Mon 1. Worldlink USA
Pray for the Worldlink USA Home Team as they host two events this week to educate local pastors and church leaders about the state of the persecuted church in India. Pray specifically for Worldlink’s Asia Regional Coordinator, C.V. John, as he shares his heart and story with guests.
Tue 2. Shina – Sokoto, Nigeria
Conducted an end of year facilitators’ refresher training in Sokoto. Four trainers led the sessions. Thank God for the impact of the training on participants. Thank God also for a weeklong fasting and prayer retreat observed by all ministry staff in Sokoto Area in January. During the retreat, the ministry calendar of events was reviewed, and necessary adjustments made.
Participants at Refresher Training – Sokoto, Nigeria
Wed 3. Matano & Juddie – Kenya
“I continue to share the gospel freely with some of my earlier friends, some 8 young Somali men who look up to us as their parents. I also discovered some Somali ‘Christian’ farm workers, with whom I am running a discipleship program. I am taking them through this program for two reasons: 1. That they may come to faith in the Lord, stand firm, and not be Islamized and 2. That they become empowered to reach out to their bosses and fellow workers. Pray that these aims may be fulfilled.”
First Adhama Girls to Join High School - Kenya
Thu 4. Nelito – Mozambique
His focus during the quarter was on discipleship. In November, he conducted discipleship training for 13 people, equipping them to make disciples. Pray that they will put all they learned into fruitful service. He proceeds to Kenya for a year-long mission training in the School of Mission. Pray that the training may equip him for a more effective ministry.
Fri 5. Joseph – Benue, Nigeria
Visited 22 primary and 10 post-secondary Bible clubs during the quarter. He ministered to almost 3,000 teens and children during the visits. Zonal conferences were conducted in six centers. Thank God for 323 participants who received the Lord’s salvation and 53 others who rededicated their lives to Him.
Sat 6. Angelina – South Africa
She plans to lead a team of students on a mission trip to Zambia. Her longing is to see most students who desire to engage in mission become part of the team. Pray for God’s presence to accompany them and for successful mission.
Sun 7. Sola – Kaduna, Nigeria
“It was at 2017 Zonal conference that I gave my life to Christ. Before then, I was wayward, and I indulged myself in several evil things. My counselor during the conference later wrote to me and emphasized that the proof of my repentance and new life is a complete change of life. I came to 2019 Conference with a testimony that God has truly visited me and turned my life around” (Helen, College Student). Pray that she may continue to grow strong in the Lord.
Sports Time Conference – Kaduna, Nigeria
Mon 8. Abolaji – Plateau, Nigeria
Co-facilitated two zonal conferences where he led the Bible study for new converts and led the mission challenge session to encourage the students to engage in evangelism both in their schools and at home. Pray that all participants may take the lessons learned to heart and be effective proclaimers of the gospel message.
Tue 9. Mathe – Congo DR
Conducted evangelistic outreaches to the University Chapel along with four schools. In total, almost 2,000 people had the opportunity hear the gospel message. Thank God for the impact of His message in the lives of many young people.
Wed 10. Albino – Yobe, Nigeria
“I visited a secondary school to re-establish the Christian fellowship there, but the proprietor vehemently refused to allow any religious activity. She said that the students rioted in the past due to misunderstanding among some of the Muslim and Christian students. For her, stopping religious activities will save her school. She is a Christian from a respected denomination. Please pray for God’s intervention in this situation.”
Thu 11. Lucas - Tanzania
“By the grace of God, the government has given us the permission to go to the all prisons in Zanzibar and minister to the inmates. It is rare to have this kind of opportunity. It took us more than 6 months to get the permission. Ministry to the six prisons on the main island of Zanzibar and smaller island Pemba started in January. Thank God for this opportunity and pray that the Lord may touch the lives of many inmates to His glory.”
Christmas Activity - Zanzibar
Fri 12. Stephen – Yobe, Nigeria
Facilitated training for 25 leaders of post-secondary school clubs and a zonal conference for teens in secondary school. At the conference were 360 students with a third of them making decisions to either accept Jesus as their Lord or rededicating their lives to Him. Pray for their growth.
Sat 13. Birhanu – Ethiopia
In partnership with Compassion International, he organized Jesus Film shows to children in different towns. Thank God for many children who had the chance to hear God’s good news through the movie. Pray for the Christians in Eritrea who are undergoing serious persecution. He recently had the opportunity to meet with and encourage some elders from the country.
Watching Jesus Film - Ethiopia
Sun 14. Gideon – Uganda
“We reached out to 200 street children and teens in Mbale during a street revival engagement and had the opportunity to interact with, listen to, and share the gospel of Jesus with them. Pray for Child Restoration Outreach, a Christian Organization which is committed to offering rehabilitation, formal and vocational education and skills to these children.”
Ministering to a Street Child – Uganda
Mon 15. Angelique – Beni, Congo DR
Angelique is working with girls who thank God for providing additional pedal sewing machines. They now have four of these machines and can now proceed with the training of a few girls who could not adapt to the electric machines. Please pray for quick responses to all the truth (technical and spiritual) they are learning.
Tue 16. Dhan – Bhutan
“The man who was serving as a manager in a company was remanded in prison because of some money shortage. While in jail his wife left him. Hearing his plight, I went to plead for his release, so he can work and pay back the money. He was miraculously released to us. He is now a regular at church and has a new job. Please pray that God may strengthen his resolve to be faithful to the Lord. Pray also that his wife may come back to him.”
