July 2019 Prayerlink


Mon 1. Krupamma – India

Thank God for grace and strength to share the Good News in the surrounding villages and the joy of welcoming two people into God’s kingdom. Pray for funds to build a church hall in Sadhasivepata village and the success of the Vacation Bible School planned for summer.

Tue 2. P. Paul – India

Thank God for Podijum Eramma and Madakom Adhiamma, two new believers in Marikonda village and the church that was recently inaugurated in the village. Please pray for God’s intervention in the lives of all the believers - many young people are jobless, and children are dropping out of school for financial reasons.

Wed 3. Pao – India

“By the grace and guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ, five souls were recently added to us including one Bengali. Our continuous prayer is that the Lord may add more people from time to time from all tribes, including Bengalis and Muslims. This may seem hard or impossible, but we trust our Lord that He will do it.”

Thu 4. Arun – India

“Thank God for grace to share the Gospel with two radical Hindu men. One of them, Ajay, has persecuted me several times but he recently visited and asked to discuss with me. Being very traditional, he came in his Hindu attire. I shared the love of God with him and prayed for him. Please pray for his salvation. I also thank God for his sustenance as Satan raised severe persecution against us in our village. We were forcefully sent out of the village and all our things confiscated. Please pray for peace and God’s continuous protection.”

Fri 5. Anonymous – East Asia

“Every Monday our team conducts follow-up discipleship training for new believers and prays with them. We also train them to share the Good News with unbelievers and then go out together with our spouses to share the message with people in our neighbourhood. In the past quarter, we ministered to 177 people. Thank God for three people who came to faith in Christ Jesus.”

Sat 6. Asif – Pakistan

During the quarter, he was in 25 different churches in different areas of Pakistan preaching the Word of God and sharing the vision and work of the ministry. Thank God also for his ministry in schools and hostels during which about 4,000 children heard the gospel.

Sun 7. Aasir – India

He is sharing the gospel in the streets of Kalliyapuram and Ellapai villages where about 70 people heard the gospel in the past quarter. Three new families are now coming to church, two people baptized while three others have completed baptismal classes and are now ready for baptism. Thank God for His immense blessings on his ministry.

Mon 8. Chaoba – India

“I am engaged in the church and at the same time in our Children Home, House of Hope in Bishnupur. I am teaching special classes for the children and leading the devotion each day. Sometimes I join my husband when he goes out to minister. We thank the Lord for one of our daughters who recently accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and 12 other people who underwent water baptism. Pray for their steady spiritual growth.”

Tue 9. Kiran – Pakistan

A testimony from Mariam, a student attending one of Kiran’s Bible Clubs; “My father was very sick and my family was quite upset. During one of our Bible club meetings, the ministry staff taught about prayer. After the Bible message, our teacher invited all students to join the prayer group and experience how God answers prayer. I started trusting God and believing in His miraculous healing. As we prayed together one day, I specifically asked God to heal my father. Just a few days later, God answered my prayer. He healed my father and he started walking and moving about. I have no words to explain how I felt. I really thank God for answering my prayer and for the ministry staff who shared God’s Word with us.”

Wed 10. Raju – India

His ministry has focused on two Koya villages, Ramakkagudem and Pentapadu. Thank God for blessing the ministry with abundant fruits despite attacks from Hindu fundamentalists. Ten people were recently baptized. They now have 4 house churches and 6 cell groups, and 15 Hindu converts are going through discipleship training.

Thu 11. Tripura – India

Sowed the seed of the word of God in Gamaria. Pray that God may cause His word to bear fruit and grant wisdom and knowledge as he learns Kokborok language. Pray also for the salvation of his family members and relatives most of whom are yet to come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Fri 12. Kiran – India

“We thank the Lord for the life of Sahade who recently laid down his life as a Martyr for Christ. He was serving the Lord in Chattesghar but has been a target of radicals for two years. A very passionate and kind-hearted man, he was thrown out of the village after accepting the Lord. He dedicated himself to the work of the Lord and endured constant attacks. He is the third to be martyred in Chattesghar this year. Please pray for comfort for the family and our team members.”

