June 2019 Prayerlink

Sat 1. Kiki – Benin

Conducted Bible Reading Promotion (BRP) in four churches to encourage believers to meet God daily through meditation on God’s word, prayer, and Bible reading training for the Evangelical Network. Pray that these trained believers may faithfully carry out BRP throughout the length and breadth of the country.

BRP at Assemblies of God Church, Adjarra, Benin

BRP at Assemblies of God Church, Adjarra, Benin

Sun 2. Marie – Congo DR

She focused during the quarter on leadership development. She conducted trainings for women leaders, Sunday school teachers, Bible study leaders and local and provincial committee members. Altogether about 230 people were equipped for ministry. Pray that the trainings may yield the fruit of effective ministry in the area.

Mon 3. Berhanu – Ethiopia

Organized two school leaders’ trainings in Addis Ababa. One hundred and thirty school leaders participated in the training. The sessions included leading youth movement, friendship evangelism and how to share the gospel with Muslim friends. Thank God for the acknowledged impact of the training on participants.

Tue 4. Neo – South Africa

“I was one of the 20 delegates from nine countries who were in Botswana to minister during the last week of March. I taught value education in Maoka Junior Secondary School in Gabarone during the week dealing with such topics as decision making and self-esteem. Each session was linked with the Gospel. During break time, we engaged in what we called one-minute witnessing whereby we shared our testimony with students. Thank God for the impact of His word on the young people. One of them said, ‘Thank you very much, Neo, for coming all the way here to introduce me to Jesus.’”

Group Session – Moaka School, Botswana

Group Session – Moaka School, Botswana

Wed 5. Simeon – Sierra Leone

Thank God for three Muslim girls who are now part of the Bible club in Vine Memorial School. They were led to Christ during a weekly meeting they attended. Since then, they have become committed participants in the club’s Bible study and prayer meetings. Because of her commitment, one of these girls was recently appointed a member of the executive. Thank God also for 62 students who rededicated their lives to the Lord during the Handover program in St. Joseph Covent.

Handing Over Program – Sierra Leone

Handing Over Program – Sierra Leone

Thu 6. Jackson – Tanzania

Organized a seminar for children at a local church and a one-day children’s camp in another church. Thank God for 230 children who participated in the seminar and 291 in the camp. The focus of the two programs was on growth and awareness. Pray for lasting impact of these programs on the lives of the children.

Fri 7. Nompumelelo – Swaziland

The Bible club in Bhekephi School inaugurated in 2009 with 25 pupils has now grown to over 100 children. The club patron testified, “God has been faithful and has seen us through the initial challenges especially from some teachers who opposed our ministry during the morning. The same teachers are now supporting the club including the headteacher who even supports our activities with her own resources. Please pray that the word of God will continue to impact the lives of all the children whether they are Bible club members or not. We recently distributed children ministry materials among the club members.”

Sat 8. Worldlink USA

Pray for our Board of Directors who meet today to rejoice in God’s work in the past and discern direction for the continued growth of Worldlink’s ministry.

Sun 9. Dennis – Kenya

“We showed the Jesus film and conducted door to door evangelism in the village. We also organized open air crusade in partnership with Christian students from Nairobi County. Thank God for about 90 people who came to faith in Christ during these evangelistic outreaches.”

Outreach in Partnership with Nairobi Students – Kenya

Outreach in Partnership with Nairobi Students – Kenya

Mon 10. Naomi – Zambia

“We distributed our devotional materials and trained students in the ten regions of Zambia to use them for their devotion. I personally visited and trained students in five regions ministering to over 1,000 students in the process. I also went to various churches to train their members. Thank God for the materials and pray that it may help many Christians to have meaningful and fruitful time with the Lord each day.”

