Wed 1. Yohan – India
Conducted special gospel meetings in Kothum and Laxmidovpally villages. Thank God for one family that came to faith in Christ in Kothum and some who were baptized. One of the believers in the village died recently. Please pray for comfort for his immediate family and the community.
Thu 2. Paul Raj – India
“Revival meetings were organized in the church to edify believers. Thank God for blessing the ministry and impacting the lives of those who attended. Pray for Maniyka who recently accepted the Lord’s salvation, that God may establish him in the faith. Pray also for the success of our Vacation Bible Schools planned for summer.”
Fri 3. Johnston – India
Organized a seminar for pastors in Ginnigattu village. Thank God for its success. Thank God also for some who were baptized during the quarter. Johnston has a burden for his family members who are yet to believe in the Lord. Please pray for their salvation. Pray also for God’s provision to complete their church building.
Sat 4. Rambabu – India
Rambabu organized a seminar for teens in January and a women’s conference in February. Thank God for his blessings on the two programs. Thank God for drawing Kunja and his family to himself following his miraculous healing.
Sun 5. Anonymous Group – East Asia
“P.S. is a new believer I was discipling and equipping to share the gospel with his wife and others. He gained confidence and led his wife to faith in Christ. She was baptized on January 17. He also shared the gospel with Mr. S.I. who too was baptized in January. Apart from discipling S.I. to also minister to his wife and others, P.S. has formed a group to foster the growth of those who have come to faith through his ministry. Pray that he may continue to grow in his discipleship ministry.”
Mon 6. Rejoy – India
“We planned a three-day outreach program for Sreekantapuram town with posters and notices printed. At the last moment, the Muslim owner of the proposed meeting place denied us permission. We were in a dilemma but after much prayer, God opened a door through a Hindu friend who opened his place for us to conduct the meetings. We visited about 100 houses in 5 days and conducted open-air-meetings for 8 days. Approximately 600 people heard the gospel message and members of two households showed interest in the Word of God. Thank God for his intervention. Pray for God’s blessing on our Church Planting and outreach ministries in this town.”
Tue 7. Manoj – India
“In Pooppara and its surroundings, we conducted open-air meetings and distributed gospel tracts. Thank God for a family that accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord. Pray that they may soon request to be baptized as a sign of their total commitment. We recently shared the gospel message with a couple. While the lady accepted the message, the man is still hesitant. Pray for fruitful follow-up.”
Wed 8. Dhruba – Nepal
“Safala and her husband, Prabin are new-comers to our church. Safala is a Christian but Prabin has just realized he is a sinner and prayed to accept Christ as his Lord and redeemer. Thank God for revealing Himself to Prabin. Pray for the couple as they seek to serve the Lord through the ministry of our church.”
Thu 9. Padmanabhan – India
His ministry, especially outreach programs, has been hampered by his ill health. He is suffering from kidney failure and currently undergoes dialysis three times a week. Please pray for God’s healing and for the ministry in Kannur.
Fri 10. Isaac – Bhutan
“I shared the gospel in Lango, Sharee, and Drugyel areas. Thank God for a couple who accepted the Lord. The couple were addicted to drugs but as I shared the gospel with them and the church prayed, God touched their hearts. They have not left drugs completely, but they are making good progress. Please uphold them in your prayers for total deliverance.”
Sat 11. Krupamma – India
Conducted gospel meetings, house-to-house evangelism, and hospital visitation in six villages including Rajovla. Thank God for Mr. S of Rajovla village who accepted God’s salvation and for a new worship center inaugurated in the village. Pray for steady growth of both the new believer and the worship center.
Sun 12. Manori – Sri Lanka
She pays weekly visits to four Bible clubs and is visiting five others once a month, ministers to street children at a local church. Please pray for Christian teachers and students as they face many problems in some of the Buddhist schools in which they teach and study. (As we were preparing this Prayerlink, we received the sad news of the Easter Sunday attack on three churches and three hotels by suicide bombers. Over 300 people lost their lives and around 500 injured, emphasizing even more the prayer request of Manori.)
Time to Pray – Bible Club in Sri Lanka
Mon 13. Thomas – India
“Thank God for two couples who have recently responded to the gospel message we have been proclaiming in Udayagiri & Manakkadavu areas. Pray for restoration for a backsliding brother and a permanent place of worship. Currently, we are worshipping in a rented house.”
Tue 14. Vijayakumar – India
“Thank God for two people who came to the Lord during the different gospel programs we conducted in five villages. One of them, Pullarao, 40, was miraculously healed by the Lord after church members prayed for him. He subsequently committed his life to the Lord.”
Wed 15. Worldlink USA
Please pray for the Worldlink Home Team and Board as we evaluate ministries and discern the Lord’s direction and goals for our 2019-2020 Ministry Year.
Thu 16. Mildred – Guatemala
“Conducted training for new volunteers in Malacatán San Marcos, Escuintla, and Guatemala City. There has been increased juvenile delinquency in our area which underscores the need to continue to minister to children and young people, so they do not follow these evil paths.”
