September Prayerlink


Fri 1. IK – Indonesia

Please pray for IK. He is an evangelist and has seen more than 1000 people come to faith in the Lord Jesus. Of these, about 450 have been baptized. He and his wife now pastor these new believers in their dynamic and growing church.

Sat 2. Krupamma – India

He proclaimed the gospel message in four villages through personal evangelism, tract distribution and hospital visitation. One soul, Krishna, 21, of Konigadalla village came to faith in the Lord. He deserted his idols to align with the Lord Jesus. Please pray for effective follow-up so he may continue to grow in his faith.  

Sun 3. Puran – India

Witnessed for the Lord in Toribari village, Leimakhong and Taphou Nepali areas through one-on-one sharing and distribution of gospel tracts. About 145 people heard the message of the gospel. Even though none of them have responded to the gospel message, thank the Lord that they gladly listen to the message, accept the Bible tracts and are open to another visit.

Mon 4. Daud – Pakistan

He shared the message of the gospel with the children during visits to hostels and schools. He also conducted training for about 50 Sunday school teachers in Lahore and Peshawar. Pray that all the teachers who went through these sessions may better impact the lives of the children under their care.

Tue 5. Manuwar – Pakistan

Had the opportunity to preach during Sunday worship in a few churches. He also conducted training for 35 Sunday School teachers and coordinated a vacation Bible school and camp for children. Thank God for open doors of ministry to more than 900 people during the quarter.

Wed 6. Anonymous – Indonesia

Please pray for Asi, Ggi, and Cci. They all participated in the youth camp. Pray that they may all commit themselves to follow Jesus and become sources of blessing for their friends.

Thu 7. SCF – Indonesia

God’s amazing love and presence sustains us through challenges, problems, pressures and struggles we may face. Irgi experienced this practically. Soon after he came to know Jesus, his daughter died, but this did not diminish his desire to continue following Jesus. His daily desire is to reach others who don’t know Jesus. Pray that God may continue to lead him as he seeks opportunities to share the Gospel.

Fri 8. Dhruba – Nepal

Thank God for 98 children and 17 volunteer teachers who attended the Vacation Bible School camps held at Elyon AG Church, Bhaktapur in April. The program gave the children an opportunity to know God and study his Word.

Praise & Worship at VBS – Nepal

Praise & Worship at VBS – Nepal

Sat 9. Chandaka – India

He shared the gospel with over 800 people as he visited the villages in his area. Thank God for grace to face and overcome various challenges posed by people he comes across. Pray for safety as he travels and ministers in hostile areas and blessing on his ministry.

Sun 10. Dhan – Bhutan

Shared the Good News during Bible studies, at youth meetings, Children’s Bible School and through personal evangelism. All of these ministries are going on well and they have just started music class. Thank God for two people who came to faith in Christ.

Mon 11. Anonymous – Myanmar

“As we went on outreach ministry, we met people who are seriously sick and have lost hope. So, I shared the hope that we have in Christ and prayed for them. God answered our humble prayer and healed them. Praise the Lord that as some of them received physical healing, they were also delivered spiritually as they opened their hearts to the Lord for salvation.”


Tue 12. Joe & Gloria – Columbia

Conducted evangelistic impact programs in the parks in Barranquilla, Valledupar and Sincelejo. One of those who came to faith in Christ during the program in Valledupar is Sofia, a 27-year old psychologist. She has since joined in Bible club activities supporting the ministry with her professional talents. Pray for effective service and growth in her faith.

Wed 13. Mildred – Guatemala

Started Bible clubs and conducted training for Bible club volunteers. In partnership with some doctors, she coordinated training for mothers and healthcare provisions for 800 children. Thank God for the opportunity to minister in various ways to the children. Thank God also for healing her fractured leg.

Training of Volunteers - Guatemala

Training of Volunteers - Guatemala

Thu 14. Sandra – Guatemala

Sandra is still recovering from her accident. In April, she was run down and severely injured by a runaway horse at a community festival. Thank God that even though she is currently house bound, she seized every opportunity to speak of the love of God to the people who visit her and who still do not know the Lord. About 35 people heard the gospel message during the quarter. Please pray for her quick recovery. Also, keep her daughter in your prayers, she is expecting a baby in October.

 Fri 15. Worldlink USA

Pray for the team that is producing a series of documentary films based on Worldlink Partners’ lives and ministries. Pray for wisdom, skill, and that the finished products will encourage many people to partner with indigenous missionaries by prayer and funding.


Sat 16. Elias Yeremiah – Tanzania

“When the government introduced free primary education, we feared that all parents would take their children to public schools. We thank God that even though the school population has halved, we still have children to teach and share the gospel with. Pray for an increase in the school population. We trust God to help us reach many more children through the school.”

Children of Kivinje Coast Nursery Academy, Tanzania

Children of Kivinje Coast Nursery Academy, Tanzania

Sun 17. Patrick – Mozambique

The ministry’s vision in Mozambique is to plant vibrant churches among the unreached Muslim people groups of Northern Mozambique. They are initially targeting 8 priority unreached people groups in the region based on an in-depth survey done in 2011-2012. They are seeking to achieve this vision by training and releasing missionaries into the target area. The first set of six trainees (two couples and two singles) completed the six-month training and are now serving in four areas. Please pray for effective ministry as they put their training into practice.

Training in Progress - Mozambique

Training in Progress - Mozambique

Mon 18. Dennis – Kenya

Showed the Jesus Film as an evangelistic tool with good response from the villagers. The mission school also continues to provide a bridge to reach out to the community. He shared the gospel message with five families during the quarter. Pray that the seed planted may soon germinate and bear fruit for God’s kingdom. His wife has been having health issues, please pray for her healing.

