Tue 1. Kiran – India
In spite of persecution and martyrdom, God is helping our missionaries to reach many unreached people with the gospel message. Each missionary is targeting 18-29 villages. At a recent conference, the missionaries were challenged to make mission an addiction and not an addition, ever-consumed by the work of the Lord and ready to face persecution. Please pray for grace to fulfil their mission.
Wed 2. Imkum – India
He is serving as spiritual leader of churches in Shokhuni and Dimapur Nagaland villages and sharing the Word of God to build up fellowship members. Thank God for a few new families who have recently joined the fellowship. Pray for their steady growth in faith as he continues to disciple them.
Thu 3. Alex – India
Preaching the gospel message in Nathavalasa and Thadivalasa villages. Everyone in these two villages has heard the message of Christ at least once. Thank God for 16 regular members of the fellowship and eight people who were recently baptized. Pray for the success of the ongoing discipleship program in Bible classes.
Missionaries at Conference Remembering Recent Martyrs - India
Fri 4. Lanuchuba – India
“Thank God for the privilege He gives me to serve Him as I minister to the children in my school. We have 350 children from different religious backgrounds in the school. Pray for lasting fruit among them so they might come to know Christ personally.”
Sat 5. Anand – India
“God helped me to reach Ramakowtinapuram, a Hindi majority village, with the gospel message. Many people there were against me. They threatened me and wanted to beat me, but God saved me from their onslaught and helped me to still share the gospel message. Please pray that the Lord may bless the seed sown and draw the hearers to himself. There are 600 people in the village.”
Sun 6. Chacko – India
“The family of a young girl, Feba, brought her for prayer. She was mentally disturbed and behaving in very strange ways. As we prayed, it was revealed that she was possessed by an evil spirit. We thank God for delivering her totally in answer to our prayers. Thank God also for, Jesna and Jasmine, students who have been going through baptismal classes and are now ready to be baptized.”
Mon 7. Bipin – India
“After starting a Fellowship Centre in my home, my aunty and her son have started to draw close to the Lord. They are now keen to listen to God's Word. Pray for their full conviction. Thank God also for about 150 people who heard the gospel message during the quarter.”
Tue 8. Biren – India
“Our first attempt to share the gospel message in Badhagada failed because we were resisted. God however, opened the door of ministry in the nearby village. When the people of Badhagada saw what the Lord was doing in that village, they requested us to come back to their village. A house church has now started in this village and two people were recently baptized. Thank God for opening the door of ministry in His own appointed time.”
Wed 9. Dinesh – India
“We were to start a house church but the family that owned the house we were to use was always away from home on Sundays. So, we had to cancel our pre-arranged meetings. This happened a couple of times. We then tried another house and even did some renovation to make it conducive for our meeting. But we again had to cancel our meeting because the family fell sick and went to the hospital. Just when I was getting frustrated, the Lord opened another room for us. Many families are now coming to church including the family in whose home we had tried to commence our worship. We thank God for his intervention.”
Thu 10. Puji – India
She is serving the Lord in Saluka, Pattarpada, Molina, and Kamarpur villages. She shared the gospel with 340 people in the past quarter. Thank God for 19 people who responded to her message. They are now going through discipleship class and are active in church. Twenty people were baptized, and three house churches are currently running in the villages. Thank God for what He has done and please pray for plans to reach out to two new Hindu villages.
Fri 11. Worldlink USA
Pray for the Worldlink Home Team as they serve the Lord both at Worldlink and in their home churches and communities.
Sat 12. Shina – Nigeria
Led a team of two staff and six students on evangelistic outreach to Sokoto Prison in September. Shared the gospel message with some inmates during the period allotted by the authorities. The team also donated some toiletries and 20 copies of the Bible. Thank God for opening the door of ministry and for 11 inmates who accepted the Lord’s salvation.
Sun 13. Yeremiah – Tanzania
“In the last 3 months I have been preparing four brothers for baptism. They were baptized on December 23rd. I also conducted premarital counseling for two couples. The couples received Jesus four years ago. They had done traditional weddings but opted to celebrate their weddings in church on Christmas day. Thank God for the progress they have made in their spiritual journey. Thank God also for successful year in school which now hosts 105 children.”
Pupils Making Presentation - Tanzania
Mon 14. Joseph – Benue, Nigeria
Conducted rallies for children in grades 1-6 in two centers and for students in grades 7-12 in 14 centers ministering to over 2,700 students. God blessed the rallies with 78 new believers and over 600 people rededicated their lives to the Lord. Please uphold each of these in your prayer.
Tue 15. Sola – Kaduna, Nigeria
His plan was to conduct 16 rallies within his area of coverage, but he had to make changes to the plan because of imposition of curfew following religious crises in the area. Thank God that four rallies were still held which brought 63 youth into the kingdom of God.
A Day Conference Rally – Kaduna, Nigeria
Wed 16. Patrick – Mozambique
“We met Geraldo a few years ago in one of the churches here. He had been abusing drugs before he placed his faith in Christ Jesus. We began to walk alongside him and took him through our mission training. During his training, we realized that the Lord was calling him to missions. The Lord sent him to one of the tribes where he has been ministering for the past four years. He recently taught us during our team meeting drawing lessons of faith from the life of David. Thank God for the changes that have taken place in his life and the encouragement he is to us.”