Training in Malacatan, Guatemala
Fri 17. Sandra – Guatemala
“Thank God for opening doors of ministry in many schools. We are now ministering in all the schools we had in our plan for this year. 100%! It’s amazing!”
Bible Club – Guatemala
Sat 18. Joseph – Burkina Faso
“I visited some Bible clubs in primary and secondary schools. Also organized a few training sessions on Bible meditation in some schools and in a dozen churches in Ouagadougou. Following these trainings, many Christians have committed to meditating on the Bible on a daily basis for which we thank the Lord.”
Bible Club – Ouagadougou
Sun 19. Gerard – Congo DR
Conducted two training sessions in Boende and Mbandaka to emphasize the importance of reading and studying the Bible and the value of children before God and society. Because many local cultures devalue girls (which, in part, results in the prevalent sexual violence during conflicts) he emphasized the value of girls to God. He also visited three high school Bible clubs, and life skills club activities were inaugurated in one of them. Thank God for the opportunity to share the gospel with teens to nourish their faith.
Mon 20. Lawrence – The Gambia
“To build the capacity of our teens, two days of an impact training program were organized mainly for leaders of Bible clubs. Forty students participated in the training. Pray that with the new insights acquired, they all may effectively impact their peers in their schools and churches.”
Group Bible Study at Student Leaders’ Training – The Gambia
Tue 21. Brysceson – Tanzania
Organized camp for Form 6 (Grade 13) students, conducted a seminar for Sunday School teachers and Bible reading promotion in primary and secondary Bible clubs to encourage daily meditation. Pray that these programs may bear fruit in the lives of participants. Thank God for the new local committee inaugurated in Songwe.
Members of Songwe Local Committee - Tanzania
Wed 22. Emmanuel – Cameroun
On a visit to Congo Brazzaville, he evaluated ministry and conducted training for volunteers. Pray that following this visit and the training received, new ministry may come alive and impact the lives of many people to God’s glory.
Thu 23. Bereket – Ethiopia
Had the opportunity to preach God’s Word to thousands both in Hosaena and Yirgalem. Thank God for releasing His Spirit to free many people from both spiritual and physical problems especially two people in Yirglem who publicly testified to the touch of God in their lives.
Response and Prayer Time – Hosaena, Ethiopia
Fri 24. Romain – Congo DR
Conducted two trainings, one to enrich adolescents’ Bible reading and meditation, and the other to equip Sunday School teachers for more effective ministry. A new Bible study group was also inaugurated for 13 new believers. Pray that they may become grounded in their faith as they meet around God’s word.
Sunday School Teachers’ Training – Congo DR
Sat 25. Francis – Central Africa Republic
Thank God for fifty-year-old, Alfonse, a well-known alcoholic and drug salesman who publicly decided to renounce all for Christ. This amazed all the audience who knew him better. He is being discipled in a local church to strengthen his faith.
Sun 26. Helene – Congo DR
Thank God for the establishment of an orphanage to cater for traumatized children whose parents were killed during the massacre that has bedevilled the area for many years. Helene is responsible for overseeing the orphanage and raising awareness for ongoing support for the center. Please pray for wisdom and favor. She and her children reside in the center. Pray for protection for them. All the children go for regular counselling at the Christian counselling center.
Some of the Orphans Ready for School – Beni Orphanage
Mon 27. Christian – Sierra Leone
Thank God for an open door to the Government Technical Secondary School where he organized a four-hour evangelistic crusade. All the students in the school, around 1,000, attended the crusade. Thank God for 208 students who responded to the message. They all joined the Bible club in the school for follow-up.
Tue 28. Ezechias – Rwanda
“It is our custom to focus on visits to Bible clubs in February and March each year. This year, we visited 75 schools with a total population of about 10,000 children and young people hearing the good news of Jesus Christ. We also taught and encouraged them to have daily Bible meditation for their spiritual growth. Thank God for the opportunity to impact the lives of many young people.”
Bible Club Members with Meditation Materials - Rwanda
Wed 29. Dickens – Uganda
A story of a salvation: “She is a mother of three children. She accepted the Lord because of the changed lifestyle she observed in one of her sons. He had come to faith through our ministry and was spiritually nurtured in the Bible club in his school to become a change agent. The mother had almost given up on this boy, but he was able to help the mother see the change that Jesus brings into the lives that fully accept to follow Him and abide by His Word. Thank God for blessing the proclamation of His word.”
Thu 30. Lucas – Tanzania
He conducted various training programs during the quarter – In Morogoro for 15 Sunday School teachers, Value Education Course for children workers, and Mission Partners’ training for people involved in the Christmas Shoebox distribution program. Pray that participants may use the trainings to enhance their ministries.
Value Education Training – Tanzania
Fri 31. Richard – Congo DR
“We are drilling a well to provide portable water to serve the residents of Ndunga neighborhood. It is a newly-built area on the outskirts of Kikwit town. Our plan is to build a training center for unemployed teens in this neighborhood to give them literacy proficiency and trade education (carpentry, masonry, cooking, computer, gardening ...). Our desire is to provide truly holistic evangelistic outreach to this community. Pray for grace and provision to realize this.”