In his instructive example of how to pray, Jesus encourages his disciples to pray, "your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10)
The indigenous missionary partners that you will pray for this month as you use this prayer guide are part of the answer to that prayer. They are one of God's tools to expand his kingdom on this earth and to bring people into the condition where they have responded to Christ's offer for salvation and are following his will in their lives.
They do so in conditions of great danger and significant suffering. Your fervent prayer on their behalf is a critical support of their frontline ministry.
Thank you for praying each day for your partners around the world.
Jack Nelson
Mon 1. Alibino - Yobe, Nigeria
Albino participated in a rally that was held in Potiskum which ministered to 140 students while 14 students participated in the graduate workshop. The workshop was organized to prepare the students academically and spiritually for life in higher institutions. Pray that these young people may remain faithful to the Lord all the days of their lives.
Tue 2. Dennis - Uganda
During a one-week mission outreach to the Mid-Western region of the country, Dennis and his team visited 24 schools in three districts. They shared the gospel in school assemblies and ministered to 7230 children. Of these, 2,207 indicated a commitment to follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Dennis also conducted training for Bible Club leaders, both teachers and children, to strengthen the Bible Clubs in the region. Thank God for the openness to share the Gospel in schools that still exists in many countries and for the success in his mission and pray for effective follow-up in Bible Clubs.
Wed 3. Azu - Kaduna, Nigeria
Azu and his team ministered to almost 25,000 school children during visits to schools and rallies. The messages the children heard during these visits led 975 to receive Christ as their Savior while 355 others rededicated their lives to the Lord. Praise the Lord for this harvest of souls.
Thu 4. Joshue - Benin Morris – Liberia
Joshué organized life-skills sessions for children in schools and churches. Several life issues related to education, communication, sexuality, time management, etc. were addressed from a Christian perspective to help children and young people deal effectively with the challenges of everyday life. Thank God for the opportunity to positively influence the lives of children and young people. Pray for wisdom for Joshué as he continues to edit French Bible reading notes for 2017.
Fri 5. Nestor - Congo DR
Nestor started the BAMATU ex-prostitute rehabilitation program two years ago. With funds from a Worldlink partner, 22 girls have successfully gone through trade, literacy and spiritual training and graduated in June. Here is the testimony of Théthée, one of the girls:
I am an orphan with no father or mother to support me. I fell into the hands of bad friends who led me into their evil lifestyle here in the red light district called "Latin Quarter". Drugs and prostitution were our daily activities. But after spending two years in this center, I have mastered many things and I can now manage my life. Now I can even make donuts and live on that. God has forgiven me for my past and I am very thankful to the Pastor of the center (Nestor).
Sat 6 Bereket - Ethiopia
Bereket conducted evangelistic teaching in Moyale, Mega, and Alaba (a town with a Muslim majority). Thank God for 12 people who accepted Christ as their Savior in Alaba and eight others in Moyale and Mega.
Sun 7. Joseph - Sokoto, Nigeria
Joseph visited 20 Bible Clubs during the quarter where he ministered to about 1,400 children. He had planned to visit even more Bible Clubs, but was unable to because the clubs were not allowed any room in their schools for their meetings. This refusal of meeting space is not an uncommon problem in this state where every step is taken to discourage non-Islamic religions.
Mon 8. Romain - Beni, Congo DR
Having completed the training of some chaplains, Romain has been visiting the schools where they are ministering to see how they are applying their training. This is helping to build the capacity of Bible clubs leaders. Thank God for the progress the clubs are making as they meet regularly to meditate on the Word of God. Materials to help the clubs organize life-skills programs were distributed. Thank God for Romain’s nephew who received Christ and was later baptized.
Tue 9. Steven - Tanzania
Steven has been teaching the religious education class in some primary and secondary schools. He also organized a week long seminar in the Lutheran Church in Sufi. The focus was on reaching the unreached with the Gospel, and on spiritual warfare. He also conducted a camp for children in April. Thank God for about 260 people who came to faith in Christ through these programs.
Wed 10. Cyprian - Kebi, Nigeria
Cyprian organized a training program for 217 Bible Club leaders in three zones. Pray that the experience they have gained may help them to be more effective leaders. Thank God for the inauguration of a new Bible Club in High Standard Secondary School in Kebbi
Thu 11. Gerard - Congo DR
Gerard conducted training for 39 Bible study group facilitators, and organized three camps for children, with a total of 347 children participating. Pray for a lasting impact for all participants from both the training and the camp.
Fri 12. Jean-Baptiste - Rwanda
At the invitation of a group of widows, Jean and his team organized an evangelistic program for 6 churches in Gacurabwenge. They invited the churches they visited to attend an evangelistic campaign in the town square. At the end of the message, which was from the book of Ruth and focused mainly on the poor and widows, they presented gifts from the widows in Kigali to 28 widows in the village. Thank God for new friendships that were forged. Pray that the 71 people who received Christ as their Savior may remain firmly rooted in their faith.
Sat 13. Lehnoholono (David) - Lesotho
David reports: “Our work in schools relies heavily on volunteers who are the teachers and Bible Club leaders. From February to May each year, we focus on training volunteers and student leaders. Over this reporting period, we trained a total of 41 adult advisers and 327 student leaders in 26 primary schools, 31 high schools and 4 tertiary institutions.” Pray that each of these may use the training they have acquired to support the ministry of the Bible Clubs in their institutions.
Sun 14. Irmiya - Kaduna, Nigeria
Irmiya visited 54 Bible Clubs during the quarter, where he ministered to about 2,800 students. Thank God for 195 children who accepted the Lord Jesus into their lives. Pray also that the 377 children who rededicated their lives to the Lord may become grounded in their faith.
