Sun 1. David – India
God is working greatly as 18 people accepted the Lord as their redeemer during the quarter and were baptized. Thank God for all these people and their salvation. Although David has experienced times of pain and discouragement, he thanks the Lord who continues to help him endure and His blessings received in different ways.
Mon 2. Singye – India
“Ajith, 21, was into drugs. His Christian parents recently invited me to their home. When I saw this young man, God’s Spirit ministered to me to speak to him. As I started to speak, I could perceive that he had a deep hunger for the Lord. He later confessed his sins including addiction to drugs, cried aloud before all who were there, and then prayed to accept the Lord into his life. Please uphold him in prayer for total deliverance and consolidation of his faith.”
Tue 3. Tshoki – Bhutan
Tshoki recently had the opportunity to pour into a relative’s life. He is 22 and from a broken family. “He went into depression and drugs. I brought him to my house and started to pray for him, counsel, and encourage him. It took a few months but now he has stopped taking drugs and shown interest in music. He now helps in leading our worship. He stays in my house and is doing well.” Thank God for His intervention in his life and pray that he may remain in fellowship with the Lord.
Wed 4. Ruth – Pakistan
“I work in Bible Ministry department and have been busy preparing Daily Devotional notes for adults and high school students. I edit, prepare, print, and dispatch the materials to readers. Pray that the Lord will continue to grant me insight into His word so I can help users of our materials to dig deeper into it each day.”
Thu 5. Younis – Pakistan
Younis conducted training for 35 Sunday School teachers from different churches and a citywide Christmas rally in his city, Peshawar. Thank God for about 1,200 people who heard the Good News during the quarter and for about 200 who responded and accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior.
Fri 6. Shankar – India
Born and raised in a staunch Orthodox Hindu Brahmin family, Shankar devotedly worshiped many gods. However, following the consistent witness of his college friend, he received Christ’s offer of salvation and then faced the wrath of his family and community. He left home to undergo a three-year study in a Bible college after which he started proclaiming the gospel message in Kohima, Nagaland. His burden is to reach the non-Nagas who live in the 11 districts of Nagaland. Pray that the Lord may continually pour His blessings upon the family’s ministry.
Sat 7. Isaac – India
“One family I met during one of my visits to Lango has started to show interest in things of God. They have been to church a few times. The couple has accepted the Lord but are not yet ready for baptism. Pray that they will become more committed to the Lord.”
Sun 8. Ammar – India
“Dhan Maya used to vehemently oppose believers in my village. When her baby fell sick, she consulted medical and witch doctors and tried other means but without success. Finally, she invited me to her house and shared the baby’s problem with me. We prayed for her and the baby recovered fully and started to eat and play around. Following this miraculous healing, she accepted the Lord into her life. Thank God for showing her His mercy and saving her soul.”
Mon 9. Dasu – India
“Mr. Chandraiah, an alcoholic, was suffering from many diseases. He was at the point of death when he called for help. His situation opened the door for us to share the gospel message with him and his family. We also prayed and the Lord healed him. Thank God for bringing him and his household into His family.”
Tue 10. AMT – Indonesia
The Baduy people believe that once a man dies, that is the end of the story. There is no life after death. It’s always an eye opener whenever the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus is shared with them. Two elderly people, upon hearing the resurrection story, accepted Christ and were baptized. However, they both require effective follow-up. One is physically weak and suffers from cataracts. The once a month follow-up she is currently receiving is not effective. The second is yet to de-link himself from the Shamans (witch doctors). Pray for effective follow-up and that they may fully follow the Lord and Him alone.
Wed 11. Manoderahalli – India
He shared the good news with about 325 people during gospel meetings and in Sunday school classes that he organized in Kodagurkhi village. Please uphold the 15 people whose hearts God drew to Himself during these meetings. Pray that they may draw closer to Him each day.
