Sat 1. Johnkessly – Kaduna, Nigeria
"I was introduced to life as a gang member when I entered college. I was initiated into the gang and used to carry out some evil activities within and outside my campus. One evening, I heard some students singing in a classroom. I had a strong urge to join them, but I hesitated until I became restless. So, I joined them and that day, God spoke to me directly through the preacher. I responded to the altar call that night to receive God’s forgiveness through Christ. Although it has not been easy, the Lord has been sustaining me." Thank God for AA’s salvation and pray for steady growth in his faith.
Sun 2. Helen & Wycliffe – Ethiopia
We conducted Disciple Making Movement (DMM) training in Shashamane for over 50 youths. While teaching, I felt God prodding my heart, “Remember you have to go out to evangelize.” Although it was late, we divided ourselves into 25 teams and went out. One team met a man who was preparing to take his own life. They counseled him and prayed for him. They brought him to the training venue where he received Christ as his Savior and was delivered. He stayed in the church for a week as we discipled him. He soon began to share his testimony with others. From being suicidal to an instrument in the hands of God bringing hope and salvation to many. Thanks be to God.
DMM Training - Ethiopia
Mon 3. Ezekiel – Plateau, Nigeria
He conducted evangelistic outreaches to some schools in the state and two weeks of rural evangelism in four villages. These and other activities, including school rallies, ministered to almost 20,000 people. There were 6,171 people praying to accept Christ as the Savior and Lord of their lives. Some others like Mrs. MJ testified to the restorative work of God they experienced during the rural outreach.
Tue 4. Koffi & Delphine - Togo
We proclaimed the Gospel message around our city with the aid of a megaphone and conducted door-to-door evangelism. We also visited and ministered to some widows in our neighborhood. Thank God for the harvest of 40 souls for the Lord during the quarter.
Wed 5. Emmanuel – Borno, Nigeria
My wife and I have been running a WhatsApp online series of seminars for singles titled, “Prepare To Enjoy Your Marriage.” We currently have 662 members in two groups. Two participants recently decided to follow Jesus Christ. We thank God for them and for 14 of the 584 participants in the Special Singles Retreat we organized who also came to faith in our Lord.
Thu 6. Matano & Juddie – Kenya
Please pray for my Somali disciple, AN, who used to run a school for learning English in Kismayu. He was reaching out to his fellow Somalis through this. Since starting the discipleship program with him, he has experienced a great transformation in his prayer life and understanding of God’s word. He is very passionate about evangelism and plans to join a Bible school or a school of Mission to clearly understand his calling and serve the Lord better. He plans to go back to Kismayu to continue to minister to his secret converts.
Fri 7. Sola – Plateau, Nigeria
I decided to share the simple Gospel message during my outreach at Nigeria Television Authority College and Vom Institute. There were 135 students altogether in the programs. Thank God for seven of them who received God’s offer of salvation. These campuses need God’s special visitation and I plan to keep close to them and disciple their leaders. Please pray for wisdom.
Sat 8. Hannah & Philip – Ghana
In partnership with a group of Christian young professionals on a mission from Nigeria, we conducted three days of Gospel rally at Kanakulai in March. We also conducted film evangelism at Kabache. Thank God for 10 people who came to faith in Christ.
Young professional preaching @ Easter Service - Gahan
Sun 9. Albino – Adamawa, Nigeria
It was a great experience to watch one of our mentees' minister during the Thanksgiving Service at Adamawa State University (ADSU). I listened attentively as the brother, the Fellowship president, exposed God’s word to 375 members in attendance. Please pray that the Lord may continue to mature the faith of our upcoming leaders and keep them faithful to Himself.
Mon 10. Eugenio & Victorina – Mozambique
My focus during the quarter was prayer. After 3 years of ministering, we have come to the end of our ministry among the Yao. Currently, we are praying for the Lord to direct us to the next area of ministry. Please pray for us and for this field as the task here is far from completed. Many disciples have found the Muslim community’s threats and persecutions quite challenging resulting in some turning back from the faith. Pray for their restoration.
Tue 11. Joseph – Nigeria
Every day except Sunday, I conduct “Morning Cry” between 5:00 and 6:00 am. I stopped for a while because of insecurity. During Morning Cry, I preach openly using the megaphone system. People listen from their houses, and some come out to request prayers for themselves and the community. I also visited three schools during the quarter. I plan to continue with school evangelism. Pray for fruitful ministry in both areas.
Wed 12. Cyprian – Sokoto, Nigeria
Thank God for the successful inauguration of two new Bible Clubs with a total of 81 initial members. Thank God also for the open door of ministry during our visits to seven schools. Almost 1000 children and youths heard the Gospel message, and we thank the Lord for leading 24 of them to accept his salvation.
Thu 13. Nelito & Amelia – Mozambique
A lady, because of the problem she was having with her children, came for prayer. I seized the opportunity to first share the Gospel message with her. She accepted Jesus as her Savior and of her own volition, handed over her amulets. She and her daughters are now active members of our church. Her concern, and prayer, are for her husband's salvation. Please pray that God will answer her cry promptly.
Fri 14. Worldlink USA
Praise God we met our $100,000 matching challenge in June! This means we will be able to add nearly 200 new missionaries. Please join us as we praise God for his provision! Please also pray for the strategic conversations to be had with partners about what God is doing and how we further partner to see as many people as possible hear the Gospel and be discipled.
