As we step into 2017, we face a world of seemingly infinite heartaches. Yet, even though it is a new year, as Soloman said, "There is nothing new under the sun.”
Since Eden's garden there has been trouble and need… And since eternity past there has been a good and gracious God who yearns to hear people humbly and submissively cry out to him about those troubles and needs.
Please use this January prayer guide to inform your prayers of praise and petition on behalf of our Worldlink partners this month.
Jack Nelson
Worldlink President
Sun 1. Dhruba - Nepal
Organized three adult camps during the quarter in partnership with local churches. Bahadur, the leader of the church where the third camp was held, was a soldier in Nepal’s army but he was forced to resign from the service because he refused to salute idols. His father also had forced him to leave his house. He built a small house for his family (wife and two daughters) on land his in-laws gave him and donated some area of the land to the church. Please pray for Bahadur, his family and many other Christians who are facing serious persecution in Nepal.
We published and distributed 2500 copies of Dainik Jyoti Bible guide last October. Since the notes are written by Nepali writers in simple language and with down-to-earth interpretation, the guide is still the first choice for many believers in Nepal and used in personal and family devotions. Even pastors and their families are blessed by the guide. Mrs. Mina Chettri, a missionary pastor's wife, writes us from Guahati, India, "I have experienced many blessings from Dainik Jyoti."
Mon 2. Uttam - India
Spent a greater part of the last quarter ministering to four families particularly in prayers. They are now coming to our Sunday services. Thank God for them and for 17 people who came to faith in the Lord in Kamarbandi village and are now coming to fellowship regularly.
Tues 3. Pankoh- India
He has focused on Sunday school and tract distribution ministries. Please pray that those who receive the tracts and hear God’s message proclaimed may respond in faith in the Lord Jesus. Pray also that God may heal him from constant flu and fever and heal his sick elderly mother too.
Wed 4. Gopal - India
Thank God for Gurva Murmu from a Hindu background. He received healing after we prayed for him and consequently accepted Jesus as his personal Savior. Pray that God may help him commit himself totally to the only true God.
Thu 5. Anonymous Country
HN is 70 and a professor in the university. PJ met him at a crossroad and began to discuss the gospel message with him. After some meetings, HN opened his heart and received Jesus as his Savior. This was several years ago, yet HN has not felt ready to take the step of baptism. Please pray for courage to take this important step of faith. PJ sees a huge potential in HN to influence his students for Christ.
Fri 6. Nikunja - India
Shared the gospel message from house to house. He also visited hospitals and prayed for patients. Thank God for about 30 people who heard the message of redemption. Pray that they may soon respond in faith. Thank God for many who are coming to Sunday fellowship and Sunday school.
Sat 7. Sushila - India
Focus is on women’s ministry. Shared the gospel message with 53 women in the past quarter. Many of them, although Hindus, believe our God can intervene in their situation and solve their problems so they request for prayers and God is indeed answering our prayers for them. Pray that they may take the next step and put their faith in the God who hears and answers prayer.
Sun 8. Chaitan - India
Mirza Hembram of Karat village has been sickly for a while. He has sought help from several sources without relief. One day, he came to our fellowship and shared his problem with us. Accordingly, we shared God’s word with him and prayed for him. He is now feeling better. Please pray for total healing for his body and his soul and mind.
Mon 9. Rolinson - India
Rolinson shared the gospel message in a few villages and market places. Thank God for one family in Borda village that has joined the fellowship there.
Tue 10. Joe - Columbia
Cielo, 11, and an only child lives with her alcoholic and abusive father. She was very lonely and miserable. She came to our bible club and became part of a loving and caring adolescents group. She now has friends she relates with and no longer feels lonely. She is also experiencing increased peace at home. Thank God for what He is doing in her life. Please pray for her father’s deliverance.
Wed 11. Worldlink USA
Pray for Jenna, a new home team staff member as she serves the Lord by serving our current prayer and financial partners and creates new ways to make many people aware of Worldlink and the opportunity to support indigenous missionaries.Africa Region
Thu 12. Daniel - Borno, Nigeria
He conducted various training programs during the quarter on Inductive Bible study, leading small Bible study group and life-after-campus etc. Thank God for opportunity to also minister in some churches and in the University chapel.
Fri 13. Romain - Congo DR
Camp organized in July ministered to 70 boys and girls. Thank God for 10 participants who received the Lord as their Savior. One of them narrated how her teacher had asked her for sex in exchange for higher marks. She refused and reported the problem to her parents. The parents came to the school and confronted the teacher. The teacher confessed and desisted from troubling the girl any more. Please pray that these young believers may courageously resist the devil in every area of their lives.
Sat 14. Joesph - Benue, Nigeria
Visited six primary and two secondary school Bible clubs where he shared God’s Word with over a thousand pupils. He also conducted leadership training course in one secondary and three post-secondary schools. Pray that they may make full use of the word that was deposited in their hearts
Sun 15. Berhanu - Ethiopia
Organized training for both school leaders (including outgoing leaders) and new leaders. Participants came from 70 school fellowships in Addis Ababa. Also organised evangelistic activities in various locations in Addis Ababa to minister to youths in and out of school. Thank God for many who heard the gospel message and 75 of them who responded by asking Jesus to come into their lives.
