August Prayerlink


Tue 1. Irmiya – Nigeria

Visited five Bible clubs during the quarter where he ministered to almost 1700 children and youth and welcomed 211 new believers into God’s kingdom. He also paid a visit to Makurdi where he conducted a school graduate’s workshop. Pray for God’s direction for these youth as they move to higher institutions and other spheres of life.

School Graduate’s Retreat, Makurdi, Nigeria

School Graduate’s Retreat, Makurdi, Nigeria

Wed 2. Emmanuel – Cameroun

His ministry focus during the quarter was on leadership training. He conducted training for 24 leaders of Pupils and Students Bible Club of Cameroun and during the regional consultation for Francophone Africa in Abidjan (a time devoted to sharing of resources and experiences in mission especially in a Muslim environment). He also conducted leadership training for the national committees in Togo and Guinea Conakry. Thank God for the opportunity to equip many people for ministry in these countries.

Training in Guinea

Training in Guinea

Thu 3. Nestor – Congo DR

Twenty-one young women rescued from prostitution completed a one-year trade training program at BAMATU Center. "If you give me fish, I will eat it in one day, but if you teach me to fish I will never go hungry." Bilonda, a former BAMATU trainee quoted this proverb as she shared her heartfelt thanks for the gift of a sewing machine. With her new sewing machine, she has become useful to society and sex trade has ended. Pray that these girls will remain faithful to the Lord who rescued them from their illicit trade.

Celebrating Graduation – BAMATU Center, Congo

Celebrating Graduation – BAMATU Center, Congo

Fri 4. Worldlink USA

Please pray for the family of Worldlink Founders Jack and Nancy Nelson. Their daughter, Sarah, will be married today and their daughter, Lauren, leaves tomorrow to serve the Lord for 11 months in 14 countries.

Sat 5. Lehlohonolo – Lesotho

“Our Prison Ministry with the inmates is also impacting the prison guard. This quarter, we noticed that the prison warden was actively participating in our programme. He initially presented himself at our meetings as a duty officer but now he has taken the word of God seriously. He now contributes actively during the Bible discussions. Thank God for this and pray that more inmates and guards may come to faith in our Lord.”

Sun 6. Ezechias – Rwanda

Conducted training for 155 volunteers from four university campuses in the country. The training is designed to equip these young volunteers as they minister to over 16,000 student members of Bible clubs. Thank God for their commitment to mentoring these children and pray for grace to put all they have learnt into practice for the progress of the ministry in the numerous Bible clubs.

Practical Session in a Bible Club – Rwanda

Practical Session in a Bible Club – Rwanda

Mon 7. Bereket – Ethiopia

He went on an evangelistic tour of three cities (three days each in Hagermaryam and Dila and two days in Dato). Thank God for a total of 41 people who responded to the gospel message in these cities. Pray for their follow-up and growth.

Some of the New Believers – Dato, Ethiopia

Some of the New Believers – Dato, Ethiopia

Tue 8. David – Beni, Congo DR

Engaged in one-on-one evangelism during which four people came to faith in Christ. Apart from following up with the new believers, he conducted classes for 38 people preparing for baptism. All but one completed the classes and were baptised during the quarter. Pray for the strengthening of their faith in the Lord.

Wed 9. Joannes – Sierra Leone

Organised three-day interdenominational open air Prayer Summit in which about 400 people participated each day. Also 175 pupils from 10 secondary schools participated in the Global Day of Prayer to celebrate 150 years of the ministry. Thank God for 28 people who declared their faith in Christ during the quarter. One of them, Denis Thullah, 18, was delivered from involvement in witchcraft.

Thu 10. Joseph – Nigeria

Organised children’s rally in ten centres with a total of about 2,700 participants. He also conducted two school graduate’s workshops which ministered to 218 students and drew 23 youth into God’s kingdom. Pray as these young people move into new environments, that the Lord may keep watch over them and establish them in the faith. Pray also for provision of two sewing machines and two computers to start a Skills Acquisition Centre for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in the state office.

