Sun 1. Albino – Yobe, Nigeria
“I shared the gospel message with an ex-convict in my village during Christmas. He lamented the way hard drugs had destroyed his life. I assured him that Jesus is able to rescue him if he invites Him into his life. Please pray that God’s Spirit may fully draw him to the One who is able and ready to fully redeem and restore him.”
Mon 2. Special Request from Nigeria
On February 19, Boko Haram Islamic Militants abducted over 100 schoolgirls from Dapchi. Five girls died in the raid and captivity. All but one of the remaining children were released on March 21. According to her parents and friends, the one still being held was offered release if she would convert from Christianity to Islam, which she refused to do.
Tue 3. Hellen – Kenya
“As I dialogued with a young Muslim lady, I felt led to ask for her opinion about Christians in Garissa. Her response surprised me. She said she desires to be a Christian and follower of the way. I continued to probe her. She insisted that she is tired of Islam as it is full of hypocrisy and hatred towards Christians who never initiate any attack. I then asked if I can pray for her and introduce her to Jesus. She said, ‘yes’ with tears rolling down her face. I prayed for her and she accepted Jesus as her Savior. She later introduced me to her brother and he too received Jesus. Thank God for the way He surprises us and pray for their growth and protection.”
Wed 4. Cyprian – Sokoto, Nigeria
Cyprian successfully organized Holiday Schools in three centers in the state. The school ministers to the children academically and spiritually. Although many parents were not willing to release their children for the program, thank God that 134 children benefitted from it while 45 accepted Christ into their lives.
Thu 5. Johnkessley – Kaduna, Nigeria
He conducted a capacity building program for 45 students and a strategic meeting for 52 Campus leaders. Miss J. Peace, a student who stopped coming to school because she was taken, without her or her parents’ consent, for marriage by an “Alhaji” (Muslim leader) who already has two wives, was rescued and returned to school to continue her studies. Thank God for her deliverance and pray for her continued safety.
Small Group Discussion – Kaduna, Nigeria
Fri 6. Timothy – Kenya
Timothy has been involved in teaching in two primary schools, focusing on the book of Daniel. He continues to visit neighbors and prays for the sick. There has been an outbreak of malaria recently so he has also been helping to take some sick people to the hospital. He organized a seminar for teens. Thank God for many who are ready to listen to the gospel message and for a young man who prayed to receive Christ. Pray for deliverance for the men who mostly remain under the bondage of tradition and drunkenness.
One of Two Newly Planted Churches - Kenya
Sat 7. Blessing – S. Kaduna, Nigeria
Blessing conducted evangelistic and discipleship visits to nine school clubs and a Post-Secondary school group ministering to almost 1200 students in total. She conducted a day rally with 342 secondary school students in attendance. Thank God for 118 students who came to faith in Christ during these and other programs organized during the quarter.
Sun 8. Patrick – Mozambique
An attack by Al-Shabab which started in October 2017 continues to affect much of the life in this community. This began in Mocimboa da Praia town but has now moved to the surrounding villages as the group has made their camps in the surrounding bushes. The attacks have been recently more frequent in the villages with property looted, houses burned and people killed. Patrick and his team have had to suspend an on-going training for new church planters for safety reasons. Please pray for God’s protection and peace of mind for the team members and an end to these attacks. People seem to have lost confidence in the military.
Mon 9. Yeremiah – Kenya
“Following our sharing of the gospel message, the local people are asking for a public debate between us and their Sheikh. They consider what we are sharing to be factual and would like to ask some questions to which we can respond. This request has serious implications for which we need wisdom to manage should the debate ever take place.”
Tue 10. Ananstacia – Mozambique
She organized a prayer walk in Namiteca and a new neighborhood of the city where she lives. She engages in house-to-house evangelism and has started Discovery Bible Study with the people she has reached through evangelism. Pray that the Lord may bless these efforts with abundant fruit.
Wed 11. James – Jos, Nigeria
He organized a Bible devotional writers workshop with 25 people, mostly students, participating. Pray that each participant may submit the portions assigned to them on schedule. These young people are being equipped to contribute to the youth devotional material. Thank God for the Maiduguri Zonal conference which ministered to 897 youths with 121 of them inviting Jesus to be their Redeemer.
A Session During the Writers’ Workshop – Jos, Nigeria
Thu 12. Joseph – Benue, Nigeria
Thank God for students’ rallies organized in three centers during the quarter. About 1,500 participated in the rallies with 160 participants receiving salvation through Christ Jesus. The state has particularly suffered from the attacks of rampaging Fulani nomadic Islamic extremists over the past few months. They have massacred hundreds of people in the state and other parts of the country. Please pray for peace and security in the nation.
A Rally – Benue, Nigeria
Fri 13. Emmanuel – Cameroun
He was on a mission trip to Mauritius where he ministered in many churches. A girl of Hindu background began to cry while he was preaching. In this church, however, only the Pastor can meet with anyone who wants to respond to the message. Please pray for effective follow-up with this girl and that she may find true peace in Christ. Thank God also for successful training of writers of devotional materials in Cameroun. Pray for inspiration as they write materials for the 2019 devotionals.
At the Writers’ Workshop - Cameroun
Sat 14. Francis – Central Africa Republic
Francis conducted three days of evangelistic outreach to young people in Yaoundé. Thank God for drawing 17 people into His kingdom. He also conducted training for 14 church leaders on Bible meditation methods. Thank God for blessing them with Bible reading materials from Congo DR.
