Sat 1. Joshua – Kenya
Joshua’s ministry is located on the border of Kenya and Somalia. For weeks they have been braving threats of imminent attack. There have been some direct threats to his family where unknown people would stone their house. The al-Shabaab Islamic terrorist group blew up the area communication infrastructure rendering telephones useless and then real and specific threats were directed at the team. After emergency prayer and action, Joshua and his team were moved to Nairobi temporarily and are currently undergoing extensive therapy. Please pray for quick recovery from the trauma they, and especially the children, experienced. Pray for peace in the ministry area and wisdom as the ministry considers the right time for the team to return to the field and to the people who they, and Jesus, love.
Sun 2. Nompumelelo – Swaziland
Partnered with church to organize “Life Reality,” a children and youth empowerment seminar. Apart from the distribution of Christian material and playing games, participants were educated on Mental Health, Depression, Bullying, Teenage pregnancy, Media Addiction, Suicide, Social Media, Substance Abuse, and Eating Disorders. Thank God for the opportunity to minister to about 500 children and young people.
Life Reality Seminar - Swaziland
Mon 3. Yinka – Nigeria
A few months ago, due to security challenges surrounding unrest and violence in the area, the school in which Yinka serves was forced to close. Many students and members of staff left the school, thus leaving all work for the few who were able to stay. “The work looked impossible at first but with joint efforts of the available hands, the uphill task turned out to be easier than I envisaged. Even though we are not fully staffed yet, God is helping us and we see His sufficiency daily,” Yinka said. Recently, a male student, was brought back to the school by an aggravated father who complained about his behavior at home during the crisis. Thank God that after lots of counselling and prayers, the boy confessed to all allegations and promised, with God’s power, to change for the better. Yinka started noticing some changes in him.
Tue 4. Hanna (& Philip) - Ghana
Ska has been a friend for the last four years. He is open to the gospel and admires Christianity. Ska recently responded to a challenge to take his admiration of Christianity to another level. He did and became an active member of the 5 adults going through the book of John with Philip at Kanakulai. Pray for his steady growth in faith and for 11 others (mainly children) who received Christ’s salvation during the quarter.
Bible Club – Kanakulai, Ghana
Wed 5. Hellen (& Wycliffe) – Kenya
“We have a team of six people who are keen to reach out to the Somalis and people of other faiths in Daystar University. We discussed our plans with the university officials and they are yet to give us free access to their two campuses. Meanwhile we pray-walk in the campuses and engage in discussions with Somalis when the opportunity arises. Pray for open doors in this key institution. Thank God for a ministry center that opened in Eastleigh in partnership with Nairobi Baptist Church. Pray that many Somalis may be won to the Lord from this center.”
Thu 6. Daniel – Nigeria
Campus Outreach Program (LIFE Program) was held in two higher institutions in October. Evangelistic activities carried out included a visit to one of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP/Refugee) centers, one-on-one evangelism, evangelistic concert, and visits to two Secondary Schools. Thank God for 31 students who rededicated their lives to the Lord and 4 new believers.
Evangelistic Outreach – Mubi, Nigeria
Fri 7. François – Mali
Conducted a training program for Bible club supervisors. The training modules include personal Bible meditation; developing a life of personal prayer and personal evangelism. During the training, François interviewed the participants, helped each assess their past ministry, and offered some advice for more fruitful ministry. Please pray that the training may bear fruit in the participants’ ministries.
Sat 8. Anastancia – Mozambique
“I continue to work with women including visits to women prisoners. I was able to make new friends among the women and thank God for one woman who came to faith in Christ. Please pray for God’s intervention in the complicated health crisis she is currently battling with. Thank God also for a new house church inaugurated recently.”
Sun 9. Timothy – Kenya
“In early November, we had a full week of evangelism in partnership with students from the University of Nairobi. We reached out to seven villages. In addition to sharing the gospel message directly, we also offered veterinary services, showed the Jesus film, planted trees, and organized football (soccer) coaching for the youth. We thank the Lord for over 50 people who received Christ’s offer of new life.”
Vet Service During Week of Evangelism - Kenya
Mon 10. Richard – Congo DR
Organized series of six camps in different parts of the region during the long vacation. A total of 1,675 people of different ages participated in the camps. Thank God for 211 people (mainly adults and youths) who received God’s salvation and for 34 people who were baptized. Pray that the Lord may keep them faithful to Himself as they fellowship with other believers.
Tue 11. Phumlani – South Africa
Facilitated a National Conference with delegates coming from all the provinces. Training sessions were conducted on various topics including Evangelism and Discipleship. Thank God for inauguration of new groups in Sentech and Coastal TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) Colleges.
“Small” Group Discussion at National Conference – South Africa
Wed 12. Aswell – Zambia
Aswell was part of the mission team to Kabosha, 200 kms from Lusaka in a remote part of Central Province. The goal of this mission was to train and equip leaders at the station in various areas of ministry and conduct outreach to one of our preaching points in Chatuba. Thank God for 17 people who responded to the Gospel message during one evening service.
Public Transport – Mission to Kabosha, Zambia
Thu 13. Lucas – Tanzania
“I travelled to Pemba Island (a majority Muslim island) in July for a special mission to deliver shoebox gifts as well as books to the children of Pemba, to organize one-day teachers’ training, conduct church seminars, and lastly pray for Pemba Island. Thank God for eight teachers who went through the training. Pray that this may help them minister more effectively. We believe that God will answer our prayer and send His revival upon the island.”
