August 2019 Prayerlink


Thu 1. Kiki – Benin

Organized a camp with 276 youths and children in attendance. All 65 camp leaders went through a pre-camp training. Thank God for about 150, mostly children, who decided like Onesimus, and in line with the theme of the camp, to become useful to Christ and the society. Thank God for providing a new environment for this and future camps in the south of Benin.

Children at Camp – Benin

Children at Camp – Benin

Fri 2. Nompumelelo – Eswatini (formerly Swaziland)

An open-air evangelistic outreach was organized at the Mankayane bus station in partnership with another outreach ministry. About 400 people heard the gospel message proclaimed by three local pastors while 240 people received free Bibles. Pray that the impact of God’s word in the lives of all participants may be permanent.

Mankayane Open-Air Outreach - Eswatini

Mankayane Open-Air Outreach - Eswatini

Sat 3. Gerard – Congo DR

Organized three Children's Camps during the Easter holidays each in partnership with a local church. The theme was, "Saved in Jesus Christ" from Luke 8:48. Thank God for 13 out of the 326 children present, who submitted to and embraced the lordship of Jesus Christ in their lives.

Sun 4. Komivi – Togo

Thank God for a new Bible club inaugurated in Nogen School in Tokoin Novissi. In total 248 children were exposed to the gospel message during the opening ceremony. Thank God for the Christian teachers in the school who have committed themselves to oversee the club. Thank God also for a successful Easter rally for children held on the beach.

Group Photo - Rally on the Beach - Togo

Group Photo - Rally on the Beach - Togo

Mon 5. Patrick – Congo DR

“Sixteen Sunday School teachers participated in the training we conducted in Gungu. The need for training of children and youth teachers/mentors is enormous in this area. With God’s help, we plan to organize another training trip soon. Pray that the Lord may impact the ministries of these teachers through the trainings. Thank God also for the couples’ Bible camp we successfully organized in Lusanga. Eleven couples participated in this activity.”

Tue 6. Ezechias – Rwanda

“As part of our effort to strengthen children's ministry in churches, we trained 549 Sunday School teachers equipping them to evangelize children and youth in different parts of the country. We also distributed 237,337 evangelistic books in churches and schools. Pray that the teachers may carry out effective ministry among children and youth in their churches and neighborhoods.”

Wed 7. Christian – Sierra Leone

“A new Bible club was inaugurated in Grafton Community School. We invited other schools in the community to witness the launching seizing the opportunity to present the message of salvation to over 600 students gathered for the program. We thank the Lord for 215 children who gave their lives to Christ that day.”

Grafton School Bible Club Launching – Sierra Leone

Grafton School Bible Club Launching – Sierra Leone

Thu 8. Sylvain – Congo DR

“Two teenagers from Kato Bible club decided to go to evangelize their peers in Lufungula camp, a police camp that is close to their neighborhood. Because of these girls’ ministry, teens from this camp have been coming to our meetings every Tuesday. They normally find it difficult to live with other teens, but thanks to the word of God which they have been hearing and the love that reigns in the club, we are seeing remarkable changes in their lives. They, in turn, have also started bringing their friends to the club activities. Thank God for helping us see the fruit of our ministry among these teens.”

Fri 9. Lawrence – The Gambia

“In partnership with Youth for Christ and Gambia Fellowship of Evangelical Students, we organized an Easter Jesus March on the main streets of Banjul. We sang, prayed, distributed gospel tracts, and shared the gospel with those passing by. The procession of about 400 people ended on the beach where we ministered the love of God to those found there. Thank God for the opportunity to make Christ known to all during the march.”

Jesus March Ended on the Beach - Banjul, The Gambia

Jesus March Ended on the Beach - Banjul, The Gambia

Sat 10. Marie – Congo DR

“We organized an Easter holiday camp focusing on the vulnerable children who meet regularly in our office. Activities included Bible meditation, Bible study, skits, games, etc. We also organized a rally for the children of Kisangani Brethren community and a party for Mangobo Bible club children. We reached out to 1,274 children during the quarter and thank God for drawing 7 of them into His family.”