Sun 15. Ezechias – Rwanda
He conducted training for pastors and Sunday school teachers in different churches to equip them to minister effectively to children in their churches. A total of 1,102 leaders went through the trainings during the quarter. Over 226,000 evangelistic materials for children were also distributed. Pray that these trainings and materials may impact the lives of many children.
Pastors and Sunday School Teachers’ Training – Rwanda
Mon 16. Stellah – Tanzania
She organized a Sunday school teachers’ training and camps for children. Thank God for the impact the training is having on the ministry to children in the churches. God touched the lives of seven young people. After praying to ask the Lord Jesus into their lives, they requested to be baptized. Their baptism in a local church was a joyous occasion for all. Pray that their testimony will draw others to Christ.
Children’s Camp – Tanzania
Tue 17. Dennis – Uganda
“I was in South Western Uganda in October and visited three schools that are using the audio Bible. I was there to assess the effectiveness of their use and to encourage the groups. I was overwhelmed by the passion of the children. They meet weekly to listen to and discuss God’s word together. These groups have not benefited alone; many more have been added to them. We praise the Lord for this.”
Wed 18. Bryceson – Tanzania
In partnership with another ministry, he organized a seminar for Pastors and their wives. Eighty-eight people participated in the seminar. It focused on how to build our family. He also prepared two groups of young people for confirmation. Please pray that following the lessons they learned, their confirmation may have deeper meaning for them.
Children’s Camp – Tanzania
Thu 19. Gospel Outreach Team – India
“Missionary Bible Institutes” (MBI) started in two locations in 2017. The training which focuses on Evangelism and Church planting is conducted without uprooting the pastors from their local churches. It runs for a week at a time with a gap of two months and continuing until the foundational courses are completed in 2-3 years. The plan is to conduct this in several centers in all the regions in India. Please pray for the success of this training program.
Fri 20. Hemchand – India
“Our Team has been sharing the Good News in ten villages, in Baralam and Imphal cities and Nambol areas. Thank God for 10 people who came to faith in Christ Jesus. Ten others and two families also publicly testified to their faith through baptism. Thank God for a new fellowship started last November in Nambol. Pray that two new fellowships may be inaugurated in Karang Island and Kumbi village.”
Team Members Ministering to Children - India
Sat 21. Daud - Pakistan
In the past few months, three Sunday School Teachers’ Training sessions were conducted, two in Lahore and one in Peshawar. Thank God for 85 people who participated in these training sessions. They were all excited and ready to go back to their respective churches to serve. Please pray that the Lord may bless their ministry.
Sun 22. Bijay – India
“We organized a one-day open air gospel meeting in a tribal community on Christmas day. We feared possible attacks from both the Hindu communities and the tribal people who are mostly drunkards. But by God’s grace, we received a good response. Even the head/chief of the village was with us throughout the entire program. That was the Lord’s doing for which we thank Him. Thank God also for an entire family that came to faith in Christ recently.”
Mon 23. Jayakumar – India
“We shared the gospel message in four villages. It was a tough job for us as we faced various challenges. But God surprised us with 25 people accepting Christ. Ten others were baptized. One of these, Kumar, was a drug and alcohol addict. God delivered him completely. Thank God for his intervention in our ministry and in the lives of the new believers.”
Tue 24. Kiran – India
“I have been sharing the gospel message in Salak-pur and Gachiyaa villages as well as in other surrounding villages. More than 100 people heard our message in the past quarter. So far I have not seen any visible result. Pray that the seed we are sowing may soon yield abundant harvest.”
Wed 25. Danishmand - Pakistan
Testimony from a Vacation Bible School Student (VBS) - Rahim: “I am so happy that my friend invited me to attend VBS in his church. I have learned many things; enjoyed the action songs, games and refreshment. But one thing which I remember most is that I am now part of Jesus’ mission to make this world better. My VBS teacher explained that only the Prince of Peace, Jesus, can do this and we should be obedient to Him. Consequently, I have taken the challenge to let Jesus be the Lord of my life so I too may play my part to introduce Him to this world. He only can change the lives of people and make our world a better place.” Pray for grace and strength for Rahim to grow in the faith.
Vacation Bible School - Pakistan
Thu 26. Ghamal – India
“Please pray for Bhagawati, a neighbor and a fruit of my wife’s ministry. She is a Hindu but she very much desires to openly follow the Lord. She confesses her faith in the Lord but her main hindrance is her husband who is not allowing her to come to church. She regularly sends her tithe and offering to the church. Pray that the Lord may touch her husband’s heart and draw him to Himself.”
Fri 27. Paida – India
He organized gospel meetings in four villages and prayer and fasting in Vepalagatta to support the gospel meetings. Thank God for two people who came to faith in Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s guidance as Paida and his team seek to proclaim the message in other villages.
Sat 28. Barnabas – India
“Madakam Krishna, 43, was mentally disturbed because of some family problems. We shared the gospel message with him and prayed for his health. God, in His mercy, touched his life both mentally and spiritually. Madakam has now put his faith in the Lord. Please pray for his steady growth.”
Sun 29. CPM Team – Indonesia
Youth Transform Indonesia (YTI) was by far the biggest ministry advance in 2017. The team ministered to 815 youths, 441 leaders in 25 churches - a growth of 360% over 2016. The Outreach Team also grew from zero to five. Thank God for this encouraging growth and pray that the team may continue to minister effectively and the impact of the growth will be felt in every area.
Mon 30. Dhruba – Nepal
“In order to promote our Bible reading resources in other districts, we occasionally organize Bible camps in those districts to help believers understand the importance of daily Bible meditation. One of such districts is Shankhuwasabha where we recently organized Bible camps in three centers. Thank God for the success of the camps.”
Bible Camp - Nepal