March 2024 Prayerlink


Fri 1. DYN - Cuba

I received a call for help from sister Tania. She was deep in all kinds of idolatry. I went to her house immediately to minister deliverance and destroy the altars of idolatry that had destroyed her life. That same day she confessed her faith in God, acknowledged her sins, and accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. God was just waiting for her to take a step of faith to bring her into his presence because days later she passed away. Thank God for extending his mercies toward her.

Sat 2. CAGS – Cuba

Every day of the week, we meet in small groups at our brothers' homes and hold Sunday services each week in the rented premises. We encourage members to engage in relational evangelism as a lifestyle and assist families in need with food and medicine. Thank God for drawing people to Himself through our ministry. In the past quarter, we welcomed 12 new believers and baptized seven.

Sun 3. Jose – Colombia

We organized a winter camp in Valledupar with 120 children and adolescents participating. The theme of the camp was ‘Identity In Christ’. We also conducted evangelistic campaigns and Bible schools in the street in San Felipe. Of a total of 420 people who heard our messages during these programs, we thank God for 90 who came to faith in Christ. Pray for effective discipleship.

Mon 4. JUCAD – Cuba

Lesiz is one of the young men in our church. He comes from an idolatrous family. He came to faith in Christ after consistent prayers and hearing messages in Sunday school. In the process of discipleship, he voluntarily gave up the idols in his life declaring that he had met the true God. Thank God for revealing Himself to him. He and his wife are candidates for baptism.

Tue 5. ANGE – Cuba

Family Baptist Church has grown from meeting in a single house to celebrate her Sunday school, to meeting in two houses. We have intentionally begun to work with the children in the community. Thirty-two children attended the first meeting. We thank God for some mothers of these children who assist in running the program.


Wed 6. Misanelle – Congo Brazzaville

AK’s testimony: Following the loss of my banking job and my inability to take care of my family, I took to alcohol thinking this would solve my problem. I lost control of my life and became more and more despondent. I returned home one night from a drinking spree and the next day, a small group of people who had taken me home in distress the previous night while drunk, came to visit me. Through them, I discovered God's love and mercy. I repented of my sins, received Christ’s pardon, and was baptized. Through God’s grace, I found another job and I have been living happily with my family free of alcohol. I thank God for his mercies.

Thu 7. Barnabas - Zambia

I have been given the responsibility to chair the Missions Department of our Church. The first step I took is to challenge members to go on evangelistic outreach every 2nd Saturday of the month throughout 2024. The January outreach led to the salvation of one soul. Thank God for this single soul over whom there is rejoicing in heaven. Pray for more fruit in our future outreaches.

Fri 8. Komivi & Francoise – Togo

We conducted a Gospel campaign in Okafu Akposso Village. We also went on door-to-door evangelism, distributed evangelistic tracts, and gave food kits to 27 needy families. We ministered to over 200 people during this campaign. Thank God for nine people who came to faith in the Lord Jesus.

One-on-one Evangelism – Okafu Akposso, Togo

Sat 9. Elijah – Nigeria

The family is thanking God for the safe arrival of a baby boy, Caleb, in December. Testimony: Zimro came from a family of idol worshipers. They offer regular sacrifices to their idol. God however changed the story of his life when he encountered the campus fellowship and heard the message of Christ’s once for all sacrifice for sin. He forsook the practice of his parent and followed Christ. Elijah has mentored him closely and Zimro is today serving as a zonal officer and burning for Christ.

Sun 10. David & Joyce Mwanza - Nigeria

He has been reaching out to people in FAZA police custody sharing the Good News and praying with them. One of the inmates, Omar Islam, a notorious, big-time thief in the community recently received Christ’s salvation and his life has been transformed. He is still in remand awaiting the determination of his case. Pray that he may remain steadfast in his faith.