Fri 11. Lucas – Tanzania

Christmas Shoe-boxes have opened the door of ministry to children and their parents in Muslim areas. In Pemba, the second largest coastal island with almost 100% Muslim population, 200 children gathered to receive the gifts and listen to the gospel message. Another 150 in Dole (95% Muslim) also heard the gospel.  The children and their parents watched two Christian films. The result is the inauguration of a new church in Bumbwisudi. Pray for this young congregation and the people who responded to the gospel in the various locations, 80 of them altogether during the quarter.

Sat 12. Mathe – Congo DR

Preached the message during a worship service in some churches in Goma, Masisi and Rutshuru. In one of the churches, he delivered evangelistic messages during Easter week with more than 900 people in attendance. Thank God for the opportunity to share God’s word with over 4,500 people during the quarter and about 399 people who responded to the messages by accepting God’s salvation.

Children During Playtime – Goma, Congo DR

Children During Playtime – Goma, Congo DR

Sun 13. Steven – Tanzania

The gospel message was proclaimed in a remote village of Nyantura and to the orphans in Karatu Center. Thank God for the opportunity to share His love especially with the orphans, some of whom felt God had forsaken them. Steven’s visit no doubt encouraged the children to keep trusting the Lord.

Some of the Orphans – Karatu Center, Tanzania

Some of the Orphans – Karatu Center, Tanzania

Mon 14. Gerard – Congo DR

The Parents of Martine thanked God that their daughter no longer causes them heartaches as before with her disorderly life choices. She used to go out at night while they, the parents, were asleep. She gave her life to the Lord during Gerard’s ministry in a local Church. Thank God for the impact of the Gospel in Martine’s life.

New Believers After Ministry – Mbandaka, Congo DR

New Believers After Ministry – Mbandaka, Congo DR

Tue 15. Francis – CAR

Proclaimed the Gospel message in 30 homes resulting in 19 people confessing the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Six of them received baptism on June 6. Rock, one of those baptised, confessed in tears before his conversion that he was part of the gang that set fire to the new building of a church in their village 15 years ago. Thank God for His forgiveness and pray that the Lord may uphold him and make him a witness in his village.

Rock Giving His Testimony Before Baptism – CAR

Rock Giving His Testimony Before Baptism – CAR

Wed 16. Blessing –Nigeria

Visited 14 Bible clubs during the quarter and ministered to almost 2500 children and youth. Thank God for about 50 students who publicly expressed their faith in our Lord. She also ministered to 164 final year students at workshops organised to prepare them for life after secondary school.

School Graduate’s Workshop – Zonkwa, Nigeria

School Graduate’s Workshop – Zonkwa, Nigeria


Thu 17. Danishmand - Pakistan

Conducted Sunday School teachers’ training and taught in a Bible college. During the Sunday School training, one trainee confessed she was just attending to have another certificate and to increase her knowledge. However, it was during the training that she came to know the Lord Jesus Christ personally. Besides, the training helped her to understand why she should teach children Bible lessons. “I am excited to help children in my area know Jesus personally” she declared. Pray that she may positively influence the lives of many children in her church and surrounding area. 

Fri 18. Kumar – India

He has shared the Good News in Imphal City, Mantripukhri and Chekon Areas and in Bagdogra, Taphou and Pangey Nepali villages. He also distributed 150 gospel tracts. Thank God for the opportunity to sow the seed. Pray for bountiful harvest as the Holy Spirit continues his work in the lives of almost 300 people who either heard the message or received the tracts.

Sat 19. Amar – Bhutan

“I have a neighbor who used to practice witchcraft. He used to call himself the Hindu witch doctor and me, the Christian witch doctor. He fell ill and was totally down. I went and prayed for him. God healed him completely and he immediately requested for baptism. His wife and daughter-in-law came to my house and attempted to beat me but I did not react. Praise the Lord, his wife and daughter-in-law have also recently requested for baptism.”