Tue 11. Shina – Sokoto, Nigeria

“For over three years, we have been planning to hold a campus mass evangelism outreach, but due to the hostile nature of the Muslim school authorities and some fanatical Muslim students, we have always postponed such outreach. In March 2019, we finally conducted it in three campuses. We shared gospel tracts and spoke to individuals about Christ. We thank the Lord for 27 students who turned their lives over to Christ and several others who rededicated their lives to Him. Thank God for giving us peace throughout the outreach.”

Wed 12. Matano (& Juddie) – Kenya

“I, along with some members of my local church, went on a 10-day outreach to Kapoeta in Southern Sudan. The experience confirmed Jesus’ statement that the harvest is indeed ripe. We carried out Mercy Ministry, distributing clothes to over 450 people, conducted one-on-one evangelism, and open-air crusades in the afternoons. Everyone in the village was in attendance. We thank God for more than 400 people who gave their lives to Christ. The field was indeed ready for harvest. The area chief gave us a large piece of land where we erected a shed to house a local church.”

Open-Air Preaching – South Sudan

Open-Air Preaching – South Sudan

Thu 13. Francois – Mali

Inaugurated new Bible clubs in three schools in Mopti. Three students were selected and trained to prepare and facilitate Bible studies. Also, a Bible study guide was provided for the leader of each cell. Pray that the groups may grow in number and strength. Thank God for taking Francois’ wife through a successful surgery. She has fully recovered and gone back to her work.

Fri 14. Hellen (& Wycliffe) – Kenya

“Thank God for the opportunity to share the gospel message openly in Eastleigh via two inter-religious dialogue and public debate between Muslim clerics and our Somali team in Nairobi. We also have open doors to three schools where we conduct meetings every Friday morning for an hour and engage in other programs in the evenings. Majority of the students in the schools are Somalis. Pray for the impact of the gospel message on these students.”

Muslim-Christian Debate – Eastleigh, Nairobi, Kenya

Muslim-Christian Debate – Eastleigh, Nairobi, Kenya

Sat 15. Hannah (& Philip) – Ghana

“Thank God for eight people who were baptized during Easter. It was indeed a big step for many of them to declare total commitment to Jesus. One of them, Afane, the oldest and most committed, developed cold feet a few hours before we went to the river. She had told her son, also a member of the church, she would not come. But minutes before we left the church grounds, she showed up declaring that she has fully surrendered to Jesus. Praise the Lord for her and the other new believers. Pray that the Lord may help them to remain firmly rooted in their faith.”


Sun 16. Felix – Argentina

“For three years, we have been working with REMAR Ministry to run a recovery house for addicts. Our current task is with the men who have already gone through the recovery phase and are going through the second phase. Thank God for the progress these men have made. Pray that each resident may turn to the Lord for complete mental and spiritual recovery.”

Recovery House - Argentina

Recovery House - Argentina

Mon 17. Joe & Gloria Mendoza – Columbia

“Thank God for grace to continue to carry out evangelism and conduct life-skills training sessions for parents of children of Monteria School. Also thank God for a young member of the logistics team of the College in Montería who received the message of salvation and decided to become part of our ministry’s Montería team.”


Tue 18. Anonymous – East Asia

“Sometimes working together as a team and other times as individuals, we share the good news with people around us. Currently we meet daily with three people who are yet to trust in the Lord. When anyone is open to listening to our message, we share a series of Bible stories with them until they truly want to receive the Lord, be baptized, and then discipled. It is a long haul. Pray for patience, wisdom, and fruits to attend our ministry.”

Wed 19. Ayomie – Sri Lanka

“In partnership with Community Concern, a ministry which specializes in working among underprivileged and abused children, we started a devotional program at a school. The children in this school live on the beach under poor conditions. For the past two years, we have worked in partnership with Community Concern, catering to the children’s spiritual wellbeing. Pray that our joint ministry may impact the lives of the children.”

Thu 20. K. Paul – India

Sharing the gospel message in five villages by organizing cottage meetings in the villages and prayer and fasting meetings in one of them. Thank God for two people who came to faith in the Lord during the past quarter. One of the two, Karam, and his family have become active members of the church. Please pray that they may all grow steadily in their faith.

