Fri 1. Micheline – Beni, Congo DR
Thank God for sparing her life as she went through double surgical operations. She has been struggling for the past 6 months but is now back to full strength and distributed Bible reading materials among teachers of a local school. She also trained them to use the materials to meditate on God’s word daily. Pray for her health. Pray also that all who received the materials and training may faithfully meditate on God’s word and grow in their faith.
Sat 2. Shina – Sokoto, Nigeria
“The Lord has been faithful to us a family. During the quarter, my two daughters (Josephine, 3 and 9-month old, Naomi) were hospitalized for almost a month, both diagnosed with severe dehydration due to Sokoto’s high temperature. However, in the early hours of Monday, April 30th, Naomi screamed from her sleep. We rushed her to the hospital but the doctor confirmed that she had gone to be with the Lord.” Please pray for God’s comfort for the family and for protection as they continue to serve the Lord in their physically and spiritually harsh environment.
Sun 3. Timothy – Kenya
The same day Shina lost his daughter, a baby boy, Amani (Peace), was born into Timothy’s family – a joy to mix with the sorrow for the Worldlink family. Thank God for this blessing and for the successful youth camp which he organized. Thank God for five people who came to faith in the Lord Jesus during the quarter and for some of the campers who have become more active in the church.
Mon 4. Vahwere – Beni, Congo DR
Conducted training for 18 Sunday school teachers in Mangina and 14 others in Oicha. Several hundred heard the gospel message during open-air evangelistic campaigns conducted in Mangina and Beni. Thank God for drawing eight people into his kingdom during the campaigns.
Tue 5. Andre - Congo DR
Organized four Bible Reading Promotion sessions with 80 people attending the four sessions. They received training to enable them to meditate on God’s word daily. Unfortunately, only 3 of the participants have complete Bibles. Most only have the New Testament. Please pray for provision to meet this special need.
Wed 6. Dagem – Ethiopia
Dagem has been meeting with church leaders in five towns to seek their support for, and involvement in, school ministry. Some of them know very little about school ministry while others have inaccurate knowledge of government policies that affect ministry in schools. The meetings provide an avenue to raise the profile of school ministry. Pray that he may succeed in enlisting the cooperation of the church leaders for this key ministry.
Dagem and Family
Thu 7. Nestor – Congo DR
“Three Muslim girls were invited by their peers as we celebrated the International Month of Women. When the Christians began to praise and worship the Lord Jesus, the Muslim girls remained shy and curious. The Holy Spirit was truly present among us. The worship was lively and fervent prayers were offered to the Lord. At the end of the activity, one of them said to her Christian colleague: ‘I love your religious songs. At home, I do not understand anything because everything is done in Arabic.’” Please pray that the seed sown into these lives may bear fruit eventually.
Fri 8. Worldlink UK
Jack arrives in Scotland today for a four-day visit. Pray for a fruitful time as he ministers in some churches and visits prospective donors. Pray also for him and Niyi, Worldlink Africa Regional Coordinator, as they proceed to Africa to visit our partners in four countries between the 12th and the 26th. Pray for safety in their many journeys.
Sat 9. Aswell – Zambia
Aswell has focused on student leadership training during the quarter conducting training programs most weeks during visits to different campuses. Thank God also for successful regional conferences carried out in March. Pray that these young people may make the best of the equipping they continue to receive.
Leadership Training - City University of Science and Technology, Zambia
Sun 10. Olayinka – Plateau, Nigeria
“Her name is Happy but she was most unhappy when she came into the College. She was an internally displaced student from the North East. Her family members had been dispersed and some killed by the Boko Haram insurgents. Thank God that after some counseling and discipleship, she brightened up and has now settled in. She now goes about her activities, a happy girl.”
Mon 11. Hellen – Kenya
Hellen ministered to over 300 people, both Christians and Muslims, who gathered at a program held in partnership with Bible Translation and Literacy (BTL). About 62 people made the decision to repent of their sins and follow Christ. Thank God for them and for a lady who came to faith in Christ during ministry to 40 staff in Nairobi. Pray that the Lord may draw her husband and children to Himself as they are followed-up.
Tue 12. Tivakudze – Zimbabwe
“As the groups grew; we have elected some leaders to assist in overseeing the ministry on their campuses. We conducted training in February to equip them with leadership skills and help them evangelize their peers and lead Bible study. Pray that each may utilize the skills they have acquired to guide the groups under their care.”
Discussions During Evangelism Training - Zimbabwe
Wed 13. Daniel – Adamawa, Nigeria
Daniel organized a Campus Life Outreach Program in the University campus in Yola. Over 500 students were reached with the gospel through the program with 42 students rededicating their lives to Christ. A training session on mission and evangelism was also held during a Discipleship Training in College of Health Tech. Mubi. Trainees engaged other students in one-on-one evangelism. Thank God for about 40 students who joined the fellowship for proper discipleship.
Dedication of Enoch, Daniel’s First Baby
Thu 14. Francois - Mali
Conducted evangelism training in all six groups in Mopti region, following which he mobilized all trainees for two weeks of evangelism in the six institutions. One hundred and sixty-eight students heard the gospel during the period. Thank God for three students who received the Lord’s offer of new life in Koro circle.
