September 2018 Prayerlink


Sat 1. Khangembam – India

“From the beginning of this year, we started a new fellowship in my house. I am very happy that my family could serve the Lord together. Thank God also for my stepmother and my neighbor, Mr. Singh, who have been joining us for worship every Sunday. Pray that God may help them to ask Jesus Christ into their lives soon.”

Sun 2. Kiran – India

“It was 1:40 am. With heavy rain pouring and power cut, we heard several people approach us chanting, ‘Jai Sriram’ (let the god Rama be praised)! They raised their voices to antagonize Christ and His people. I could sense deep hatred in their voice and readiness to beat and kill believers. These are the MAJI MADVA, another group of religious radicals in West Bengal. However, God protected us. They did not attack us. Thank God for His intervention and for giving us grace to continue training our missionaries in the midst of heavy persecution and hatred.”

Mon 3. Shikandar – India

Shikandar had the opportunity to share the gospel with some individuals: two people in Imphal, some students, and an old man in Nambol. Thank God for bringing Miss Echanbi and Mr. Sanamacha to personal faith in Christ. Pray that God may sustain them and pray for effective follow-up.

Tue 4. Oinam – India

“Julian had some serious family problems. I went to her house to pray for her. As I started praying, an unusual demonic-sounding noise came from the roof of her house and tried to disturb our prayer.However, as I persisted in prayers, the evil spirit departed. I thank God for such a wonderful experience of victory. Please pray that Julian will experience total victory in her home.”

Wed 5. Babulal – India

“Thank you so much for your prayers and for sending me to share the gospel with Adivasi people. Without your support, it would have been difficult for me to leave my family and work full-time. Now I am proclaiming God’s message in Pattargudi, Tilavani, Mudsapada, Mudaboni and Badibatku villages. Pray that God may continue to grant me an open door of ministry in these villages.”

Thu 6. Chaitanya – India

“The family of Sanatan in Korat Rasoda village are Hindus and completely against the Lord and Christians. He became paralyzed and bed-ridden for several months. God gave me the grace to go and pray for him and the Lord moved his heart. He is now a different man. His wife has started coming to church. Being from the Hoo tribe, she is facing serious persecution. Pray for her salvation and courage to identify with Christ through water baptism. Pray also for Sanatan’s salvation.”

Fri 7. Dhruba – Nepal

Conducted camps for adults in seven locations one of which is the remote village of Syuri in Rolpa district (the district where Maoist insurgency gathered momentum two decades ago). The focus was on Bible meditation. Pastor Purna Lal commented, "We have faced challenges from external false teachers. They say, 'Jesus was not actually born physically, so why celebrate Christmas?' Your training has helped believers learn to study the Bible. Now they can study it personally and defend their faith." Pray that all 189 attendees may continue to meditate on God’s Word daily.

One of the Bible Training Camps - Nepal

One of the Bible Training Camps - Nepal

Sat 8. AM Team

“I managed to teach Mr. H. lessons from Abiding in Christ in early February 2018. During this meeting, I came to realize that he still believes in Shamans or witch doctors. Yet, I clearly taught him about Isa (Jesus) who is able to conquer all demonic powers and perform miracles as we looked at the story of the ‘Sons of Sceva’ [Acts 19:11-20]. Pray that Mr. H. may learn to trust God with all his heart and that he may grow in his faith.”

Sun 9. Shobita – India

Co-laboring with her husband while focusing on women and children, especially those residing in the children’s home (Manipur House of Hope) which they manage. About 100 people heard the gospel message through her ministry during the quarter. Thank God for a boy and a girl in the House of Hope who accepted Jesus as Lord of their lives.

Mon 10. Gopal – India

A Hindu man, Surup of Talda village, has been suffering from depression and possessed of evil spirits for many years. He has visited many doctors, but they could not heal him. He used to see skeletons and various spirits. He was tortured severely and suffered from insomnia too. But God heard our prayers and delivered him. He has responded to the grace of God by accepting Jesus as his Lord and Redeemer. He now comes to church. God is also changing his whole family. Praise the Lord.

Tue 11. Lokeshowr – India

As a missionary in his local area, Lokeshowr has been visiting some villages to proclaim the good news through music, tract distribution, and one-on-one sharing. About 500 heard the gospel message during the quarter. Thank God for bringing three people to faith and for two fellowship centers that were inaugurated this year.


Wed 12. Mildred – Guatemala

“Work commenced again in all our school groups. Thank God for providing funds to produce 1,500 teaching materials for the children. God helped us to start a Life-Skills (Aid for AIDS) Ministry in a private school where we are ministering to more than 200 teenagers. It has been a blessing. Thank God for two more volunteers who have joined us and are working with young people.”

Ministering to Children - Guatemala

Ministering to Children - Guatemala

Thu 13. Felix - Argentina

Felix organizes camps for children, youth, and adults. He’s also managing the campsite which provides an avenue for churches of different denominations to organize and host their camps and retreats. Thank God for providing the facilities and for the support he is giving to churches renting the campsite for their programs.

Fri 14. Sandra – Guatemala

There was a child who was known for treating other children badly. He was also very abusive and full of crude language. Thank God for the change that is observable in his life since he heard and responded to the love of Christ. Pray that he may continue to give credence to the great change the Lord can make in people’s lives.

Sat 15. Worldlink USA

Pray for unexpected generosity in support for Worldlink during September and October as these are traditionally lean financial months.


Sun 16. Patrick – Mozambique

“We facilitated an exposure program of seven young people from Botswana and Lesotho to cross-cultural missions. A team was sent to us and requested us to help train, mentor, and lead them in outreach to a local Muslim people group in Tanzania. They were with us for two weeks during when we made friends and reached out to a few people in our predominantly Muslim community. Pray that the training they received may help them become more effective in their ministry.”