Bible Study during Kisangani Rally – Congo DR

Bible Study during Kisangani Rally – Congo DR

Sun 11. Lucas – Tanzania

“I was invited to a wedding in Dunga. As a children’s minister and knowing that many children will be there, I decided to be prepared for ministry. While the wedding was going on, I requested and was permitted to set children apart. We sat under a tree where I shared the good news of Jesus with about 50 children present. It was my first time in the village. I promised that God permitting, I will come back to the village. Pray for God’s blessing on this special ministry.”

Sharing the Good News in Dunga – Tanzania

Sharing the Good News in Dunga – Tanzania

Mon 12. Nestor – Congo DR

“We conducted Bible Seminars for pastors and church leaders in Kabinda and Ngandajika in Lomami Province where we emphasized the importance of children’s ministry in the Church. We also trained Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, and marriage counselors during our time there. Thank God for the opportunity we had to impact the lives and ministries of God’s servants in the province.”

Tue 13. Eugenio – Mozambique

“In the School of mission, we engaged in ‘a journey of faith’ during which we had the opportunity to go on door-to-door and personal evangelism outside of the city of Nairobi. Thank God for 45 people who listened to the gospel I proclaimed and 3 of them who accepted Jesus as the Lord of their lives. Please pray for the Bible study group in Mozambique.”

Wed 14. Daniel – Yobe, Nigeria

Organized an Easter Conference in Mubi and Yola with a total of 137 participants. Thank God for two students who came to faith in Christ, 89 who rededicated their lives to Christ and 12 others who pledged to live lives of sexual purity after the workshop session on that topic.

Worship Time at the Easter Conference – Mubi, Nigeria

Worship Time at the Easter Conference – Mubi, Nigeria

Thu 15. Dennis – Uganda

Co-facilitated two weeks of evangelistic mission outreach to schools and churches in Rwenzori region. Thank God for the open doors to share the gospel message with students and staff in 230 schools during the mission. Even Muslim schools opened their doors after some initial resistance. Thank God for 23 adults, 4,568 children, and 1,137 teens who received Jesus Christ in the specific group that Dennis led.

Fri 16. Worldlink UK

Pray that the Lord would allow the message of the effective ministry of indigenous missionaries to spread to mission-minded believers in the UK and that they would respond by supporting their brothers and sisters on the front line in countries that Westerners cannot reach.


Sat 17. Babi – India

“Reaching the unreached is my burden and God has called me to reach the Lambadas, Hindus, Naidus, Gollas, and Reddys. Many of them have never heard the name of our Lord Jesus. They are the largest nomadic group in India. They are the most radical Hindu Koya villages. Witchcraft, sorcery, and divination are rampart. God has helped me to minister His word in 93 villages. Thank God for His protection as I travelled with brother Kiran to preach God’s word in different places in the past months.”

Sun 18. Saranya - India

“I thank God for helping me serve Him in Palavancha area. Please pray for these villages: Motor, Palapaqru, Chinna Palaparru, Mudenepalli, Gudivada, Chowtapalli, Pittipadu, Kalapudi, and Malaaypalem. There are around 20,000 Hindus living here. Thank God for the opportunity to share the gospel message with 900 people. We have baptized five people. Two others are ready for baptism while three are going through discipleship class.”

Mon 19. Burra – India

“Two years ago, three families of ten members left the church. As a servant of God, I had rebuked them for following Hindu rituals even though they were baptized. They went to different churches during these 2 years but had no peace and many problems arose in their families. Believers kept praying for them and some had a vision that the families came back and were decorating the church for Christmas. God also revealed to me that they were going through some challenges. I wanted to visit them but hesitated, thinking I may not be welcomed. Amazingly, a week after, they called to request that I come to pray for them as they were having some problems. I went with my wife to counsel and pray with them. Thank God, two families came back to church immediately and the third family six months later.”

