Wed 1. Worldlink International, USA
Today, Worldlink’s President and Director of International Ministries are on their way for a two-week site visit to Ethiopia and Togo. Please pray as they will meet with missionaries and their network about their work among frontier people groups and strategic partnerships to reach the lost.
Thu 2. Senzo – Eswatini
I conducted training in personal evangelism for 10 youth. After the training, we spent four days together conducting community outreach. During the day, we visited homes and shared the Good News with the people. In the evening, we hosted services in one of the churches in the community. Over 600 people heard the gospel message, and we thank the Lord for 78 people who received Christ as their Savior.
A group of young new believers - Eswatini
Fri 3. Romeo – Zimbabwe
Sarah Mvududu lost her parents when she was young. She grew up with relatives who sexually abused her. As a result, she turned to drugs and lesbianism. She was kicked out of the University because of her behavior. We reached out to her with God’s word, and she responded positively. We thank God for the transformation that she has experienced. She is currently in the seminary studying to become a pastor and minister to other abused people.
Sat 4. Mathé – Congo DR
Armed men killed Naomi’s husband in her presence and that of her children. She is 54 and has 8 children. It has been hard for her to provide for her family. In addition, her son was shot dead by bandits as he and his wife went to look for food and basic necessities for the family. His wife was shot in the leg. The leg was amputated. Naomi could not bear all these and ventured to commit suicide. But the Lord saved her and ministered comfort to her during our program in her refugee camp in Butembo. She received assurance from the Lord who cares for widows and orphans. Thank God for his intervention in her situation. Pray for his abiding presence with her and her family.
Sun 5. Helene – Congo DR
We continue to minister to the children in the home and care for children orphaned by the unending insurgency in our area. Apart from sponsoring their formal education and teaching them God’s word, we also give them apprenticeship training in areas such as bead making and basket weaving, baking, gardening, and livestock farming. Pray that we may continue to impact their lives for the Lord.
Children Home – Congo DR
Mon 6. Berhanu – Ethiopia
During my visit to Hosana, I trained nine high school and 38 Elementary school student leaders in evangelism. Following the training, we went into their community to share the gospel message. In Addis Ababa, I conducted similar training for new school leaders, equipping them to plan evangelistic activities during the school’s opening week. Thank God for 69 new believers, which was the fruit of the training and subsequent evangelistic outreaches.
Tue 7. Staline – Benin
MA, a teenager and her parents’ eldest daughter lost her mother a while ago. She had had a very difficult relationship with her stepmother, and this didn't help her relationship with her dad. She felt unwanted and detested the atmosphere in their family. Following her acceptance of Christ into her life, she committed herself and trusted God to restore peace with her stepmother and harmony in her family. Please pray for success in her pursuit. Thank God for also bringing her two brothers to faith.
Wed 8. Womba – Zambia
During our visit to a Bible club, a girl shared her story of the abuse she suffered and the fears, frustration, and unforgiving spirit that resulted. We counseled her and she experienced God’s peace as she prayed to receive Christ into her heart. She testified afterward that this day was one of the best days of her life. Pray that she may grow in her understanding and enjoyment of God’s love.
Thu 9. Dorsonjoy – India
I have visited 17 villages in the Tripura area in the past six months. One of these villages, TM, is very dangerous. There is widespread idol worship and animal sacrifice. However, God enabled me to powerfully share the Gospel message there. Even G.R., the high priest, listened attentively to our message and invited us to come back. Pray for a breakthrough in TM Village
Fri 10. Yohana – India
Kalam M was an idolater who was in great agony because of his bad habits. The Lord opened his heart to the gospel message. He confessed his sins and accepted God’s salvation. He is now regular at prayer meetings and worship services and currently getting ready for baptism. Thank God for encountering him. Pray for his family’s salvation.
Sat 11. Dhruba – Nepal
The husband of Laxmi Tamang, mother of two, works in the Gulf region. She alone takes care of her kids. When she moved to our community, she had little knowledge of God. It was as she fellowshipped with us that she began to understand the depth of God’s love, and she committed to follow Jesus and led her kids to Christ. She had a bad habit of cursing, but we thank the Lord for the transformation she is experiencing in her life.
Sun 12. Evan – India
Thank God for his abundant blessings on our ministry in Bankura and Notungram. Fifteen people came to faith in Christ, 7 are in the discipleship class and 5 were baptized. We operate in a Muslim-dominated area, and they used to interrupt our activities. We thank God that such interruptions have reduced considerably. Even Arif, an Imam, who used to argue with us has stopped doing that after experiencing God’s healing power following our prayer for him.
Mon 13. Timothy – Sri Lanka
Organized one-day special children’s programs in three centers focusing on, ‘Walking with Jesus’. We also conducted family camps in two centers. The programs ministered to over 200 children and youth. Pray that the seeds sown in participants’ lives may draw them closer to the Lord each day.
One-day Children’s Program – Sri Lanka
Tue 14. Satyanarayana – India
Please pray for my wife who has become paralyzed. Currently, I continue to run the church, but I have not been able to go for outreach because of my wife’s condition. Please pray for a change in our situation.
