Prayer by the people of God unleashes the power of God in the plan of God for the purposes of God.
On January 31, 2017, Worldlink turned 15 years old. We have seen God's powerful hand in remarkable ways over those 15 years. Yet, we long to see more and more of his powerful work in this ministry and in the lives and work of our indigenous missionary partners.
Would you help make that happen by earnestly praying for each of the requests in this prayer guide? Thank you for your partnership!
Jack Nelson
Worldlink International Ministries
Wed 1. Nelito- Mozambique
Nelito dedicated himself to teaching in small groups (there are currently three groups and he plans to start three more), visiting new villages to share the gospel message and the prayer of intercession. He took a trip to conduct a church planting seminar and discipleship training. Thank God that 10 of the 23 people who heard the gospel message during the quarter received Christ into their lives as Savior.
Learning to teach memory verses at Teacher’s Training, Milo, Tanzania
Thu 2. Lucas - Tanzania
Conducted three-week training for 30 Sunday School teachers from 18 Anglican church parishes of the Diocese of Njombe in Milo. Thank God for taking care of his family and particularly for healing his wife who became ill during his absence. He also conducted a Christmas Children's mission in three churches. The ministry touched the lives of 76 children.
At GBEEC Training – Cameroon
Fri 3. Emmanuel - Cameroon
Thank God for successful mission trip to Mauritius. While there, Emmanuel conducted a week long training seminar on effective Bible engagement in discipleship for 13 key leaders from five denominations, a couples’ seminar and a seminar on effective mission. Life and Ethics was the theme of the training he co-facilitated for Cameroon Students Bible Fellowship (GBEEC in French). The seminar aimed at equipping the group as they seek to revive the ministry in secondary schools. Pray that the 28 students may pursue fruitful ministry in the schools.
An IDP returning home – Bangui, Central Africa Republic.
Sat 4. Francis - Central Africa Republic
Screened Christian films six times during the quarter with an average attendance of 250 Internally Displaced Persons (An IDP is a refugee who has fled the war region but still resides in their own country). A camp was also organized in December with 47 people participating. Thank God for 13 campers who came to faith in Christ Jesus. Thank God also for relative peace in the country. As a result, all IDPs in two of the three camps under Francis’ spiritual care have returned home.
Sun 5. Cyprian - Sokoto, Nigeria
Shared the gospel message with 238 students during ministry in three schools. Thank God for 58 of them who came to faith in Jesus Christ. Sokoto, being the center of Islamic religion in Nigeria, is a hard soil. Please pray for wisdom and protection for Cyprian and his team of staff and volunteers.
Small Group Discussion at Young Leaders’ Training – Congo DR
Mon 6. Gerard - Congo DR
The theme of the training Gerard organized for young leaders was: "Saved to serve the Lord." Its aim was to equip trainees to lead Bible studies and organized Bible clubs. He organized a camp for Sunday School teachers and holiday club for 138 children in December. Praise the Lord for about 50 people who received His salvation during the quarter. Please pray for a quick and full recovery for Gerard’s wife who is undergoing treatment for food poisoning.
Tue 7. Eugenio - Mozambique
Planted six small churches during the quarter and is seeking to create friendship with many people in the focus group. Two Bible Study Groups were also inaugurated. Thank God for miraculously healing a young girl of paralysis that has kept her home bound for five years. The family had taken her to every herbalist in the area without success. The whole family turned to the Lord and took responsibility for announcing the gospel message in their community. A church has started in this idolatrous community.
Wed 8. Morris - Liberia
Organized a three-day camp in Lofa with 86 children and youths in attendance. Thank God for three people who accepted Jesus as their Savior. He visited Bong County where a good number of school clubs have become inactive over the years. He spent a week there with an old active member and visited some of the schools. Thank God for six clubs that were revived during his stay there.
