Thu 1. Phumlani – South Africa
Faced with the challenge of brokenness and discouragement among believers in families, workplace, and society in general, a “Father’s Love” Conference was organized in December. The aim was to encourage, equip, and engage believers in ministry. Thank God for the impact of the conference on many participants. One testified, ‘I have never thought of God as a father…., One is able to fill the gap that I grew up with, being fatherless….’
Small Group during Conference – South Africa
Fri 2. Dennis – Kenya
Visited fifteen families in the village and shared God’s love with them. Hosted the community at a dedication of the church hall. About 60 Muslims were present. Thank God for the great opportunity this gave to present the message of God’s love to all. Also, thank God for seventeen children who enrolled in primary one (Grade 1) in the mission school.
Dedication of the Church Hall – Kenya
Sat 3. Shina – Nigeria
Mobilized 28 students, 4 associates, and 4 pastors to take the gospel message to Yar-Ali and four neighboring villages. The outreach was organized in partnership with a local church. They too mobilized over 20 of their members to lead the outreach to the different villages. Thank God for 76 people who received God’s salvation through Christ. Pray for Pastor Nuhu Yusuf of the local church and his team who are following up the new believers.
Sun 4. Eugenio – Mozambique
“I continue to conduct evangelism in the neighborhoods, particularly through Bible study groups I created in these areas. Ministry has also started in three new neighborhoods. Praise God for four people who came to faith in Christ and pray that God may continue to help many more respond to the gospel.”
Neighborhood Ministry - Mozambique
Mon 5. Hellen – Kenya
Urban mission is now taking place in Nairobi among the Somalis in Eastleigh and South C area, Hindus in Ngara, Parklands and Westland and the Nubians in Kibera slums. Three teams are mobilized to reach these groups on different days of the week. Please pray for open hearts as the gospel is shared in various ways with these distinctive groups.
Tue 6. Anathi – South Africa
Organized end of year prayers for schools in her area of operation. They also served as a platform for soul winning. Thank God for the commencement of the STEM (Short Term Experience in Ministry) program. Pray for God’s wisdom as Anathi supervises five STEM interns over their one-year ministry.
Wed 7. Richard – Congo DR
Marc, 32, was initiated into wizardry at 14 by his maternal aunt. He continued this for 18 years. In December 2017, he came to the Bible Camp that we organized in LUSANGA. The gospel message deeply touched his heart. Helped by the Spirit of God, Marc made the firm decision to give up his fetish objects which were burnt. Thank God for his deliverance. Please uphold him in your prayers.
Thu 8. Lawrence – The Gambia
At the ministry’s fundraising dinner, a young MBB (Muslim Background Believer) thanked God for the transformation God effected in her life as she participated in Bible club activities in her school, St Peter’s High School. Similarly, Kelvin Thomas, a former President of the same Bible club but now a medical doctor, testified that his encounter with Jesus in his school days is helping him to practice medicine with passion and integrity. Thank God for the impact of God’s word on the lives of these and other young people.
Fri 9. James – Liberia
Conducted training for 26 volunteers to equip them to lead and give basic training in Life-Skills/Peer Clubs in schools. They also learned to lead effective Bible studies. Pray that the training may encourage them to better serve the Lord. Thank God also for three teens who turned their lives over to the Lord during the quarter.
Sat 10. Berhanu - Ethiopia
Organized training for Children Ministry Coordinators in five different centers. He also gave participants children ministry books to help them minister effectively in their churches. The participants run ministries in more than 1000 local churches. Pray that they may put what they have learned into effective ministry.
Participants in Children Ministry Training – Hosanna, Ethiopia
Sun 11. Jean-Baptiste – Rwanda
On October 14, at the invitation of Gikonko Local Committee, we joined Christians from 13 different denominations for an evangelistic activity and the promotion of Christian literature in Runda. We give thanks to the Lord for 42 people who received Jesus as Lord of their lives.
Evangelistic Activity – Runda, Rwanda
Mon 12. Mathé – Congo DR
Organized training for 320 pastors and evangelists from different Christian denominations in Butembo. They were challenged 'to make disciples for Jesus Christ.' Also organized a three-day Bible camp for 150 children in Ndosho. Thank God for the children who received God’s salvation during the camp. One of them, Sylvain Muhiwa, confessed his sin of disobedience and asked his parents for forgiveness.
Tue 13. Joannes – Sierra Leone
Four young Muslims, namely; Abdul, Yusif, Moses, and Fatima, received Christ as Lord during the July 2017 youth camp. They were encouraged to start fellowshipping with the Faith Baptist Church for effective follow up where they joined the baptismal class. They were baptized on December 31st. To God be the glory.
Wed 14. Gideon – Uganda
Conducted Positive Parenting training for 350 parents and care-givers in three centers focusing on effective communication – a key to establishing healthy relationships between spouses, parents and their children, and with God. Thank God for the positive influence we hope this training will bring to the lives of participants and those linked to them.
Skit at Positive Parenting Seminar – Kumi, Uganda
Thu 15. Daniel – Nigeria
Organized three training programs for 12 Discipleship Cell Group Facilitators, 72 zonal leaders, and 45 new fellowship group leaders. Thank God for the opportunity each had to be equipped for their ministry. Thank God also for blessing Daniel and his wife with a baby boy on January 19th.