Mon 11. Jehoshaphat – Benin

By the grace of God, David was a drunkard but since he gave his life to Christ, the level of alcohol intake has been reducing gradually. He remains thankful to God for sending his word to effect the change in his life. Thank God for the younger ones in our community who are sold out to God and are ready and available to serve him.

Tue 12. Morrison – Nigeria

Mass evangelism was organized in Sokoto Polytechnic College and the Rugawa community. The goal was to reach out to the Muslim community around the college and give practical experience to the students who have gone through training in evangelism. Over 80 Muslims were reached. We thank the Lord for 8 new believers resulting from the outreach. Pray for effective follow-up and their protection. 

Discipleship group – Sokoto, Nigeria

Wed 13. Bolaji & Bunmi – Malawi

Elias is one of our schoolteachers. A while ago, we released him because of his drunkenness and other misconduct. Last quarter, he called to thank us for all our teachings, and having observed his soberness, we decided to give him another opportunity. We have seen some changes in him as we continue to expound the Gospel message to him. Please pray that he may soon have a definite experience of salvation.

Thu 14. Eugenio & Victorina – Mozambique

I shared the Gospel with Amade when I served in Nampula from 2017-2019 but he never gave his life to Christ. Being a die-hard Muslim at the time, he was very resistant. But today, he thanks the Lord for saving him. His confession: When you used to tell me about Jesus, I usually felt you were just wasting your time and that it was you who was lost. But today, I know I was totally lost but thank Jesus for finding and saving me. By His grace, I am no longer the person I used to be. Praise the Lord.

Fri 15. Celestine & Hellen – Benin

At Gbeko, we organized village outreach for the children and a medical mission for the community. Thank God for bringing 39 people into his fold. A woman who has been having problems with her husband received the Lord into her life following which she has been living peacefully with her husband. We have also seen that the youth are more dedicated to God. Pray for the success of our plan to reach two more communities in our area.

Medical outreach - Benin

Sat 16. Victor & Rehab – Cote d’Ivoire

The love of one of the young men we are mentoring for the Lord is growing day by day. He just got a new job and in gratitude to the Lord, decided to offer his first salary wholly for God's work not minding his personal needs. We even urged him to keep some of it, but he refused saying it was his commitment to God. Pray for the Lord’s blessing upon him. Please pray also for peace and comfort for my family. Our younger brother went to work in good health in the morning but died during the night. His death really upset me, but we thank God because he was a believer.

Sun 17. Sarifo & Jorgina - Mozambique

One lady, EL heard the Gospel, believed, and received Christ as her Savior. Being a Muslim, she is serving the Lord secretly. She has requested a Bible which she hopes to study secretly to guide her life and prayers. She requests that we pray for her husband to be saved too.


Mon 18. Bashaperna – India

Victor is one of the elders in the village. His son who is addicted to alcohol messes around with the women in the village. As a result, Victor’s family has lost total respect in the village. God however recently met with the young man and brought total change to his life. And now, the entire family has turned to the Lord and is now part of our fellowship. We praise the Lord for this turnaround.

Tue 19. Bechelal – India

In the past six months, we visited 20 unreached villages where we shared the Gospel message from door to door and in the streets. Thank God for bringing into his fold 20 new believers. Sonali, 20, who comes from a Hindu background was possessed by demons. She has sought deliverance from several temples to no avail. The Lord delivered her as we prayed for her. Now she is an active participant in the fellowship.

Wed 20. Basantha – India

Niny is from a well-off family and is an orthodox radical Hindu. When God miraculously opened the door to visit him, we shared the Gospel message with him. We also prayed for him and counseled him. He was initially hesitant, but God’s Spirit gave him understanding and he embraced the Word and prayed to receive Christ. Thank God for saving him. We also thank God for giving us the privilege to visit, pray with, and encourage persecuted brethren living in the camp for displaced peoples.