Mon 17. Kiki – Benin

Kiki conducted a three-day training for churches in Klouékanmè and its surrounding area. The training focused on Bible Reading Promotion (to help people meditate effectively on God’s Word) and Family Life and Children’s Ministry principles. More than 60 people from a dozen churches benefited from the training program. A City Committee was subsequently set up. Please pray for the committee members as they seek to ensure effective follow-up of the training.

Participants in Klouékanmè Training – Benin

Participants in Klouékanmè Training – Benin

Tue 18. Elias – Tanzania

Elias organized a two-month Mission Training for 15 students. The goal was to prepare them to serve God in areas where the gospel has not been preached yet. Thank God for a lady who came to faith in Christ through the ministry of another lady that was baptized a while ago. Pray for two others who desire to respond to the Lord but fear persecution. Pray for wisdom as we continue to minister to them.

Some of the Students at the Mission Training – Tanzania

Some of the Students at the Mission Training – Tanzania

Wed 19. Bereket – Ethiopia

Bereket held a two-day evangelistic outreach in the city of Merab Abaya. He also did a special outreach for the Christian students in the city. Thank God for many students who were drawn closer to the Lord during the meetings.

Ministering to Students – Ethiopia

Ministering to Students – Ethiopia

Thu 20. David – Beni, Congo DR

David partnered with Bilingual University to organize a summer camp which ministered to more than 100 children. Thank God for 23 people he prepared for baptism. They all were baptized during the quarter. Pray that they may grow in their faith and become fully committed to the Lord.

Baptism in Mabakou, Beni – Congo DR

Baptism in Mabakou, Beni – Congo DR

Fri 21. Sylvain – Congo DR

Sunday School teachers’ trainings were held in five different communes in partnership with churches in the city of Kinshasa. More than 40 churches took part in these trainings. Thank God for an increased number of participants in the weekly life-skills and neighborhood/street kids’ club meetings. They now average 40 and 50 respectively. Pray that the Lord may continue to touch their hearts as they hear His voice through the weekly sharing.

Wednesday Bible Club - Kinshasa, Congo

Wednesday Bible Club - Kinshasa, Congo

Sat 22. Morris – Liberia

“Thank God for opening the door of ministry in Gbarnga prison where 32 inmates meet for regular fellowship. One inmate came to faith in Christ during the past quarter. Also thank God for answering our prayer on behalf of Mr. Yarkpasuah, father of one of our Bible Club members. He was wrongly sentenced to 12 months. But the Lord heard our cry and He was released after serving two months.”

Sun 23. Simeon – Sierra Leone

A Day with the Lord was the title of a one-day evangelistic seminar organized for all the fellowship groups in Freetown. Of the 70 children and teens who participated in this seminar, thank God for 29 who responded to the altar call and accepted Christ’s offer of salvation. Pray for effective follow-up during weekly discipleship fellowship meetings.

‘A Day with the Lord’ Seminar – Sierra Leone

‘A Day with the Lord’ Seminar – Sierra Leone

Mon 24. Abel – Ivory Coast

“Moussa, a second year Psychology student of the University of Bamako heard the gospel message for the first time recently. His response, ‘This message of hope deserves to be preached everywhere. I will bring it to my family ...’ What surprised me most is how anyone can live in the capital and, above all, in the university campus and yet has never heard about the Lord Jesus. Pray that Christian students may boldly share the message among their peers.”

Tue 25. Romain – Congo DR

“Thank God for the opportunity we have to mentor orphaned children in our school. This has given us a new understanding of ministry among children. We have come to understand how much these children who lack parental care, need spiritual and social support. Because of our support, the children have learned to hunger and thirst for the Word of God. Some are today able to pray, read the Bible and recite some Bible verses.”

Bible Club in Session – Congo DR

Bible Club in Session – Congo DR

Wed 26. Aswell – Zambia

Aswell is mentoring two students (from Lusaka Vocational Training Center and the University of Zambia). He has been studying I Thessalonians with them and found the study rewarding for himself and the students. Pray for a plan to mobilize 15 students for short-term mission exposures to Luapula.

Thu 27. Jackson – Tanzania

Jackson organized Sunday School teachers’ training in three cities. Seventy teachers went through the training which focused on value education and audio Bible engagement. Thank God also for two successful camps organized in Morogoro.

Team-Building Activity at Camp - Tanzania

Team-Building Activity at Camp - Tanzania

Fri 28. Yinka – Nigeria

Discipleship class was going well before the school was forced to close due to security challenges in the area. A male student who was always defiant and disrespectful to teachers went through some measure of discipline and counseling and now shows signs of turning for the better. There is still room for much improvement so please support him in prayers for a complete turnaround.

Sat 29. Matano – Kenya

“God helped us to start more ministry opportunities like crocheting apart from our School and Medical Services to provide a broader ministry platform for us. Recently a group of young Somalis who work on the farms asked us to teach them in the evenings. We pray that we will also be able to use Bible stories in our teaching, Praise the Lord.”

Sun 30. Joshua – Kenya

“Many times, I have wondered, ‘Why am I preaching daily but people are not turning to Christ?’ The Holy Spirit reminded me that it’s not about how hard I labor, but my daily walk with God in obedience. It is God who draws people to Himself. Mine is to obey His call. During the month of my neighbors’ celebration of Ramadhan, I decided to just focus my prayers and ministry efforts on five families. I spent time visiting each of these families and took the time to sow the seed of God’s Word in their lives. We thank God for the single soul who came to faith in Christ during the quarter, an encouragement to us.