Mon 16. Mathe - Congo DR
Organized a month-long prayer chain for the province of North Kivu and especially for Beni Territory where massacres are rampart. Twenty-four people committed themselves to the prayer program, each covering an hour of his/her choice. Thank God for the impact of the prayer on the ministry during the quarter – over 5,500 heard the gospel message in camps, through life-skills programs and messages proclaimed in different churches and chapels resulting in 50 new believers.
Tue 17. James - Jos, Nigeria
Organized two rallies, one in Bukuru for 521 youths from 34 secondary schools and the other for 870 primary school children and 28 teachers. Thank God for 181 youths and children who received God’s salvation during the two rallies. James was also the main speaker at the post-secondary school retreat in Taraba state. Thank God for fruitful ministry in his former ministry location and for safe relocation to his new post in Jos.
Wed 18. James - Liberia
Mayango Jallah experienced complete change in his life and home as a result of his participation in our community meetings. He is a security guard and was used to abusing his wife. As a result, his marriage was under threat. However, God’s word has impacted him bringing a change to his life and behavior. His wife was full of thanks to the Lord as she shared her testimony at a recent fellowship meeting. Pray that God’s peace may continue to reign in their home.
Thu 19. Gerard - Congo DR
Organized four summer holiday Bible Camps, two for youths and one for 40 women. The fourth, organized in the university chapel, was combined with KidsGames with 126 children participating. Two activities were also organized for couples one of which was targeted at parents. Pray that the 21 couples and 29 singles who were at these programs may put into practice the lessons they learned during the programs.
Fri 20. Stellah - Tanzania
God assisted us in organizing three camps during the quarter, two in Kilimanjaro, in the northern part of Tanzania with 750 children and one in Dar-es-Salaam with 72 participants. Visits to school Bible clubs have also given us the opportunity to minister to many children including some from non-Christian homes. Pray that God’s word may continue to impact the lives of these children.
Sat 21. Gideon - Uganda
Organized two-week mission to schools in his area in partnership with the Presbyterian Church. Altogether, over 20,000 pupils in 15 primary and 30 secondary schools heard the gospel message. A camp was also organized in Mbale with 263 children from 25 primary schools and 5 organizations in attendance. The campers also had the opportunity to put their faith into action through evangelism and offering acts of services to the needy in the community. Thank God for opportunity to impact the lives of the children with the gospel of Christ.
Sun 22. Cabra - Zambia
Visited 15 Bible clubs and ministered to about 450 unchurched and 305 church-going young people. Also conducted youth ministry training for 25 pastors at Trans Africa Christian University Thank God for 17 people who responded to the gospel message during the quarter.
Mon 23. Johnkessley - Kaduna, Nigeria
Conducted visits to 96 bible clubs during the quarter and proclaimed the gospel message through film shows. Haruna testified: I used to help my father transact his business but I often hid some of the money I made. Today, after the film show, I went to my father to confess and I gave him the remaining money I hid. Thank God because His Spirit convicts us of our sins.
Tue 24. Akin - Plateau, Nigeria
Organized training on how to serve the Lord effectively for 60 leaders in one of our campuses. Thank God for 18 of them who responded to calls to serve the Lord in different areas of ministry. Pray for effective follow-up by teachers in their schools so they can fulfill their calling.
Wed 25. Zablon - Tanzania
I have seen that some of the youths we are mentoring have started exhibiting various gifts and talents such as preaching, teaching, singing, Christian comedy, designing and much more. We thank God for this and we ask Him to help us to be good mentors to them.
Thu 26. Dennis _Uganda
The mission week which started in June continued in July reaching an estimated 6,000 people with the gospel. We visited 5 key churches in the Midwestern region. The mission team encouraged school club members in the region to stand firm despite a rise in cultism in the area.
Fri 27. Andre - Congo DR
Twenty-two churches participated in the KidsGames program organized in Mangobo. There were 894 children and 60 leaders in attendance. About 120 children from this programme have since joined Sunday school classes in different churches. Pray that they may be thoroughly nourished as they participate in church programs.
Sat 28. Shina - Sokoto, Nigeria
Organized weeklong campus evangelism in two higher institutions in Sokoto. The first two days of the program were devoted to training in evangelism especially practical ways of engaging in evangelistic discussions. Each week ended with students moving round the campuses to share the gospel with other students. At the end of the program 32 souls were added to God’s kingdom for which we thank the Lord.
Sun 29. John - Zambia
Organized two camps during the quarter, one of these in partnership with World Vision. The camps ministered to a total of 562 youths. Thank God for the harvest of 63 souls and for 145 others who rededicated their lives to Christ. Established five new Bible clubs during visit to Luapula Province. Pray that these clubs may be effective avenues for reaching out to the children in their schools.
Mon 30. Irmiya - Nasarawa, Nigeria
Conducted different trainings for volunteers, post-secondary and secondary school Bible club members. A total of 101 people were trained. The zonal conference organized during the quarter ministered to over 300 youths. Pray that the lessons learned may impact participants’ lives for many years to come.
Tue 31. Morris - Liberia
Kemah came for counseling having just rededicated her life to Christ. Her grandmother initiated her into witchcraft and she confessed to have engaged in several deadly activities. She accepted Jesus at one of our camps in 2006 but following serious threats from the leaders of her coven, she went back to the evil group the same year. She cried out, “Pastor, I am not happy. I prayed to rededicate my life when you asked us to pray. I need strong prayers.” I arranged a deliverance meeting with other pastors. She was delivered and is now happily growing in her faith. Please support her in your prayer.