Fri 14. Matano (& Juddie) – Kenya
“We believe God led us to foster four children. Apart from restoring their mother to Christ, their aunty and uncle have each become secret followers of Jesus. No one wants the other to know. We have meanwhile kept it confidential, but each appears to be suspecting the other. Pray that the Lord may strengthen them in the faith. Also pray for Pa S. It has been challenging to disciple him because of his busy schedule and hunger for wealth.”
Sat 15. Romain – Congo DR
“We conducted training during the long vacation Bible camp. At the end of the training, about 10 new Bible study groups began in the different churches. We visit them every week to give them Bible study materials to follow. Please pray that members of each club may experience spiritual growth as they continue to fellowship around the Word of God.”
Training During Camp – Congo DR
Sun 16. Worldlink USA
Pray for the outpouring of God’s grace and favor as He moves his people to support Worldlink during our $100,000 matching challenge during the rest of December. Click here for more details or to give.
Mon 17. Dhruba – Nepal
“For the past two years, Navaraj and his family have desired to host a house fellowship, but their Hindu landlord did not permit any Christian activity in his house. Thank God for providing a new accommodation for them. Their new landlord is a Christian. A fellowship group now meets in their house. I visit with them every other Wednesday.”
Tue 18. Kiran – India
“We visited Thanlyin Mission Field in Myanmar. We were blessed to see how God is working there. Please pray for Evangelist A.A. who is actively reaching the majority Buddhist community here. A.A. was born and brought up in a Buddhist family. She was touched by God’s word while listening to the audio Bible and accepted the Lord as her Savior. She is now serving the Lord full-time in this place and leading a house church.”
Thanlyin Mission Field
Wed 19. Oinam – India
“I focus my ministry on the women and children in our church. We also go on house-to-house visitations and have a house fellowship meeting every evening in our house. Pray for fruitful ministry especially among children and women.”
Thu 20. Samuel – India
Thank God for touching the lives of Mrs. Nanao and Samuel’s mother. They both recently rededicated their lives to the Lord. As he continues to share the gospel message with many people, pray that the word implanted may bear fruit in their lives to the glory of the Lord.
Fri 21. Chjaitanya – India
“I have a burden for six villages around me. Currently I am reaching out to three of them. The Lord has won to Himself the lives of seven people in Masada village. Pray that as I continue to disciple them, they may be motivated and encouraged to dedicate themselves to God’s service.”
Sat 22. Gopal - India
“God changed the lives of 13 people in Talda, Jamboni villages. I am currently following up with them. Because they don’t have any education, I am teaching them to read so their faith may be strengthened through reading and meditating on the word of God. They are all Advasi people and from Hindu families. Pray for all, but especially for Ravin, Swarup, and Kechuvapada who are facing serious persecution in their village.”
Sun 23. Kalipada – India
“God has given me burden for this area. There are 36 villages in which people have not heard the name of the Lord. I am sharing the gospel in five of them: Mohavani, Kungaviohariganja, Koharik, Jodupur, and Benachepra. Thank God for three young people who are currently in Bible College. Pray for successful completion of their training so they can reach out to some of the other tribes and villages.”
Mon 24. Habu – India
Bimnando from a Hindu family in Kodhima village had a tumor in her stomach. She had no hope of living because of her situation but after praying for her, God touched and healed her. She is now able to eat and improving daily. Following God’s great intervention, her family turned to the Lord. Please support Bimnando and her family in prayer.
Tue 25. Kiran – India
“We had a wonderful missionary Conference in Vijaywada with 45 of the pioneer missionaries from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana states in attendance. These are the missionaries working among dangerous and unreached areas. Many of them are from Koya and Lambada tribes. Thank God for giving us a blessed time as we listened to their testimonies of the great and wonderful works God is doing through them.”
Worship at Missionary Conference - India
Wed 26. AM Team
AN, a church planter, shared the gospel with PT, a mother of three. She resisted initially but finally opened her heart to the Lord. She was encouraged and accepted to be baptized. The first two attempts failed but by the Lord’s grace and after much prayer, counselling, and encouragement from two of her children who are themselves believers, she openly declared her faith through baptism in September. Thank God for her courage and pray that the Lord may strengthen her faith.
Thu 27. Sandra – Guatemala
Thank God that despite the teachers' strike, it was possible to conclude the year's activities in a surprising way. Thank God for the support of the volunteers who got involved in the ministry in various ways and for all who heard the word of God through the activities.
Fri 28. Mildred – Guatemala
Thank God for grace and wisdom to update the Values Teaching Manual. Pray that the lives of the children may be touched by God as they go through the teachings.
Sat 29. Stellah – Tanzania
“We thank God for opening the gate at Boko prison. We are using Proclaimers (Faith Comes By Hearing Audio Bible) to minister there. A total of 102 prisoners currently meet in three groups each around a Proclaimer. We thank God for 35 prisoners who have given their lives to Jesus through this ministry. Pray that they may be established in their faith.”
Maasai Group Receiving Proclaimer - Tanzania
Sun 30. Neo – South Africa
“Mlondi, 21, lost his parents at a young age and lives with his grandmother who survives on Government Social Grant. He came to the ministry’s Youth Center where we engage young people to participate in different activities on week days. One of the activities is Drama & Art which he loves dearly. Through these activities, he started attending our camps where he came to understand what it means to have a relationship with God and received the Lord Jesus into his heart. He now volunteers as a leader during Holiday Clubs and is growing daily in his Christian journey. We praise the Lord for his life.”
Mon 31. Dickens – Uganda
Dickens supervised the running of August Camps in five regions of Uganda. A total of eleven camps were conducted for children and youths. These were held in nine venues. Thank God for impacting the lives of 3,133 participants through these camps.
Camp Leaders’ Morning Devotion - Uganda