Fri 16. Esther – Vietnam
Pray for Esther and her husband Thuan, as they and a team plant churches in urban environments and in the Mekong Delta. Pray that many would hear and respond to the gospel in their local language.
Sat 17. Munwar – Pakistan
“I am a Sunday school teacher in Assemblies of God, Lahore. Every summer, Vacation Bible School (VBS) is conducted in our church. We thank God for the way VBS has helped our children grow in their Christian faith. Personally, the pre-VBS teachers’ trainings that the ministry team conducts continue to be a source of blessing. I have learned many new teaching methods which I use in my Sunday school class. Praise God for such a fruitful program.” (Testimony given to Munwar)
VBS Class – Peshawar, Pakistan
Sun 18. Gospel Outreach Team – India
Nine people were baptized in Jharkhand, very close to the village where re-conversion was forced upon Christians. In West Bengal, more than 100 people professed faith in Christ and 19 people were baptized. A great move of the Holy Spirit is being experienced in Udayapur Prison where several have confessed Christ as their Lord. And about 300 people in Karang Island heard the Gospel message and want the Gospel team to visit them again. “God is marching on victoriously and we are not intimidated or scared.” May His name be praised.
Gospel Outreach Team - India
Mon 19. D Paul Raj – India
Thank God for open doors for ministry in Thankda, Mandalapally, Dammapita and Gattengudem villages. Gospel meetings accompanied by prayer and fasting were conducted in these villages. Please pray for the local church in Madalapally that its ministry among the youth and women may bear abundant fruit.
Tue 20. Vijaya – India
Thank God for Ramadem, 35, who came to faith in the Lord Jesus after she was delivered from multiple sicknesses that had troubled her for many years. She renounced her idol worship and put her trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that she may remain steadfast and unmovable in her faith.
Wed 21. Bijay – Nepal
Visited Pastor Bharat and the church in Ilam District. The church is right in front of a famous Hindu temple and it is interesting to see some Hindus attending this church on Saturdays. Please pray that God’s Spirit may draw them to Himself. Thank God for drawing Mikal Rai to Himself and for his recent baptism.
Baptism of Mikal - Nepal
Thu 22. Suku & Jessy – India
Following gospel meetings conducted in four villages and in the Sathupally local church, five people came to faith in Jesus Christ. One of them, Daniel, 27, was addicted to alcohol. Although from a Christian home, he was a pain in his parent’s neck. Thank God for opening his heart to accept the gospel message. The ‘prodigal son’ has been fully restored. He now comes for fellowship and participates in church ministry. Praise God for His redemptive work in his life.
Fri 23. Vara Prasad – India
Through gospel meetings he conducted along with person-to-person evangelism, God drew two people to himself during the quarter. One of the two is 32-year old Rajasekar of Women Colony village. His heart was drawn to the Lord as he listened to the gospel message. He is now actively involved in church life. Pray for effective follow-up of the two new believers.
Sat 24. Danismand - Pakistan
“We have been conducting Girls camp for many years. The Lord has blessed many young girls through these camps and has helped them to grow spiritually. The main speaker at this year’s camp, sister Tomoe Ota from FGA church, Lahore, helped girls to understand the mission of Jesus and how they can become part of this mission. Many girls made commitments to fulfil Christ’s mission among their peers. Pray that they may be faithful to their commitment.”
Sun 25. Drhuba – Nepal
Organized camps for adults in Khadbari, Num, and Pokhari (Chainpur) all in Shankhuwasabha district. The purpose of the camp was to help participants know Jesus and develop skills in meditating on, understanding, and practicing the word of God. Total participants were 122 people. A camper, Shambhu Rai, said the camp added spiritual fuel to his life. Pray that all campers may daily meditate on God’s word.
Adult Bible Camp - Nepal
Mon 26. Manori – Sri Lanka
In addition to paying regular visits to school groups, she conducted Vacation Bible Classes in two local churches and Christmas programs in two centers. Thank God for volunteers who minister to the children alongside Manori. Pray for lasting fruit among the children.
Tue 27. Sachin – India
“For a long time, we had been praying for our own church building. We have faced lots of problems in the rented room we have been using. Thank God for believers who denied themselves and gave towards the project. As a result, we were able to get a land on lease where we have now erected a church building. To God be the glory.”
Wed 28. Thapa – India
“I am thankful to the Lord for enabling me to serve Him even in my old age. I normally invite people into my home and share the gospel message with them. Others hear the same message during services in my church. I was pained to hear the news of a suicide that happened in my village recently. I grieved for this soul that is lost for eternity. Please pray for grace and strength to continue to share the message in season and out of season.”
Thu 29. Yam – India
At least 45 people heard the gospel message he proclaimed in Krabang village. He also shared the gospel message with 13 people in his home village. Thank God for 11 people who were baptized in June.
Fri 30. Sandra – Guatemala
She shared the gospel message through distribution of Christian literature and Bible storytelling both with children and adults who have little knowledge of God’s word. Pray that, as they continue to give Bible lessons in public schools, seven new bible clubs may be inaugurated soon.
Ministering to Children - Guatemala
Sat 31. Mildred - Guatemala
A Christmas activity was carried out with children, youth, and parents in Jocotonango Antigua. More than 400 children and young people participated in the program. The message of God’s love was shared using puppetry. Thank God for granting this great opportunity
Christmas Activities – Jocotonango, Guatemala