Wed 1. Mildred – Guatemala
A new Bible Club was inaugurated in Hunapú Basic Institute and 1,500 evangelistic books were given to students. Please pray for effective ministry in the new group. Pray also that the young people would listen and respond to the Lord’s message through the books.
Thu 2. Sandra – Guatemala
Thank God for about 2,250 children and young people who heard the gospel message in the past quarter. At a volunteer-led program, 50 children came to faith in the Lord Jesus. Thank God for these new believers and for the impact of the lessons the children are learning.
Fri 3. Joe & Gloria – Columbia
Fifteen-year-old Erika was invited by young volunteers to participate in the Children and Adolescents’ Day Program. At that time, Erika had been seeking treatment for drug abuse. After two months of attending Bible Club Meetings in her school, the Lord transformed her heart and she is now walking with Him.
Sat 4. Helene – Beni, Congo DR
In partnership with churches in Beni, she facilitated a week-long training program for Sunday School teachers and Bible Study group leaders. Pray that this training will impact the hearts and lives of those attending these Sunday Schools and Bible Studies.
Sun 5. Stellah – Tanzania
Stellah’s ministry saw 46 groups participate in the “Faith Comes by Hearing” (audio Bible) programs. Margaret led one of the groups and shared with Stellah the impact it had on her group:
I thank God almighty for the Proclaimer (audio Bible) which has helped me fulfil my ministry and brought transformation to the children I teach in Sunday School and kindergarten. Last month we listened to and discussed the story of Saul’s encounter with Jesus on the way to Damascus. The story raised the kid’s emotions and fear for the Lord. One Bible Club kid asked, “if I persecute my friends, wouldn’t Jesus be angry with me?” As a result, they are determined to obey God. Thank God for how His Word is impacting the kids’ lives.
Mon 6. Angelique – Beni, Congo DR
“Thank God for Bethesda Psychological Center that has taken over full sponsorship of the son of one of the women in our care. The child is a product of the rape she suffered in the hand of rebel soldiers. Pray for sponsors for other children in our care.”
Tue 7. Nestor – Congo DR
Biata was recruited last year to join others in BAMATU Center. At the end of her one-year trade training, she thanked the Lord for delivering her from the life of prostitution and leading her to BAMATU center. "The other girls, my old friends, are already mothers and their children do not even know their dads. As the Lord has saved and forgiven me, I will be useful after my training and I will have a proper marriage.” Please pray for Biata and all the girls in BAMATU Center.
Wed 8. Lawrence – The Gambia
In collaboration with Youth for Christ and other parachurch organizations, Lawrence organized the annual Jesus March on the streets of Banjul on Easter Monday. Thousands of people from diverse denominations joyfully marched with placards celebrating the risen Lord. This was accompanied by singing and sharing of the Good News of salvation on the main streets of the capital. Thank God for over a thousand people who heard the gospel message including the police officers who accompanied the march.
Thu 9. Ezechias – Rwanda
He conducted training for 529 Sunday School teachers in Kigali and all four provinces of the country. Each participating church received God's Great Love Story book for their children. Some teachers of nursery schools founded by churches were also given relevant training. These teachers have the opportunity to share the gospel message with over 40,000 children and young people in their church and/or school. Pray that the training may help them impact the lives of the kids.
Fri 10. Joannes – Sierra Leone
Following a period of discussion and negotiation with the school administration, Chapel Services commenced in two schools. Thank God for the opportunity this offers for ministry to all the students and staff of the two schools.
Sat 11. Richard – Congo DR
Richard organized couples’ Bible Camps in two centers. There was a total of 168 people in the two camps. Thank God for the blessings He poured upon the gatherings as many couples found solutions to their problems. Some couples were convicted and renewed their marriage vows during the camps.
Sun 12. Jackson – Tanzania
Mr. Mkude’s visual impairment started in 2012. When he finally lost his sight, he thought he had come to the end of his Bible devotional life. However, having received the talking Bible (Proclaimer), he is now able to have his personal devotion and conduct family devotion with his relatives including his grandchildren. Thank God for providing this facility that enables him to continue to commune with God daily.
Mon 13. Sylvain – Congo DR
Organized children's Easter holiday camp in partnership with the Sunday school department of two local churches. Both camps focused on helping the children learn how to meditate on God’s word. Thank God for over 1,500 children who participated in the camps.
Tue 14. Gideon – Uganda
“In April, I conducted training for 22 children’s ministry workers from 9 churches in Mbale. They received the skills to make puppets and use them to reach out to children and young people with the love of Jesus. Thank God that many of the teachers put their training into immediate use. They are using the puppets they made during the training in their local churches and schools.”