Sat 15. Sandra – Guatemala
We organized an evangelistic outreach to the primary schools with a guest pastor sharing the message of salvation. We also ran an evangelistic outreach to a nearby village. Children received small gifts and snacks during the program. We are trusting the Lord to bless the seed that was sown into the lives of about 75 young people who listened to our message.
School Outreach - Guatemala
Sun 16. Oscar – El Salvador
Thank God for the ministry of the Growth Group established in the home of one of the church members. Gloria, 60, who was recently widowed, met Christ in this group. She testified to experiencing God’s comfort, the direction of the Holy Spirit, and motivation for living. Pray that the group may impact more lives for Christ.
Growth Group – El Salvador
Mon 17. ML – Cuba
Thank God for 80 people who heard the Gospel message through our ministry and for 20 of them who repented of their sins and received the Lord Jesus into their lives. Pray that they may grow steadily as we disciple them.
Tue 18. Byron – Guatemala
We conducted training for pastors and church leaders focusing on the Great Commission. Some of them have started sharing the Gospel in some schools. We also shared the Gospel message during services conducted in the villages and at breakfast meetings for schoolteachers. Thank God for five people who received Christ and were baptized. One of them, a single mother, now serves joyfully in the church.
Wed 19. Barnabas – India
After KN of V village heard the Good News of Jesus and accepted Him as his Savior, he arranged a prayer meeting in his house and invited the whole village to join him. God really transformed him to become a key witness in the village. Pray that he may grow steadily in his faith and remain an effective witness for the Lord.
Thu 20. Cong – Vietnam
Completed teaching “Be a Witness” course in my small group and we continue to meet for weekly Bible study in my apartment. Mrs. Thanh, one of the two people who came to faith in the Lord during the quarter had a serious liver problem. She prayed for healing and the Lord heard her prayer and caused her body to recover swiftly. Thank God for his mercies.
Fri 21. Anonymous – East Asia
Thank God for our 12 first-generation leaders who have promptly developed twelve 2nd-generation leaders. They are now together leading 24 Discipleship Groups. Pray for effective ministry in their groups.
Sat 22. Sreymom - Cambodia
MM cut off his red cords associated with his Buddhist practice and turned to Christ. Before taking this step of faith and repentance, he was a drunkard and a nuisance in his community. After praying to receive Christ, he experienced a total change in his life. He is now sober and at peace. Thank God for his intervention in MM’s life. Our desire is to plant another cell group. We pray that God may help us achieve this soon.
Sun 23. Daniel – India
Thank God for the blessings he poured upon all 56 people who attended the women’s conference we organized in March. Pray that they all may be witnesses for the Lord at home and in the community. Pray for God’s blessing upon the ministry of our local church in Ginnagatta village.
Mon 24. Dhruba – Nepal
We organized a VBS (Vacation Bible School) program at Karjanha, Siraha in March. Fifty-six children and 19 volunteer teachers participated in the program. Most of the participants were from Dalit tribes. We felt privileged to touch the lives of these so-called untouchables with the Good News of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. A participant, Kamlesh said, "This program encouraged me to love and respect others."
Vacation Bible School - Nepal
Thank God for the blessing we are experiencing in the churches in Koturu and P. Chilak villages. New believers are being added to the church every now and then. Pray for provision to erect a church building in P. Chilak. Pray also for peace and consolation for my family following the death of my son from a heart attack.
Wed 26. Dol – Cambodia
We conducted one-on-one evangelism, distributed Gospel tracks, and engaged in mercy ministry (sharing food and clothes with children and the elderly). We also screened the Jesus film. Thank God for ten people who came to faith in Christ. One of them, Chhim, turned to the Lord from Buddhism in response to a tract he received from us.
Thu 27. Soyam – India
T. Krishna, the only person who accepted the Lord during the quarter confessed all his sins of idolatry openly before the congregation. God has transformed his life and he has offered himself to assist me in the ministry. He is devoted to sharing the Gospel message. Pray that he may grow in his faith and remain faithful to the Lord.
Fri 28. Hai – Vietnam
Over the past few months, we thank God for supplying the grace to complete the work on the Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2023 materials, film the videos for the upcoming online Bible course, as well as facilitate the VBS held in Quang Ngai churches. We ministered to 60 people and thank the Lord for drawing 5 people into His Kingdom.
Sat 29. Anonymous – East Asia
We continue to thank God for the souls he is drawing to himself and pray that more souls may be saved. However, of the many who declare their faith in Christ, quite a few of them shy away from baptism for fear of being accused of betraying their old religion and facing persecution. Pray for grace for each believer to stand firm in their faith.
Sun 30. Ngoc B – Vietnam
We are working hard to complete the online Bible teaching material for 8- to 15-year-old children. The program is to help them discover 66 books of the Bible. Thank God, for the successful Sunday School teachers’ training conducted in Kien Giang. Pray that this may help participants to be more effective teachers.
Sunday School Teachers’ Training - Vietnam
Mon 31. Paul – India
Thank God for protection as we move around the five villages in which we minister, for people who are being added to the church, and for drawing sister Laxmi to himself following her deliverance from evil spirits that had tormented her life. Pray for the success of the VBS and youth program we plan to run in the summer.