A Class in Session – Mission School, Kenya

A Class in Session – Mission School, Kenya

Tue 19. Anastancia – Mozambique

She has focused on teaching children and disciplining a group of young people. Thank God for drawing a woman into His kingdom during the quarter. She was initially not ready to listen to the gospel message but the Lord touched her heart. She is a completely changed woman today. Please pray for effective follow-up.

Wed 20. Daniel – Nigeria

He planned a week-long campus based evangelistic program that included prayer and fasting, prayer walks, one-on-one evangelism and tract sharing, seminars/workshops and social works, etc. This along with leadership training and final year send-forth programs ministered to over 800 students, drawing eight of them into God’s kingdom. Thank God also for 71 students who rededicated their lives to the Lord.

Thu 21. Hellen – Kenya

Since the work is so demanding and manpower limited, efforts have been geared toward training of volunteers. Hellen has trained some students of US International University who now share the gospel with Somalis in Eastleigh Nairobi every Wednesday. Group Prayer for Muslims occurs every Tuesday and Friday within the USIU campus. She conducted training for nine missionaries of AGAPE church Nakuru. Mission awareness continues in Kenyatta universities. Please pray that God may continue to raise more Christians who will commit to ministry among Muslims.

AGAPE Church Trainees – Nakuru, Kenya

AGAPE Church Trainees – Nakuru, Kenya

Fri 22. Eugenio – Mozambique

Has engaged in house to house evangelism. Thank God for nine people who came to faith in the Lord during the quarter. He also conducted discipleship training for 70 people to equip them for discipleship ministry in the districts. Pray that they may faithfully put what they have learned into practice.

Sat 23. Anathi – South Africa

“I met Bongani Matshoba, an interesting young man, during our ministry in Flagstaff. He is one of those who has sworn never to leave his ancestral worship for the ‘White man’s’ Jesus. He stuck to that for the entire two weeks we were together in this town. When we were packing to leave, he came to me and said, ‘Sis, I now know who this Jesus is. I saw him in all of you. I want this Jesus.’ Nothing can be more spiritually rejuvenating and uplifting. Please thank God for the conviction of the Holy Spirit in this man’s life.”

Sun 24. Shina – Nigeria

Travelled to Niger Republic with five students for a 9-day short term mission exposure. They visited three villages: Gaya, Tounouga, and Ikesa. They held a two-day crusade in Gaya in partnership with five local churches with 27 people receiving Christ’s offer of salvation. They also conducted a training seminar on the third day for 18 pastors and church workers. At Tounouga, a Muslim dominated village, they showed films in Hausa language at the village square on two nights. Abdou, a Muslim and the French teacher in the government school served as our interpreter. He was one of the many who accepted Christ into their lives. He is highly respected in the village. Thank God for the fruit of the mission and pray that Abdou may use his influence positively for Christ in the village.

Village Evangelism – Niger Republic

Village Evangelism – Niger Republic

Mon 25. Kiki – Benin Republic

Conducted two training sessions for 60 camp leaders in preparation for this year’s camps in three centers. “The Pastor of my Baptist Church gave this testimony at the end of June. According to him, of the ten people baptized on December 31, 2016, seven claimed to have given their lives to Jesus during the camp organised by our ministry. We thank the Lord for the impact of our camps on many lives.”

Camp Leaders Training - Benin

Camp Leaders Training - Benin

Tue 26. Joseph – Burkina-Faso

Thank God for the opportunity to visit some Bible clubs and Sunday Schools in churches and to conduct training for Sunday School teachers.

Sunday School Teachers’ Training – Burkina Faso

Sunday School Teachers’ Training – Burkina Faso

Wed 27. Romain – Congo DR

Went to Mahagi to conduct training for young people. Held two sessions; one on how to lead a Bible study, and the second session was a seminar on the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Several young people continue to give themselves to these narcotics, especially during festive occasions, leading some into sudden deaths. Alcohol and drug use also promotes prostitution, debauchery and sexual violence. Thank God for some of the teens who received God’s salvation and some of who received baptism (photo below).

Congo DR.jpg

Thu 28. Berhanu – Ethiopia

Made exploratory trips to Nekempt (Western Ethiopia) and Dire Dawa (Eastern) with the hope of expanding the ministry to the two areas. Thank God for fruitful meetings with church leaders and the agreement to open a branch office in Dire Dawa. There are eight major towns in this part of the country. It is near to Somalia with majority Muslim population. Pray for the right appointment, God’s provision and fruitful ministry.

Fri 29. Nompumelelo (Mpue) – Swaziland

Conducted a series of trainings to equip people, especially leaders, for effective ministry – 3- day trainings each for 13 patrons of Bible clubs in Mankavane and 116 Bible club leaders from 15 schools in Mbulungwane. Also conducted a 3-day Children evangelism training. Following that training, a new Bible Club for children living around the ministry office was inaugurated. Thank God for the opportunity to impact the lives of many leaders and pray the new Bible club may richly bless the children and their families.

Bible Club – Mbambane, Swaziland

Bible Club – Mbambane, Swaziland

Sat 30. Zablon – Tanzania

Mushi (not his real name for the security reasons) turned to the Lord in a special circumstance. He was originally an Islamic scholar. Some missionaries have tried to share the gospel with him on several occasions but he bluntly rejected their message. One day, as he knelt down to perform his Islamic worship, he heard a voice say, “why are you bowing down to a dead person?” He heard this three times and immediately decided to visit a ministry member who prayed for him and urged him to receive God’s salvation through the living Christ. He responded positively, became a member of the ministry, and is now a missionary.