Worldlink partners send quarterly reports from which we compile our monthly prayer guide. Like the one below, they contain news of the things the Lord is doing through their ministries and items of praise and prayer. Our first concern for these men and women of God is their spiritual state. That they would be growing in their relationship with the Lord. Hence the first question in their reports, "Please describe your present walk with the Lord. How are you growing, what is the Lord teaching you?" Below is the response from Patrick who is laboring among a strong Islamic community in Mozambique:
We have a friend who has been encouraging me on listening to God and I have been experiencing this in the last few weeks. I at times just wake up, read the word and stay silent before him. I have had a very sweet fellowship especially as I hear him speak to me through his word. Recently, he (God) challenged me through the story of David and his mighty men. It is as if he was telling me to start focusing on raising those that would be mighty in the walk with God.
The truth of grace is becoming more and more liberating for me in that I am realizing more and more the truth that God loves me and does for me what he does for me not because I deserve it but just because of his love for me. He reminded me the other time that he loves me and wants me to rest in his love.
Thank you for your support for our partners in giving and prayer. May they continue to draw close to God so the truth of God’s grace and love may continue to compel them to serve him more faithfully.
Olaniyi Daramola
Coordinator – Africa Region
Worldlink International Ministries
Wed 1. Mildred - Guatemala
There is a serious increase in the crime rate in Escuintla and most perpetrators of these evil acts are youths and teenagers. This makes the need to minister the gospel message to children and youths more urgent. Please pray for grace, wisdom and resources to continue to carry out the ministry of making the Good News known especially to children and youth.
A group meeting for prayers
Thu 2. India Partner
The mini-movement is seeing fourth generation conversions and baptisms. In all but one training locations, they’re seeing lots of evangelism, whole families coming to faith and getting baptized. There are now 42 house groups/churches. Each is raising people exhibiting real-life character change.
Fri 3. Anonymous - East Asia [As you may know, some partners cannot be identified for security reasons.]
The ministry to children is guided by a mentor. The mentor disciples the children and teaches them to confess their faith through songs and worship. They learn to read the Bible, pray together and reach out to their friends. There are currently 14 children in the group. They meet every Saturday. Through these activities, the children are growing in their faith in Jesus. Thank God for what He is doing in the lives of these children.
Adult Camp - Nepal
Sat 4. Dhruba - Nepal
Held an adult camp in a local Church in Dhangadi. Mrs. Gyani Pradhan, a church leader, left her lucrative job with The International Monetary Fund to serve as a missionary. She started an orphanage and a medical clinic where thousands of young and old people have found medical help, shelter, food and education. About forty people participated in this training camp. They received training on devotional Bible reflection and inductive Bible study. They were taught to identify their spiritual gifts. What many discovered surprised them. Please pray that each may make the best of his/her God-given gifts.
Sun 5. Ayomie - Sri Lanka
A three-day outreach program was conducted to Mallawi and Sidampuram. These are areas effected by war. The children are therefore severely traumatized. With the help of 20 volunteers, they ministered to 160 children and 35 parents. Most of the children are from Hindu background and some of them were Hindu converts. Thank God for the ministry of Pastor Ashok which inspired many children to participate in the program. Thank God also for his touch on the lives of many of the children.
Mon 6. Joshua - Kenya
During his rounds in the village, he came across a widow and her beautiful daughter in their hut. The girl had an eye problem. Their witchdoctor had told them that there is a link between the sore eye and her hand. So the treatment was to burn her hand resulting in severe injury. Her mother so feared the witchdoctor she refused to take her daughter to the hospital for treatment. After a long discussion, she allowed Joshua to pray for them and take the girl to the hospital where the wound was dressed. Even then, the fear of the witchdoctor remained. So when they reached their hut, the mum undressed the wound and applied the witchdoctor’s ‘medicine’ - cow dung and gun cleaning oil to the wound. Joshua had to intervene again and again teaching them that the power of Christ protects and heals. After much plea and prayer, they chose to follow Christ. The girl is now healed and is currently in perfect health. Please pray for this family and many others who are enslaved by witchdoctors.
Daniel and Sarah
Tue 7. Daniel - Borno, Nigeria
Organized a Leadership training conference in November. Sixty-two student leaders participated in the conference. Thank God for 21 who rededicated their lives to the Lord. Pray that the newly elected zonal leaders may excel in their service for the Lord. Daniel celebrated his marriage to Sarah in December. Thank God for its success and pray that their new home may be filled with the love of Christ.