Mon 15. Worldlink USA
The Worldlink Team is planning activities for the spring to celebration the Lord’s faithfulness during 15 years of ministry. We will also reveal what we discern is the Lord’s plan for the Next Horizon of our ministry. Pray that all planning, all celebrations and all future goals would glorify God and lead to many more people coming to know and serve Him.
Tues 16. Timothy Siwa - India
Timothy is sharing the gospel in three villages as he visits houses and distributes bibles and gospel tracts. Some of his audience are students in colleges and high schools. Thank God that they are listening to the message even though they have not yet responded positively. Pray that the seed being sown may soon start to yield fruits.
Wed 17. Puran - India
In his report Puran shares, “During the past few months God has allowed me to visit many places including the Leimakhong area and Toribari and Tuinom villages. He also gave me courage to share His words with various people and to pray for the healing of the sick. Thank God for many who have shown interest in the message and received Gospel tracts. Pray for their salvation. Pray also for the small fellowship in Upper Toribari.”
Thu 18. Gopal - India
Shal Hemram was seriously sick. She received medical treatment from many doctors without success. But after Gopal shared the gospel message with her, she asked him to pray for her. He did and the Lord Jesus healed her. Pray for the healing of her soul.
Fri 19. Rolinson - India
Rolinson conducts door to door evangelism and prays for those who give him permission to do so. Thank God for some teenagers who have been coming to the fellowship meeting. Pray that they may come to faith in the Lord Jesus.
Sat 20. Sushila - India
As Sushila shares the gospel message from house to house, ministering mainly to women, some of them ask her for prayer. One particular woman sought prayers for her sick child. The Lord healed the child miraculously. She became a believer and has been eager to know more about Christ and the bible. Her child recently fell sick again. She felt helpless but decided to pray. God heard her prayer and healed her daughter. This event has greatly strengthened her faith. Thank God for her experience. Pray that her faith may grow by leaps and bounds.
Sun 21. Subimal - India
Sarita, who is from a non-Christian background, has been suffering from stomach issues for a year and had been diagnosed with cancer. Her daughter, Sobha, a Sunday School member, brought her to the church for prayers. The whole church prayed earnestly for her. On her return, her husband took her to the doctor for a regular check-up. Every test carried out was negative. The results surprised the doctor. Her husband called and said, “Pastor, my wife is healed. The doctor said there is no cancer any more in her stomach.” Thank God for his intervention. Pray that God may lead the whole family to faith in the Lord Jesus.
Mon 22. Uttam - India
Uttam started a new house church in Kamarbandhi village with 12 people currently meeting for worship every Sunday morning. Pray that God may bless and encourage the little flock. Thank God for Arjun Kotal who accepted Christ’s salvation and is now part of the fellowship in Kamarbandhi.
Tue 23. Suku - India
Srikumar, who is an Engineering student, came to visit the Asha Nilayam Children’s Home. He is from a Hindu background. Suku, who is a former Hindu, shared with Srikumar the gospel and his testimony of how the Lord changed his life. God touched Srikumar and slowly, he opened his heart to make Jesus Christ the Lord of his life. He is experiencing a great change in his life. Please pray for him and the follow-up ministry.
Wed 24. Abhilash - India
God has blessed the ministry of Abhilash in the past few months. He had the opportunity to share the gospel message with many people. He particularly thanks the Lord for a Hindu lady, Sandya, who accepted Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. Please pray for provision of a place of worship.
Thu 25. Chacko - India
Chacko engages in personal evangelism as he visits homes. He also conducts Bible study and prayer and fasting every week. Thank God for two people who have come to faith in the Lord Jesus during the quarter. Some non-believers began to attend these meetings. Pray that the Lord may reveal himself to them as they study the bible and pray. Pray also for plans to take the gospel to a remote village at the Kerala-Karnataka state border.
Fri 26. Bangoru - India
Bangoru conducted Vacation Bible School for children, programs for youths and women, in addition to cottage evangelistic meetings. Thank God for the miracle he performed in the life of Thatti Ravi, an idolater. As a result, he declared his faith in the Lord Jesus, comes regularly to church and helps with student activities. Pray for the sustenance of his faith.
Sat 27. D. Paul - India
Golla was a drunkard and idolater and was vehemently opposed to the ministry in Mudhulagudem. Recently, Paul met him personally and shared the message of God’s love and salvation with him. He changed his attitude and mind towards Jesus Christ, confessed his sins and accepted the truth of the bible. Pray that he will be a witness in the village.
Sun 28. Vana Prasad - India
Thank God for Karam Kumar. He is a young man who is one of the two people who came to faith in the Lord Jesus during the quarter. He was experiencing a period of depression due to some events happening in his life. God in His great love touched his life and delivered him. Kindly pray for his growth and stability.
Mon 29. Biren - India
Biren shares, “God loves me so much that He chose me for His work. I was helpless but the Lord showed me the right way.” Through one-on-one ministry in Chatto Amlatora, 16 people listened to the gospel message that Biran proclaimed, and some of them received Christ as their Savior and were baptized. Thank the Lord for this and pray for an even more fruitful ministry.
Tue 30. Suku & Jessy - India
Suku and Jessy conducted a Vacation Bible School in Sathupally with 150 children participating. Gospel preaching in many villages and Sunday school for children are some of the activities that ministered to another 250 people. Thank God for five people who received God’s salvation through Christ. Thank God also for His continuous provision for the Children’s Home.
Wed 30 Komaram - India
Thank God for enabling Komaram to keep preaching the gospel message during the extremely hot summer season. Thank Him also for the completion of the church building.