Fri 1. Worldlink USA
Tonight, Worldlink holds a major fundraising and celebration meeting in Philadelphia. Please pray that God will be glorified by all that is said and done and that hearts would be moved to joy and to generosity.
Sat 2. Mildred – Guatemala
Ministered to over 1,200 children during the end of year activities series. Thank God for an experienced puppeteer who recently joined the staff team and for the provision of puppet equipment.
End of Year Activity – Guatemala
Sun 3. Sandra – Guatemala
Thank God for steady recovery from the injuries sustained during the accident she had a few months ago. She continues to supervise volunteers ministering in public schools and the Institute of Basic Education. Thank God for 34 young people who came to faith in the Lord during the quarter. One of the current faithful volunteers is a young man who himself came to faith only a few years ago through the ministry of another volunteer, a cause for gratitude to God.
Puppetry - Guatemala
Mon 4. Patrick – Mozambique
“We ask you to pray with us about the resurgence of Al-Shabaab (a militant Islamic group) in our town. We pray that the Lord may give us wisdom on how to navigate and help the church here. It is very easy for the church here to hate Muslims more instead of taking this as an opportunity for outreach, pray with us.”
Tue 5. Eugenio – Mozambique
He conducted training for 80 cell group leaders in a congregation. They were taught different methods of reaching out to the unreached, especially Muslims. He traveled to another district and held two youth and leadership conferences there. Thank God for three people who accepted Christ as the Lord of their lives.
Wed 6. Anathi – South Africa
“I met Viwe and Novangeli, from Ngqeleni district six years ago. Each had had two kids by age 16 and had subsequently dropped out of school. As part of our life-skills program, I urged them to go back to school to finish, but they bluntly refused. I met them again recently during one of our end of term prayers. God had changed their lives. Now, they are both teachers in two different schools. I thank God that they finally understood that He has good plans for them. Pray that they may draw closer to Him and be responsible mothers to their children.”
Some Participants in Mission Conference – South Africa
Thu 7. Dennis – Kenya
Showed the Jesus film in the village once with good response. The staff house is under construction. When completed, his family plans to move into the village for more effective ministry. Visited with three families to preach hope and pray with them. Thank God for one man who came to understand the Bible better. The Lord met with him and he accepted to follow Him.
Training in Small Scale Economic Activities – Waata, Kenya
Fri 8. Hellen – Kenya
“Thank God for the growth of the Somali ministry in Wajir. The outreach team has grown numerically and so have their activities. This is mainly the fruit of our discipleship efforts. The Lord of the harvest continues to empower them. Each day and especially on Sunday afternoon, the team goes out for cross-cultural evangelism. Thank God also for abundant fruit that is following their effort. In the past quarter, six people came to faith in the Lord Jesus. Prayer cells are also growing with three new cells inaugurated in Nairobi.”
Members of a Prayer Cell – Nairobi, Kenya
Sat 9. Shina – Sokoto, Nigeria
Conducted three-day rural/village evangelistic outreach in Angu, Niger state in July. The villagers are predominantly traditional worshippers. The parents however permit the younger generation to choose either Christianity or Islam as a modern religion. Thank God for 32 people who came to faith in Christ Jesus. Please pray for the host church as they follow-up with the new believers. The villagers work all day on their farms making follow-up difficult.
Sun 10. Joseph – Burkina Faso
“Moumouni Ouédraogo has been our security guard for three years. He has, on few occasions, requested us to pray for him. He confessed that he would have become a Christian a long time ago were all pastors of the good comportment. His father is a high level Muslim leader and he is his first son. This makes his situation tremendously complicated. But after talking to his dad, he decided to receive the Lord’s offer of salvation. He has now been attending my Assembly for nearly two months. At his first visit, the usher who received him was frightened because he believed he was a fundamentalist who had come to attack the church. Let us continue to pray that this man may remain steadfast in his faith.”