Launching Fortnight of Evangelization – Koro, Mali
Fri 15. Dennis – Kenya
“After sharing the gospel message with a young Muslim, he confessed that he and his people know very well that Jesus is the way to heaven but he fears that should he decide to accept Christ, he would face expulsion from the community. We are praying that God will deliver him from the fear that is holding him captive and grant us wisdom to deal with the situation.”
Sat 16. Joshua – Kenya
“There has been an outbreak of a viral disease called Chikingunya in our area. This made visitation ministry a vital part of the activities I carried out in the past three months. As I visited the sick, I prayed with them and accompany some to the hospital. In the process, I also caught the virus but I thank God for healing me. Thank God for the opportunity to minister to 150 people even though none of them have accepted Jesus as yet. We continue to trust the Lord to bless our labour in His own time.”
Sun 17. Worldlink USA
Pray that God would move many people to give to our ministry-year-end financial campaign. This would allow us to start our next ministry year on July 1st with financial momentum and more to launch many new missionary partners.
Mon 18. Dhruba – Nepal
Dhruba organized a Vacation Bible School (children's camp) in Tikapur, Kailali district (about 600 km from Kathmandu) in April. A total of 250 children participated in the camp. Thank God for 50 other volunteers, mostly teachers, who fed them physically and spiritually. Many of the children were the sons and daughters of former agricultural slaves called Kamaiya. Many of them testified to the blessings they received during the camp. Pray that, following what they learned, they will never be the same.
Games Time, VBS - Tikapur, Nepal
Tue 19. Danishmand – Pakistan
“I had a unique experience during the VBS we conducted recently. I was challenging the little kids to invite Jesus into their lives not knowing that one of the very active volunteer leaders was herself not yet a believer. She accepted the Lord into her life that day. She later testified, ‘I have experienced a unique peace in my life which I had never felt before.’ Thank God for such surprises and pray for her growth in the Lord.”
Wed 20. Amar – India
“We are thankful to God for his miracles that we have been experiencing. We were praying for one old man, the only Christian in his home but who had backslidden and gone into heavy drinking. He fell seriously sick and felt he was going to die. He called me again to pray for him. God healed him and he has been regularly coming to church again. His wife and children used to oppose him vehemently. Pray that the miracle the Lord performed in this man’s life may draw them to Himself.”
Thu 21. Binny – India
He visited and shared the Good News of Jesus Christ in Jaigaon, Phuentsholing, Samtse, and many other villages. Thank God for ten people who accepted the Lord and four others who were baptized.
Fri 22. Munawar – Pakistan
“I gave a copy of our devotional book to a woman. I later received a phone call from her. Her testimony, ‘I am very thankful to you for the devotional book you gave me. My family was on the verge of falling apart. But with the help of the book, I started daily family devotion. God has blessed us with His word and now my children and my husband are happy together. I believe the Lord has come back into our home as we used this book to study God’s word and pray together.’ Thank God for ministering to the family as they gather around His word.”
Sat 23. Sabir - Pakistan
“I thank my friend for inviting me to attend the VBS in his church. Apart from enjoying the action songs, games and refreshments, I thank God that I am now part of Jesus’ mission to make this world better. According to my VBS teacher, only the Prince of Peace, Jesus, can do this and we should obey Him. I have, therefore, taken up the challenge to let Jesus control my life so I may play my part in sharing Jesus. He can change the lives of people and make our world a better place.” Rahim, VBS, Khan City.
Children in VBS - Pakistan
Sun 24. Dasu – India
“There is one person who was trying to kill me but by God’s grace I always escaped him. Slowly I could share the word of God to him and he started coming to church.”
Mon 25. Dhan – India
He shared the gospel message in Khuruthang, Punakha, and Kabesa. Of about 30 people who heard the message, two young men responded and were baptized. Several other young men who have been attending church services are yet to receive the Lord as their redeemer. Please pray that God may convict them of their need for salvation.
Tue 26. Issac – India
Although Issac has continued with his ministry and moving around normally, doctors who examined him while in Kerala in January have warned that he needs an urgent heart operation. Please join him in praying for God’s intervention in his situation. Funds for such a major surgery are the main challenge.
Wed 27. Sinye – India
“It has always been my heart’s desire to bring all the Christians who speak my language together for a meeting since there are only a few of us. On March 14th and 15th, God made this possible. I am so thankful to the Lord for the fellowship we shared.”
Thu 28. Tshoki – India
Shared the gospel message in Tala, Gedu, and Pakshina with 60 people hearing his message. Six were baptized during the quarter and some new people are now coming regularly to church. Thank God for this. The church has been praying for many years to have their own building. Thank God for hearing their prayer. A new church building was recently completed.
Fri 29. Sandra – Guatemala
The love that the children show towards the volunteers and their desire to learn more about God is amazing. So also, is the gradual changes that are observable in their lives as they put into practice the valuable lessons they are taught. Thank God for opportunity to influence their lives at this tender age.
Primary School Bible Club – Guatemala
Sat 30. Mildred - Guatemala
Thank God for new Bible Clubs inaugurated in nine Primary and pre-Primary schools. This will open ministry opportunity to over 1,500 children and young people. Pray for effective ministry in these schools. Thank God for a volunteer motivation meeting held in Escuintla at the invitation of Sister Cabrera, a keen supporter of the ministry. Pray that through such effort, God may raise adequate volunteers to support the ministry in these new clubs.