Wed 8. Eugenio - Mozambique
Went to Tanzania for further training to develop his ministry among Muslims. He shared the Gospel message with about 100 people during the quarter. Thank God for six of them who received God’s salvation. Pray for grace and wisdom as he takes them and others through discipleship training.
Thu 9. Matano - Kenya
The Somali sheikh whom we continue to disciple called Matano one morning and shared what he has seen the Lord do in his life, “I constructed a shop even though I did not have even a shilling (to stock it). Can you believe that I spoke to someone and he gave enough stock to start my shop? Who would have done this if not the Lord Jesus?” Amazing! Praise the Lord! Please pray for his son who will soon join a Christian school.
Grade 12 Camp Participants - Tanzania
Fri 10. Bryceson - Tanzania
In the last three months, the Lord has helped us conduct one camp for form four (Grade 12) students. We witnessed God ministering to these youths in a special way and thank him for eight students who received the Lord Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Sat 11. Shina - Sokoto, Nigeria
Thank God for grace to make a follow-up visit to Burgun Maje village where Shina held a mission outreach/evangelism last year. The aim was to encourage those who accepted the Lord during the outreach. Apart from praying with them and sharing the word of God together, Shina and his team listened to some of their challenges and encouraged them. The team was stranded for five hours when their vehicle broke down. Thank God for providing another bus to safely convey them to the village. Pray that the Lord may continue to sustain the faith of these believers.
Sun 12. Josue - Benin
One of Josue’s campers thanked the ministry for the teachings he received which helped him to find his way out of an evil group he was part of. Though all are church members, they were involved in a cyber scam in search of quick money. They also began experimenting with evil powers. It was at a ritual session directed by a wizard that God’s Spirit ministered to the camper and gave him the courage to break from this evil group and flee. “I acknowledge it was out of sheer grace that I was able to withdraw. I thank you for the teachings that you have always given us and for the camps which really set our feet on the right path." Praise the Lord!
Mon 13. Nestor - Congo DR
We organized a successful meeting with about 200 street children, shoe shiners and other young people loafing about in the market at Christmas. We explained the meaning of the miraculous birth of the Lord to them. After that, we let them talk about the issues facing them as we listened to them. Pray that the seed sown may bear much fruit.
Children’s Day at University Chapel, Congo DR
Tue 14. - Congo DR
A day dedicated to Children was observed in three churches. Andre also partnered with a specialist to conduct training for blind children of The King’s Center for the Blind. The ministry donated 14 white canes, 20 smoked glasses and 10 Braille Bible notes to the children while the trainer also donated various equipment to the center. Thank God for the growth in this specialized ministry. Pray that the light of Christ may shine in the lives of these children.
Wed 15. Bereket - Ethiopia
The quarter was full of various preaching opportunities in local churches and some towns. One of the towns, Halaba, is a Muslim dominated area. Thank God for granting a harvest of 39 souls, three of them in Halaba. One of the three is Danial. He was not in the church but since his house is close to the church, he was listening to Bereket’s message on Christ’s second coming (many churches in Africa install external loudspeakers). "He came into the church in the middle of the message chewing his tobacco. He responded promptly when I made the altar call. He knelt down, spat out his tobacco and started crying. It was a shock to the whole congregation as he is a well-known high government official serving in the foreign affairs ministry"' Bereket responded. Thank God for such a special encounter with the Savior.
Thu 16. Worldlink USA
Pray that the Lord would move many people to become prayer and financial supporters of indigenous missionaries through reading Jack Nelson's book REACHABLE.
Marie-Therese ministering in a children’s camp - Rwanda
Fri 17. Marie-Therese - Rwanda
Organized two camps, the first for 100 six to ten-year-old children from 20 different churches. The second camp had 97 children in attendance. Thank God for 23 children who received God’s salvation during the camp. Marie-Therese also partnered with two churches to plan and run their camps. The two camps ministered to 225 children.
Sat 18. Jonnes - Sierra Leone
Organized two evangelistic activities during the quarter. The first was 10 days of outreach in ten weeks (one day/week) held in 10 different places within the region. The other, in partnership with two other ministries, was a three-day open air crusade in Makeni town during which 380 people accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. Thank God for the abundant fruit and pray for effective follow-up.
