Fri 1. Robert – Cameroon
During our time of evangelism in Crombo, the chief of the village and his wife both accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Such conversion often opens the door for the Gospel in the village. Pray that this will be our experience here. Thank God also for a very fruitful medical evangelistic program in Wafo and the roughly 200 people who came to faith during the quarter.
Sat 2. Jacob – Nigeria
Lately, Plateau state has experienced a series of attacks. My relatives have therefore put pressure on me to return and continue my evangelistic work at home. I have also been compelled to cancel some of my scheduled programs, but I have persisted in carrying out the morning cry, between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m. Thank God for a brother who has been going on outreach with me since May. Pray for grace to remain steadfast knowing that our security is in God’s hands.
Sun 3. Abiola & Bukola – Chad
Conducted teaching sessions for local believers on evangelizing Muslims and we shared our experiences to encourage them. We also made a trip to Moundou in the south for networking where we also conducted an evening Evangelism Outreach. Thank God for seven people who came to faith in the Lord Jesus and for a prayer cell group that has started meeting in the house of a Chadian friend.
Evangelistic Outreach - Chad
Mon 4. Hannah & Philip – Ghana
Praise God for transforming NPR’s life, especially for the miraculous deliverance from alcoholism. Pray that he will continue to grow spiritually and become a winner of souls for Jesus in the community. Praise God for AMO, a diviner, who has just confessed Christ as Lord and Savior. Pray that as we follow him up, he may grow in his commitment to remain a disciple of Christ. Also, pray for ongoing understanding and humility. Thank God for a Christian teacher who accepted his assignment to serve this community as well as for providing accommodation for him. Pray that he will catch the vision for the mission and join us in our efforts to evangelize the community.
Tue 5. Victor & Rahab – Cote d’Ivoire
They organized two weeklong retreats, one for youth ages 12 to 15 years old and the other for children ages 7 to 11 years old. The retreats ministered to a total of 197 youths and children. Thank God for the impact of the retreat on the lives of participants, one of whom received Christ as Lord and Savior and many others who rededicated their lives to the Lord.
Children Retreat – Cote d’Ivoire
Wed 6. Dennis and Janet – Kenya
Thank God for two people who came to faith in Christ Jesus during our house-to-house evangelism. For some years, we have been praying along with a church member for the salvation of her troublesome husband. We were pleasantly surprised when he came into our worship service recently and expressed his desire to receive Christ. We gladly shared some scripture verses with him and led him to salvation. He has since joined our discipleship class. There is indeed power in prayer.
Thu 7. Josiane & God’spower – Mali
We organized a young ladies' conference where we had over 75 participants. We taught the Word of God and skills. We also organized a children's end-of-year seminar and an Agape lunch where we fed over 50 young Koranic students with delicious food. We also gave out simple gifts and shared the Word of God with them. Thank God for 56 people who came to faith in Christ during these programs.
Fri 8. Anastancia – Mozambique
I prayed that God should send me a group of Mwanis women whom I could teach God’s Word. I thank God for answering my prayer. I am currently running a literacy class for women and teaching them the Word of God. Pray that God’s Word may impact their lives.
Sat 9. Augustin & Rosalie – Cameroon
We commenced our evangelistic crusades to Loupe District on May 5. We thank the Lord for the progress made so far. Five people have declared their faith in our Lord Jesus. A week after the crusade, a man showed up at 3 a.m. and threatened that I would die within a week. He was from our neighborhood. The Lord Jesus fought for us and by His grace we are still alive. We plan to continue with the crusades in the Pezzam and Nolla neighborhoods. Pray for fruitful ministry and protection.
Loupe Outreach - Cameroon
Sun 10. Celestine & Hellen – Benin
Following our outreach program, 23 people accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior. They are currently going through discipleship. Pa David was a drunkard but since he accepted Jesus and has been attending discipleship class, his consumption of alcohol has reduced considerably. Our prayer is that God will deliver him.
Mon 11. Chizoba – Kaduna, Nigeria
I co-facilitated evangelistic outreaches to four campuses around the state. We shared the Gospel message with almost 500 students. We thank the Lord for 76 of them who accepted Christ as their Savior. Khairatu, who was a nominal Christian before entering polytechnic college, has since received Christ, and become God's agent in drawing others to him.
Life Outreach – Zaria, Nigeria
Tue 12. David & Joyce – Kenya
We visited Shanga Bori and Kiwayu Islands both of which have not been reached with the Gospel. We surveyed Shanga Bori and did a prayer walk there. We plan to launch a fellowship in Kiwayu. We also reached out to the community in Faza Sub-County Hospital where we prayed with the sick before visiting Kizingitini. There we shared the Gospel message at the police station. Thank God for many who were keen to listen to the Word of God. Pray that our messages may bear abundant fruit in the hearts of those who heard them.
Wed 13. Worldlink USA
Worldlink’s Impact report was out last month. By God’s grace, 1,240,870 heard the Gospel and 98,872 accepted Christ. Please join us in prayer for this year as we continue to prayerfully strategize with local partners as to how to increase the depth of impact in unreached areas where the seed of the Gospel is taking root, just as reflected in this Prayerlink.
