October 2018 Prayerlink


Mon 1. Joseph - Benue, Nigeria

Visited one primary, five secondary, and five post-secondary school Bible Clubs where he ministered to over 1000 children and youth. About 1500 children participated in school rallies organized in nine centers. Thank God for 415 children who came to faith in Christ and five others who rededicated their lives to the Lord.

School Rally - Benue State, Nigeria

School Rally - Benue State, Nigeria

Tue 2. Hanna (& Philip) – Ghana

Thank God for five adults and 20 children who came to faith in Christ during the quarter. Philip is now discipling one of these, Iddi, a young Muslim. They meet every Wednesday for Bible study on John’s gospel. Iddi testified to how he had wandered between various Islamic scholars and witchdoctors seeking deliverance from a personal challenge in his life until he heard the gospel message and placed his faith in Jesus, the One who is the Truth and the Way.

Ministering to Children - Ghana

Ministering to Children - Ghana

Wed 3. Loemba – Congo Brazzaville

Loemba organized a mission convention and World Day of Evangelization. About 150 people heard the gospel message during the programs. A local church invited his team to help strengthen their evangelism team. Pray that the training they received may encourage them to share the gospel message more freely.

Thu 4. Johnkessley – Kaduna, Nigeria

During a youth rally, Johnkessly and his team had the opportunity to be used by God in the life of a young woman named Jane. She was sexually active and addicted from a young age. She testified that “the term rally was really a transforming event for me. The life skills session, Dare to be Different and especially the story of Bassey, touched my life. For the first time, I felt ashamed of myself and I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.” Thank God for ministering specially to Jane and pray for steady growth in her faith.

School Assembly – Kaduna State, Nigeria

School Assembly – Kaduna State, Nigeria

Fri 5. Phumlani – South Africa

A three-day evangelistic revival meeting was organized at Mangosuthu University of Technology. Local pastors and students shared the Word with other students and university staff. Phumlani’s team also had the opportunity to share God’s Word with all the students in more than 20 primary and high schools during the schools’ morning assemblies. Thank God for 346 students who came to faith in Christ during the quarter.

Sat 6. Ezekiel – Katsina, Nigeria

He ministered to 3,500 students during visits to 51 Bible Clubs. Thank God for drawing 151 of them to Himself. Pray for effective follow-up of these new believers and 95 others who rededicated their lives to the Lord. Pray also that all 14 students who went through evangelism training may put what they have learned into practice and draw many others into God’s kingdom.

Evangelism Training – Nigeria

Evangelism Training – Nigeria

Sun 7. Matano (& Juddie) – Kenya

Because of the friendship and trust built with the local people over time, it is now possible to share the Good News on a one-on-one basis. Pray for abundant fruit to follow. In addition to school and medical services, they started crocheting training to provide a broader platform for ministry. Recently a group of young Somalis who work on the farms requested Matano to teach them in the evenings. Thank God for the opportunity this will provide to share Bible stories with them.

Vacation Bible School - Kenya

Vacation Bible School - Kenya

Mon 8. Daniel – Yola, Nigeria

Organized LIFE Campus Outreach Program (Project 10:10) in three Colleges. Other evangelistic activities were organized in Adamawa State University, Mubi to celebrate 50 years of ministry in higher institutions in the country. Thank God for 27 students who came to faith in the Lord Jesus and 20 who rededicated their lives to Him during these programs.

Tue 9. Hellen (& Wycliffe) – Kenya

Conducted training for 32 pastors and their church leaders in Isinya, Kajiado to equip them to pray for their mission. “When we first met the host pastor, he was struggling with his own spiritual life. Ministry had become mechanical for him. He was on the verge of giving up. We prayed with and encouraged him. Thank God for lifting the heaviness. As a result, he is now serving the Lord joyfully and his church is awakened to pray and actively share their faith.”

Wed 10. Sola – Kaduna, Nigeria

“Intentional discipleship is a great strategy which is really helping us engage the young people. Thank God for increased involvement of volunteers in the ministry and concerted efforts to strengthen discipleship ministry. Started Bible quiz competition in Bible Clubs in two boarding schools. Pray that this program may encourage the students to engage with the Bible daily.”

Visit to Post-Secondary School – Nigeria

Visit to Post-Secondary School – Nigeria

Thu 11. Mathe – Congo DR

Mathe preached three times at a local church with an average attendance of 450 adults and 600 youths and in three other churches reaching out to an additional 900 people. Ninety people attended a training program for primary and secondary school teachers aimed at helping them minister effectively to their wards. Pray that these teachers may faithfully mentor the students.

Fri 12. Marie-Therese – Rwanda

Conducted Sunday School teachers’ training in five locations. Participants in each location came from local churches. Some of the teachers are taken through the “Training of Trainers’” course so they can, in turn, train other teachers. A total of 310 teachers and pastors went through the trainings. Pray that each participant may put all they learned into practice and become more effective teachers. 

Sat 13. Worldlink USA

Pray that the decisions made by the Board of Directors at their meeting today would be directed by the Holy Spirit for the good of the ministry and that God would bless the brothers and sisters as they serve Him.

Sun 14. John – Zambia

John conducted a camp for children in Eastern Province this summer. A total of 306 children were in attendance. About 2,500 Daily Power devotional materials and weekly Bible study booklets were distributed during the quarter. Pray that all who received copies may put them to effective use as they meet with God daily in His word and prayer.