Thu 21. Jeevakumaran – Sri Lanka

By His grace, we conducted outreach in Ratnapura in Sabaragamuwa region with nearly 75 children and youngsters participating. About 50% of these children are from non-Christian backgrounds. We also had 15 mothers taking part in the sessions. Thank God for 20 children who accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior.

Ratnapura Outreach – Sri Lanka

Fri 22. Gideon and Lakshmi - India

Our ministry has focussed on Gudalur, Samathuvapuram, and Paravathur villages. We go from house to house delivering the Gospel message and doing prayer walks. Munuswamy was a drunkard. His wife, an active church member, has constantly prayed for him. During one of our rounds in the village, we met him and invited him to come to church. He surprisingly did, heard the Gospel message, got saved, and is now regular at church. Thank God for answering the wife’s prayer. Please pray for his steady growth.

Sat 23. Kishan – India

We thank the Lord for continuing to draw many people to Himself despite the terrible persecution we continue to face. The Lord intervened in the lives of two girls and restored their hope and confidence after receiving the Lord as their Savior. They both had been contemplating suicide. Arti because she could not get into any relationship due to her appearance and Juhi because she lost her eyesight from TB affecting her brain. Consequently, she lost her job as a teacher. Pray that the joy of the Lord will be their strength.

Sun 24. Arjun – Sri Lanka

Organized Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) in Kubule and Khairang. The two programs ministered to 270 children. Commenting on the program, a participant in Khairang, Pramila Praja, said, "This VBS was good and full of fun. I learned that Jesus loves me and that he is my Savior. He bore the pain of the cross for my sake. I also learned from the life of Timothy how to obey God. I commit my life to praising God and worshipping him." Thank God for 150 children who came to faith in Christ.

Mon 25. Sophal - Cambodia

Pray for us as we encourage our church members to make discipleship and church planting their focus. One testimony is that of a young man who brought his cousin to one of our programs. He just joined to observe what Christians do. He did this for some weeks and in the end decided to give his life to Christ. We praise the Lord for drawing him to himself.

Tue 26. Sayama – India

The authorities in Thawa Bhuta villages banned us from entering their village to share the good news of Jesus. For three months, we met every person who has authority over these villages and districts. Finally, the Lord intervened, and we were allowed to enter the village and have fellowship with our brethren. Praise the Lord for helping us to make some progress if only slowly. We conducted salvation training twice and practical sessions led to the salvation of 11 people.

Wed 27. Anonymous – East Asia

Praise God, for a new group formed in GUNW village. Made up of 3 people, they worship weekly in the house of a new convert, Mr. M. Meanwhile, the house church in KADA village, led by GAN continues. There is no new member added to them yet. Please pray that God may bring new believers. We are praying and working hard to evangelize and train the believers to reach their families and friends in KADA and its surroundings.

Thu 28. Salman – India

In the last 3 months, I have visited Kanakalpeta, Nagar, Banugudi junction and Brahamapuri villages. Each week, we minister in each village by praying on the streets and sharing the Gospel. Thank God for three people who came to faith in the Lord Jesus and were baptized. Our goal is to start new prayer cell groups in these villages in the next 3-6 months. Pray for the realization of our goal.

Fri 29. Elisabeth – India

In the last 3 months of my ministry, 4 families accepted Christ. Thank God for an alcohol-addicted husband who accepted Christ and is leading a new life in him. An old man in Vennapalli from a Hindu background, who also accepted Christ, has started coming to church. He is getting ready for baptism.

Sat 30. Neat - Cambodia

Thank God for two people who accepted Christ as their personal Savior and were baptized. Please pray for their steady growth as we disciple them.

New believer baptised - Cambodia

Sun 31. Worldlink USA

Happy resurrection day! As with every Prayerlink, we see the evidence of new life in those who put their faith in Christ’s resurrection and power no matter what their background is. Christ is our living priest and lives forever, and he can save to the uttermost (Hebrews 7:25). Let’s continue to pray for a great harvest for His glory!