September Prayerlink

Identity was the topic of our discussion during the special Sunday evening service on August 21st. While introducing the discussion, the leader reminded us of the impact that a change of name had on the identity of some bible characters – Simon to Peter (a rock which identifies the key role he played in the church), Jacob (grabber) to Israel (wrestled with God (and man)).
The week before that, the preacher focused on the way that Nebuchadnezzar had tried to redefine the identity of Daniel and his friends by changing their names (from names related to the one true God, Yahweh, to names related to idols), their ideology (through training in the Babylonian culture), and their food. However, Daniel and co. resisted the redefinition of their identity and remained faithful to their God.

While going through these two sessions, my mind went to Worldlink. What is our identity? How does our name define our identity? WORLDLINK! Our calling is to forge a LINK between the missionaries and God’s people around the world. We do this to enable each person to contribute whatever (s)he has to progress the spread of the gospel of our Lord throughout the world. Your prayers are linked with those serving Christ in remote villages of India. We forward funds that you give to link you up with the youth minister in Ethiopia or Guatemala. And from the other end we link those of you who pray and give with our partners in the field as we share the great work the Lord is doing through the missionaries as well as the challenges that they are facing. Then more praise and prayers can rise up to heaven.

Worldlink has recently gone through a "Re-branding" and our New Logo helps explain our identity. Please visit our website at and read the story of the New Logo. Please let us know if the New Logo underscores our identity.

Olaniyi Daramola

Coordinator – Africa Regio


Thu 1. Mildred – Guatemala
Thank God for the beginning of a new Life-skills program in a school, and for more than 15 young people who have received the Lord Jesus as their Savior through this program. Even the director of the school, a Jehovah's Witness, is listening attentively to the lessons and has invited Mildred to speak to the boys to challenge them in their bad behavior.

Fri 2. Sandra - Guatemala
Distribution of Christian literature and puppetry are the two main tools that Sandra uses to share the gospel message with children and young people. Through these, over 2,100 young people and children have heard the gospel message in the past quarter. Thank God for this, and for the open door of ministry to women in the local church community.


Sat 3. Patrick – Mozambique
Patrick and his team conducted a six-month residential training for five students that were called into the ministry. The training equipped them for cross-cultural missions especially among the Muslim community. Two of them went back to serve with their churches while the rest are now serving with Patrick and his team among the other tribes with whom they work. Please pray that these brethren will bear much fruit in their areas of calling.

Trainees sing a summary to Bible Survey course – Mozambique

Trainees sing a summary to Bible Survey course – Mozambique

Sun 4. Hellen – Kenya
We organized tuition for high school students with over 230 in attendance. Our desire is to reach out to the youths in their context and challenge them. In addition to teaching academic lessons, we shared our lives and faith with the students. Youth from different secondary schools attended. It was also a time of bonding with them. Thank God for seven people who received salvation during the quarter. Please continue to pray for God’s protection as security is still a major issue in the area.

Mon 5. Shina – Sokoto, Nigeria
Shina led a team of 18 students to conduct village evangelism in Maje Borgu. Programs included a film show, one-on-one witnessing, caring for women’s hair, and helping on the farm. Thank God for 68 new believers who joined the Sunday service in the local church. One of the new believers is the widow of the late village traditional herbalist. Although her husband died 3 years ago, she had continued to worship the dead as taught by her late husband. She responded to the gospel message and vowed to stop worshiping idols and to join the local church. Glory be to the Lord.

Tue 6. Anathi – South Africa
Anathi has been training student fellowship groups in effective evangelism. The training topics include: large group evangelism (open air crusades), small group evangelism (student hostels, book clubs, and bible study groups) and one-on-one evangelism. Pray that participants may put what they have learned into practice.

Discussion at an Evangelist’s Workshop

Discussion at an Evangelist’s Workshop

Wed 7. Andre – Congo DR
Andre organized a day of reflection for youths and adolescents, with the theme: "Christian Youth Facing Sexual Depravity." The program ministered to 375 youths with 56 leaders assisting them. Thirty-two girls and twelve boys sought counseling, and fifteen of them confessed their sin and accepted God’s offer of forgiveness and salvation. Pray that the Lord may strengthen their resolve and help them live in holiness.