Tue 20. Naveed – Pakistan

“The young man was in a confused state and discouraged when I met him. He felt there was no reason to live. He was on the verge of running away from his home because he felt his family was not interested in him. I started a conversation with him and invited him to our youth fellowship meetings. I spent time with him and paid full attention to his problems. After a month’s fellowship, he started praying with our team and reading the Bible regularly. Thank God for improvement in his state and his relationship with friends and family. Pray that he may fully come to faith in Christ.”

Wed 21. Anonymous – East Asia

“Praise God for reading centers recently opened and the "read chase" program inaugurated in two centers. This is conducted twice a month. We also started running tutoring in a village for children from early age to grade 3 every week. We also give children free guitar and English language lessons. Pray that these programs will receive a good response from local residents and become an avenue for sharing the gospel message effectively.”

Thu 22. Dhruba – Nepal

“Thank God for the opportunity to teach twelve people inductive Bible study methods at a local church. We met with all participants for five nights in a row. We focused on the epistle to the Galatians. Pray that each may grow in their faith as they seek to put all they have learned into practice.”

Inductive Bible Study – Nepal

Inductive Bible Study – Nepal

Fri 23. Pauli – India

“I am sharing the gospel message with people in Ampatta, Bhalubasha, and TaldiyaIn. In the past days, God has helped me to minister to about 100 people. Thank God for opening the hearts of 15 people to respond to the message. They are now coming to church and we are currently discipling them.”

Sat 24. Puji – India

Her first attempt to share the good news in Saluka village was rejected by the women in the village. She however persisted and made another attempt. God opened the door for her to minister to the women. Thank God for touching the hearts of the women. They now participate in the house church’s regular worship. Please pray for them: Suusama, Nemai, Pratima, Sujan, Vaisakhi, Mamonide, Reeku, Sujanmandal, Fatima, and Hemron.

Sun 25. Santosh – India

“Manish was born and brought up in a strict Hindu family. He worked for the Naxalites (the Maxist-Leninist political militant group). He hardly came home nor catered for his family. Because of his association with this group, he behaved so rashly. Ministering to him was a great challenge. He often threatened to shoot me. But when he was shot and heavily wounded, the Lord opened the door to tell him about the love of Christ. God’s Spirit touched and wonderfully changed his heart. He is now coming to church. Praise the Lord.”

Mon 26. Binod - India

“I am witnessing in Mandakaya village where about 100 people hear the gospel message each week. Thank God for five people who were baptized last month. We conducted one day prayer and fasting and collected a special offering at the end to sponsor five poor students. Thank God for grace to share His love with these poor boys.”

Tue 27. Umang - India

By the grace of God, a small fellowship group has been set up in Geljang. They meet in a house for Bible studies and for prayer and fasting regularly. Pray that God may strengthen the group and increase them.

Wed 28. K Paul – India

Organized gospel meetings in four villages including Pakalagudem where prayer and fasting were also conducted. Thank God for 15 people who came to faith in the Lord. One of them is 60-year-old, Kuram Mallesh, who was deep in idol worship. The story of Jesus’ death to save mankind and particularly to save him touched his heart. Thank God for revealing Himself to him.

Thu 29. Lokeshor – India

“We have been praying for our own Local Church building. We thank God that we now have some funds and started the foundation of the building recently. Pray for continued inflow of funds to complete the project. Thank God for a one-day gospel retreat we organized in Ithing during which about 20 young girls and boys confessed their sins and 6 people were baptized.”

Fri 30. Arnold – India

“During these three months, we shared the gospel message from house to house every evening. We thank God for drawing four people to Himself and giving them new life. They were previously drunkards and idol worshippers. That was the most blessed experience during past three months.”

Sat 31. Bipin – India

“This time God sent a new family to our fellowship at Kumbi. We plan to start another fellowship in their house soon. For this I would like to thank God.”