Thu 1. T – Cuba
We thank God for T who led 25 people to faith in Christ during the quarter. Also, we thank God for FD, who forsook Satanism (the religion of his family) and accepted Jesus as his savior. He is now a new person and enthusiastically shares his story and God’s story with his friends and neighbors.
Fri 2. Samuel – Guatemala
We met Audelina, 45, when identifying people who wanted to learn to read and write. She arrived with loads of problems and with each passing week shared with us the problems she had with her partner and two of her children. We prayed with her and at the first opportunity, went home with her and her family members welcomed us. Thank God that Audelina graduated from the Literacy program having accepted Christ as her savior.
Adult Literacy Class - Guatemala
Adult Literacy Class - Guatemala
Sat 3. MLL - Cuba
We see a need to bring women, especially wives of pastors, together for fellowship and to unleash their potential for effective evangelization. We organized a conference for them. They appreciated this. They have consequently decided to work together for the progress of the church and its mission. Please pray for the grace to carry through their vision.
Sun 4. Arjun – Nepal
As a fruit of regular follow-up over the last six months, Ramchandra finally committed his life to Jesus and began to come to church. I thank the Lord for him. Please pray for his growth in the faith as we continue to disciple him.
Mon 5. Bryan – Bhutan
We organized a 3-day leadership seminar on the subject of “The Person and The Work of The Holy Spirit”. There were 46 local church leaders representing churches from different regions in the country who participated in the seminar. Thank God for giving us a fruitful time together.
Tue 6. Jeevakumaran - Sri Lanka
We conducted a children and teens day program in Colombo. There were 22 orphaned children from the poor community who were part of the 50 participants that attended the program. Thank God for the opportunity we had to share the good news of Jesus with these children. Pray that they all may grow to love and serve the Lord.
Children & Teens – Sri Lanka
Wed 7. Prasad – India
Thatti Krishna of Adavi Chandrapuram village turned from idol worship and accepted the Lord as his savior. He confessed all his sins openly before the church and God brought a great transformation in his life. He is now helping me in the ministry to share the gospel message among the people. Please pray for grace and protection for him and his family.
Thu 8. Yotta – Cambodia
Conducts health and hygiene education and provides some advice to farmers. These create a contact point for sharing the Gospel message. Pray that the message the people hear may bear fruit in their hearts. Pray also for PY and his family who, because of the love of money, have gone back into the world. Pray for their restoration.
Fri 9. Paul Raj – India
We carried out various evangelistic programs in Laxmipuram and four other villages. Thank God for about 160 people who listened to us and for two people who received the Lord’s offer of salvation. One of them, sister Tulasi, accepted Christ after we took time to patiently expound on many key Biblical issues in our discussions with her. Thank God for tuning her heart to himself. Pray for her steady growth.
Sat 10. Anonymous – East Asia
R did a great job pulling together Lay-Training alumni into teams to do mission work. He has also faithfully followed the teams up. Although they are yet to see a house church emerge from their ministry, a few people have come to faith and are being followed up. Pray that house churches may soon emerge from their ministry.
Sun 11. Krupamma – India
We shared the Gospel message with patients during our visit to the hospital engaging with people in one-on-one evangelistic outreach. Thank God for the single soul, Pongidi, whom God, in his great love, drew to himself after she initially rejected our message. She not only received eternal life but also healing from a long-time sickness.
Mon 12. Huynh – Vietnam
I invited friends to the Spring of Love, an evangelism program where I shared the Gospel. Thank God for five people who came to faith in Christ. One of them, Chien, a construction worker, and taxi driver, drove a church member to work. He heard the Gospel message and believed in Christ. We now meet weekly for Bible study and preparation for baptism. Although his house is approximately an hour away by motorcycle, he comes faithfully. Pray that he may be established in the faith.
Tue 13. Dhruba - Nepal
We organized adult Bible camps in four places in Jhapa and Morang districts early in the year. Altogether, the camps ministered to 114 people. The book of Obadiah was the focus of all four camps. Many of the participants did not even know that such a book exists in the Bible. Participants were challenged to take Bible meditation on God's word seriously.
Adult Camp - Nepal
Wed 14. Kong – Cambodia
Thank God for 3 people who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ during the quarter and the church we have planted. However, we have faced continuous opposition and persecution from those who do not want to believe. Pray that more people in this area may receive God’s word and acknowledge Christ as their only Savior.
Thu 15. Johnson – India
We shared the Gospel message in seven Koya villages during the quarter. Thank God for two new believers who were baptized. We also thank the Lord for his special intervention in the life of my daughter-in-law. She was healed miraculously even when all hope was lost. Please pray for God’s provision to complete our church construction and for the provision of 100 Bibles for our members.
Fri 16. Rani – India
Please pray for my friend Manasa. She is Hindu. I have shared the Gospel message with her on various occasions, but she is yet to consider Christ’s offer of salvation. Pray that she may soon experience the deep conviction of the Holy Spirit.
