Fri 1. Devi – Bhutan
“I visited hospitals, labor camps, construction sites, and different homes to share the gospel with the people. There was no baptism during the quarter but thank God for two people who accepted the Lord. A family in the church has been praying for a baby. The whole church joined them in prayer. Thank God for answering our prayers and recently blessing them with a baby girl.”
Sat 2. Ruth – Pakistan
“I have prepared, produced, and distributed daily devotional notes in Urdu for the last two quarters. Thank God for about 500 new subscribers. I continue to receive many testimonies of the way the devotional material is blessing many families and individuals, as well as helping them to grow in their faith.”
Sun 3. Binny – Bhutan
“One boy came to my home and requested to stay with me because he was addicted to drugs and has been unable to free himself. I agreed because he was keen to be free. Day by day we prayed for him. Now it is 3 months since he last took drugs and he accepted the Lord. Sadly, his wife left him. Please keep him and his estranged wife in your prayers.”
Mon 4. Suku & Jessy – India
They organized gospel meetings in a few villages and a women’s conference in Kurnoor city. Thank God for Satyer, a very critical person, who accepted the Lord into his life after much sharing and counselling. Pray that he may be well grounded in faith and become another Paul who will use his knowledge for the growth of the church.
Tue 5. Pao – India
“The Lord blessed us with a new Church building, the second building in this area. Construction took 6 months and it was dedicated on 25th December. Thank God for six new souls that were added to the body of believers and were baptized during the dedication service. One of these is the village chief along with his wife.”
Wed 6. Ayomie – Sri Lanka
She and her team are partnering with a church in Kollupitiya to minister to underprivileged children. Programs are held every Tuesday using art and crafts to help build the children’s relationship with God. Please pray that these children may all put their trust in the Lord, the only One who can give them hope.
Thu 7. Hemchand – India
Thank God for the donation of funds to buy a piece of land on which the mission team is working hard to erect a new dormitory for the House of Hope children in Manipur. The move from the old rented property was forced by violent threats made by a local government leader. The building is a “local style” with bamboo and mud walls and metal sheet roof. Pray for prompt completion and safety for all the workers.
Manipur House of Hope Children's Home Building
Fri 8. Barnabas – India
Organized special programs in Ganeshpeta village and gospel outreaches in five other villages. About 100 people heard the gospel message during these outreaches. Thank God for six new believers who emerged from the programs.
Sat 9. Dhruba – Nepal
Organized Bible camps for children in five centers. The camps ministered to 131 children in total. One camp focused on helping campers learn how to study the Bible and have meaningful daily devotion. Pray that this may help campers to grow in their Christian faith.
At Camp - Nepal
Sun 10. Paul Raj – India
He organized a Sunday School conference and gospel meetings in five villages including Thanda. Thank God for five people who received the Lord as their savior. One of these is Manichan, a 29-year-old lady from Thanda who turned from traditional idol worship to the Lord. Pray for her growth as she continues to fellowship regularly with other believers.
Mon 11. Mouktar – Pakistan
Mouktar organized Vacation Bible School in a few centers all over the country. Thank God for many children who continue to testify to the impact of these programs on their lives. Children in the schools he visits are gaining confidence to stand firm in their faith in an environment that is hostile towards Christianity. Pray that the Lord may continue to sustain and keep watch over them.
Tue 12. Daniel – India
“God helped me to share the gospel message with 400 people and distributed 1800 gospel tracts in three villages. Thank Him for helping 10 of them to respond in faith. Pray for wisdom and grace as I continue to follow them up. Pray for the two cell groups and one house church that I am leading.”
Wed 13. Sacha – Bhutan
“There were neither baptism nor salvation in the past quarter, but I was able to visit the remote villages where there are very few believers. I went there to encourage them. I also successfully organized a conference in Adoma. Thank God also for granting my son admission to the local school. We had waited a whole year and God gave him the only vacant seat.”
Thu 14. Mamadi – India
Conducted open air services in five villages. Of the many who were at the programs, 23 people received the Lord Jesus into their lives and 21 were baptized. Pray for effective follow-up and discipleship.
Fri 15. Worldlink USA
Pray that the Lord would provide an influx of new monthly prayer and financial supporters that will allow us to empower many more Indigenous Missionaries.
Sat 16. Berhanu -Ethiopia
Organized two “Training of Trainers” programs, one for ministry staff on values education and the other in partnership with One Hope ministry, for children ministry teachers and coordinators from churches in Addis Ababa. Pray that participants may be faithful in passing what they learned to others to multiply teachers and advance children’s ministry in the city.
