January Prayerlink

Please join Worldlink in prayer for what is turning out to be a year of unprecedented growth for 2025. We praise God for His miraculous provision in 2024, which means we can add 479 partners in the new year. This will bring the total number of missionaries supported to 2,033. The prayers and support of our ministry partners are God’s way of sending this ever-growing number of missionary partners to the world's least reached. Our hearts are filled with gratitude to our Lord for each of you and our Indigenous missionary partners as we are linked together in Christ’s mission to reach the world.


Wed 1. Kossivi & Therese – Togo

Dossou never welcomes any Christian into his house. When our team arrived at his gate, a young man came to warn us to leave, otherwise, the old man would destroy us. We responded that the God we serve will not permit that. We remained there for about an hour praying in silence. At a given moment, the old man invited us into his house. He confessed he had pronounced incantations against us but without effect. He confessed a lot of evils he had done in the village and requested us to pray for him. We did, and he prayed to receive Christ as Savior. May the Lord’s name be praised.

Thu 2. David & Joyce – Kenya

There has been a great change in Uma’s life since he received Jesus as his Savior a year ago. We have given him thorough in-house discipleship. He has been freed totally from addiction to drugs and substance abuse. The gospel and rehabilitation he received have transformed his life. We continue to pay him regular visits for Bible study and prayer. Thank God for his progress. Pray that he may stand firm in his faith.

Fri 3. Akouvi – Togo

I thank the Lord for many people’s thirst for His word. They are soaking up the word as we meet with them each week at the Bible study groups I started in two neighborhoods of Agbata. Pray for the steady spiritual growth of each member and growth in the number of participants.

Sat 4. Tsevi & Afiwa – Togo

My wife and I roam the remote farms on motorcycles to preach the gospel to idolaters and those who don't attend church. A voodoo woman confessed Christ as her Lord and Savior during our visits. She has started to go to church and was baptized.

Sun 5. Kouevi & Sandra – Togo

A woman with whom I shared the Word of God gave her life to Jesus. Two weeks later her son who was imprisoned was pardoned after I prayed on his behalf with his mother. The son in turn received Jesus as his Lord and Savior. I continue Bible study with them in preparation for baptism.

Mon 6. Kokou & Madou – Togo

Da-Afi has been married for 8 years but without any children. She was not a Christian but a follower of Voodooism. I started sharing the gospel by introducing her to the God of Hannah and Sarah. After hearing many bible stories, she finally accepted Christ as her personal Savior. Thank God for answering our prayer. She is currently pregnant, experiencing the same miracle as Hannah and Sarah. We are expecting her son soon. Pray for safe delivery as you extol our miracle-working God.

Tue 7. Jacob – Nigeria

Aondoyila left his home state due to a crisis, seeking better opportunities and a safer environment. When he first arrived, he was an unbeliever, but after experiencing a transformative encounter with the Lord, he found a new purpose for his life. Now, as a bus driver, he connects with diverse people. His passion for evangelism is evident as he shares his faith with passengers and colleagues, using every journey to spread the gospel. Casual conversations often lead to meaningful discussions about faith and hope. He participates in various outreach activities whenever he has free time. Thank God for his life.

Wed 8. Josiane & God’spower – Mali

A young Fulani believer who was thrown out of his family home because of his faith was restored to his family stronger and more committed to his faith in Christ. Pray that through his witness, the family may be drawn to the Lord.

Thu 9. Georges & Christelle – Cameroon

Thank God for the growth of the cell groups in Yaoundé and Foréké Dschang. We continue to welcome new believers into the cell group. A young girl came to Foréké Dschang to take care of her grandfather, one of the old people in our ministry. She was touched by the Word of God and became a new person. Pray that she may be a fruitful follower of our Lord.

