December Prayerlink

As a follower of Jesus I try to make sense of the meaning of “privilege” in prayer.

Usually, I lack appreciation for my opportunities to pray for people. I don’t often act on my belief that prayer is intimacy with God and God’s response is an invincible power. This month’s Prayerlink gives me a new opportunity to experience the privilege of prayer.

People we meet in Prayerlink are just like us. They struggle in life, they put their faith in God, and they need prayer. As we pray, we come alongside our local Worldlink partners who are praying for the reachable people in their midst.

Thank you for your partnership in this privilege of prayer! May God use all our prayers for his glory.

Yours in Christ,

Brad Palmer

Board member, Worldlink


Ministry Equipment destroyed by Islamic fundamentalists

Ministry Equipment destroyed by Islamic fundamentalists

Thu 1. Shina - Sokoto, NigeriaThere was a vicious attack on Christians at one of the higher education institutions in Nigeria. A minor disagreement that had nothing to do with religion occurred between a Christian and his Muslim roommate. They resolved this amicably but the third roommate took it over and wrongly accused the Christian of blaspheming the prophet Mohammed. He went out to recruit Muslim hoodlums who attacked and hacked the Christian roommate as well as two other Christian students, and one of them died from his injuries. A mob burned houses and shops belonging to Christians as well as the ministry’s meeting room and equipment. These incidents highlight the dangers that Shina and other partners serving the Lord in Northern Nigeria face each day. Please pray for their safety and for the light of the gospel to change hostile hearts.

Fri 2. Patrick - Mozambique
Patrick was invited to lead the devotions throughout the three week-long orientation of 26 new Africa Inland Mission missionaries who will be serving in various parts of Africa. He also began a training program for six Mozambicans to prepare them for long term mission among the Muslims. Patrick also ministers to many listeners by sharing Bible stories on a local radio station. 

Ready for the class – Kenya

Ready for the class – Kenya

Sat 3. Dennis - Kenya

Dennis shared the gospel with ten families during the quarter. Praise God for a Muslim woman who accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior. Please pray for her total healing from epilepsy and for wisdom as the team continues to disciple her. Dennis also continues to minister to the children in the ministry’s school. Thank God for the individual who has decided to sponsor the schooling for some of the kids in the community, and for the provision of food for the kids at school.

Group Discussion at Leadership Training – South Africa

Group Discussion at Leadership Training – South Africa

Sun 4. Anathi- South Africa

Anathi has been ministering to Grade 12 (High School graduates). One of them, an orphaned girl, believed she would never go to university because two of her siblings passed away just before this phase of their lives. She believed her family is cursed. As she responded to the gospel message, she started having hope and has now become very optimistic about her future. She now hopes to make it to the university and is excited about this possibility.

School in session – Garissa, Kenya

School in session – Garissa, Kenya

Mon 5. Matano - Kenya

A Somali man who recently gave his life to Christ is very serious about his new found faith. He continues daily to ask Matano how to know Christ more so he can accurately share the gospel with his wives and children. He has handed his children over to Matano and his ministry so they can be in a Christian school and disconnected from Islamic influence. He was baptized recently and is radical in his faith. He shares that he is enjoying a kind of peace he had never experienced in his life before. Please uphold him in your prayers.

Mwingi Training - Kenya

Mwingi Training - Kenya

Tue 6. Hellen - Kenya

Hellen organized two trainings for church leaders in Mwingi. A total of 133 youth and clergymen attended the three-day training. The last days of each training culminated with evangelism and an open air crusade and a total of 23 souls came to faith in the Lord. Many others rededicated their lives to Jesus and asked that someone be left behind to pastor them. Thank God for this fruitful ministry. Thank God also for the safe delivery of a baby boy, Zeev Aviella, to Hellen’s family.

Wed 7. Yeremia - Tanzania

Albeto was being tormented by demons and sometimes the demons would make him act insane. He had been taken to magicians, witchdoctors and sheikhs but none could help him. When Albeto was brought to Yeremia and the team of believers, they prayed earnestly for him over a four-day period. Praise God for delivering him! He is now well and sound, and as a result of his experience, he has accepted Jesus as his personal Savior and Lord. Please support him and his young wife in prayer.