Thu 12. Mohan – India
“God helped us to start a new church ministry and provided a bicycle to aid our ministry. We faced a lot of persecution from RSS people during the quarter. Although they viciously attacked us, our God did not only uphold us, He also granted us the joy of seeing 10 people come to faith in the Lord Jesus. Thank God for His abiding presence with us.” Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is an Indian Hindu nationalist, paramilitary volunteer organization associated with the ruling party of India, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). They are Hindu missionaries and one of the world's largest voluntary missionary organizations.
Fri 13. Muthyalapa – India
“Thank God for opening the door of witness for us in Pavagada village. Because of the positive response we received, we started clubs for children and youths. Each club currently has only a few members. Pray that these two groups may experience steady growth in the coming months.”
Sat 14. Nehemiah – India
Thank God for opening doors of ministry in a new village and for eleven people who received the Lord Jesus during the quarter. One of them, Ramesh from a Hindu background, is a drunkard and rabble-rouser, whose life has been completely changed by the gospel. Nehemiah himself is not well. He needs regular dialysis. Please pray for God’s touch upon him.
Sun 15 Worldlink, USA
Praise God for the successful, allbeit remarkably tiring, trip that Worldlink Africa Regional Coordinator, Niyi Daramola, and President, Jack Nelson, took to Africa for most of June. They met with, heard reports from, observed the work of, and encouraged over 20 Indigenous Missionary Partners in Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Mozambique. Their conclusion: God is clearly at work in and through the lives of our highly qualified, clearly called, and deeply passionate partners.
Mon 16. Sola – Kaduna, Nigeria
He organized three rallies with almost 1,000 students in attendance. Thank God for 19 participants who received Christ Jesus as their Lord. Joy’s testimony, “I hated men from my childhood having seen the way my dad maltreated my mum. I thought all men were the same and I vowed never to forgive my dad and never to get married. Thank God that after the rally, God enlightened my heart and taught me to forgive. Never again will I live with hatred for any man.”
Tue 17. Anathi – S. Africa
“Zanele, a teacher, didn’t believe in Scripture at all. She argued, ‘It is a book that contradicts itself. One moment it shows an unmerciful God then it says God is a merciful God. That shows how the Bible is a normal book written by normal human beings like me.’ Through a week of Bible overview, she got to understand, believe, and accept the Word of God. She is now a born-again teacher treading this path of faith with her students and with me. Pray that Zanele may be strong in the Lord.”
Wed 18. Abolaji – Plateau, Nigeria
He visited nine Post-Secondary and five Secondary School Bible Clubs during the quarter, ministering to over 2,000 students during these visits. Thank God for 485 youths who responded to the gospel message. He also coordinated the youth section of the ministry’s national conference which brought together 3,000 people.
Thu 19. Naomi – Zambia
“In the first week of March, we went out with our students to evangelize their campuses. A total of 1,200 students heard the gospel message. Thank God for about 400 of them who rededicated their lives to the Lord and 10 who received Jesus as their Lord and Redeemer. With the launching and distribution of Bible devotional materials and the Daily Guide, many students now have time alone with God each day as they meditate on His Word. Pray that they may grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord.”
Fri 20. Shina – Sokoto, Nigeria
Organized Easter Discipleship Conference at the Chapel of Grace, Arkila. Of the 174 participants, 28 young people rededicated their lives to the Lord and 10 prayed to receive Christ as their Savior. In line with the theme of the conference, pray that each participant may live a life that please God.
Sat 21. Anastancia – Moambique
Anastancia reported that she went fishing in the village of the Makonde tribe. Although no ‘fish’ were caught, thank God for 74 people who heard the Good News message. Pray for effective ministry as she renews contact with the women group and continues to work with the children. Pray also that the Lord may lead her to a person of peace and someone who will teach her the local language.
Sun 22. Daniel – Adamawa, Nigeria
Daniel conducted training on mission and evangelism at the campus level during the Discipleship Training Program held in Mubi. The training ended with campus one-on-one evangelism. As a result, 40 new members joined the fellowship. Pray for effective discipleship.
