Mon 1. Emmanuel – Cameroun
He conducted camp for 62 children at the beginning of August. He also organized a three-day training for life-skills and Ethics and Life program leaders. Thank God for three people who decided to follow Christ and 15 others who renewed their commitment to Him.
Tue 2. Dickens – Uganda
Dubbed ‘Kampala return to God’ (based on Zechariah 1:3), he participated in a week-long Kampala city-wide crusade led by Africa Evangelistic Enterprise. He was given the responsibility to lead the mission events to all 93 primary and secondary schools in Kampala. His team ministered to 34,482 students and 1,207 teachers. Thank God for 4,014 students and 21 teachers who committed their lives to Christ during the outreach.
Wed 3. Gerard – Congo DR
Almost 400 children and young people participated in the two camps he organized during the holidays. Thank God for the impact of the gospel message on the campers. Leaders of life-skills clubs in secondary schools and tertiary institutions were also given some training.
Thu 4. Marie-Therese – Rwanda
Visited and ministered to the children of a church in Kamashashi. She also took the opportunity to minister to the parents who accompanied the children. From among them, she recruited 13 new Sunday School teachers. Please pray that they may all have effective ministry in their churches. Thank God for 20 children who accepted the Lord during the camp she organized.
Fri 5. Simeon – Sierra Leone
He conducted three camps, one for 68 children in Magburaka and the other two hosted by Joshua School for primary and secondary students. Thirty children received Christ as their redeemer in the three camps for which we thank the Lord.
Sat 6. Bereket – Ethiopia
Conducted a 3-day open air program in Wejegra. The program was organized by students in the local area. Another preaching program was conducted in Bona where the Lord delivered some from drug addiction. Thank the Lord for the fruit of his ministry in these two cities.
Sun 7. Nompumelelo – Swaziland
A new Bible club was inaugurated at a high school in July. The school was established in January 2017 and so far, has enrollment of only 86 Grade 7 students. Please pray for wisdom for Mrs. Nelsiwe Dlamini-Gumede, one of the teachers who serves as the overseer of the club.
Mon 8. Lucas – Tanzania
Conducted a one-day Sunday school teachers’ training on the island of Unguja. There were 18 teachers on the island in attendance. Another month long comprehensive teacher’s training was conducted in Milo. All 46 participants were from five dioceses of the Anglican Church in the area. Please pray that as a result of these trainings, all participants may be more effective in their ministries.
Tue 9. Andre – Congo DR
Organized two camps with a total of 113 children. Thank God for the impact of the camp on some of the children who have started serving God in various ministries in their churches.
Wed 10. Gideon – Uganda
“I ran a mission in partnership with a church in Mbale. We visited 12 secondary and 5 primary schools sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and establishing the young people who were already committed to the Lord by teaching them to develop spiritual habits. These include daily quiet time, prayer and fasting, meditating on the Bible and witnessing to others. Thank God for 480 students who received Christ as Lord of their lives.”
Thu 11. John – Zambia
“We are running a youth/adult mentorship program that aims at coaching the mentees to make good choices, choosing good and healthy habits and building healthy relationships with others. This program is also helping them discover their talents to enhance their career options. We draw youth from all churches and walks of life. The sessions are very interactive with experienced life coaches. A total of 230 youths went through the programme during the quarter. Pray that mentors will strongly influence their mentees for Christ.”
Fri 12. Sola – Nigeria
Rallies organized in 12 centers ministered to 1764 children and youths. About 150 participants prayed to receive the Lord Jesus into their lives. Thank God for them. Four new centers were started to reach out to more students.
Sat 13. CPM – Indonesia
“Youths tend to find Discovery Bible Studies (DBS) too heavy. Therefore, we’ve incorporated several aspects of DBS into character sharing groups: (a) finding Bible verses that show God’s way of dealing with problems; (b) specific action steps and accountability for doing those action steps; and (c) telling others about God’s work in your life, and being accountable to someone. Pray that the lives of the youths may be tuned to God as they go through this new program.”
Sun 14. Dhruba - Nepal
“Mary was one of our VBS teachers. Her role in the skit presented during the closing program was a person who was repenting from sin. Her action was so real she started crying profusely and pronouncing various sins while asking for forgiveness. There was a big applause at the end. I later learned from one of the drama leaders who knows Mary very well, that she was doing more than acting because she was convicted of her careless life and was really seeking forgiveness for all of her sins. That was the effect of what was discussed during the VBS sessions. Thank God for the impact of VBS both on students and teachers.”
Mon 15. AMT – Indonesia
“B” tribal children usually really enjoy learning but many older “B” want to have nothing to do with modernization or anything that would threaten their culture and way of life. That is especially true of the “Inner B.” The “Inner B” live in the mountainous region of Lebak, West Java. They live at one with nature and are against all forms of modernization. Praise the Lord for bringing Amron in touch with Jarma, a “B” man. In Jarma’s house, every Wednesday, Amron runs learning activities for “B” kids.