Cell Group, Dschang Foréké – Cameroon

Fri 10. Matano & Juddie – Kenya

As we were doing ministry in Dadaab, we came across a young Bantu Somali believer. We found him boldly sharing the testimony of his life in Christ with all. His main evangelistic tool is the audio bible. His family caught him listening to the gadget, beat him up, and ordered him to renounce his faith but he refused. They forcefully took him back to Mogadishu to continue their persecution, but he found his way back to Dadaab Kenya. Now his family has given up on him, seeing he is not ready to let go of his faith in Christ. He is now a motorcycle taxi driver. Please pray for his increased faith and effective witness.

Sat 11. Fernus & Nadine – Burundi

We conducted three evangelistic outreaches in three villages. Thank God for many who heard the message and 50 people who received Christ as their Savior. On 14th July, we baptized 14 people. We thank God for the great work he is doing in their lives and families.

Baptism - Burundi

Sun 12. Jeremie & Judith – Togo

We conducted evangelism, teaching, and spiritual revival. We thank God for bringing 30 people to faith in Christ, 20 of whom have been baptized. In addition, 5 people were cured of various diseases and 7 others were delivered from satanic oppression including Komi, a young farmer, who was healed of a stroke. Thank God for his intervention in their lives.

Mon 13. Bereket – Ethiopia

We partnered with various churches to conduct training for high school leaders and run a camp for Grades 9 and 10 students in Hawassa. We also conducted conferences in Wolayta Sodo, Yeregalem, and Shashemen. I also had the opportunity to share the gospel message during Sunday services. We ministered to over 4,000 people altogether and thank the Lord for drawing 25 people into his kingdom.

Tue 14. Henry & Evelyn – Kenya

Home visitation is a way to minister the gospel to the community. This has met a serious setback of late as most people in the community have migrated from the area because of the flood that wreaked havoc. My wife now treks 13km to visit the community in their camp, a journey she can only manage once a week. A total of 262 households are in the camp. During every visit, she sees the need to engage more with the community. Pray for grace and wisdom as we seek to meet their physical and spiritual needs.

Wed 15. Worldlink International/USA

We praise God for His miraculous provision as we add 479 partners in this new year, bringing the total number of missionaries supported to 2,033 in 2025. The generosity and support of ministry partners have been God’s means to provide for an ever-growing mission force around the world equipped to reach the world's least reached. Please pray for the onboarding over the next few months as partnership commences and more will be presented with the opportunity to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Thu 16. Samuel – Guatemala

After the door of ministry in our church closed, we thanked God for opening another door for us at another church. We will continue to serve God and the community in the teaching ministry while my wife leads the weekly prayer meetings. Pray for fruitful ministry in the new community.

Fri 17. Raquel & Brayann – Columbia

Thank God for the upcoming training program for leaders from all over the country. It is exciting to be part of the team that will host several young people and trainers. Pray that all participants may receive new insights into leadership and ministry.

Sat 18. Oscar – El Salvador

With support from the various churches in the community, we carried out evangelism campaigns. My wife and I also visit the homes of the Sunday school children to share the gospel message with their families. Omar is one of our Sunday school children. Thank God for his mother, Sonia de Portillo, who received Jesus as her Lord and Savior during one of our visits.

Sun 19. Edgar – Guatemala

Thank God for opening the door to share the gospel message with children from first to sixth grade in five schools. Children from second to sixth grade received a gospel book. Those who read the book could take part in a reading contest. Thank God for acceptance by the school principals and teachers, as well as their recognition of the impact of our teaching in the children’s lives.

Mon 20. Sylvain – Haiti

We organized a youth deliverance meeting for the city and a youth service to close the summer vacation for children. We also carried out an evangelistic campaign city of Tirivière Latibonite ministering to about 300 people. Thank God for the 5 people we welcomed into God’s family.


Tue 21. Paul - India

My Ministry focuses on managing and enhancing the libraries in the Mission Training Centers (MTC). Apart from assisting students and faculty in locating study materials for research and assignments, I provide orientation sessions on how to use the library effectively, encourage reading habits, and conduct sessions on the importance of reading and studying Scripture with the aid of theological resources. Thank God for grace to support pastors, missionaries, and believers in their spiritual growth and theological studies.