Thu 8. Gideon – Uganda
Gideon organized a leadership and life-skills training youth camp. Campers had the opportunity to hear about the love of God, and were equipped with leadership skills. Eighty youth participated in the camp. Campers had the opportunity to explore their God-given leadership potential and were able to put their faith into action through evangelism and as they helped those in need in the community. An evangelistic outreach conducted during the camp led 5 adults and 10 children to faith in Jesus Christ for which we praise the Lord.

Group discussion at Camp - Uganda

Group discussion at Camp - Uganda

Fri 9. Jean-Pierre – Congo DR

Bible camps were held in several local communities, and Jean-Pierre specifically facilitated a Bible camp for Masi with over 300 people in attendance. Eighty people came to faith in the Lord during the quarter. Please pray for the strengthening of their faith. Pray also that God will raise up capable brothers and sisters to expand His ministry to new areas.

Sat 10. Daniel – Borno, Nigeria

“Associates Day” was held on campus in the School of Health Technology. The program was so enriching as associates (former students) shared their personal experiences with the students and encouraged them to keep trusting God in everything for He is faithful. Pray that these young people may hold fast to the Lord.

Sun 11. Lawrence – The Gambia

Thank God for a successful Jesus March. The name of the Lord was lifted up in this Muslim dominated nation. What was exciting about this year’s Jesus March was that in spite of the declaration in December 2015 of The Gambia as an Islamic state, the few Christians (6 percent of 1.8 million population) were not intimidated. They came out to identify themselves with the risen Lord and to testify to the transformation that God’s word has made in their lives.

Some participants at Jesus March – The Gambia

Some participants at Jesus March – The Gambia

Mon 12. Morris – Liberia

A two-day training workshop for volunteers was held in Vonjamah, the capital city of Lofa County. All 16 participants were teachers who came from 12 schools. The training was to build the capacity of participants in the area of Life-skills lessons, effective Bible Study, Bible Reading Promotion and Personal Quiet Time. Pray that each participant may put what they learned into practice in their schools.

Tue 13. David – Beni, Congo DR

David’s focus for now is to strengthen existing Bible clubs rather than opening new clubs. He has plans to conduct various training programs to equip those who visit and serve in schools. Pray that those attending the trainings may commit themselves to ministry in schools.

Wed 14. Kiki – Bénin

Kiki organized four training sessions to prepare about 100 camp leaders for the two camps that were conducted in southern Bénin. The camps took place in Djakotomey and Cotonou. The camp in Djakotomey was the first of its kind in this very poor region. There were 15 leaders and 37 children. We thank the Lord for the impact of this camp on all the participants.

Thu 15. Stellah – Tanzania
God gave Stellah the opportunity to hold a camp with 32 teenagers in attendance (including three street kids). Praise God for 20 of them who accepted His salvation! Another camp organized in Bagamoyo area in collaboration with local churches ministered to 350 children. Bagamoyo is a Muslim dominated area. Thank God for 75% of the children who expressed desire to receive Christ into their lives.

Children at Camp - Tanzania

Children at Camp - Tanzania

Fri 16. Moses – Togo

This is a testimony of one of the prisoners who followed the two-month course taught by Moses on the Life of Jesus:

“I was an angry woman. This anger was the obstacle in my relationships with others even though I am a very talented woman. God has helped me to follow the lessons on the life of Jesus. I understand how Jesus was full of self-control. The character of Jesus is an example that I have come to appreciate during the course. He has challenged my life of anger. Now I harbour no hatred or vengeance against anyone. Finally, I realize that my presence in prison is part of God’s plan for me so I can lead others to Christ. Praise the Lord.”

Sat 17. Cabra – Zambia

Cabra visited 38 Bible clubs during the quarter and distributed bible study guides and bible reading materials among the young people. He was also involved in training Christian teachers from selected schools in Lusaka. One hundred and eighteen teachers participated in the training. Thank God for five people who responded to the gospel during the quarter.

Sun 18. Worldlink UK
Please continue to pray for Worldlink UK Trustee Ian Bartholomew who is in recovery form severe brain damage that happened as a result of a heart attack during a ministry trip in Africa. Ian is hospitalized back in Scotland. Plead earnestly for his wife who cares for him daily and experiences daily joys, sorrows and renewed hope.