Sat 13. Padma – India

Visited three villages: Thotlavalluru, Vallurupalem, and Pamula Lanka where he shared gospel tracts and conducted open air meetings mainly in market places and street corners. He also ministered to about 20 people at orphanage meetings. The Lord blessed the meetings with 10 new believers and two people were baptized. Thank God for these blessings.

Sun 14. Tariq – Pakistan

“There is a school teacher who is very fashionable and outspoken. She neither believed in God’s existence nor in Jesus Christ. The staff members were very worried about her because she freely shared what she believed with her students. As I started conversation with her about God’s love and prayed for her, God touched her heart and she turned to the Lord wholly. Thank God for His intervention in our ministry in schools and in this lady’s life.”


Mon 15. Felix – Argentina

Three people graduated from the 3-year Pastoral Ministry Diploma in December. The program continues this year with a total of almost 50 students and a hard-working group of teachers from different denominations. Thank God for the opportunity to prepare these men and women for ministry.

Pastoral Training in Session - Argentina

Pastoral Training in Session - Argentina

Tue 16. Worldlink USA

Thank God for the passion and hard work of many volunteers who serve the Lord by helping Worldlink: The Boards of Directors, Advisors, and Reference, the advocates, and the people who use their talents to advance the ministry of indigenous missionaries.


Wed 17. Ezekiel – Katsina, Nigeria

Organized a conference during Easter, visited seven Bible clubs and conducted, two leadership trainings for 98 students. Thank God for the impact the trainings and weekly Bible club meetings are having on the students. Saliu testified, “I am a new student in this school. I am normally shy and find it difficult to express myself. However, my contact with the ministry has changed me. I can now express myself and even stand before people to talk. I am also happy that I am now born again.”

Some Bible Club Members – Nigeria

Some Bible Club Members – Nigeria

Thu 18. Joshua – Kenya

“I am a member of the Board of Governors of the local secondary school and serve on the counselling panel. These have served as a bridge to the community and opened the door to interact with a large number of people – students and parents. There is a high rate of drug abuse and misuse in the community leading to high rate of school dropout. As I interact with the boys and girls affected by drugs, who engage in immoral behavior, I have the freedom to preach the gospel. Thank God for this great ministry opportunity.”

Fri 19. Abolaji – Plateau, Nigeria

Facilitated Bible study and counselling for 26 people at the Christian Students and Youths Congress held in March. Pray for training of Staff and volunteers for Primary school work slated for this quarter and for God’s visitation during the National Leadership Retreat for Tertiary institutions leaders holding in August.

Sat 20. Tivakudze – Zimbabwe

“My greatest passion in ministry is to see students being transformed by the gospel and becoming disciple makers. This is possible through correct Bible interpretation. Thank God for great impact experienced through the Inductive Bible Study (IBS) Training held in March. God raised 47 students to come for this training during which I took them through the IBS process.”

Inductive Bible Study Training Participants - Zimbabwe

Inductive Bible Study Training Participants - Zimbabwe

Sun 21. Irmiya – Nasarawa, Nigeria

Co-facilitated post-secondary students conference for 241 people. CJ, one of the 23 new believers said, “Thank God for your timely visit. I was contemplating suicide. The thought was eating me up from inside as there seemed to be no hope for me but the word of God you shared with me saved my life.” Thank God for His intervention in CJ’s life.

Prayer Time at Post-Secondary Conference - Nigeria

Prayer Time at Post-Secondary Conference - Nigeria

Mon 22. Sibongele – South Africa

“For the past five years, the membership in one of our university groups has remained at only 10. Even then, only five were truly active. None of the strategies we employed worked. Following the leadership training we organized for new executive, we were surprised by the sudden growth in this group. Membership is now 70, reminding us that God is a God of possibilities who answers our prayers. Praise the Lord for such miraculous intervention.”