Wed 17. Sayama - India
“God has graciously blessed the Sunday School children who meet in our house. The ministry started with only two children but by God’s grace and in answer to prayers, the number has grown considerably. All the children are from non-Christian backgrounds. As we thank God for the amazing work He is doing in our society, pray that He may impact the lives of the children and through them, their families.”
Sunday School in Session - India
Thu 18. Ave Ave – India
“I am from Buddhist background and accepted Jesus as my personal savior in 2017. I immediately started praying for the salvation of my family and relatives. First, my daughter and sons accepted the Lord last year. I continued to pray for my sister and her family that someday, they will come to know the true and living God. God opened the door for our team to go to their village and conduct the 2018 Christmas program there. God blessed us with nine souls including my younger sister and her relatives. God does answer prayers. Praise the Lord!!”
Fri 19. Tshoki – Bhutan
“The Lord greatly blessed our church during the past year. He helped us to complete construction of a new place of worship and two new families acknowledged Him as their Lord and joined the church fellowship. We thank and praise Him for making 2018 a year of growth.”
Sat 20. Kalipada – India
“I thank the Lord for his grace in helping me reach five villages with the gospel message. God opened the hearts of three people in one village to accept the Lord Jesus into their hearts. Thank God for these new believers and pray for grace as I oversee one church, two house churches and disciple 30 people.”
Sun 21. Babulal – India
“Sukhul Mandi, a Hindu of Bhodi Batku village, was completely paralyzed. He could neither walk nor do anything. For the past three months, I have been visiting to pray for and share the gospel message with him. I thank the Lord for touching him and bringing improvement to his health. Now he is able to come to church. Please pray for his complete healing.”
Mon 22. Mani – India
“Thank God for opening the door of ministry among the Banjara tribe. Most are Hindus while some either combine Hindu with other animistic beliefs, or follow Islam or Sikhism. Please pray for breakthrough as I continue to share the Good News with them. I was recently in Konduru Tanda where I faced much opposition with some people threatening to beat me. Pray for protection, boldness, and wisdom.”
Tue 23. P. Paul – India
“We have covered Veppalagatta, Mareikunda, and Polavaram villages with the gospel message. We also gave out gospel tracts to 300 people. Thank God for two people who came to faith in the Lord during the quarter. Pray that the seeds sown may bring forth greater harvest to the glory of the Lord.”
Wed 24. Jitendra – India
“Thank you so much for your continuous prayers. By God’s Grace I was able to share the gospel with a radical Hindu man, Sampath. He has persecuted me several times in my village. This time, I sat with him throughout the night and testified to the love of God in my life and the importance of redemption. Thank God for touching his heart and bringing a change in his life. I have visited 13 of the 28 villages in our two districts. Thank God for three house churches established and four people we recently baptized.”
Thu 25. Joypaul – India
“Sukanthi, an Orthodox Hindu, was extremely sick, suffering from demonic oppression. He was restless. His parents took him to various places for deliverance without solution. They finally came and asked what they should do. I shared the gospel with them and by God’s grace, he was healed that same day. God wonderfully touched his life. I thank the Lord for the great deliverance that God has given. Now his whole family has joined the church.”
Fri 26. Uttam – India
“Chunki Patra was demon possessed. She brought many problems to the people because of her horrible life. While dancing wildly, she would hurt people around her. Many people feared her. But when the church prayed in unity for her, God performed a great miracle. She fell and was unconscious. But she later rose up completely delivered. Her life has since changed completely. I thank the Lord for His grace and great deliverance.”
Sat 27. Sameer – India
“I am the only Christian in my family. On the day I trusted the Lord, my parents stopped speaking with me. They hated me so much, but I continued to pray that God would give me opportunities to share about Jesus with them. During the Hindu festival season, I was able, assisted by brother Kiran, to speak with my father and explain the meaning of the Hindu festival and their various superstitions. My father is now showing some interest in knowing about Jesus Christ. Brother Kiran continues to follow up with him. I thank the Lord for the change that God is bringing to my family members. Please pray for their total deliverance.”
Sun 28. Dhruba – Nepal
“We organize a Bible camp at Gothijyula (Sinja) in Jumla district. I heard there are many followers of Christ in that town, but I had no contact person there. Being on the way to Mugu, my next destination for our camp, I decided to spend one day in that town. When we reached the town at 4 pm, I asked a shopkeeper about the location of a church in the town. He pointed us to a shop a few blocks away belonging to a Christian family. We went to the shop and asked the lady if they were Christians. She replied that she and the whole family are and are leaders taking care of many churches in the surrounding area. Then I shared the purpose of our visit to that town, apologizing for failure to inform them about our plan beforehand. They were very happy to know that we had come to give them training on Bible study methods. They decided to hold the training the following day. They started immediately to communicate with others in the area. Thirty-eight people turned out for the training the next day, the largest of all five Bible camps we organized in Karnali region. Thank God for directing our footsteps and for the people’s hunger and thirst for the word of God.”
Mon 29. Ayomie – Sri Lanka
“Thank God for opportunity to partner with Community Concern to conduct devotions every day for Children at risk. Through this we are conveying God’s love to all these children, many of whom are from low income beach dwelling families. Many of them are exposed to abuse and many risks. Please pray for effective ministry among the children.”
Tue 30. Manju – India
“Thank God for the opportunity to continue to share the gospel message among the Maharatte tribe. They live in three villages. About 600 of them heard the message in the past quarter and we distributed about 2,000 gospel tracts. Two people were baptized and three are going through discipleship class. We have three secret churches which gather in night times to draw less attention from the villagers.”