November Prayerlink


Wed 1. John - Zambia

Gospel splashes (quick evangelistic campaigns) that were conducted at the end of the school term in four districts of the Copperbelt region ministered to 2,103 students. Thank God for 227 children who rededicated their lives to Christ and 138 who gave their lives to Him. Ninety-seven Sunday School teachers from 11 churches participated in two training programs. Pray that they may convert the knowledge gained to more effective ministry to the children under their care.

Leadership and Sunday School Teachers’ Training – Zambia

Leadership and Sunday School Teachers’ Training – Zambia

Thu 2. Jean-Baptiste – Rwanda

About 200 people heard the word of God during an evangelistic outreach conducted by widows in Ntonde. Domina, a widow of 16 years, shared the word of God based on Psalm 20. She gave a moving testimony of her experience of the love and abiding presence of the Lord as she struggled to care for her young family. All participants prayed together at the end of the program, recommitting themselves to put their trust wholly in the Lord. Thank God that He can use the most ordinary person to declare his message.

Fri 3. Joseph – Benue, Nigeria

Conducted two leadership trainings each for Secondary and Post-Secondary students. Thank God for seven participants who came to faith in the Lord Jesus. Apenkumbur, a post-secondary participant thanked God for helping him understand the importance of managing his time to keep his spiritual life healthy in the midst of rigorous academics.

Sat 4. Kiki – Bénin

“I organized two Bible camps for children and young people with 298 campers and 100 camp leaders in attendance. Thank God for the impact of these annual camps on the campers. For example, an International Consultant and University Professor, seeing the great change and transformation in his children’s lives, brought many loaves of bread to feed the campers and promised to solicit support for our camps and ministry whenever the opportunity arises for him to preach in his church.”

Play Time at Parakou Camp, Bénin

Play Time at Parakou Camp, Bénin

Sun 5. Johnkessley – Kaduna, Nigeria

He and his team ministered to 3,256 children during visits to 25 Bible clubs. “I was just about to make a serious decision that would have destroyed my life and future. God miraculously saved me after a counseling session” (Hope). Thank God for the opportunity to minister to young people through individual counseling in or away from Bible clubs.

Mon 6. Angelique – Beni, Congo DR

In partnership with International Alert, an NGO, she conducted leadership training for mentors of young Christian leaders. She is currently engaged in raising awareness and funds to support the schooling of orphans of the continuing massacre in Eastern Congo. Please pray for success of her efforts. She has adopted one of the children, a 7-year-old orphan.

Tue 7. Bereket – Ethiopia

Evangelistic program conducted during Wejegra Conference brought 19 souls into the kingdom of God while another 18 came to faith in the Lord during Bona conference. Thank God for this abundant harvest of souls. Thank God also for safe delivery of their third son, Jhdotan.

Bereket and His Sons – Ethiopia

Bereket and His Sons – Ethiopia

Wed 8. Francis – CAR

“I had the opportunity to minister to a man who uses levitation charms. While I was teaching about the realities of hell and the eternal kingdom of God, this man became seriously disturbed. He came to me at the end of the program to confess his evil practice. He surrendered his charms which I burnt up. Thank God for delivering him from the kingdom of Satan and giving him new life in Christ.”

Thu 9. Andre – Congo DR

Nine local churches participated in the KidsGames, a sports evangelism program. A total of 879 children and teenagers registered for the program. Many other children from the community joined in the fun. Apart from games and evangelistic programs, each participant received evangelistic materials. Participating churches have reported an increase in the number of children in their churches. Praise the Lord for this.

Fri 10. Lawrence – The Gambia

As part of the strategy to reach the youths of Gambia, a camp was organized. About 130 campers from various schools and churches attended the camp. It did not only serve as a platform to strengthen the spiritual lives of the campers, but also to reach out to students/campers who had not made the decision to accept Jesus into their lives. Thank God for six of the campers who surrendered their lives to the Lord during the camp.

Some of the New Believers - Gambia

Some of the New Believers - Gambia

Sat 11. Cyprian – Sokoto, Nigeria

He had open doors to four churches where he shared the vision and activities of the ministry with 580 people. He also conducted seminars for final year students in four secondary schools to prepare them for life after school. A new Bible club was inaugurated in Busy Brians Primary school. Pray for God’s blessing on the 24 inaugural members and for the growth of the group.

Sun 12. David Vahwere – Béni, Congo DR

Conducted a Bible camp with 126 adolescents in attendance. He is also taking six students through baptismal lessons. Thank God for improved security in the region. Vahwere exclaimed, “Although security has not been fully restored in our region, it is no doubt a miracle that we had a whole month without the sound of a single bullet either during the day or the night in Béni city.“

Bible Study Group at Bible Camp, Béni, Congo DR

Bible Study Group at Bible Camp, Béni, Congo DR

Mon 13. Albino – Yobe, Nigeria

Mobilized 6 senior friends (mostly lecturers) to assist in conducting a three-day training for 20 new leaders of the fellowship at Umar Suleiman College of Education, Gashua. The leaders were equipped for fruitful service as campus Christian leaders. Pray that they may faithfully serve the Lord and give effective leadership to their peers.

A Session During Leadership Training – Gashua, Yobe Nigeria

A Session During Leadership Training – Gashua, Yobe Nigeria

Tue 14. Bryceson – Tanzania

Had the opportunity to visit and minister in some churches and participate in their conferences. Also conducted camps for final year students of primary school (Grade 7) and secondary school (Grade 11). He and his wife were involved in a car crash. Thank God for saving their lives.

