Fri 1. Worldlink USA
Pray for tomorrow’s Worldlink US Board of Directors’ meeting. Ask God to meet us and confirm His plan for this ministry.
Sat 2. Patrick – Congo DR
Following evangelistic outreach to Tshane Tshane and Lubero area of Beni, prayer cells were inaugurated in the areas. Thank God for the Tshane Tshane cell which started with 72 believers and that of Lubero with 30 believers. Pray that they may be centers of effective outreach to their areas. Thank God for 15 teachers who committed themselves to faithfully promote Sunday school ministry during a recent visit to a local Church.
Sun 3. Bereket – Ethiopia
Conducted two-day training for 63 fellowship leaders from 21 high schools and a three-day training and prayer conference in Arbaminch Campus Fellowship. Thank God for six students who prayed to receive the Lord Jesus Christ into their lives.
Prayer Conference – Arbaminch Campus, Ethiopia
Mon 4. Morris – Liberia
Conducted life-skills lessons for 273 students in eight Bible clubs to strengthen their spiritual foundation and prepare them to face the future with confidence. “I am special” was the theme of the camp organized in December. Of the 51 children and youth in attendance, thank God for 26 who responded to His offer of salvation.
Line for Meal at Camp - Liberia
Tue 5. Simeon – Sierra Leone
Moray Joanah was one of the people who came to faith in Christ and was baptized during our November Mission Outreach in Faala village. Moray attended our End of Year Retreat and testified to the change that the Lord has made in his life. He used to be a drunkard majoring on the cheap local, but potent brew. But from the date he was baptized (November 11th) to that date (December 30th), he has never tasted any liquor. Meanwhile he requested for prayers to overpower other habits with which he struggles.
Wed 6. Matano (& Juddie) – Kenya
“Thank God for the unity He is fostering among missionaries working among Muslims in Kenya. By His grace, participants downplayed denominational and organizational differences at a historical mission conference that brought missionaries working across the Northern corridor together. Together, we identified common challenges, goals, and opportunities. Some who came to faith from our ministry among the Somali and Munyoyaya communities participated as co-laborers.”
Thu 7. Nompumelelo – Swaziland
Partnered with a local church ministry to organize a camp for about 70 children aged 3-12 years. Amongst the activities was recitation of Bible verses with prizes awarded to successful children. Mrs. Thabsile Mdlovu, the church’s National Children Ministry Coordinator, attested to the impact of the yearly children’s camp on the lives of many children. “We thank God for grace to impact the lives of these little ones for Jesus.”
Fri 8. Abolaji – Plateau, Nigeria
Organized national programs for leadership of Post-Secondary groups, two retreats for resource persons and leaders of the groups, and orientation of new committee members. There were 650 participants. Thank God for 30 people who rededicated their lives to the Lord. May their decision influence their service in their groups positively.
Sat 9. Bryceson – Tanzania
Conducted a camp each for Grade 7 and Grade 11 children in December. They were challenged to live lives of purpose and integrity. He also ministered during visits to Bible clubs to prepare some youth for public confession of faith. Thank God for 46 children and youth who came to faith in Christ during the quarter.
Bible Club - Tanzania
Sun 10. Dennis – Uganda
Organized end of year camp for 500 teens in Gayaza. The theme was, “Take Heed How You Hear.” Prior to the camp, he facilitated training on Child Protection for about 60 volunteer camp facilitators. Apart from providing general supervision of the camp, he led some small group sessions. Thank God for 41 young people who committed their lives to Christ.
Teens at Camp - Uganda
Mon 11. Nelito – Mozambique
“I have a disciple who makes me praise and thank God a lot. He was a Muslim, a womanizer and addicted to alcohol, but now that he has received Jesus, he left everything he was doing and is now ‘addicted’ to prayer and fasting. He has already led some of his friends to Christ. He is always praying for God to use him and to become a missionary. I praise the Lord for his life. Pray that he will continue to grow.”
Tue 12. Daniel – Nigeria
A Bible Training Weekend was held in three campuses with 99 people in attendance. The training focused on Inductive, Manuscript, and Evangelistic Bible Study with a goal to sharpen the skills of participants to faithfully interpret and apply the Scriptures to their lives as well as share the same with their fellow students. Pray that the purpose of the training may be fulfilled in the lives of all participants.
Bible Training Weekend – Yola, Nigeria
Wed 13. Cyprian – Sokoto, Nigeria
Conducted Holiday School in two centers with 40 students attending. They received academic and spiritual lessons. Thank God for 25 of them who received God’s salvation. Pray for their growth and for success in their academic pursuit.