Wed 22. Manori – Sri Lanka

We continue to conduct daily devotion times in schools on weekdays and run Bible clubs for children in slum areas. Thank God for 9 new believers among the children. We have this little 8-year-old girl in our Bible club. Her father left her as a baby. She testified, “Although my father left me when I was only 3 years old, I feel the Father’s love as you pray for me.”

Daily devotions in schools in Sri Lanka

Thu 23. Bhuban – India

Pitambor was a devoted family man, hardworking and committed to providing for his loved ones. However, his life took a sudden turn when he was diagnosed with advanced cancer. The news was devastating, and the journey through sickness became an emotional and physical battle for Pitambor and his family. As he faced an uncertain end, he heard the message of Christ’s love, received him as his Savior, and soon after, went into eternity with the assurance of being in the Lord’s presence forever. Please pray for his family.

Fri 24. Abbith – East Asia

Please pray that I may stay focused as I disciple new converts. The Evil One, who doesn't like such ministry, always launches attacks on our ministry. Dath is a disciple. For several days, he did not reply to my WhatsApp messages. I went to his house but found he had gone to work. I met his wife who accused me of Christianizing her husband and forbade me from meeting with him anymore. Since then, they have cut off relations with me. Please pray that God will renew Dath’s longing for fellowship.

Sat 25. Devi – India

God brought a remarkable transformation in the life of Hem in this village. He accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and started to attend the fellowship regularly. Then, he took a significant step in his faith journey. Dumping all his idols, he declared he no longer needed them. This decision, however, caused conflict within his family. While one son was supportive, the other son became incredibly angry with him. Despite the opposition, Hem remains steadfast in his faith. His courage and conviction to follow Christ is a powerful testimony of God’s transformative work in his life for which we thank God. Pay that he may remain an effective witness for the Lord.

Sun 26. Thu – Vietnam

We organized a camp with 16 deaf members and 2 relatives participating. In another program, we ministered to 22 others. Thank God for the grand opening of our sewing shop for the deaf and mute. This is providing vocational training and creating a healthy and stable working environment for the deaf. Pray for wisdom for a volunteer who is learning sign language. 

Camp in Vietnam (Blurred for Protection)

Mon 27. Charles – Pakistan

Thank God for the successful 10 vacation Bible schools that we conducted. We also conducted two Sunday school teachers' training. Beyond this, we shared the gospel message with 20 families during our visit to their homes. Thank God for bringing Jacob, a drug addict, to faith in the Lord Jesus. Pray for his total deliverance as he commits himself to prayer and Bible meditation.

Tue 28. Banawathu – India

We reached out to 453 people during the special outreach we conducted in 3 villages. Thank God for 4 people who came to faith in Jesus Christ during the outreaches. Please pray that these villages may experience total deliverance.

Wed 29. Than – Southeast Asia

Thank God for seeing my wife successfully through a major surgery. We have continued to train ethnic church members and evangelize and support churches damaged by Typhoon Yagi. We equipped 170 people in 4 Hmong congregations with skills and tools. The relief work has opened the door for gospel ministry to many people. Thank God for 10 souls that were won for Christ.

House to House Evangelism (Blurred for Protection)

Thu 30. Moses – India

Thank God for the salvation of the Wahal’s family. We went to their village as part of our ministry. After proclaiming the gospel message, the elder in the family brought his sick son for prayers. The Lord heard our prayers and healed the boy, following which the whole family accepted the Lord as their Savior. They have been baptized and now participate in the regular worship.

Fri 31. Sangma – India

I have been involved in different evangelistic activities during the quarter. This includes one-on-one evangelism and special outreach events to connect with the community, build relationships, and minister the gospel to people. I am grateful to see many lives being touched by God’s love, particularly for 23 new believers, two of whom have been baptized.