Sun 20. JNS - Myanmar

“By God’s grace, we conducted a two-day gospel campaign in an unreached area. About 30 people joined us, all from Buddhist religion.  For some of them, it was the first time they were hearing the gospel of Christ. God gave us a unique opportunity to present the gospel to the whole village. Thank God for 10 people who responded to His love. Hopefully, they will be receiving water baptism soon as the evidence of their faith in Christ.”

Mon 21. Bijay – Nepal

“In March, we went to Jharbhari village where we established a fellowship a few years earlier in the house of our first convert, Prem Lakandri. This time, we went to dedicate their church building. Their number had increased to 30 baptized members. I was so excited. Prem Lakandri was consecrated the pastor of the church. The church building is now standing on the land Prem donated. His cow shed used to be on that land. It was the most joyous event for me for which I thank the Lord.”

Tue 22. Anonymous – Indonesia

The church in Putusibau was started by a group of indigenous missionaries. They have planted 20 churches among the animists. A mentoring program will commence in the main church and spread from there to the villages. Pray for successful implementation of the mentoring program in these churches.

Wed 23. Jogulu – India

About 70 people heard the gospel message in Sonaba and we thank the Lord for two families that decided to change their allegiance and embrace Jesus Christ as their Lord. Pray for the deepening of their faith.

Thu 24. Dhruba – Nepal

“I continue to share the word of God with children, young people and families to help them grow in the Lord and be established in their faith and ministry. We have seven families in the fellowship in Bethphage Bible Church. Apart from Sunday worship, we also meet during the week for Bible study, prayers etc. Please pray for effective discipleship and growth in the number of worshippers.”

Worship in Bethphage Church – Nepal

Worship in Bethphage Church – Nepal

Fri 25. Kishan – India

“I continue to share the Good News of Jesus in Kangpokpi town, in Songpejung and Lungphou villages. Up to 200 people heard the gospel message during the quarter. Thank God for the opportunity to preach and for some people who listened to my message, especially those who participate in the youth Bible studies where I also teach them songs. I continue to pray and hope that one day, God will grant me the joy to share stories of changed lives. Please pray along with me.”

Sat 26. Pandayya – India

Led his congregation to share the gospel message with about 2000 people during the quarter. Pray that the Holy Spirit may continue to remind people of the message they heard. Pray for complete healing for his daughter who got burnt recently. She is recuperating. Pandayya walks nine miles from his residence to the village where he ministers. There is no public transport. Pray for God’s provision of a bike. (There are a few others in India expressing the same need.)

Sun 27. Ramesh – India

Thank God for the opportunity to share the gospel message with about 1000 people and for ten people who stepped forward to receive the Lord. Pray that they will be established in their faith. Pray also for God’s help to complete the church building.

Mon 28. Babu – India

“With a clear vision, I have chosen a particular place and I am focussing attention there. Pray that I trust the Lord to grant me the souls of many people in this mission field.”

Tue 29. Barnabas – India

He shared the gospel message with about 150 people in Chandraman Nepali, Bakbire and Manedara villages as well as Pangjang area. Thank God for some who are showing interest in listening to the message. Pray that these may grow to the next stage and respond positively to the Good News.

Wed 30. Benjamin – Pakistan

“My main work is in the accounts department but I have also been involved with the field staff visiting hostels and schools. Recently I assisted in conducting two Vacation Bible Schools in Sialkot city. More than 200 children were in attendance. As the Accountant, I have seen the Lord faithfully providing the funds to pay salaries and conduct our programs. Praise the Lord for this.”

Thu 31. Bahadur – India

Thank God for opening doors for the proclamation of the Good News in T-camp area, Khar khola village and Senapati Bazar. Thank God for the rich fellowship we continue to have as I meet with new believers for regular Bible study.