Thu 14. Yeremiah – Tanzania
“One challenge we encounter here is the wrong impression people have of us. They look to us to solve their financial difficulties. People still believe that if they accept Jesus and become Christians, they will be helped financially. Some young people prayed to receive Christ but just two days after, they came asking for a substantial loan. We did not give it to them because we did not trust their motive. That was the end of their ‘faith.’ Please pray for wisdom as we deal with situations like this every now and then.”
Fri 15. Pentayya – India
Conducted open air gospel meetings in Bonkajia, Lkota, Marturu, Skota, and Punuru. The Lord drew 11 people into His kingdom during these meetings. Thank God for them and for four people who were baptized.
Sat 16. Amber – Bhutan
“One family came to the Lord recently. After their marriage, the husband began to drink, leading the family to breakup. In the meantime, the wife accepted the Lord and began to come to church. We were all praying for the husband and recently he also began to come to church. Please pray for the family to grow in their love for the Lord and for each other. The wife has undergone baptism.”
Sun 17. Ayomie – Sri Lanka
Thank God for various opportunities for ministry that came from local churches: a weekend retreat at a Church, Vacation Bible School (VBS) for English Sunday School children, and a special program for 16 children in a local Church. Pray that the word the children heard may impact their lives for God’s glory.
Mon 18. Dhruba – Nepal
Conducted five Vacation Bible Schools. There was a total of 594 children participating. Thank God for many children who testified that the lessons learned impacted their lives. Thank the Lord also for raising 132 volunteers (teachers and helpers) who ministered to the spiritual and physical needs of the children.
VBS – Kanchanpur, Nepal
Tue 19. Binny – Bhutan
“We wanted to start a new fellowship but had no house we could use. We approached a Christian who owned a building which he was not using. He had refused many other such requests before but when we prayerfully approached him, he willingly gave it to us. In addition, he is not charging any rent either. Praise the Lord for being so good to us.”
Wed 20. Anonymous Team – East Asia
“We shared the Good News in a closed village. There, we met YP on the way to the village and he offered to host us. We shared the Good News with him, but he refused to consider Jesus in his life. Following another religion among his people is forbidden. Anyone who does must live outside the village. But thank God for Mr. J, another important person in the village who was open to our message. He and his family have heard the gospel message before. Praise God that they want to hear it again. Pray for grace and wisdom for effective follow-up and that the family may eventually come to faith in Christ.”
Thu 21. Manuwar – Pakistan
Conducted Vacation Bible Schools, a camp for girls, and training for 56 Sunday school teachers from different churches. Thank God for the opportunity to share God’s word in some local churches and for about 150 young people who came to faith in Jesus Christ. One of them, Murree from Peshawar, came to faith when she realized how precious she is to the Lord.
Fri 22. Dharan – India
“The Lord was by our side as we shared the gospel message in Charttesghar and six other villages. The Naxalites tried to attack us but because of His protection, we escaped from their beating and death. Thank God for three people (Lakshnaich, Sijatha, and Ratnia) who were baptized and three others who are going through a discipleship class. Please pray that they may all grow in grace and in knowledge of the Lord.”
Sat 23. Norendro – Pakistan
He is part of the team that ministered during visits to schools and hostels and facilitated a teenage fellowship meeting and Good News Club. Thank God for the opportunity to share the message of God’s love with the children and also mentor them.
Sun 24. Pentanna – India
“We shared the gospel message with 28 people in Paderu area and conducted open air meetings in Kunjadli and Borrah villages. God gave us abundant harvest as 17 people came to faith in Christ and 13 were baptized. Thank God for his blessing on the proclamation of His word.”
Mon 25. Kiran – India
The task looks insurmountable, but in the past year, God helped our team to share the gospel message with 11,576 radical families in 342 unreached villages (38 of these are some of the most unreachable tribes in the remotest villages in India). Thank God for what He is doing through us. Pray for grace to continue to scratch the surface with vigor and for the empowering of the Holy Spirit.
Tue 26. Nungsang – India
“I serve as the spiritual father to the 30 children at the Children’s Home. I am with them 24/7, mentoring these precious formerly-abandoned children. Thank God that most of them got through in their exams successfully. Please pray that the seed we are sowing in their lives my grow, mature, and bear eternal fruit to God’s glory.”
Wed 27. Lakhamanarao -India
Open air gospel meetings organized in Kasibojju, Kasipatnam, and Bandamamidi. Thank God for 13 people who responded to the message and came to faith in Jesus Christ and five who were baptized. Pray for their effective discipleship.
Thu 28. Daniel – India
“God is continuously faithful in my life as He helps me minister to the unreached. My heart is for the Koyas and Hindus. I was constantly praying for seven people to come to the Lord and know His power. God answered my prayer after four years. All seven people came to faith in the Lord and now God is helping me to disciple them. Praise the Lord.”