Workshop in one of the December Camps – Uganda
Thu 9. Dickens - Uganda
Dickens led the staff team to organize 15 camps in December. Three of these were in the Southern Sudan Displaced Peoples’ Campsites (DPC). One of the participants, Charles, came running and crying when Dickens gave the invitation after proclaiming the message at one of the DPCs. Dickens stopped to inquire why he was crying so profusely and loudly especially as an African man. Charles asked if he could commit himself to God after he goes back to South Sudan to avenge the atrocities he suffered. As he spoke, a number of people around him broke down in tears. Dickens seized the opportunity to emphasize the need for forgiveness and reconciliation. Charles relented from going back home to get revenge and openly confessed the Lordship of Jesus Christ. That night alone, more than 200 people received Christ’s salvation. Thank God for His abundant blessings on this ministry and pray for peace and reconciliation in South Sudan.
Fri 10. Berhanu - Ethiopia
Organized evangelistic activities in various schools based on the Christmas story. Also led students to share the gospel message and their testimonies with their peers. About 4000 students heard God’s good news with 54 new believers reported for which we thank the Lord.
At a Bible Club leader's training - Bousse, Burkina Faso
Sat 11. Joseph - Burkina Faso
Mahamadou, 48, was very ill. He had already made the pilgrimage to Mecca twice. The native doctors he approached could not help in spite of the enormous and costly sacrifices they asked him to make. It was during one of his many hospitalizations that he received a copy of Joseph’s Bible devotional from the chaplain. He read this from time to time and through it, learned much about Jesus, the Messiah. He also asked the chaplain many questions to better understand this Jesus. He promised to give Jesus all his life if only He is able to restore his health. God answered his prayer. He recovered fully and he too kept his word. His wife and family of 8 followed in his step. May the name of Jesus be praised.
Sun 12. Nestor - Congo DR
BAMATU center is pleased to announce a special fruit of it's ministry. ALPHA was once a young prostitute and considered lost, vulnerable, and hopeless. She was rescued and transformed through the teachings received at the center. Brother Mathieu married her and now the couple have just had a pretty baby girl named "RACHETEE" Eblouie de Jolie (Redeemed Eblouie Pretty). ALPHA declares: "who would have thought that one day I too was going to have a baby. Some of my colleagues who engaged in the same vile trade have died of AIDS. Glory be to God for all his goodness to me!" We bless the Lord and we rejoice together with this young couple, a product of the work the Lord is doing in BAMATU Center.
Commissioning of Newly Enrolled Students - The Gambia
Mon 13. Lawrence - The Gambia
The academic year started with the annual back to school program specifically designed to reach out to the newly enrolled students in the junior and senior secondary schools. About one hundred and fifty students from various schools gathered for this program on 28th October, 2016. The new students were challenged to stay focused in spite of any form of distractions in their new environments. Pray that the Lord may keep them in the faith and help them to experience spiritual growth during their time in school.
Tue 14. Michelin - Beni, Congo DR
Apart from the regular craft training of vulnerable women, she conducted other trainings to spiritually and economically equip young people and adolescents of different churches in KIRUMBA. These include daily Bible meditation, preparation of various pastries and healthy soups/stews, and weaving of cement bags.
Wed 15. Sola - Kaduna, Nigeria
With one simple click that I made on my mother’s phone, I became addicted to pornographic films and pictures. This practice went on for a long period even though I knew in my heart that it was wrong. I thank God for delivering me after receiving counseling during the school Holiday. (Leah)
Thu 16. Worldlink USA
Please pray for Pam and Jenna, two new members of Worldlink's home team. Ask God to provide for them and to work through them here so that more and more indigenous missionaries can be freed to reach more and more unreached people around the world.
Fri 17. Anonymous- East Asia
The group engages in different periods of prayer, ministers to children of team members and ‘clients’ (people with whom they share the gospel message) every Saturday and conducts personal evangelism and follow-up meetings with clients. In the past quarter, they ministered to 70 clients and 3 of them became members of God’s family. Thanks be to God, our Father.
Sat 18. Uttam - India
Thank God for the success of the camp held in Mohaboni village. Pray that the door of children’s ministry will continue to be open in Kabirajpara village. Pray also that the Lord may provide a place for the Church and help the fellowship to flourish.
Fellowship Meeting in session - India
Sun 19. Gopal - India
Kajal Mandi was demon possessed and has been suffering from incurable disease. She was treated by exorcists/witch doctors and medical doctors but to no avail. After she heard the Gospel of the Lord Jesus and Gopal’s team prayed for her, she recovered and is now in fellowship with them. Thank God for her and pray that her body, soul and spirit may remain healthy.