Wed 15. Lucas – Tanzania
Lucas organized two trainings for Sunday School teachers with 70 teachers in participation. Pray that the training may help each teacher to be more effective in their ministry.
Thu 16. Gerard – Congo DR
Continues to offer support for teachers who started and are overseeing Bible/Life-Skills Clubs in their schools. Pray that they will be encouraged in their ministry and that God’s grace may be multiplied to them. Also thank God for the inauguration of a new Life-Skills Club in Ilela Institute, Bongondjo.
Fri 17 Nompumelelo – Swaziland
Planned two camps during the quarter. The first was the National Youth Camp which ministered to 471 kids and teens. There were 250 young people from 15 schools at the second camp. Pray that the lessons from these camps may impact the day-to-day lives of all participants, whether campers or camp leaders.
Sat 18. Jean Baptiste – Rwanda
Jean Baptiste organized training seminars in Gikonko and Nyarugenge to promote Bible reading and evangelization of children. About 120 pastors and Sunday School teachers participated in the training. They received books they can use to evangelize to the children in their churches and schools.
Sun 19. Dennis – Uganda
“In early May, we held our first camp for this season. I was involved in leading a 5-day camp in the Busoga region. There were 175 young people in the camp. I counseled some of them. I was touched by the struggles they are having, particularly in their studies. My prayer is that God may lead them to what He desires them to do. We thank the Lord for 36 campers who put their faith in Christ for salvation.”
Mon 20. Mathe – Congo DR
Conducted training for supervisors of children and young peoples’ ministries in three churches. A total of 150 people participated in the three sessions. Afterward, all participants in each church were constituted into fellowship groups for mutual support. Please pray that each may remain faithful to their calling and positively influence the children and young people in their care.
Tue 21. Worldlink USA
Pray for success as the Worldlink Home Team embarks on an ambitious campaign to create greater awareness of the unique opportunities our Indigenous Missionaries have and invite Christians in the US and UK to partner with them to reach unreached people with the Good News.
Wed 22. AM Team
“Thank God for “S” who, at the end of 2017, believed in Jesus after hearing the gospel message and was baptized. We did this by sprinkling first because the river is too far and she, being elderly (70), was too weak to walk the distance. She also has cataracts and so finds it difficult to see clearly. All these make follow-up a challenge. Please pray for wisdom as we seek to help her grow in her faith.”
Thu 23. Dhruba – Nepal
“Our neighbor, Laxmi, was suffering from chronic pain in both legs. She had been to many doctors for treatment but there was no improvement. Finally, she came to us for prayers. We prayed for her and she felt much better. She has started to attend church services regularly. Her son, Sharad has also joined her. Thank God for drawing them to the church. Pray for Laxmi’s full healing and that she and her son may fully grasp the gospel message.”
Fri 24. Ayomie – Sri Lanka
Thank God for approval given to start conducting morning devotions in two schools: Carey College and Royal College. Ayomie’s ministry will be conducting the devotions in Royal College while the teachers in Carey College will be leading the fellowship of the small group of Christians in the school. Pray for these two groups that the lives of the few Christians there may minister to others.
Sat 25. Manori – Sri Lanka
She paid 26 visits to 10 school clubs during the quarter ministering to over 1,500 children and young people during her visits. Pray for fruitful ministry among the school children.
Sun 27 B & B – East Asia
“The Lay Training graduated 39 men and women from 4 training locations last month. It was heart-warming to hear each of them share how God has shaped their lives, equipped them to actively share the gospel message with people of other faith, and increased their understanding of the Bible. Thank God for those 39 men and women who were won into God’s Kingdom through their ministry. Pray that the Lord may fill them with His Spirit and draw more people to Himself as they go out to minister.”
Mon 28. Dahn – India
A few young men have recently been coming to church. Although they are regulars at the church activities, none of them have accepted the Lord yet. Please pray that the message of salvation may become clear to them, so they may soon become true members of God’s family.
Tue 29. Tshoki – India
“Please pray for Pakshina region. It is very remote. It takes me at least two hours to walk there whenever I want to visit the region to minister. Thank God because the people are responding to the gospel message.”
Wed 30. Ratnam – India
“I conduct prayer meetings every Friday as well as cottage meetings. I also do house-to-house visits and evangelism. Thank God that through this ministry, two people heard the gospel for the first time and accepted the Lord as their redeemer.”
Thu 31. Asha - Sri Lanka
Since the beginning of the year, she has focused her ministry on meeting the needs in the community. So, she is teaching the children from primary to secondary school (Grades 1-12) Christian religious education voluntarily. She is also ministering in music. Thank God for the door of ministry that continues to open to her.