Leadership Training Camp – South Africa

Leadership Training Camp – South Africa

Tue 23. Johnkessley – Kaduna, Nigeria

Testimony from Abel, a student under Johnkessley’s counsel; “One of the senior boys in our school forcefully engaged me in homosexual sex when I was 12 years old. Anytime I attempted to report him, he either temporarily stops doing it or threaten to deal with me. This lasted till he left the school. But since he left; I have struggled with the memory of what he did to me until March when I met Johnkessley. Through his counsel, he helped me to receive freedom from the bad memories and unthinkable imagination.” Thank God for the cleansing power of His blood.

Wed 24. Anastancia – Mozambique

She seeks to soften the ground spiritually by going on prayer walks around the area, gathering children and telling them Bible stories, and conducting discovery Bible studies with teenagers. Thank God for a woman who came to faith in Christ during the quarter. Pray that all these efforts may yield more fruit for God’s kingdom.

Thu 25. Hellen (& Wycliffe) – Kenya

“The team in Wajir continues to minister to Somalis in the town and in the surrounding villages through engagement in farming. We are currently experiencing severe drought. Please pray that we may soon have some rain to continue with irrigation farming and our ministry with the farmers. Thank God for 16 non-Somalis who received the Lord recently. Pray for effective follow-up by those given responsibility to disciple them.”

Fri 26. Joseph – Benue, Nigeria

Organized school club rallies in 12 centers, two of these were for children in Primary schools. The rallies ministered to over 2000 children and youths. Praise God for drawing 364 people into his kingdom during the rallies and for 52 others who rededicated their lives to the Lord.

Ministry Rally – Makurdi, Nigeria

Ministry Rally – Makurdi, Nigeria

Sat 27. Phumwani – South Africa

Conducted training for 8 recent graduates who are taking a gap year to serve God through our Short Term in Ministry (STEM) program. Training focused on different aspects of Students Ministry. All 8 interns are currently ministering in more than 16 campuses where they are training evangelism team members and mentoring them. Pray for effective ministry. Thank God also for leadership training conducted for high schools’ leaders.

Leadership Training – South Africa

Leadership Training – South Africa

Sun 28. Matano (& Juddie) – Kenya

“Since we started ministry I haven’t experienced a season like this. A Muslim parent has entrusted their two girls to us, not minding the fact that they learn Christian Education and attend compulsory chapel service in the school we have placed them. They are the first Munyoyaya girls to go to secondary school. Their father refused to yield to the villagers’ pressure to take them out of school and give them in marriage. Instead he handed them to us for direction and mentoring. Praise God for such a blank check. Pray that the girls will have definite experience of salvation and become a testimony to their parents and the community.”

Mon 29. Daniel – Yobe, Nigeria

Facilitated first-year retreats for new students in three campus fellowships. Thank God for 65 new students who joined the fellowships during their welcome service, for three new students who accepted God’s offer of salvation and four others who rededicated their lives to the Lord.

Leading Worship at the Retreat – Yola, Nigeria

Leading Worship at the Retreat – Yola, Nigeria

Tue 30. Hannah (& Philip) – Ghana

Showed “The Passion of the Christ” film with Gonja subtitles in Kanakulai. The visiting evangelist preached the gospel message at the end. Many children and a few teens prayed to receive Christ. The resident missionary is following up with these new believers. Altogether about 50 people (including children) came to faith in Jesus Christ during the quarter. Thank God for them.

Wed 31. Francois – Mali

Conducted two training programs in Koro. The first was for 20 Bible study group students on different Bible study methods. The second training focused on the study of parables. These two modules helped to strengthen the Bible study capabilities of members of the cell groups. Pray that the knowledge acquired may help raise the standard of Bible study in these groups.

Bible Study Method Training Participants – Koro, Mali

Bible Study Method Training Participants – Koro, Mali