Fri 21. Daud – Pakistan

Conducted School missions in 21 schools and 8 hostel missions. Thank God for the impact of God’s word on the lives of the children with about 450 of them responding by receiving the Lord’s offer of salvation or rededicating their lives to Him.

Sat 22. Esther – Vietnam

Uyen came to faith in Christ three years ago and was baptized soon after. She however did not grow in her faith as she did not attend any church. Since joining the church and a small group, the changes in her precious life has become clearly visible. She started loving the Lord, the church fellowship and God’s word. She is now available to be trained and equipped for God’s use in any area of ministry He may assign her. Pray that she may continue to grow in her faith.

Christmas Celebration - Vietnam

Christmas Celebration - Vietnam

Sun 23. Suku & Jessy – India

“We organized a Pastors’ seminar and a youth program during the New Year vacation period. Also organized gospel meetings in three villages in February during which ten new believers were added to the church. Thank God for providing for the needs of Asha Nilayam Children’s Home. Pray for God’s blessings on the children and especially T. Donnu who is taking public exams soon.”

Mon 24. Churchill – India

“Working with indigenous people has brought greater results. Unlike previous years, we have reached out to more people (115 in the last quarter) of which 10 came to faith in Christ. Thank God also for a new church that was recently established in Gohpur with five families. Pray for its growth and effective witness.”

Tue 25. Kalpana – India

“I thank God that though I can’t speak much [due to cultural restraints on women], I could witness to and touch the lives of many people through my service. I focus on children and it is a joy to see many of the kids growing spiritually. Pray for more committed people to serve with us.”

Wed 26. Chaitanya – India

“Thank God for giving me grace to share the good news in three of the six unreached villages around here. Thank God for results – one church, two house churches have started meeting, and 11 people are currently going through discipleship class. Since there is no hospital around us, many suffering from various diseases end up dying. Ramun Hemron was very sick and on the verge of death. However, he had faith in God and called us to pray for him. He was healed instantly to the glory of God. Thank God for His grace upon this man.”

Thu 27. Santosh – India

“There are 368 unreached people groups in my district. God is helping us to reach more and more people. I have a particular burden for my Chattesghar tribe. The Panika tribe is divided into two broad groups: the Kabirpanthi (the largest group) and the Sakta. The Kabirpanthi follow the teachings of a man named ‘Saint’ Kabir. They avoid liquor, meat, and other "unclean" practices; therefore, they consider themselves purer than the Sakta who are addicted to liquor and eat meat freely. The Panika were once known among the tribes for their honesty but no more. Please pray that the gospel message we are passing on may bear fruit among them. Thank God for grace to reach 1,300 people in the last quarter and for six people who were baptized.”

Fri 28. Khalid – Pakistan

“After showing the Jesus film during the street evangelism in Green Town, Lahore, a man asked to share his personal testimony with people. He confessed he had neither ever been in a church nor heard about Jesus. He confessed he was touched by the film and revelation of the life of Jesus. Weeping profusely, he prayed to receive Christ into his life. We met after Easter and I saw him participating very actively in the prayer meeting. He testified to the changes God has wrought in his life and how he has won his family members too to Lord Jesus Christ. Thank God for such dramatic change and pray for his steadfast and sustained growth.”

Sat 29. Rabindra – India

“Bhunia Bengray was born and brought up in a Hindu family and was used to worshipping idols. He also suffered with severe illness, being restless and lacking peace. Because of his sickness, he had even attempted suicide. We prayed for him and the word of God touched him. He accepted the Lord as his personal savior. It was shortly after he was baptized that he received full healing. Now he asks for prayers for the salvation of his family members.”

Sun 30. Marko – India

“Thank God for grace to disciple six people in the past quarter. They are all now serving as missionaries in different villages. Like us, they are sure to encounter severe persecution. Please pray for God’s abiding presence with them and His protection.”