Tue 16. Johnson – India
Organized cottage meetings in the villages. Of about 100 people who heard the message, thank God for Jaggaiah who responded by turning from idol worship to the living God. Pray for his spiritual growth.
Wed 17. K. Paul Raj – India
Karam Mariama was possessed of evil spirits and has been very sick for a long time. She heard the gospel message and accepted that Jesus Christ is God who has power to heal. The church prayed for her healing and deliverance. God heard their prayers, healed and delivered her from the evil attack. She entrusted her life to the Lord and is now an active church attendant. Pray that the Lord may strengthen her faith in Him.
Thu 18. Rambabu – India
The gospel message was proclaimed to 76 people in Krishna Sagar and Rajiv Nagar villages. Pray that the seed of the word that was planted may soon yield abundant fruit. Church activities continue. Pray for God’s protection upon all church members especially the elders and their family members.
Fri 19. Nikhilesh – India
There are many unreached people in Uttah Pradesh (UP), India’s largest state. There are many villages where people have never heard about Jesus Christ. They remain under the bondage of evil spirits, engage in blind faith and many rituals. People are thirsty and hungry for God’s word. Nikhi recently undertook a three-day mission trip sharing the word of God with about 500 people in 8 places. Thank God for many who were healed and evil spirits cast out in the name of Jesus.
Sat 20. Kripamma – India
Engages regularly in evangelism, hospital visitation and evangelistic tracts distribution. Thank God for drawing five people to himself in the past quarter including a woman named Venkat. Pray that God’s grace may be multiplied to her and all the new believers.
Sun 21. Thoibi Devi – India
Her ministry in Ithing Tammy village is mainly to students in school. She is also much involved in her church being one of the women leaders. Thank God for the impact of her ministry to students, some of whom are now coming to church and searching. Pray that God may reveal himself to them clearly.
Mon 22. Samuel – India
He was part of the team that organized a youth conference in Loktak project area and works alongside other experienced evangelists to do church planting. Pray for his growth in ministry.
Tue 23. Venkata – India
Organized a women’s conference in the local church. Thank God because the neighbors have not troubled his family lately. Pray that the Lord will continue to keep them safe and at peace with their neighbors. Pray also for courage to continue to share the gospel message boldly in a deeply idolatrous environment.
Wed 24. Vijayakuma – India
Organized special gospel meetings in Venkatapuram village. About 120 people heard the gospel message and one soul was brought to faith in Christ. Please praise the Lord for this fruit.
Thu 25. Worldlink UK
Please pray for Ian, our former Trustee and first Treasurer who continues to suffer from the aftermath of the brain damage he suffered almost two years ago. Pray for courage for his wife, Anna and God’s abiding presence and peace as she continues to care for him.
Fri 26. Timothy – Kenya
“We just recently arrived in a new area. We have been involved in teaching the word of God in two primary schools. We lead Bible studies every Wednesday and Friday in the village, preached in two churches in Leswa and Losambulbul and visit the villagers to share God’s word with them. Pray that the seeds we are sowing may soon bear abundant fruit.”
Sat 27. Anastancia – Mozambique
“In the last 3 months, I have continued to teach the group of children and young people. I am also taking two women (one of them a Muslim) and two young ladies through a discipleship program. Pray that the message I share with each group may draw them into fellowship with the Lord.”
Sun 28. Daniel – Nigeria
Post Campus and Final Year Training Conference was held at the Zonal level in the College of Nursing Maiduguri in August. Thank God for its success. The training conference ended with a graduation program for the final year students at the College of Health Technology Maiduguri.
Mon 29. Shina – Nigeria
Four different campus fellowships had their leadership training program during the past quarter. Altogether, 41 new student leaders were equipped with leadership skills to enable them to lead on campus and beyond with godly character. Please pray that they may live lives of total devotion to the Lord. The fellowship members on three campuses in turn went through discipleship training to help them share the good news effectively and live as Christ’s disciples on their campuses.
Tue 30. Joseph – Nigeria
“The training has really enlightened me on prayer, forgiveness, giving oneself and leading by example.” This was the testimony of Paul Ojotu, a Post-Secondary (POSEC) student at the end of the leadership training conducted by Joseph. Pray that all the 14 participants may put all they have learned to useful service.
Wed 31. Worldlink USA
Today marks our last day in office space that has been donated to our ministry for the past three years. Praise God for all the lives that were changed by the ministry that happened within those walls. For 16 years, Worldlink has enjoyed donated office space and seen the Lord work mightily. Pray that the Lord will continue to bring much fruit as we move to a new working environment.