Mon 19.  Thatti – India
Thatti conducted various evangelistic ministries for women and youths, and a Vacation Bible School for children. Five people came to faith in Christ. One of these is Korri, a young man of fifteen, whom the Lord delivered from the imprisonment of evil spirits. He is currently rejoicing in his new found faith and freedom. Praise the Lord.

Tue 20. Kunja – India
Kunja conducted gospel meetings in Domapandu village where three families trusted in the Lord for salvation. Pray that the Lord may uphold the faith of each of these families.

Wed 21. P. Paul – India
God surprised Paul in the last few months. The summer heat(up to a 120 degrees in some areas) was so severe that he could not visit new villages. However, God enabled him to reach out to a few families and the result is that three families came to faith in Christ and now come to church. Praise the Lord for his abundant blessings.

Thu 22. Paul Raj – India
Paul Raj reports:
“Koyyalla Sommaya was an idol worshiper but turned to the Lord for salvation and is currently being prepared for baptism. She is one of the six people who became members of God’s family in the quarter. It is exciting to see many people turning from idols to the true God. God is doing this in spite of my weakness (sickness). Please uphold the new believers in your prayers that they may remain firmly rooted in Christ.”

Fri 23. James – Myanmar
This is the testimony of a young person touched by James’ ministry:
“I am Kyaw, 20 years old, and of the BAMA tribe. I grew up in a Buddhist family and community. It was only recently that I heard for the first time, the gospel of Christ—his love and how he paid the penalty of my sin on the cross. I thank God for the ministry of an evangelist that brought these truths home to me. Now I am no longer under the Law of Buddhism. Rather, on May 8th, I became part of God’s royal family when I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior. Praise the Lord with me.”

Sat 24. S John Mark – India
Marmmam Gop, who was an idol worshiper, has for a long time suffered from depression. John proclaimed the gospel message to his family, and his heart was deeply touched. As John prayed for him, he began to experience relief. Please join in upholding him in prayers that the Lord may grant him complete recovery.

Sun 25. Dasu – India
Dasu conducted a couple of meetings in different villages and also conducted a VBS (Vacation Bible School) for children. God was working in all these programs and in Bhadrachalam, three families accepted the Lord as their Savior and are coming to worship the Lord. It takes real commitment for them to faithfully do this as their house is 20 kms from the place of worship.

Mon 26. Dasari – India
Dasari was in an auto accident on February 12th. The right side of his upper elbow was fractured. By God’s grace he was not more seriously injured. The doctor advised him to rest but feels that he cannot, as there are more people who need to be reached with the gospel. He is still in pain, so please pray for his healing and his ministry.

Tue 27. Jaya Kumar – India
The Lord has blessed Jaya’s ministry in Viddyaranyapura. Twenty-one people, all alcoholics and very much involved in idol worship, responded to the gospel message and accepted the Lord as their Savior. Jaya started discipleship meetings for them, and they were baptized in July.

Wed 28. Mohan – India
God has enabled Mohan to purchase a small piece of land for worship. Thank God for nine people who were baptized and have joined the assembly. Please pray for Mohan and his team as they face many difficulties and discouragements in this area which is a center for Hindu pilgrims who are devout idol worshipers. Moreover, the RSS (Hindu activists) are very strong there.

Thu 29. Muthyallappa – India
Muthyallappa is thankful to the Lord for enabling him to share the Gospel in three new villages where he conducted personal evangelism. One of the villages is Pavagada where by God’s grace he was able to witness to 257 people. Fifteen of them accepted the Lord as their personal Savior and were baptized. He also started a prayer group there.

Fri 30. Nehemiah – India
Nehemiah visited Thanlakkayanabetta village where he had the privilege of sharing the gospel with more than 350 people. Thank God for many young people who are opening their hearts to the Lord and more people who are joining the prayer meetings. Nehemiah and the other Christians are facing a lot of persecution and attacks from different Hindu groups. At one point, Nehemiah had to run away to another village and hide for a few days. Pray for God’s protection for these Christians, and for courage.