Sat 17. Worldlink USA
We knew that reaching the goal of 1,500 missionaries would take $5 million or more in generous giving and perhaps five years, or even longer, to achieve. But, the financial portion of that goal is now within reach. We could be there by the end of our fiscal year on June 30, 2023. Please pray for a greater level of partnership and provision. The money that provides for these missionaries is the means to do the ministry. Reaching people and seeing their lives transformed is what matters—that is the ministry of Worldlink!
Sun 18. Dodzi & Prisca – Togo
BA had suffered for two years from an injury on the right cheek that defied all medical interventions. Having heard the gospel message, she gave her life to Jesus Christ, was baptized, and received the Holy Spirit on the same day. After a week, the incurable wound disappeared. Thank God for her and the believers in Akalos church who have demonstrated their determination to serve the Lord Jesus Christ despite the difficulties they are going through.
Mon 19. Sali & Delphine – Cameroun
Following various evangelistic activities we conducted, 15 people came to faith in Christ and were baptized on February 19 in Dolla. One of them, an idol worshiper, abandoned his idols and his bad habits. He is now a committed member of our church. Pray that the Lord may strengthen the faith of these new believers.
Tue 20. Elio & Rainha – Mozambique
Thank God for finally taking us safely to Kenya for our 18-month training program at the School of Mission. Our first attempt was interrupted at the Tanzanian border by agents potentially looking for a bribe despite having had the necessary travel documents. Pray for a fruitful sojourn in Kenya as we get equipped for ministry.
Wed 21. Victor & Rehab – Cote d’Ivoire
Conducted various trainings to equip and disciple people for mission: Modular discipleship training twice a month, 40 hours of mission course in a theological institute, training on evangelism and mission in a church, and 5 discipleship training sessions in two cities. Pray for five missionaries we supervised who have just completed their missionary training. They are currently carrying out research on four Unreached People Groups with a vision to send teams to plant churches among them.
Theology Students – Cote d’Ivoire
Thu 22. Josiane & Godspower – Mali
MU, a Muslim mother, has been so antagonistic toward the Christian faith. She persecuted her son and burnt his Bible and Christian literature. Our response was to show her love and care especially when her husband was hospitalised. This impacted her life, and we thank God for consequently drawing her to himself. We pray that every member of the family may soon come to faith in the Lord Jesus.
Fri 23. Huntonayon & Dorcas – Benin
We held evangelistic outreaches in the community in February. We organized house-to-house evangelism during the day and projected the Jesus Film in the evenings. Thank God for 13 people who came to faith in Jesus Christ. One of them is a leader of Oro idol worshippers in the village. He decided to be baptized in the village so the cult members will see that he is serious about his faith.
Oro cult leader’s baptism - Benin
Sat 24. Kunle & Victoria – Nigeria
Following evangelistic outreaches in two communities, Aghamathen and Agbojetho, 91 people gave their lives to the Lord. One of them came to the outreaches drunk throughout the three days. On the last night, he came out to give his life to Christ. From that day, much to our surprise, he has consistently attended the discipleship program. Another sign of his changed life is the drastic reduction in the rate of alcohol consumption. We are praying and believing that God will continue to work on him. Meanwhile, he is the talk of the village.
Sun 25. Alusien – Sierra Leone
He organized a youth vacation camp, a crusade, and community evangelism, ministering to over 2,500 people. Thank God for 165 people who declared their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ during the three programs. Saidu Sesay, a youth in the community, joined the church after the crusade and further decided to serve God. He testified that receiving Christ is a great gain for him. Thank God for observable changes that have taken place in his life.
Mon 26. Bereket – Ethiopia
We had a wonderful time proclaiming the gospel in our area of ministry. Afterward we passed out some food, clothes, cooking oil, and other rations. We went to the streets in the villages to preach the Gospel. We praise God for touchin
Ministering in Kibisha - Ethiopia
Tue 27. Augustin & Rosalie – Cameroun
Pray for the success of Operation Moloundou for Christ which we recently launched. We plan to conduct an evangelistic campaign every one or two months in a targeted neighborhood of the locality. We started with the Loupé district from 5 to 6 May.
Wed 28. Cecil – Zimbabwe
Inaugurated a new Bible Club in a Primary school in a remote area of the Sanyati district. Memory was recently commissioned to work in the new school, and she immediately set in motion the process of establishing a club in the school. Thank God that the numerous challenges she faced never stopped her from seeing the ministry launch. She desires to see the Kingdom of our Lord established in the school. Commit her to the Lord as she oversees the club.
Thu 29. Zablon – Tanzania
We conducted two seminars for Sunday school teachers, one in Dar es Salaam and the other in Mbeya. We also organized a camp for 90 children in the Mbeya region. Currently, we visit six Bible clubs regularly where we teach the value of education and challenge the children to embrace Godly standards in their daily lives. Thank God for 156 children who received the Lord Jesus during the quarter.
School’s Ministry – Mbeya, Tanzania
30. Dickens – Uganda
Thank God for opening the door to minister in nine different Church denominations covering a total of 25 Sunday Services and ministering to over 6,000 people. I also had the opportunity to minister to students in their schools’ morning assemblies and Bible clubs fellowship meetings.