Students Evangelizing Village Elders – Angu, Nigeria
Mon 11. Nelito – Mozambique
He visits the sick in the hospitals on Mondays and Fridays and joins the Muslims in their Mosques on Fridays to intercede for them. Thank God for 15 people who received Jesus into their lives during the quarter. One of them was sickly and always had bad dreams. Her house was full of amulets. When she heard about Jesus, she was convicted of her sins, believed in Christ and handed over all her amulets. I prayed with her and destroyed the amulets. She was freed and healed. From that time, she began to invite people to hear the word of God.
Tue 12. Dhruba – Nepal
Conducted Vacation Bible School/Children Camp at Hetauda in September for 180 children, mostly from poor backgrounds. Thank God for 35 teachers who volunteered to help the children study God's word and for testimonies of its impact on the children. Dev Bahadur Gole shared, "In this camp I learned that to follow Christ is also to suffer persecution for Him. I learned that Jesus Christ, who changed Saul to Paul, can also change us to forsake our evil way and follow the right way."
Wed 13. CPM Indonesia
Transform Youth Indonesia Discipleship program is expanding at a moderate pace. It is now ministering to 815 youths in 34 churches, all in the unreached North Shore area. Join the team in prayer that the program may expand into the GKJ churches, the largest Javanese denomination to curb the rapid desertion by youths.
Thu 14. Pastor I – West Java, Indonesia
While in police detention awaiting trial on trumped-up charges from his estranged wife, brother J (the son of Pastor I) won ten other inmates to faith in Jesus Christ. The police felt so threatened they disbanded the inmates and sent brother J to prison detention. Thank God for such courage in the face of adversity.
Fri 15. Jothi – India
Ministry has focused on Kellapudi village. As a result of the outreach programs conducted, quite a few new people are coming to church. Pray for God’s provision to fulfill the plan to build a church building in this village.
Sat 16. Nightthemba – India
Proclaiming the Gospel message among the Hindus has its serious challenges. When he recently tried to share the Gospel message with a Hindu, his brothers scolded and even tried to beat him. Yet God continues to reward the ministry with fruits. Bilah Singh accepted the Lord Jesus as his redeemer during the quarter and Basanta Singh, a believer, felt convicted and stopped a business activity that was hurting others. Pray for direction to a more God-honoring business.
Sun 17. Mrs. Paka Singh – India
She is a missionary teacher in Agape Children Junior High School, where she shares the Gospel, especially during school devotions. Thank God for the impact of God’s word on the lives of her students. Thank God also for ministering to her sister-in-law who has started coming to church. Pray that the Lord may soon bring her to faith in Himself.
Mon 18. Shikandar – India
“We organized one-day Gospel Meetings in our house. We had the privilege of sharing the message of salvation with some of my relatives. Thank God for my sister-in-law, Sanathoi, who accepted Christ as the Lord of her life during this program. On the same day, we organized an outreach program to Sendra village.”
Tue 19. Simson – India
“I proclaimed the Gospel message in the streets of two new villages with many people hearing my message. Thank God for five people who came forward to accept Jesus Christ. They have gone through discipleship training and are now ready for baptism.”
Wed 20. Hemam Surshila - India
She had the privilege of leading a session and teaching some lessons during the two-day women’s conference organized by her church. Thank God for being a blessing to many conference participants and for three girls who came to faith in Jesus Christ during the conference.
Thu 21. Yohannu – India
Conducts church service every Sunday, prayer and fasting and cottage meetings every Tuesday. He also organized a special Gospel meeting in Kothur village. Thank God for the single soul, Madakon, who abandoned his idols to receive Christ’s offer of salvation. Thank God also for answering believers’ prayer for Nagaraju and Sulpana. They were recently blessed with a child after many years of marriage.
Fri 22. D. Paul Raj - India
Sudhakar, 35, of Gattugudem village was always poor. At the same time, he was addicted to many bad habits which added to his health problems. Thank God for the power of the gospel that brought a change to his life. Christ in his life has brought him to normal health. Thank God for this and pray for the steady growth of his faith.