Hope for the future – BAMATU Project, Congo DR

Hope for the future – BAMATU Project, Congo DR

Thu 8. BAMATU Project, Congo DR

Thank God for providing the means to establish the first girls who graduated from the project this past summer. Each has received a sewing machine and some materials to help kick-start their new business. Pray that they may make a headway in their trade and continue to follow the Lord and the teachings they received. Pray for the second set of 23 girls that have been rescued from the sex trade, that the Lord may minister to them as they begin their training and rehabilitation.

Section of the people listening to the message - Bona, Ethiopia

Section of the people listening to the message - Bona, Ethiopia

Fri 9. Bereket - Ethiopia

Bereket conducted a three-day preaching program in four cities – in Bona with 3,000 people hearing the gospel message, and in Halaba, Shashmene and Arisi Negele with 1,500 in attendance. Thank the Lord for 24 people who accepted the Lord as their Savior at these meetings and for 20 others who accepted the Lord during preaching programs in churches in Hawassa.

Children singing at Gege rally – Swaziland

Children singing at Gege rally – Swaziland

Sat 10. Sibusiso - Swaziland

Sibusiso organized a full-day rally for the school children in Gege. Thank God for raising up teachers and volunteers who are working tirelessly to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in this new branch. Seventy young people from four schools as well as 6 teachers participated in this program. Thank God also for the salvation of 20 young people.

Sun 11. Jean-Baptiste - Rwanda
Jean-Baptiste organized two meetings for couples in July and September. The July meeting, which had 24 couples in attendance, focused on being faithful to the marriage covenant. The message particularly focused on the early signs of marital infidelity and its causes. Pray that the lessons that were learned may help to strengthen and sustain the couples’ marriages. Thank God also for the camp that was jointly organized with the Anglican church, during which 108 people either received Christ as Savior or rededicated their lives to Him.

Pupils at a Christian Religious Education Class – Tanzania

Pupils at a Christian Religious Education Class – Tanzania

Mon 12. Steven - Tanzania

Steven has been teaching Christian Religious Education classes in one primary school and some secondary schools. It has provided an opportunity to share the gospel message with all—Christians and Muslims. He also organized a four-day seminar in August which focused on parenting and family. Thank God for many parents who attested to how the seminar had blessed them.

Tue 13. Worldlink USA
Worldlink receives 10-20% of our yearly gift income in the last two weeks of December. Pray that the Lord's people, encouraged by His work and moved by His Spirit, might be remarkably generous in giving at year-end.

Wed 14. Worldlink UK
Thank God for the faithful service of Ian Batholomew, our first Treasurer. Please pray for God’s intervention in his health. Pray also for Anna, his wife, as she continues to take care of him. Thank God for Fiona Chaloner who has just joined the board of Worldlink UK. Pray that she may make a considerable contribution to the growth of the ministry.


Thu 15. Joshua Team - Anonymous Country
Thank God for three new believers who are ready for baptism and nine others who are being prepared for baptism. Pray that the Lord will multiply their number. Pray also that the house group for youth will grow and mature in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Fri 16. Sushila - India
Sushila shared the gospel from house to house and the Lord is answering the prayers offered on behalf of the few mothers who asked for prayer. Sushila is trusting the Lord to win at least one soul in the coming quarter. Please join him in this prayer. Pray also for his daughter who has not been healthy.

Sat 17. Chaitan - India
Salma Murmu of Rasra village was under an attack of evil spirits. Chaitan and the believers prayed for her for seven days at the end of which she was completely delivered. Pray that she will make Christ the Lord of her life. Pray also for Chaitan as he plans to start ministering in another village with the aim of starting a cell church there.

Sun 18. Rolinson - India
Rolinson’s focus for ministry has been on Sunday school children. In addition to Sunday school ministry he also visits the children in their homes where he seeks to minister to their parents. Some of the children that had dropped out are now returning to church. Thank God for this and pray that they will become grounded in their faith and be effective witnesses to their peers and parents.

Mon 19. Manoderahalli - India
Rajesh is from a Hindu background. He was involved in all kinds of immoral activities. He also gave believers a hard time in his area. But one day, he heard about the miraculous works of Christ. He was healed from his own sickness, and Praise God, that after this encounter with Christ, he accepted Him as his personal Savior!