Mon 23. Matano – Kenya
Because of their ministry, Matano is a “marked man.” There was religious/tribal unrest in their village in June. Some fanatics met and planned to kill Matano in the night along with his wife and children. The planning of the attack was made known to Matano and his family left their home and slept at a school that night. The next day, he reported it to the Sheikh of the mosque where the plan was hatched. His reaction was to declare “that can’t happen to these people of God.” The Sheikh confronted the men who were planning the attack. They were shaken that the plot was known and ultimately denied it and then offered to patrol Matano’s home at night to prevent harm. “I was amazed how God disbanded the group having clearly spoken to us that morning from Psalm 91. Thank the Lord with us and pray for His protection as we continue to serve Him here.”
Tue 24. Albino – Yobe, Nigeria
During a three-day visit to Gashua, he conducted training for 14 life skills and Bible study facilitators, visited fellowship groups in two post-secondary and one secondary school, and facilitated a rally for 94 students and 14 workers. All the students rededicated their lives to Jesus for which we thank the Lord.
Wed 25. Irmiya – Nasarawa, Nigeria
Conveyed the meeting of the Leadership Development group to deliberate on the progress of the ministry. He also conducted two training programs for 126 new Bible Club leaders. These are the first level supervisors of the Bible Club in their school. Pray that these emerging leaders may commit themselves to the Lord’s service and remain faithful to Him.
Thu 26. Romain – Congo DR
“I gave a copy of Lecteur (daily Bible reading material) to a man who visited our bookshop. We shared the day’s meditation with him. He confessed he had tried several other religions including mystical sects. We continue to have prayer sessions with him and to God’s glory, he has now declared that Jesus Christ is his Lord and Redeemer having come to realize that He is above all gods and satanic power. Please, uphold him in your prayers as we continue to follow up with him.”
Fri. 27 Stellah – Tanzania
“It was through God`s favor that we could reach six districts of Singida Region with the Good News of Jesus. We shared the gospel message with about 1,600 people and thank God for 535 children and teens who gave their lives to Jesus. The population of this region is 30% pagan, 40% Muslim, while the rest claim to be Christians.”
Sat 28. Marie-Therese – Rwanda
She conducted Bible reading promotion in three churches to help the children and their parents appreciate the use of Lecteurs (Bible reading materials for adults and children) and encourage them to meditate on God’s word each day. The team also sought to encourage development of children’s ministries in two of the churches. The third church has an active and effective Sunday school ministry. Pray that the seed sown in these churches and in the lives of the children and their parents may yield lasting fruit.
Sun 29. Stephen – Yobe, Nigeria
“My family had a very challenging experience during this quarter. My wife delivered a baby boy on April 11. We named him Samkong (Good news). Fifteen days after his birth, we took him for circumcision. There were some complications which led to his death within an hour. My mother traveled to our station in Damaturu to comfort us but she had a domestic accident resulting in a fractured ankle. She is currently undergoing series of medical procedures. Please pray for God’s comfort for my family and healing for my mum.”
Mon 30. Berhanu – Ethiopia
Berhanu organized two training programs, one for Bible club leaders from 70 schools in Addis Ababa, and the other focused on school leaders from the south of the city. Pray for these young leaders as they seek to apply what they learned to direct the ministry of their Bible clubs.
Tue 31. Jackson – Tanzania
“The Proclaimer (Faith Comes by Hearing Audio Bible) has helped us minister effectively in schools and among some adult groups. We use it during camps and among unreached people groups. In Makabe area, 28 members of the listening group came to faith in Christ and have joined our ‘growing class’ to prepare for baptism. A group of soldiers use the Proclaimer to study the Bible in their fellowship. Five of them recently prayed to receive the Lord Jesus as their Savior. We thank the Lord for these harvests of souls.”