Sat 23. Hellen – Béni, Congo DR
“I thank the Lord God for restoring me through this ministry and Worldlink. I was a teenage mother without hope. Now dowry will be paid on me and I too can experience Christian marriage and have a home. It’s only God who can do this and I rejoice in Him. Thank God for a successful three-day Bible camp organized in partnership with Chrisco Church, Malepe.”
Sun 24. Berhanu – Ethiopia
Thank God for a new branch office that opened in Dire Dawa, East Ethiopia. God gave us a branch coordinator, Barkot Abebe. Thank God for support received from the Fellowship of Ethiopian Churches. They assisted us in the recruitment process and donated a furnished office with desktop computer. Pray for provisions to cover monthly stipend and ministry expenses. Pray for plans to open another office in Nekempt in the West.
Barkot Abebe, Branch Coordinator - Ethiopia
Mon 25. Lucas – Tanzania
“The Greatest Journey is a three-month course given to children who have received shoeboxes. Being the Discipleship Coordinator who oversees the classes, I visited 28 classes with 930 children and 56 teachers during the quarter. Pray that the lessons these children are learning may help them live each day of their lives for God and fulfil His purpose for their lives.”
Tue 26. Joanes – Sierra Leone
Fifty-six teens, including four Muslims, were in the July regional youth camp. One of them, Adama Fullah, 15, is from a core Muslim home. She accompanied a friend, a member of the Bible club, to the camp. The Lord arrested Adama as the Bible exposition progressed. She responded to the altar call and confessed Christ as her Lord and redeemer. She is now attending church. To God be the glory.
Wed 27. Stellah – Tanzania
“I co-facilitated a Prayer Convention with 350 participants. During the convention, a security guard in the adjacent building suddenly collapsed and lost consciousness. Her colleague brought her to the place of the meeting. When we prayed for her, we found that she and her family were demon possessed. Through prayers, she and her family were set free and her life changed after she received Jesus as Lord and redeemer. Thank God for her deliverance and pray for sustenance of her faith.”
Prayer Convention - Tanzania
Thu 28. Ezechias – Rwanda
Four camps were organized during the quarter. The first two ministered to 350 teenagers. They learned that ‘True Love Waits’ and were challenged to remain pure until marriage. The question time gave opportunity to teach some basic Christian truths. The other two were a sports camp for teenagers and a prayer camp with 17 participants. Thank God for 15 teens who accepted Christ’s salvation and 30 others who renewed their faith in Him.
Youth Camp – Huve, Rwanda
Fri 29. James – Liberia
“Grace Bono of Jecko Town Community had consistently rejected our invitation to study the Bible with us. She was pregnant and experiencing some difficulties. Our group constantly visited to pray with her. She informed us that she has had two cesarean operations earlier and requested prayers for normal delivery this time around. We did and God answered our prayers. Two weeks after she left the hospital, she surprisingly came to our Bible study, gave her testimony and received Christ into her life. She has joined the church and is now a regular member of our Bible Study group. We praise the Lord.”
Peer Club – Buchanan, Liberia
Sat 30. Gideon – Uganda
In August and September, he conducted Positive Parenting Seminar, a training program for parents and care givers, in three centers. The main focus was on effective communication – a key for establishing healthy relationships between spouses, parents, their children and with God. Altogether, 380 parents underwent the training. Please pray that these trainings may positively impact the lives and families of all participants.
Positive Parenting Seminar Participants - Uganda
Sun 31. Romain – Congo DR
The Sisters of Hope Bible study group continues to meet every Monday. Thank God that each member of the group has started to lead the Bible study and for increase in participants. Two new groups were inaugurated in Gamba and Komanda. This is the result of trainings conducted last quarter. Two brothers, Parorama and Joel Andama, who went through the training are now leading these groups.
Bible Study Group – Congo DR