Thu 17. Irmiya – Nasarawa, Nigeria
Ministered to almost 3,000 children and youth during one-day rally organized in 13 centers throughout the state. Thank God for 613 kids who received the Lord Jesus as their Redeemer during the rallies. A ‘Free Leah’ prayer rally was organized. Leah Sharibu is the 15-year-old Christian girl kidnapped by the Boko Haram terrorist group in February. Although other kidnapped girls have been released, Leah is being held because she will not recant her faith in Jesus. Please continue to pray for her release.
Free Leah Rally – Nasarawa, Nigeria
Fri 18. Albino – Yobe, Nigeria
Conducted a revival meeting in a local Church in the Internally Displaced People’s (IDP) Camp near Maiduguri. His four-part message focused on fruitfulness (Matthew 7:15-20). Thank God for 309 people who participated in the services. Pray that all who received the Lord’s salvation during the program may remain faithful and bear fruit for the Lord. Pray also for peace so all refugees can soon return to their homes.
Sat 19. Naomi – Zambia
“We continue to help our students in all 75 institutions where we have our ministry to understand how to use our new devotional materials. Over the years, our students had no materials to help them spend time alone with God and meditate on His word. Thank God for this emphasis by which many now have their time alone with their Lord each day.”
Sun 20. Stephen – Yola, Nigeria
He was the guest speaker at the special conference organized for widows in Yobe state. Thank God for 1,811 people reached through the various outreaches and 232 who committed their lives to Jesus Christ. There has been renewed attacks by Boko Haram around Damaturu and Maiduguri recently. Please pray for God’s intervention and safety for the communities.
Mon 21. Joshua – Kenya
“I conducted a three-month training on evangelizing our neighbors (Muslims) for the Christian Fellowship that I lead. We met every Sunday using the Bible study method. Our goal was to enable each participant to acquire the vision of reaching out to the unreached people around them. Pray that each trainee may do the work of an evangelist.”
Participants in Evangelism Training - Kenya
Tue 22. Eugenio – Mozambique
He conducted an evangelism training for groups of Christians and led them on house-to-house evangelism. Thank God for 103 people who heard the gospel message and three of them who came to faith in the Lord Jesus. A trainee said when they were Muslims, they were trained to say, ‘yes’ to everything they are told. But now that they are Christians, they can clearly identify the truth and hold on to it.
Evangelism Training - Mozambique
Wed 23. Timothy – Kenya
“Thank God for answering our prayer for men to come to Christ. A few days after the week of evangelism, MacDonald came to our base. He said he heard a voice calling him while he was sleeping He looked around and outside his house but saw no one. He later had a dream where he saw his wife and children in the church but he himself was outside. Then a voice asked why he is not with his family in the church. He readily surrendered his life to Christ and I have arranged to be meeting with him once a week for discipleship. We give God all the glory.”
Thu 24. K Joseph – Koya Tribe, India
“I have prayed for an opening to share the gospel message with Koya people for 10 years. Initially, they chased us out and did everything to frustrate our efforts, but God has finally opened the door of ministry among them. We currently minister in six villages. Thank God for 700 people who heard the gospel message in the past quarter, 500 gospel tracts distributed mainly among Hindus, 15 people who accepted our message, and two who were baptized. The Lord’s name be praised.”
Fri 25. Kummari – India
“The Lord has granted us abundant fruit in our ministry here. Twenty-five young people are going through discipleship class, four are already baptized, and we are running three house churches. Thank God for these blessings and pray for one of the villages which still proves to be a hard ground. Pray that God’s Spirit may soften the ground in this village.”
Sat 26. Daud – Pakistan
Conducted School missions in 17 schools in Lahore and organized missions to nine hostels. They ministered to almost 4,000 children and youth. Thank God for about 500 people who prayed to receive Christ’s salvation. Pray for increased effective ministry in the schools and hostels as we continue to visit them.
Sun 27. Benjamin – Pakistan
“I have been involved with visits to hostels and schools in the past months, Sunday school teachers’ training in a village in Layyah district and served at Murree Girls’ camp as a finance facilitator. Pray for wisdom and faithfulness as I seek to ensure that God’s blessings are effectively deployed to progress His work.”
Mon 28. Padma – Andhra, India
Distributed gospel tracts and conducted open air meetings mainly in market places and street corners in three villages. About 15-20 people gathered in each meeting. Seventy people altogether heard the gospel message and we thank God for 10 of them who came to faith in Christ. Thank God also for some faithful men who gather once a month to pray for mission.
Tue 29. Alexander – India
“Thank God for the opportunity to share the gospel message in two unreached villages. These villages have been in my prayers for two years. Six people were baptized, and four new members joined the church for which we thank the Lord. Thank God also for opening the door of ministry to a Hindu family. I was quite unwell in the past three months. Thank God for His touch. Pray that He will continue to sustain my health.”
Wed 30. Binod – India
“Thank God for saving my children and me from a motorcycle accident. Although our church is only a year old and believers are mostly from Hindu background, the Lord is helping members to grow in their faith. Among six people who newly joined the church, Sister Thankamme has become one of our evangelists. Two of our youngsters, Mr. Abihijith and Miss Abhirami recently preached the message during our worship. It was a most joyful occasion for me. Thank God for members’ steady growth.”
Thu 31. Dharam – India
“God opened the door of ministry for us in Chattesghar. As we proclaimed the gospel message, the Naxalites (a radical group) attempted to beat and kill us, but the Lord rescued us from their hands in a wonderful way. We were able to minister to about 2,000 people. Thank God for three people who were baptized and three others undergoing discipleship training.”