Thu 14. FAME – Cuba
We have four small groups meeting in the neighborhood. Recent outreach to these groups has led to two people coming to faith in Christ. We also organized meetings focused on non-Christians. We call these "Evangelistic Lunches". A few non-Christian spouses who attended this program have started coming to church for which we thank the Lord.
Fri 15. Oscar – El Salvador
Meetings were held with some young people to impart the foundations of our faith. Likewise, we continue to run the Bible school for children and youth. We have a growth group in the home of a newly converted family. Pray that the Word of God may continue to minister to all who participate in these programs.
Ministering to children – El Salvador
Sat 16. SECED – Cuba
We opened a new mission field which a missionary couple is leading. Pray for fruitful ministry in this field. We have also developed a ministry to serve orphans and widows. Several people have been blessed with supplies from members of our congregation. Thank God as well for the commencement of our theology course with mission emphasis and the initial enrolment of nine brothers.
Sun 17. Brayann – Guatemala
Alexa, 20, normally attended church with her family. She abandoned church and went through a period of depression due to family challenges. We had the opportunity to expound the love of Jesus to her and share the miracles that we have experienced in our lives Within weeks, we saw how Jesus worked in her life and freed her from depression. We thank the Lord for intervening in her life. We believe God has given her gifts and talents which she can use for his service.
Mon 18. ELAC – Cuba
LEDY was an alcoholic, rejected by his neighbors and even his family. After he met Jesus however, his life was changed by the power of God. He is now loved by all those who had rejected once him. He is getting ready to be baptized. Meanwhile, he is busy serving the Lord, ministering to people in the community and others who are in his former state.
ASIA Region
Tue 19. Soe – Myanmar
We were initially denied free access to the village, but we thank the Lord for giving us access after meeting with the village and district authorities. We celebrated one year of ministry in May and thank the Lord for 16 people who came to faith in Christ during the year. We have 62 adults and children and eight ministers in our congregation.
Bible Study in Church - Myanmar
Wed 20. Abilash – India
When Brother Abi accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior, he initially rejected baptism. We continued to pray for him and thank the Lord that he has now agreed to be baptized and this will take place in the coming days. Pray that his open declaration of faith will draw others to the Lord.
Thu 21. Ruth – Pakistan
Amos, a child in a Vacation Bible School said, “Teacher, when I am big, I will become a bible teacher because I want to follow you. You teach us very well. I love to attend Sunday school.” Pray that the Lord will help him fulfill this desire of his heart and that we teachers will not only teach well but live out what we teach to set good examples for the children.
Fri 22. Lachayya – India
Avani who runs an orphanage and shares the Gospel with the children, recently led two of them to Christ and brought them to church. Thank God for her ministry and pray that more of the children will come to faith and that other church members may be soul winners in their marketplaces.
Sat 23. Nandi – India
Asit Das opposed the Gospel message but when he saw God heal many during the healing prayers we organized, he too believed and joined the church. We welcomed nine new believers during the quarter. All nine have been baptized and 15 others are attending discipleship class.
Sun 24. Piseth - Cambodia
Thank God for many who, through our ministry, have become disciples of Christ. These disciples have formed churches and engage in holistic ministry which includes teaching languages and the Bible, sports ministry, and community discussions about health.
Mon 25. Elvis – India
Please pray for the safety and ministry of Elvis who is caught in the conflict between his Kuki and the Meitei tribes. The conflict has led to the destruction of 1,000 houses and 235 church buildings. Pray for protection and provision for 50,000 internally displaced people and 15,000 others who have sought refuge in other states.
Tue 26. Bryan – Bhutan
Thank God for drawing people to Himself through our evangelistic programs. We had a great harvest of souls in the last few months, especially among students. We were able to give out 100 Bibles to these students, all new believers. The Bible is a great need here. Please pray for the provision of more Bibles and His covering for those who will bring them into the country.
Wed 27. Arjun – Nepal
My mother had to undergo surgery on her gallbladder in June. Thank the Lord for providing the funds needed and for a successful surgery. Thank God for three new children who are coming to my Sunday School class and for a Rai brother from Baral Gaun who desires to know more about the Bible. Pray for effective witness as we spend time together in God’s Word.
Thu 28. Jefry – India
Although we have local churches in Payyannur, Kannur, and Kerala, I have decided to move 50 km away to pioneer ministry in Sreekandapuram. About 250 people heard the Gospel message in the last three months. Thank God for sisters Jisna and Kripa who publicly declared their allegiance to the Lord through baptism. Pray for their steady growth and faithful service.
Fri 29. Sala – Bhutan
Thank God for four people who came to faith in Christ during the quarter. One of them is Ulamong Chak with whom I have shared the Gospel over a long period. Thank God for finally opening his heart. One out of his six siblings also accepted the Lord. Pray that the remaining siblings may soon come to faith as I continue to minister to them.
Sat 30. Sreynith - Cambodia
A woman in our church testified that before she put her faith in Christ, she was striving to gain merit as a Buddhist to find peace. Yet, peace and happiness eluded her. After putting her faith in Christ and giving up her former traditions, she and her family started to experience peace and freedom. Thank God for the family’s testimony.