Standard 7 Send Forth/Graduation - Tanzania

Standard 7 Send Forth/Graduation - Tanzania

Wed 15. Helene – Béni, Congo DR

Thank God for the opportunity to receive training from the Counselling Center in Béni to equip her to train parents to minister effectively to their children. Pray that as she puts this into practice, she may assist parents to help their children overcome the evils that are currently in their lives and pre-empt challenges of adulthood.


Thu 16. Punshi – India

He was the main speaker at an open-air preaching program organized in Saiton. They moved to Thanga village in July and had a gospel-sharing meeting in Thanga village. Thank God for a young man, Thanga Moirangthem, who accepted God’s salvation at this meeting.

Fri 17. AM Team – Indonesia

They have a big vision that house churches will fulfill the five functions of a Church: Worship, Discipleship, Fellowship, Ministry and Evangelism. However, they are finding it difficult to disciple people as a group since those who have trusted in Jesus live far from each other. The strategy adopted is to conduct individual discipleship, in the hope that they will bring their families and friends to Jesus and house churches can then begin. Please pray for grace to meet their target of forming nine house churches by the end of the year.

Sat 18. JMS – Myanmar

“MW has great desire to share the gospel message with her own people. I visited her at home and encouraged her to stand firm for Christ and share the good news with everyone. Even though she is living in a bamboo house, her smile remains radiant for she says, ‘Jesus is my hope and life.’ Kindly pray that we may able to help her have a better house before the raining season starts.”

Sun 19. Shiva Kumar - Nepal

He is regularly running clubs for children in five places in Dharan, East Nepal. About 200 children join these clubs every week. A quarter of them are from non-Christian families. Pray that many of these children may soon come to faith in Christ Jesus.

Shiva Ministering to Children - Nepal

Shiva Ministering to Children - Nepal

Mon 20. Cornelius – India

He has been sharing the gospel message with the people of Nagalapuram Kandkai. One upper caste family heard the message, their hearts were touched and the Lord drew them into His kingdom. Pray for effective follow-up. Cornelius’s special prayer request is that God may grant him a more effective ministry in his village.

Tue 21. Gyaneshwor – India

He often has the opportunity to share God’s word at fellowship meetings and conducts counseling of new believers during outreaches. Thank God for his family members who recently came to faith in Christ. Pray for their effective growth.

Wed 22. Hemchand – India

Conducted open-air preaching at Saiton, gospel meeting at Ithing village and Sendra. He organized an all-night prayer meeting, a retreat and gospel sharing program in Pallen. Another gospel meeting was held in Kumbi village and a relief camp organized to meet the needs of people affected by flooding. Thank God for the opportunities and for five people who turned to the Lord for salvation. Pray for the team’s plan to start new fellowships in Pallel and Kumbi villages and Thanga Karang Island.

Thu 23. JT Team – Indonesia

Thank God for RDI and BDI, new believers who are ready for baptism. Pray that they too may become fishers of men for Christ. Thank God for His Spirit who is at work in IWI and LII. Pray that they too will reach out to others. Pray also that the Lord may send new disciples to the house churches.

Fri 24. Ibosana – India

He shares the gospel message with students especially during devotion in the mission school where he teaches. Visits were made to meet with Mrs. Thoibi Devi, a widow, and to share the gospel message with her. Consequently, she started attending church services. Pray that she may come to a full appreciation of God’s love for her.

Sat 25. Jonathan – India

Mr. Dollar Loitongbam was a drunkard. He heard the message of the gospel and fully surrendered his life to the Lord. The Lord brought a complete change to his life. Thank God for this dramatic impact of the Good News.

Sun 26. CB Team – Indonesia

“Burdened to help children succeed, our missionaries have, for two years, been giving weekend lessons in English and Math to the children in one of our villages. This has opened the door to share the Good News with them. We began with the parents who accompany the children. We regularly have 4-6 moms with whom we have been building relationships. Their response has been very positive. We plan to start a new house fellowship for these women soon. We do not expect this to be an easy task in our situation where new believers will certainly be ostracized or even forced out of the village so they don’t influence others. But we have seen God work in amazing ways in our ministry. Please pray for grace, tact, courage and a successful endeavor.”

Mon 27. Kanta Singh – India

Thank God for the increase in the number of people attending fellowship. Pray for Bashanta and his wife, Bahbah. They have heard the message of the gospel and are drawing closer to Christ. Pray for complete submission to the lordship of Christ. Pray also that God will bless Kanta and his wife with children.

Tue 28. Lokeshwor – India

He and his team have been sharing the gospel message with the people of Tanga area. More than one hundred people heard the gospel message during the quarter. Thank God for four people who turned to the Lord in faith when they distributed tracts and engaged in door-to-door witnessing.

Wed 29. Norendro – India

He is thanking the Lord for a breakthrough in his family. After relentlessly sharing the gospel message with his daughter-in-law, she has finally started coming to church regularly. His granddaughter who is also from a Hindu background now attends church services regularly. Pray that they both may fully grasp the message of the gospel of Christ and turn over their lives to him completely.

Thu 30. Worldlink USA

Pray for tomorrow’s launch of Worldlink’s Game Changers Year-End campaign – that the Lord would be honored and believers would be moved to support many new indigenous missionaries.