Youth having fun during a valedictory service – Swaziland
Sun 19. Nompumelelo (Mpumie) - Swaziland
The main activities during the quarter were end of year valedictory/farewell services that were organized in many schools. A children camp was also organized. One hundred children from different schools and churches participated in the camp with 16 of them accepting Christ’s salvation for which we thank the Lord.
Sunday School Class – Congo DR
Mon 20. Romain - Congo DR
Romain paid a follow-up visit to Sunday school teachers who were recently trained. He is happy to note that they are applying the knowledge gained in their ministry to children. He conducts daily prayer and Bible meditation on a local Christian radio station. Thank God for encouraging responses from listeners and for the way this ministry is impacting his own personal spiritual life. By helping him to discipline himself and dig deeper into God’s word each day.
Tue 21. Stellah - Tanzania
Visited the Muhimbili National Hospital, where she shared the Word of God and prayed with the patients especially those who were in the children’s ward. Thank God that through this program she is able to reach many Muslims and some of them are accepting Jesus as Savior.
Training of South Sudan Leaders - Uganda
Wed 22. Dennis - Uganda
Facilitated a training of 20 South Sudanese volunteers and pastors who are working in refugee camps in North Western Uganda. The training was aimed at equipping them to minister among children and focused on a curriculum of Forgiveness, one of the lessons in their ‘Values Program’. As a result of this training, a conference was organized in the refugee camps which brought together over 500 refugees. The newly trained leaders utilized their skills at this conference.
Thu 23. Norbert - Congo DR
We thank the Lord for the ongoing Children’s Bible group ministry in the Anglican Church. As a result of its success, plans are under way to extend the ministry to other surrounding churches. Pray for the Lord’s blessing on this new endeavor.
Fri 24. James - Liberia
His focus in the quarter was on Bible Reading Promotion in the various communities. Thank God for the impact of this program on the lives of many people. The annual end-of-year camp was not held in December. Instead a day retreat was organized with 75 young people participating.
Sat 25. Patrick - Mozambique
Completed the radio series on the Chronological narratives from Creation to Christ. The last story is the “Benefit of Faith in Christ.” Pray that these stories will minister to all who listen to them. Conducted a week-long training on discipleship for 40 Pastors/leaders in partnership with a friend from another organization. Please pray for restoration of health for Patrick's wife, daughter and mother.
Bible Meditation at Club Leaders’ Training – Rwanda
Sun 26. Ezechias - Rwanda
Conducted various trainings to equip the participants for ministry. The training of 120 Bible club leaders focused on group leadership, facilitation of Bible study groups, sharing of God’s Word and teaching of Christian values. Other sessions were a "trainer of trainers" for 30 participants and training for pastors and Sunday school teachers of the Pentecostal churches in Kamonyi District. Please pray that trainees may apply the lessons they learned to effective ministry.
Mon 27. Anathi - South Africa
Has engaged in mentoring Christian student leaders to equip them to lead their groups in a Christ-like manner. School opening prayer or assembly offers great opportunity to lead many students to Christ. Pray for God’s continuous blessings on this ministry. In the past quarter she had the opportunity to minister to about 4,700 students.
Tue 28. Gideon - Uganda
He and his team planned to visit 150 Bible clubs during the quarter but they succeeded in reaching out to 121 schools with various programs, especially, Life-skills and Values Education. Thank God for open doors to schools in the country and for many Christian teachers who continue to be the ministry’s link with schools.
Wed 29. Emmanuel - Cameroun
He conducted a training seminar on Bible Engagement Promotion for regional coordinators to equip them to effectively promote Bible meditation in their regions. He also gave a talk to challenge youths of a local church to actively engage in church growth initiatives. Pray for the sixty youths who participated in this program that they may make a difference in their churches. Pray for God’s comfort for Emmanuel’s family and especially for his wife who lost both her mum and brother last year.
Thu 30. Kavira - Congo DR
She is devoted to assisting orphaned children, survivors of the incessant massacres in her area. Please pray for God’s abundant provision to fund these children’s education.
A youth doing some community work - Lesotho
Fri 31. Lehlohonolo - Lesotho
Organized two camps, one for 110 primary school pupils and the other for high school students (46 of them). Along with spiritual growth activities the youth visited the Mapoteng community to help with a variety of chores. Thank God for success of the camps.