Sun 17. Hellen (& Wycliffe) – Kenya
“Salah’s wife was our closest friends before her death. She used to visit us on her way from the market and we always prayed for her. Recently Salah called me after a long while. He asked, ‘What did you used to give to my wife that changed her life before she died?’ I told him we used to pray with her in Jesus’ name. It’s the name of Jesus that changed her life. He just said, ‘Ok, thank you.’ Just before Christmas he called me again. Our team members in Wajir being young people, I connected him with an elderly pastor friend of ours in Wajir. I felt the pastor would minister to him effectively. The pastor has continued to share the gospel with him. Although he has not responded to the message, it is evident that he is searching. Please pray for him.”
Mon 18. Anastancia – Mozambique
“When I went to Chimoio city recently, I had the opportunity to visit and share God’s message with a Muslim woman. Thank God that today she is standing firm in Jesus Christ. We plan to make mission trips to Pemba and Mocimboa in July and August. Pray for open doors, provision of funds, and a person of peace to host us there.”
Tue 19. Daniel – Yola, Nigeria
Organized Advanced Leadership Training Program (ALTP) for newly elected student leaders from three zones. The theme drawn from Matthew 24:45-46 was, “Leading in the light of His coming.” Thank God for three participants who re-dedicated their lives to Christ during the training program.
Small Group Bible Study during ALTP - Yola, Nigeria
Wed 20. Aswell – Zambia
Co-facilitated the mission trip to Chipata in Eastern Province. The goal of this mission was to train and equip leaders in various areas of discipline including inaugurating a functioning youth group in the area. Pray that the leaders may put into use the lessons they learned.
Thu 21. Francois – Mali
Facilitated revival of community Bible clubs in five cities during the quarter. Each group elected and commissioned new leaders and developed annual plans. Thank God for breathing new life into these groups and for a new group that was inaugurated in Sangha, a rural community in Mopti region.
Fri 22. David – Beni, Congo DR
He is helping to prepare six couples for marriage and some new believers for baptism. Thank God for three of the six couples who are now married and 32 people who were baptized during the quarter. Pray that they all may remain steadfast in their faith.
Sat 23. Yinka – Nigeria
“I noticed a student from a less privileged background who was not concentrating in school with consequent drop in his academic performance. I spent time to counsel him. Thank God for the way his life has been impacted. I feel a kind of joy anytime I watch him among his mates. He now moves about happy and with a new glow. He is even offering help to other students.”
College Choir – Nigeria
Sun 24. Neo – South Africa
“I organized a three-day Camp in December. It was an awesome way to end the good year with clear teaching from the Word of God. From day one to the end of the camp, we had fun, games, and lots of activities. My highlight was the prayer room. Throughout the camp, God was working through the young people and the leaders as well. Thank God for opportunity to impact the lives of many children and be impacted by them also.”
Games at Camp – South Africa
Mon 25. Komivi – Togo
He continues to pay regular visits to the Bible clubs in schools. Thank God for the inauguration of four local committees in four cities in the interior of the country. Pray that they may be committed to the development of the ministry in their localities. Thank God for opportunity to train 36 camp officers and 45 pastors from different churches to use the ‘The Family Around the Bible’ book to encourage their members to engage in family devotion.
Bible Club in Session - Togo
Tue 26. Jackson – Tanzania
Conducted seven day-seminars for Sunday school teachers at Mwananyalumango, a place dedicated to refreshing the mind of secular teachers, so they can be more efficient and effective. Pray that the 121 teachers who went through these seminars may become more effective spiritual teachers.
Worship Time at the Teachers’ Seminar - Tanzania
Wed 27. Patrick – Congo DR
“During the last quarter, we visited a church to strengthen the Sunday School ministry and encourage the teachers who went through the training workshop we organized during the second quarter. During this workshop, 15 teachers had committed themselves to engage in God’s service. Thank God for the great work they are doing in the church. Pray for grace to continue to impact the lives of the children.”
Thu 28. Gideon – Uganda
Shared the gospel message with 300 students in the hostels around Mbale town: 120 in Sons Boys Hostel and 180 in Gazetted Girls Hostel. These teens are students from several secondary schools in Mbale. Thank God for 40 of them who committed their lives to Jesus Christ and have since joined the Bible clubs in their hostels and/or schools.
Fri 29. Ezechias – Rwanda
Organized two four-day camps in December, the first for teenagers with 100 participants and the other for more than 400 teens. Thank God for 12 campers who received God’s salvation and about 50 youths who renewed their commitment to walk more closely with the Lord.
Youth Camp – Runda, Rwanda
Sat 30. Lawrence – The Gambia
Organized a back-to-school rally to welcome students after the summer break. The newly enrolled students were most especially welcomed and challenged from God’s Word to intentionally make a difference among their peers, by living uncompromising life. Pray that the Bible clubs may continue to provide rich fellowship for the students.
Sun 31. Hannah (& Philip) – Ghana
“In November, we engaged the whole community with the gospel during a memorial service for our brother Shaka, one of the 5 adults who was learning to follow the Lord. Thank God for the opportunity it offered us to present the gospel to the entire community including relatives/friends who came from different parts of the Kpembe traditional area.”