Tue 20. Dhruba - India
One church member, Muna Bhujel invited her sister, Devika, along with her son and daughter, to the church. Devika and her son accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and are now being discipled. In addition, Devika opened her house to Dhruba’s ministry and they now hold their house fellowship there every Friday evening. Please pray that her husband and daughter may also come to know the Truth.

Wed 21. Burra - India
Burra reports: “A Christian sister suffered paralysis and became unconscious. We went and prayed for her, and kept praying for three months, after which God healed her. Now she is able to walk and talk. Doctors had said there was no hope. Her family members had lost all hope but God performed the miracle. The whole family has subsequently turned to the Lord and are now coming to church. Even her neighbors are perplexed. She is now a living witness for God. Pray that the neighbors’ bewilderment may turn to faith in the true God.”

Thu 22. Chacko - India
Krishna Purti was involved in witchcraft (Pooja) and routinely sacrificed sheep and cattle to Hindu gods to receive healing and prosperity. Despite the difficult situation, Chacko shared Jesus and the salvation message with him. Krishna found it extremely difficult to change his beliefs but as a result of Chacko’s persistence and multiple visits, little changes were seen in him. God answered Chacko’s fervent prayers, and Krishna finally believed in Jesus. Please join in prayers that he will be strengthened in his new faith, grow spiritually, and abandon all his old ways of life completely.

Fri 22. Y David - India
Thank God for six people who came to faith in Christ through David’s proclamation of the gospel and counseling program. Thank God also for a woman who was suffering from tuberculosis and had been left to die. David prayed fervently for her healing. She accepted the Lord as her Savior and her health has been improving. Please pray for her complete healing.

Sat 24. Bahadur - India
Thank God for four people who were baptized in July. Pray that the Lord may keep them faithful to Himself as they begin their Christian journey. Also thank God for Ms. Urmila Rai who accepted Christ as her Savior. Pray for her spiritual growth.

Sun 25. Kumar - India
Kumar covered five villages with the gospel message during the quarter. “It was a struggle for me to go out in the hot sun, heavy rains and on muddy roads but as I remember how Jesus suffered while carrying our sins on the cross, I happily go on serving him.” Pray for grace as he plans to start ministry in five new villages.

Mon 26. Puran - India
About 75 people in three villages heard the Good News of Jesus Christ during the quarter. Sixty gospel tracts were also distributed and explained. Thank God for Khem and Divya and their six children who came to faith in Christ. Pray for their follow-up. Pray also for the small fellowship in Upper Toribari.

Tue 27. Raju - India
Thank God for four people who were recently baptized. Pray that they may hold firmly to their faith, in a hostile spiritual environment. Also, Raju is making plans to organize open air preaching in the area. Pray for God’s guidance and for good weather.

Wed 28. Baraily - India
Following Baraily’s proclamation of the gospel message in three villages, three people received Christ as their Lord and Savior including a young widow named Kumari. Kumari is from a Hindu family and her parents are against her conversion. She just lost her husband this year and she is left with two young daughters who are 8 and 6 years old. Choosing not to focus on her difficulties and the desertion by her parents and Hindu relatives, Kumari chose instead to walk with the Lord. Let’s uphold her in our prayers.


Post-Campus Training – Maiduguri, Nigeria

Post-Campus Training – Maiduguri, Nigeria

Thu 29. Daniel - Borno, Nigera

Following Baraily’s proclamation of the gospel message in three villages, three people received Christ as their Lord and Savior including a young widow named Kumari. Kumari is from a Hindu family and her parents are against her conversion. She just lost her husband this year and she is left with two young daughters who are 8 and 6 years old. Choosing not to focus on her difficulties and the desertion by her parents and Hindu relatives, Kumari chose instead to walk with the Lord. Let’s uphold her in our prayers.

Fri 30. Joshua - Kenya
Many parents and their children taking refuge from the Al Shabab insurgents have relocated from interior villages in Boni forest to the town. This has led to the closure of five primary schools in the Aweer community and a consequential increase in the number of pupils in the mission school. This is an opportunity for Joshua to share the gospel message with more children and their parents. Pray for peace in the area and fruit among the people.

Sat 31. Romain - Congo DR
Five youth who had confessed Jesus as their Savior and gone through discipleship class were baptized on June 20th. And, in July, a three-day camp was organized with 70 youth in attendance. Thank God for ten youth who received Christ as their Savior during the camp. Pray that all these young people may dedicate their lives to the service of the Lord.