We found her in a state of terrible depression when we visited her home during an evangelistic campaign. We shared the message of salvation with her, and she accepted Jesus Christ into her life. After discipling her for a few months, she decided to make public her faith through baptism. She is already sharing her faith with others. Thank God for her salvation.
Wed 11. Oscar – El Salvador
Thank God for giving us the opportunity to open a new growth group in the home of our sister Zuleyma and for three new young people who have joined our youth meetings in the church. Pray that more growth groups may open in homes.
Thu 12. James - Myanmar
In April, God opened the door for us to visit Hlegu IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) Camp where many ethnic people are living. We were able to organize a one-day Bible training and give them some rice. Pray for us as we plan and prepare to conduct a discipleship training course.
Fri 13. Alex & Martha – India
Thank God for the open doors of ministry he has granted us in the tribal villages. Many have responded to our message and accepted the Lord into their hearts. A new church with 63 baptized members has been established in Thadavalasa. Our assembly hall is in bad shape. Pray for resources to carry out its reconstruction.
Sat 14. Kwacha – Bangladesh
Thank God for the freedom to share the Word of God with the people. Many are, however, not ready to respond to Christ and this can sometimes be discouraging. Pray that the Lord may soften their hearts and draw them to himself. Pray also for grace to continue to preach the word and the salvation of my parents before they die.
Sun 15. Cambodia and Vietnam
Cambodia and Vietnam partners are collaborating for an evangelistic outreach to the Vietnamese working in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Pray for continual fruit. The Vietnamese team regularly works with Vietnamese who have been deported back to Vietnam, but they have neither Cambodian nor Vietnamese citizenship. They live in camps and struggle to survive.
Mon 16. Biren – India
Thank God for fruitful ministry during the past few months. We ministered in three villages and the Lord blessed the time with 38 new believers. Seven people were baptized, and we planted two new church congregations.
Tue 17. Somol - Cambodia
Thank God for the family of Dara. They used to be abusive and constantly fighting each other. Since putting their faith in Christ, there has been a marked change in their relationship. The people here have opened their hearts to the Gospel. They no longer think negatively of us. Pray for grace to continue to proclaim the Gospel message boldly.
In worship – Cambodia
Wed 18. Caleb – India
A Gospel meeting was held in Ananthavaram with more than 80 people of the Banjara tribe in attendance. We were full of joy and praised the Lord when 3 new believers stepped into the river to be baptized. Pray that the Lord may help them grow in their knowledge of the Savior and be witnesses for him in Ananthavaram.
Thu 19. Bunthim – Cambodia
Please pray for me, I plan to start children’s and youth ministry in the next three months because there are so many of them in this area where I am working. I need wisdom as I pioneer this new ministry.
Fri 20. Padayya – India
A landslide recently struck Aruku during our evangelistic outreach to the area. We praise the Lord for saving our lives. We also thank the Lord for Mohan who accepted the Lord as his Savior. He has since his conversion been generally active in all church programs and particularly in the youth ministry.
Sat 21. Khalid – Pakistan
I organized a few Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) and ministered to over 1200 children altogether. Thank God for the special experience I had in one of the VBS’s. The children came under such heavy conviction after listening to the message they started to cry. Pray that they all may desire to please the Lord as they mature in their faith.
Sun 22. Ajay – India
Thank God for two new pastors, Pastor Jayanta Reang and Pastor Sanjay Reang who joined our team in May. Pray that the Lord may draw many more souls to himself through their ministry. Thank God for successful Gospel trips made to West Kalajari, Groinangpara, and Purnarangpara Bru villages. We plan to plant a new church in each village in the coming days.
Mon 23. Monkwa – Bangladesh
Thank God for some who have listened to our message and received the Lord as their Savior. Thank God, particularly for the families of Mr. Mongcingthwai and Lanuching. Pray that the new believers may soon be bold enough to testify to their faith through baptism.
Tue 24. Berhanu – Ethiopia
We have witnessed numerous young people break free from a variety of bondages because of school ministry. A student was on drugs and living a loose and hopeless life. She had contacted a group that recruits young people for nightclubs. Her parents have suffered much pain because of her. A school’s ministry member invited her to their weekly program. She initially did not take the program seriously, but she kept coming each week. Gradually, God touched her heart. It was when she was openly testifying to the impact of God’s word on her that her friend knew the details of her life. She prayed that day to receive Christ as her Savior. Her parents came to the school’s ministry coordinator to share their joy with him. She is now an active proclaimer of God's goodness. Praise the Lord.
Wed 25. Hellen & Wycliffe – Ethiopia
Pray for the success of our dialogue with the leadership of South Omo for Christ Ministries. We are discussing how we can work closely together to reach out to the 16+ unreached tribes in their area. During recent training in Afar, a strong Muslim community, we went out for cross-cultural evangelism in the city of Semera. Fourteen people listened to the message for the first time. Thank God for two of them who accepted God’s offer of salvation in Jesus Christ.
Wycliffe with Faska - missionary left behind to work among the Afar people in Semera
Thu 26. Sola – Plateau, Nigeria
Thank God for the opportunity to reach out to many young people online. We are running mentorship classes for 70 girls and training on Personal Quiet Time for 231 Post Secondary School students. The outreach against Drug Abuse and trafficking ministered to 7253 young persons and the 23-day course on the basics of Christian faith has reached out to 3240 youths with 230 declaring their faith in Christ and 440 rededicating their lives to him.
Fri 27. Muluken – Ethiopia
We organized a holiday festival program. The whole program was executed by the students. They invited their friends and delivered the Gospel message in different ways. We thank the Lord for his grace to minister to 1652 people during the quarter of which 67 came to faith in Christ.
Sat 28. Narcisse & Vicky – Cameroon
For three days, we went into the Canton Plata to share the Gospel door-to-door and in the market and had evening film shows. We thank God for bringing 19 people into his kingdom. When we shared the Gospel with Mahamat and other young people, there was no particular response from any of them. But we met Mahamat again while returning to base and he started asking questions about salvation following which he prayed to receive Christ. Praise the Lord.
Sun 29. James – Plateau, Nigeria
Ucham, a young lady from a God-fearing home has been living a depraved life having never had an encounter with Jesus Christ. She confessed Christ as Lord during one of our programs and is currently being discipled and preparing for baptism. Thank God for the positive changes that are taking place in her life.
Mon 30. Nelito & Amelia – Mozambique
The old woman, JK, lives near us. Since we began our ministry in this field, she has never been interested in hearing from us. But she recently came to ask for prayers for her grandson who suffers from epilepsy. We prayed and God did wonders. We seized this opportunity to present the Gospel message to her and she responded positively and is now following Christ with great interest and dedication even though the family is against her new faith. Pray that she may remain faithful despite the strong Islamic environment that surrounds her.
Tue 31. Worldlink UK
We will be hosting Jack and our International Ministry Director, Nate, from next Thursday for a few days’ visit before they proceed on about a week-long visit to some of our partners in Africa. Pray for their safety both in the air and on the road and for a fruitful ministry in Scotland and in Africa.