"The greatest tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer." (F.B. Meyer)
When will we learn that the Lord is looking to respond to our earnest pleas? Not our stale, rote, lifeless and passionless “going-through-the-motions” prayer, but our “begging-because-we-know-we-are-lost-without-him” pleading.
Jesus told his disciples to "ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field" (Matthew 9:37). I'm not a great scholar but I can't understand why some translators use the anemic word “ask”. It sounds like a passionless request, likely delivered in a formal Victorian tone. This does not seem to be the sense of the Greek word used here. Look at the other places where this word is used:
In Luke 5:12, a man with a terminal disease meets Jesus, his only hope, and he begs him for healing.
In Luke 8:28, a legion of demons, knowing that Jesus was the Most High God, beg him not to torture them.
In Luke 8:38, the man from whom the legion of demons had been cast out begs Jesus not to leave the region without him.
In Luke 9:38, a father whose only child has a condition that is "destroying him", begs Jesus to come look at his son.
Jesus instructs his followers to beg the Father, with identical urgency, to supply what is needed to reach the unreached. I am asking you to do the same thing. Urgently beg God to empower, supply for, protect and bear fruit much through the ministry of the indigenous partners mentioned in this month's Prayer Guide.
Thank you for your partnership in prayer.
Jack Nelson
Sat 1. Amar - India
Shared the Gospel message with about 300 people in three villages and distributed 250 Bible tracts. Please continue to pray that the Lord may touch the hearts of those who heard the message so they may come to faith in our Lord.
Sun 2. Barnabas – India
Thank God for four people (Dinesh, Raj, Man and Ajay) who came to faith in the Lord Jesus during the past quarter. Please pray that the Lord may sustain them and make them witnesses in their communities.
Mon 3. Barally - India
Thank God for Mrs. Kumari Lamgade and Ms. Rajina, the two people who came to faith in Christ during the quarter. Pray that they may continue to grow in their new-found faith.
Tue 4. Yohan - India
Gospel meetings held in four new villages. Five people responded to the message and a new worship center has been inaugurated in Rathipallu village. Please pray for their steady growth.
Wed 5. D. Paul - India
Karam, an idolater who was addicted to gross evil behavior is one of the three people who committed their lives to the Lord during Gospel meetings held in three villages. The Lord touched Karam’s heart and helped him change his way of life. Now he is completely transformed and is a good witness in his village. Please uphold him in prayer that he may remain faithful to the Lord, his deliverer.
Thu 6. Vara Prasad - India
Narcavu was an atheist, but he was arrested and falsely charged by the Police for armed robbery. He was put in prison. The church prayed fervently for him and he was released after a few days. That incident changed his mind about God. He thanked Jesus for his intervention and accepted Him as his Savior. Please pray that the Lord may enlighten his heart more and more daily.
A session in Khajura Camp - Nepal
Fri . 7 Dhruba - Nepal
Vacation Bible Schools are organized in new locations to give opportunity to as many new children as possible to benefit from the program. Two such new locations are Kohalpur and Khajura in Banke District. Ninety-three children and forty-three teachers participated in Kohalpur camp. Teachers' training was organized to give orientation to the volunteering teachers. About sixty volunteers attended the training. Pray that the fruit of these camps may abide.
Sat 8. Kishan - India
Due to the upheavals during the period of election and problems in the government, it was difficult to organize evangelistic programs. However, the Lord blessed the few occasions he was able to witness with three new believers. Thank God for showing clearly that conversion of souls is not by power or might but by His Spirit.
Sun 9. Kumar - India
Kumar shared the Gospel message with about 300 people in five villages during the quarter. Please pray that he may continue to be encouraged by the few people who have responded to the Gospel message he continues to proclaim.
Mon 10. Komaram - India
With his team, they are reaching new villages, sharing the Gospel and conducting cottage meetings. Thank God for healing and deliverance from the power of Satan that continues to accompany the message. Thank God particularly for sister Swathi who received deliverance from the powers of darkness and is now an active participant in prayer meetings.
Tue 11. K. Paul - India
Thank God for the opportunity to minister the Gospel in many villages, for four people who are now ready to declare their faith in Christ openly through baptism and for two new believers who are coming to church.
Wed 12. Anonymous - Indonesia
The team expects in the next 3 months to reach out to 90 people with the good news of Christ. Meanwhile, there are 15 new believers, 6 people undergoing baptismal class and 6 others in disciple class. Thank God for the work of the Holy Spirit in the ministry. They are planning to open libraries in two villages and hope that when Kids come to read there, the door for reaching many people with the Good News will open.
Thu 13. Worldlink USA
For the 15 years of Worldlink’s ministry we have always had donated office space. Our current office space agreement will end in 10 months. Pray that the Lord would provide an extension or new accommodations for our home team.
Fri 14. Dennis - Kenya
Farming is a bridge to reaching this community that is 99% Muslims. As Dennis works with the farmers on the field, recently to harvest corn, rapport is created and opportunity to share the Gospel message with them during the evening hours arises. The mission school is also an avenue for ministry. Pray for effective ministry among the farmers and 14 children who have been enrolled in the school.
Sat 15. Ezechias - Rwanda
Organized a camp for 300 young students. Focus was on the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian. Thank God for 30 participants who responded to the call to receive God’s salvation. He also organized a picnic for newlyweds on Lake Muhazi. The program included renewing the covenant to rekindle the joy of the couples.