Wed 15. Hung – Vietnam
PJ, 60, is a new believer. He lives 20 kilometers away from the church but has never missed a worship service since he believed. He comes alone but praying and believing that his family will come to Christ one day. His wife came when we started giving people glasses. We thank the Lord that she not only received a pair of glasses but received Christ as her Savior. Now, they both attend our services.
Thu 16. D. Paul Raj – India
Thank God for the success of our ministry in Dammapeta and five surrounding villages. In the past quarter, five people came to faith in Christ. Thank God for the active involvement of my children in the ministry. It is so encouraging. Ask the Lord to continue to sustain their faith in him.
Fri 17. Khiem – Vietnam
I continue to take care of the small groups in our church. Of the three people I have been taking through discipleship classes, two were recently baptized. Thank God for their progress and pray that they all may grow and mature in their faith.
Newly baptized - Vietnam
Sat 18. Johnson – India
Thank God for turning the heart of my close relative, Galloga, from idolatry to worship the only true God, our Savior. She is growing steadily in her faith. Please pray for the salvation of her family and us as we continue to search for a place of worship in Mallagudem.
Sun 19. My Nhan – Vietnam
We started to translate Bible portions into sign language and make worship videos for the deaf. God is moving among the deaf community. Pray for us as we are ready to establish a church for them hopefully this month.
Mon 20. ACEV - Cuba
We have seen families rescued from alcoholism and restored, and young people who have been on drugs saved and transformed. We also are seeing how God continues to work in our ministry despite our limitations. Please praise the Lord with us because the gospel continues to move forward. The evil one has not been able to stop us.
Tue 21. Brayann – Guatemala
We conducted discipleship and evangelism training to teach others about Jesus. We also use training in photography and video recording as a means of reaching out and serving others. Thank God for five people who came to true knowledge of Christ’s love and embraced it.
Wed 22. QVL – Cuba
We recently conducted an evangelistic campaign during which we shared the gospel with more than 150 people of whom 30 received Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. We conduct celebrations with children every week. We are venturing into another area a little distance away from us. The area is full of witchcraft and spiritism. Pray for a breakthrough and God’s protection.
Thu 23. Oscar – El Salvador
Benjamin recently accepted Christ as his savior. Two months ago, he had a stroke and was paralyzed on one side. His wife who had drifted away from God and deserted him came back to take care of him. We thank God that she has now renewed her covenant with the Lord. Please pray for steady improvement in Benjamin’s health and relationship with his wife. Pray for effective ministry to the Sunday school children under our care in our house churches.
Fri 24. GSM – Cuba
We are involved in church planting in Havana. Thank God that during this period we have been able to plant a church in C where we have 4 prayer groups, a total of 18 baptized members, and 6 others going through discipleship classes. I have been serving in this place for 16 months. Although it has been a difficult task, we thank the Lord for his support. Pray for the provision of a place of worship. Meanwhile, we meet in some houses.
Sat 25. Jonathan – Liberia
I went into one of the classes in the school I visited to share the Word of God with the eleventh-grade class. Mariama was one of them. Being a Muslim, she has been taught that Jesus is simply Mary's son, but not the Messiah. She however listened attentively as I explained who Jesus is and what he did for us through his crucifixion and resurrection. Her eyes were opened, she believed Jesus Christ was the Messiah and accepted him into her life. Pray for her steady growth and effective witness.
Ministering to 11th-grade students – in Liberia
Sun 26. Lily-Claire – Mauritius
Organized a camp from 17 to 21 July at the Evangelical Church of Tombeau Bay campsite. There were 13 children, 22 youth, and 3 parents in attendance. G, one of the new believers from the after-school club gave testimony of his new life in Christ. Thank God for two people who came to faith in the Lord Jesus.
Drama time at Camp - Mauritius
Mon 27. Saio – Sierra Leone
Organized a Vacation Bible Youth Camp at Kabala in August. Ninety-five youths coming from four different areas of the region attended this camp. Thank God for 58 of them who received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. He also visited 17 schools to teach the word of God during their assembly. As a result of the visits and teachings, many pupils, including Muslims, have joined their school’s Bible club.
Tue 28. Peter – South Sudan
We thank the Lord for the ministry of Jacob Wol, one of the volunteers who is now helping to expand our ministry in the Nuba Mountain area. He shared this testimony: “I am so happy and thankful to God for the great changes he has made in my life. I used to fear standing before people but now with the help of the ministry’s teaching and training, I am ministering to others. I thank God.”
Wed 29. Charles – Tanzania
Our youth ministry has grown since we decided to gather young people from different churches in Zanzibar for football. We have encouraged churches to start football clubs and bought some balls and jerseys to organize inter-club competitions. Pray that this may unite us and provide an avenue to proclaim the gospel of Christ in our almost 100% Islamic nation.
Thu 30. Immaculate – Uganda
During the camp, we ministered to a girl who was having constant blackouts. We prayed for her, but I later had personal time praying and listening to her. She shared her bitterness with someone who had hurt her. She felt betrayed, and devalued, and felt she had lost her honor. During prayer time, she opened up about these struggles and agreed to pray for forgiveness. Weeks later, I met with her father who shared the testimony that the girl was no longer having blackouts and was living her life normally. We bless the name of the Lord for her deliverance.