Mon 20. Rolinson - India
Shared the gospel message with the people of Borda village. Thank God for one family that accepted the message and have joined the fellowship. His main desire is to go to people who have not heard about Jesus. Pray for grace to continue to pursue this.
Tue 21. Joe - Columbia
We have developed evangelistic tools to minister to drug addicts, especially adolescents. We ministered to about 120 adolescents in the past quarter. Thank God for Cielo, the only one who accepted God’s salvation. She is 11 and an only child living a life of great loneliness and sadness and enduring the abuse of her alcoholic father. She attended our fellowship group meeting and received the touch of the Savior. She joined the adolescent group where she has found many friends. She now enjoys relative peace at home too. We praise the Lord for her life.
Mildred and her family - Guatemala
Wed 22. Mildred - Guatemala
Pray for comfort for Mildred, her family and the local church as they mourn the departure of their father and pastor. Mildred and her husband have the added responsibility of leading the church in the interim. Pray for strength and wisdom. Pray also that the Holy Spirit may guide the search for a new minister.
Bible club activity – Guatemala
Thu 23. Sandra - Guatemala
A teacher testified to the improvement she has noticed in the work of Bible club children in her class. A parent informed a volunteer that her son was going to share some Bible stories with 50 children to help them learn about Jesus, the Savior. Another volunteer was surprised to see one of the boys in his Bible club in his church. The boy and his family had never attended any church. Thank God for the fruits that the seeds sown in the children’s lives are bearing.
Manori & her TukTuk (3 wheeled cart)
Fri 24. Manori - Sri Lanka
Organized, in partnership with local churches, Vacation Bible Schools in five centers reaching out to 580 children. Camps were also organized for children and teens. Chameera, from a poor Buddhist family was sponsored to a camp by his class teacher, a ministry volunteer. He heard the gospel message for the first time at the camp and accepted Christ as his Savior. He joined the Bible club in his school and since 2016 has become a volunteer for the ministry. Thank God for such blessing. Ayomie thanks God for the successful completion of her studies in the Bible college and God's provision of a TukTuk (3 wheeled cart) for her ministry.
Sat 25. Ayomie - Sri Lanka
Paid weekly visits to four school Bible clubs and two Bible clubs in Tsumani refugee homes. Also visits nine other Bible clubs once or twice a month. She organized a program for children of prisoners. Pray that the messages may yield abundant fruit in the lives of the children.
Busy Time at Chitwan VBS
Sun 26. Drhuba - Nepal
Watching the Chepang children as they sang Christian songs, one would think they grew up in Sunday school. But no such privilege was in the lives of these children from isolated and poverty-stricken Chepang communities. Hearing them sing Christian songs with action, watching them perform drama and observing their dedication in Bible study gives hope to any minister who is committed to build Christian leadership in their community. Thank God for the opportunity to influence the lives of the 210 children who participated in Chitwan Vacation Bible School and for the 30 volunteers who helped to supervise and teach the children.
Award of Medals – Sports Ministry - Lesotho
Mon 27. Lehlohonolo - Lesotho
They are running a project at Lesotho (Maseru Campus) in collaboration with Lehlohonolo's ministry codenamed ‘Innovative Evangelistic Ministry. The project started in September and employs sports (soccer) as a means for outreach. The project had two objectives - to increase the number of Bible clubs by 30% and to share the gospel with the entire student body. The project was implemented through the Ministry of Sports and as such the entire student body was involved and thus achieving the second objective. As a result of the project, the Bible club that began with 8 members in September had grown to 20 in November when the finals for the tournament were held, a growth of 150% for which we really thank the Lord.
Tue 28. Mathe - Congo DR
Ranga, aged 17, was arrested as a member of an evil group of professional scammers and imprisoned. He suffered a lot during his time in prison. Mathe visited him and brought him spiritual and material help. He was released from prison after three months. He testified to the impact the story of the prodigal son had on him and decided to follow the Lord promising no longer to run away from Him. Please pray that the Lord may keep him faithful to his resolve. Thank God for the opportunity to minister to 35 street kids at a special three-day camp we organized for them.