September 2019 Prayerlink


Sun 1. Mildred - Guatemala

She successfully visited all the Bible clubs in her area during the quarter. She conducted training for new volunteers who will work with fifth and sixth grade students. Thank God for open doors for life skills program in a new school in Escuintla.

Volunteers - Guatemala

Volunteers - Guatemala

Mon 2. Sandra – Guatemala

Thank God for opening the door of ministry into four new schools, for the support we continue to receive from the teachers of the Institute of Basic Education, and for volunteers who have been assisting us to fulfill our ministry.


Tue 3. Helene – Congo DR

Participated in a conference of the heads of orphanages organized in Beni. The conference focused on effective management of orphanages with participants coming from both religious or secular sectors of the city. Please pray that the lessons learned will lead to more effective ministry to the children in the ministry’s orphanage.

Wed 4. Joseph – Burkina Faso

Thank God for 192 people who came to faith in the Lord during Bible club meetings conducted in schools and colleges, and various Bible reading trainings in churches. Thank God also for the completion of the school building. The school will be opened to students in October. Pray for effective and fruitful ministry in the school.

Bible Club Teachers’ Training – Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Bible Club Teachers’ Training – Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Thu 5. Hannah (& Philip) – Ghana

We are excited that some of the members of the Church at Kabache have finally caught the passion for the gospel. They are motivated to share the gospel with their friends and families. Mama Taakum has started sharing with her children and friends who are Muslims. She works as a Traditional Birth Attendant and has resolved to share the gospel with any woman she assists to deliver a baby as well as other women in her network.  We pray that the Lord will use her to win many women to the Lord.

Fri 6. Dennis – Kenya

Showed the Jesus film and some brethren came over from Nairobi to join his team to conduct open air and door-to-door evangelism. Thank God for six people who received Christ as their Lord and redeemer. Thank God also for about ten people from neighboring churches with whom they have started a prayer group. The regular prayer meetings have picked up very well and the Lord is adding more members to the group.

Church Service in Progress - Kenya

Church Service in Progress - Kenya

Sat 7. Naomi – Zambia

Continues to concentrate on training of students in personal Bible meditation and prayers as well as equipping them to share the gospel with their peers. About 500 students participated in these trainings during the quarter and many students now appreciate the value of personal devotion. They are also keen to evangelize. Pray that they may grow in their faith, in the knowledge of God’s word and witnessing.

Group Discussion, Student Training – Zambia

Group Discussion, Student Training – Zambia

Sun 8. Angelique – Congo DR

Ebola has been ravaging the territory of Beni and recently spread further east to Goma and Rwanda. Her team has conducted Ebola awareness trainings to educate people about the reality of the disease and how to best avoid it. Please pray for protection for the team and an end to the epidemic.

Ebola Awareness – Beni, Congo DR

Ebola Awareness – Beni, Congo DR

Mon 9. Anastancia – Mozambique

Conducted door-to-door evangelism in Makondes village and seized the opportunity to renew existing contacts. She continues to teach the children in her village Bible stories and conduct regular Bible study with a ladies’ group. Thank God for five adults and 40 children who responded to the gospel message.

Tue 10. Shina – Sokoto, Nigeria

His wife had a safe delivery of a baby boy on May 28, but the baby died shortly after delivery due to negligence of the nurses on duty in the hospital. This was a very difficult moment for them as a family, because last April, they lost their second daughter in the same hospital. Please pray for the comfort of the Holy Spirit for the family and God’s direction for the future.

Wed 11. Yinka – Nigeria

Thank God for the discipleship class which is making good progress. God continues to mold the lives of many young ladies through her ministry. She also engages in counselling of the young ones both on academic and moral issues.

Discipleship Class in Session – Gana Ropp, Nigeria

Discipleship Class in Session – Gana Ropp, Nigeria

Thu 12. Phumlani – South Africa

Co-facilitated the Capacity Building Camp, a leadership training program for primary and high schools in the province. The theme of the training was, ‘It’s Our Turn Now,’ challenging participants that it is their turn to preach and share the Good News with their friends and community. Pray that all participants may be faithful in proclaiming the gospel message.

Capacity Building Camp – S. Africa

Capacity Building Camp – S. Africa

Fri 13. Mathe – Congo DR

Conducted evangelistic outreaches to children, teens, and adults in four centers. Altogether over 1,000 people heard the gospel message including 147 street kids. Thank God for 146 people who received God’s salvation during these outreaches.

Sat 14. Berhanu – Ethiopia

Facilitated one-on-one evangelistic activities in schools in Addis Ababa. Students shared the Good News with their friends and peers. Thank God for 34 students who decided to follow Jesus. They are attending the new believers’ program in their fellowship groups. 

Sun 15. Neo – South Africa

Last month I received a call from a parent whose daughter attends Bible club meetings. She asked for the dates of the next Primary School Kids’ camp. She is really grateful for what we are doing in schools having observed the positive changes in her child whenever she returns from a camp. They don’t really go to church, but her child prays over her meals and received a Bible through our ministry. She reads the stories as we do during Bible club meetings. She hopes the high school she will attend has a similar Bible club. Thank God for the way our ministry is impacting the lives of the children and through them, their families.