Group Meeting at Camp - Zambia

Group Meeting at Camp - Zambia

Mon 15. Komivi – Togo

A new Bible Club was inaugurated in a local school. Pray that God may raise a committed and effective leader among the teachers to guide and mentor the club. Pray also for the 30+ children who come to the ministry office each Wednesday for Bible Study.

Tue 16. Bolaji – Plateau, Nigeria

Thank God for the opportunity to counsel some of the 45 students who rededicated their lives to the Lord during a revival weekend organized at a polytechnic institute in Barkin Ladi. Pray that the Lord may help them remain firmly rooted in their faith.


Wed 17. Tuphan – India

He is leading a team of missionaries who are ministering to people in KhyarPalari and Chotosaranga area. Thank God for 1,500 people who heard the gospel message during the past quarter, 35 of whom accepted Christ as their Lord and Redeemer. They will soon be baptized.

Thu 18. Babualal – India

“There are many religious radicals among the Maji Mandava people group. They are constantly hindering the work of the Lord, often bullying and threatening to beat us. The Lord has protected us from their assault on several occasions. Please pray that the Lord may touch their hearts and continue to keep watch over us as we seek to reach out to the community.”

Fri 19. Hemam – India

“My husband and I have been witnessing in Moirang, Kumbi, Karang, and Ithing villages. During the past quarter, I had the opportunity to share the gospel message with about 200 people. We thank the Lord for two girls who decided to follow Jesus Christ during the gospel meeting in Kumbi village.”

Sat 20. Suresh – India

“We have a large field consisting of ten villages. We were only able to share the message with about 500 people during the quarter. We thank God for drawing two men to Himself during our ministry. Please support them in prayers and pray also that the Lord may open the eyes of members of my family who do not yet appreciate God’s love for them.”

Sun 21. Uttam – India

“Thank God for touching the lives of three people in Mohavani and Kodikharioka villages. They belong to a people group who mix Islamic religion with Hinduism. Pray for me as I continue to share the gospel message with them. Pray for three young men whom I have sent to Bible college. As God is helping me to reach these villages, pray that they too may soon join me and become God’s messengers to other tribes and villages.”

Mon 22. Dhruba – Nepal

A Vacation Bible School was organized at Tikapur in Kailali district of far-west Nepal (about 600 km from Kathmandu). A total of 250 children participated in the camp. Thirty-five teachers volunteered to guide the children through the Word of God and fifteen others helped with meals and other services. Pray that the Word the children heard may impact their daily living.

Group Discussion at VBS - Tikapur, Nepal

Group Discussion at VBS - Tikapur, Nepal

Tue 23. AM Team

PF shared the Good News with Mr. R, the community leader. After explaining who Jesus Christ is, Mr. R showed a good response. He was very pleased with the message and was curious about the person of Jesus Christ. He even promised to meet with PF again to learn more. Pray that their meetings may yield positive fruit soon.

Wed 24. Subrato – India

“Of the six unreached villages in my area, God has laid on my heart the burden for two: Kuchibachan and Noschipur. Thank God that He has opened the hearts of a few people there to the gospel message. I am currently discipling ten new believers. Pray that, as I continue to meet regularly with them, they may be motivated and encouraged to fully trust and serve the Lord.”

Thu 25. Kiran – India

“I visited two secret churches, ministered there and encouraged the believers. It was wonderful to see them and worship with them as we meditate on God’s Word together. I was delighted to hear their testimonies of God’s protection on their lives. We distributed 78 bibles and conducted special prayers in the village. Six people are ready for water baptism. Please pray that they may remain strong in their faith in the face of imminent persecution.”

Kiran, Street Evangelism - India

Kiran, Street Evangelism - India

Fri 26. Rabindranath – India

“I shared the gospel with a young girl who was completely possessed with evil spirit. She went about naked and was uncontrollable. We prayed for her and she was delivered. Please pray for her. Pray also for resources to build church buildings in Gobra, Shannio, and Chandanpur villages. A simple shed with roofing sheets will help us gather under the roof. Please pray for Nochipur, a village that is full of radicals. Ask God to touch the lives of the people there.”

Sat 27. Moirangthem – India

“Thank God for one boy and one girl from the House of Hope who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and for one man in Thanga who also came to faith in Jesus Christ. Altogether, eight people are ready to take baptism. Thank God that my father too has started to respond to the gospel message. He is very active in our morning and evening devotions. May the Lord hasten the day he will fully declare for Him.”

Sun 28. Bishorjit – India

“We are doing ministry in eight villages around us. About 300 people heard the gospel message in the past quarter. Recently we started new fellowships: Bible Believers’ Fellowship, in Karang and Kumbi. Pray that we may experience numerical and spiritual growth and for open doors in the other six villages.”

Mon 29. Subendu – India

“Tapan Singh, a Hindu from Patli village, was possessed with demonic spirits. He was in chains for 6 years with no hope of getting healed. God delivered him and turned his life around as we prayed for him. His life was changed and now he is released from his chains. God has also helped him to turn his life over to Christ Jesus. Hallelujah.”


Tue 30. Mildred – Guatemala

“Following the volcanic eruption that occurred in our country, we visited the affected people’s camp site and gave the children food, sweets, cookies, etc. We put up puppet shows and worked together with Siloé Church to prepare lunch for those working in the area of the catastrophe. Thank God for the opportunity to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of those affected by this disaster.”

Puppet Show - Guatemala

Puppet Show - Guatemala

Wed 31. Sandra – Guatemala

“A young boy spoke to us about a classmate who was a bully and was full of foul language. He testified to the remarkable change that has taken place in his life since he heard about the love of God and responded to Him. Praise God for the impact of the gospel message in people’s lives.”