School’s Ministry – Tanzania
Sun 16. Steven - Tanzania
Every week he and his team teach and preach the Gospel in some primary and secondary schools in the area. They also visit the Karatu Orphanage to minister to vulnerable children. An orphanage helping group called ‘MAYAWAMA Group’ has been inaugurated. Please pray that this group may provide needed help for these needy children.
Mon 17. Hellen - Kenya
Continues to utilize sports to reach out to the youths. The ministry is currently working closely with seven soccer clubs. Organized a sports ministry training in Garissa to enable the church to use sports as an easy bridge to create redemptive contacts with the Somalis and other Islamic tribes around them. About 50 missionaries attended the training with churches and agencies sponsoring their members. There is need for sports gear like balls, boots, uniforms, and trophies. Pray that God will touch some people to help out.
Tue 18. Jeff - Zambia
From 18 to 25 November, he led the Copperbelt University Fellowship to undertake a mission outreach to Kawambwa, a town in Luapula Province. Working with local churches in the area, they ministered in the primary and secondary schools, conducted door to door evangelism and held an open air crusade. Three hundred booklets of the Gospel of John were distributed during the week. Thank God for about 100 people who received the Lord Jesus as their Savior during the quarter. Pray in particular for effective follow-up. That is currently a challenge.
Wed 19. Joseph - Nigeria
Visited and ministered to the students in one primary and six secondary schools. He also organized 12 rallies during the quarter. Over 3,000 people heard the message of the Gospel through these programs. Thank the Lord for 211 people who came to faith in Christ and 177 others who rededicated their lives to the Lord.
Thu 20. Worldlink UK
Worldlink President, Jack Nelson commences a visit to UK today. Pray for a very fruitful visit and that his book, Reachable, which will be launched in the UK during his visit, may draw more people to support indigenous missionaries through Worldlink, UK.
At a Zonal Program – Nigeria
Fri 21. Irmiya - Nigeria
Four-thousand-six-hundred youths attended the zonal conferences organized in ten centers throughout the state. A participant, Joseph’s testified; “I came to this conference at the invitation of my girlfriend. I was touched by the simple way the Gospel was shared and I have decided to live for Jesus.” Joseph is one of the 1,328 people who received God’s salvation during the conference. Pray that the Lord may strengthen them in the faith.
Sat 22. Blessing - Nigeria
Many activities could not be executed due to insecurity in the area. Fulani herdsmen have been rampaging in the area killing innocent people. Thank God for helping her to still manage to visit a few secondary schools and tertiary institutions, conduct a leadership training and a retreat. Please pray for peace in the area and protection for her. Thank God for extending His healing hand to her and pray that her mum may experience the same.
Students at conference – Nigeria
Sun 23. Johnkessley - Nigeria
A conference was organized in December. “I was raped by my uncle at a young age. Unfortunately, when I told my illiterate mother, she scolded me for saying such ‘evil’ thing about my uncle, a church elder. I have lived with this guilt and pain all these years until now. Thank you for coming to our village with this program. Your counsel has helped me. I am free” (R.I). Pray for many like R.I. who are suffering from the effect of abuse. Pray for continued success of the ministry’s Aid4Life program.
Mon 24. Cyprian - Nigeria
Conducted a mission outreach to Usman Dan Fodio University. The program ministered to 550 people. Thank God for 127 people who responded to the Gospel message. Pray for their spiritual growth. Thank God also for two new Bible clubs that were inaugurated during the quarter.
Tue 25. Patrick - Mozambique
Currently running a six-month training in cross-cultural missions for six students. It’s not easy to raise workers for cross-cultural missions to unreached tribes because most people prefer to work where it is easy and they can get quick results. Thank God for these six students and pray that they may affect the world of Islam among different un-reached peoples they will come across in their journey of life. Thank God also for 38 children recruited into the nursery school this year. It is a mixed group of Christians and Muslims.
Wed 26. Joshua - Kenya
“I had targeted to reach 90 people with the message of the cross and I am glad that we were able to achieve the target as a family through visitations and speaking with people who come to the tailoring kiosk that my wife runs. Students have also begun to trickle in and we are already engaging some of them with the Gospel. Pray that the message may impact the lives of those who hear it.”
A session during Youth Camp - Tanzania
Thu 27. Zablon - Tanzania
Organized two camps in December, one for 160 children and the other for 100 young people. Thank God for 38 children and youths who received God’s salvation during the quarter. Pray for more volunteers to help with the ministry.
Children at Camp – Congo DR
Fri 28. Mathe - Congo DR
Organized a camp for 35 street kids. Thank God for the opportunity to give these children hope. Thank God also for open doors to proclaim God’s message in a few churches and for over 60 people who received the Lord as their Savior through these programs.
Participants at a School Leavers Rally/Conference – Uganda
Sat 29. Gideon - Uganda
Mobilized volunteers to run Primary Seven Leavers, (students graduating from 7th grade) One Day Rallies and Conferences in 4 districts in the region. Seven of such programs were organized each attracting an average of 200 children. Many of these children have already moved on to secondary school (Grade 8). Please pray that the Lord may uphold them and keep them faithful to Himself.
Small group Leaders’Training – Sierra Leone
Sun 30. Simeon - Sierra Leone
Just after schools were reopened, he organized a Leadership Training for all school groups in the Freetown Central and East Areas. This training was conducted at the beginning of the school year to equip school group leaders. There were 145 leaders in the two training programs. Pray that they all may convert the training they received into effective leadership of their Bible clubs.