Mon 16. Worldlink USA

Pray that the Lord would provide an influx of new monthly prayer and financial supporters that will allow us to empower many more Indigenous Missionaries.


Tue 17. Abhilash – India

Our area of ministry is Malappuram District, a Muslim dominated area. We distribute hundreds of gospel tracts and booklets and I personally shared the gospel with 34 people. Thank God for four people who responded to the message. Two of these new believers are Sacariya and his wife, Lissy. They initially mocked and ridiculed us as we shared the gospel message with them, but we never stopped sharing with them. Last week, they both publicly confessed Jesus Christ as the Lord of their lives.

Wed 18. Anand – India

I have a great burden to the share gospel message with the Lambada tribe. My passion and vision is to reach this tribe and proclaim the gospel message in every village. There are many unreached villages in my area. I have prayerfully shared the gospel with a few families in the past months and by His grace, six people came to faith and were baptized. A few others have completed discipleship class and will be baptized soon. Thank God for the fruit he enables us to see in our ministry. Pray for the ministry in Gampalagudem where a particular man is vehemently opposed to our ministry. Pray that the Lord may touch him.

Thu 19. Ananto – Tripura, India

We started evangelism in two new villages recently. Thank God for opening the door of ministry in these villages. Also thank God for Mr. Reang and his wife who were recently added to the family of God having confessed their faith in the risen Lord.

Fri 20. Ayomie – Sri Lanka

We were invited to a local church to lead their special children’s program. We ministered to 25 children teaching them about God’s Love according to John’s telling of Jesus’ life. We had some games and did craft work with a beautiful time of worshipping the Lord. Thank God for giving us the fruitful time we had with these children.

Children’s Ministry – Sri Lanka

Children’s Ministry – Sri Lanka

Sat 21. Sachin – India

I want to thank God for the growth of His Kingdom in our country despite strict laws that are recently being implemented against Christianity. I have been sharing the gospel in my village, Aap-Gachi, and areas surrounding my church. Of the 25 people who recently heard the message, thank God for three who accepted the Lord’s salvation and the inauguration of a new house fellowship.

Sun 22. Ramarao – India

We got married in 1997 and for 21 years we were praying that God should bless us with children. It was only on 12th of April that God finally blessed us with a child. Please praise the Lord with us. Thank God also for a new church we have just inaugurated in Karakavalasa with 56 members, all of whom we had baptized.

Mon 23. Nageswarao – India

Recently, a Hindu Temple priest accepted the Lord Jesus as his personal savior as I proclaimed the message of the gospel. This is a big decision for him. Please pray that the Lord will uphold and protect him. Thank God for some of our elders who are devoted to sharing the gospel and have led some neighbors to faith.

Tue 24. Rejoy – India

Organized a five-day house visit in Sreekantapuram area. We visited about 100 houses altogether. Also conducted week-long open-air meetings in some areas. Approximately 600 people heard the gospel during these outreaches. Members of two households showed interest in the word of God. Pray that the Lord may bring them to the full knowledge of Himself.

Wed 25. Nikhilesh – India

During our recent special meeting, Mrs. Radha who has been under the attack of evil spirits for years, started dancing and speaking in strange tongue. We all prayed and rebuked the evil spirit, commanding it to come out of her in the name of Jesus. She was delivered and accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord. Her Testimony, “From my childhood, I have been worshiping ‘Kali Devi’ (Hindu Ladies god). I visited many Hindu temples to seek release from the evil spirit, but none was able to rescue me. After my wedding, this evil spirit started inflicting more damages on my family – car accidents and many attempts on my husband’s life. We had no peace. Now God has delivered me, and we are happy”. Please lift up this family in your prayers that the Lord may strengthen their faith.

Baptism of New Believers

Baptism of New Believers

Thu 26. Suman – Tripura, India

We are sharing the gospel message in Sabroom (Bangladesh border) and its suburb. We are ministering to both Bengali and tribal students especially during the fellowship we conduct for them every Sunday. None have so far responded to our message. Please pray that our message may soon bear fruit. Pray also for my family members and neighbors all of whom are still living in darkness.

Fri 27. Dhruba – Nepal

I was involved in sharing the gospel during the Children's Fair organized by a church in Kathmandu. About 150 children participated in the fair. I shared God's wonderful plan to bless all the people of the earth through Abraham’s seed, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank God for opportunity to impact the lives of these children.

Children’s Fair – Kathmandu, Nepal

Children’s Fair – Kathmandu, Nepal

Sat 28. Pandab – India

The young boy, Bishal was forsaken by his family. We took care of him, educated and led him to Christ. When his parents saw that he had improved and was also going to church, they came and took him away. We are sad for losing him, but happy because his life has changed. He is now a child of God wherever he is. Pray that God may uphold his faith and make him a source of light to his family.

Sun 29. Padam – India

Twenty five people heard the gospel message on different occasions during the past quarter. The family of Naresh Rai in Jhar-bari village came to faith in the Lord when they saw much improvement in his health after we prayed for him. Please pray for his total healing and sustenance of their faith.

Mon 30. Yam – India

I have sent a couple of teens to the Bible Training Center in Kathmandu. I hope and pray that on their return, they will help me in the ministry. Please pray that their training may equip them for effecive ministry and thank God for ten people who accepted the Lord in the past six months.