June Prayerlink

We meditated on Acts 1:1-8 on Ascension Day. (The 40th day after Easter) It’s strange that even after the resurrection of Jesus and their experience of the previous 40 days, the disciples still did not "get" it (Acts 1:7). They still did not understand that Christ’s kingdom is not of this world as he declared before Pontius Pilate (John 18:36). He did not come into the world to compete with Caesar. He had to help them refocus, move away from scrambling for political positions and towards the proclamation of the gospel message. ‘But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth’ (Acts 1:8).

That is the focus of Jesus’ ministry. It is the reason he came into the world, to bring people from every part of the world into the kingdom of God. It was a challenging job for Jesus, to redirect the minds of the disciples to that which really matters, that which is eternal. Thank God, the disciples finally "got it" partly as they waited in prayer and fellowship in the upper room and fully ten days after when the Holy Spirit descended on the 120 people who waited.

The question is, do we get it? On what do we focus attention today – on building our earthly kingdom or God’s kingdom? If we do get it, we will get involved through our going to share the message, giving to support those who are sharing the message and/or groaning in prayer for those who are acting as Jesus' witnessed to the ends of the earth

Olaniyi Daramola
Africa Regional Coordinator



Thu 1. Suku & Jessy – India

They conducted a retreat day for young people and organized Women conferences in three centres. They also continue to minister to the orphans in Asha Niyalam Children’s Home. Thank God for bringing Sunitha to faith in Christ. She has been coming to church for the past 10 years, not willingly but in obedience to her husband. The Lord however opened her eyes and heart to the Gospel during the Women’s conference. Her new found faith has made a tremendous difference to her family life. Thank God for this experience and pray for her and her family.

Fri 2. Vijayah Kumar – India

Thank God for Nakka Sitaram, 35, who was suffering from chronic disease. Regularly I went to visit him at home, pray for his healing and share the gospel message with him. He responded to the message and received the Lord’s salvation. He is growing in his faith. Please pray for his complete healing and that the Lord may keep him faithful to himself.

Sat 3. Worldlink USA

Today is Worldlink’s USA Board Meeting. Pray for the Board as they discern God’s plan for 2017-18 and begin the process of implementing the vision.

Sun 4. Daniel – India

Thank God for the only soul, Jepp, won for the Lord during the quarter. She was steep in idolatry and possessed by an evil spirit. But the Lord completely delivered her and God’s Spirit has taken over the reign of her life. Pray for effective follow-up. Pray also for God’s provision to erect a church building in Jinnagudda village.

Mon 5. T. Moody – India

Thank God for the growth of the church and ministry in Edala Cheruvu village. Regular evangelistic programs continue there. Pray for growth for the ministry here and in Uppusaka village where special gospel meetings were recently conducted.

Tue 6. Uttam – India

He has started a new house church with four families. Pray for the Sunday school ministry that continues in Kabirajpara and the plans to start a new work in Chandrakona Town. Pray for strength to cope with all the demands.

Wed 7. Dhruba – Nepal

Organized Children Talent Contest (CTC) in two churches. CTC is a method of making disciples of the children. Altogether 40 children attended the two contests. The children were helped to develop their talents especially in the area of story writing and drawing. They were then encouraged to use these to share the gospel message with their peers. Please pray for God’s blessings on these children and their ministry.

Thu 8. CPM – Indonesia

Transform Youth Indonesia (TYI) is a discipleship program for youth designed to revive Indonesian churches. The second stage focuses attention on reaching people outside the church. Three hundred youth from 17 local churches are currently going through TYI in six centers. The location of one of the centers has been described as the “Sodom & Gomorrah” of North Sumatra because of its high level of prostitution, drugs and gambling while all 40 participants in another center are Bible College students. Pray that these youth may bring positive revolution to their churches and cities.

Fri 9. Narasayya – India

Crisscrossed twenty small villages during the past few months sharing the love of God with all who would listen. Thank God for 20 people who accepted Christ into their lives and have requested to be baptized.

Sat 10. Surappadu – India

Thank God for open doors of ministry in a few villages. Even though almost all who live in these villages are non-Christians, there has been no serious opposition to the proclamation of the gospel message. Pray that this freedom may persist and that many may respond and come to faith in our Lord. Please also pray that God may sustain Surappadu’s health.

Sun 11. John Mark – India

He focused his ministry on three villages (Bhugupadu, Mangapuram and Adavi Chandrapuram) where he conducted series of gospel meetings. Thank God for drawing three souls into his kingdom. One of the three is 40-year-old Makadam whom God delivered from the slavery to drunkenness.


Bible Club – Guatemala

Bible Club – Guatemala

Mon 12. Mildred – Guatemala

Thank God for the support many volunteers continue to give the ministry. They have prepared materials for use in Bible clubs throughout 2017. The materials have been sent to 100 volunteers who visit and minister in the Bible clubs. Pray that these materials may enhance the ministry of the volunteers and that they may lead many children to faith in the Lord.

Tue 13. Sandra – Guatemala

Continue to pray for Sandra as she recovers from serious injuries she sustained when she was run over by an out-of-control horse at a community event. Pray that her ministry would continue for the months she will need to recuperate and return.


Wed 14. Dennis – Kenya

The community in which he ministers is 100% Muslim. Farming and nursery school education are bridges he is using to reach out to the community. In the last quarter, he shared the Good News with three families and 20 individuals. Although no one has yet declared faith in the Lord Jesus, thank God for one who appears positive and another who sometimes worships with the family. Pray for funds to provide basic facilities for the school.

Nursery children lining up for food in front of the make-shift kitchen.

Nursery children lining up for food in front of the make-shift kitchen.

Thu 15. Timothy – Kenya

Joseph was brought to the Orphanage from the street. He was not comfortable in the home, always eager to go back to the street. I told him about the love of God and the good future ahead of him if he remains in the home. I emphasized the need for him to receive God’s offer of salvation through Christ which he did. He has since then settled down in the home. Please pray that the Lord may keep watch over this young boy. Thank God for the ministry of the Orphanage which is rehabilitating many street kids.

Small Group – Easter Conference, Maiduguri, Nigeria

Small Group – Easter Conference, Maiduguri, Nigeria

Fri 16. Daniel – Borno, Nigeria

A discipleship conference was organized during Easter period. The conference focused on evangelism. After listening to many speakers, participants had the opportunity to share their faith with fellow students in four campuses. For some of the students it was the first time they were sharing their faith with other people. Yahaya Yamta, one of the participants, led four people to the Lord, two church goers and two Muslims. Altogether 39 students came to faith in our Lord. Thank God for participants’ experience and pray for effective follow-up of the new believers.

Students’ Assembly – South Africa

Students’ Assembly – South Africa

Sat 17. Anathi – South Africa

Aviwe Mthetho, a young woman, was an alcoholic and steep in substance abuse. She would sleep in the streets intoxicated with alcohol and drugs. When we shared the gospel message with her, she opened her heart and accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Through consistent visits and prayers, she is free from the bondage of substance abuse and alcohol. She is now a happy child of God who is committed to serving God and helping others who are still in the same path she used to walk. We praise the Lord for intervening in her life.

Sports Evangelism – Kenya

Sports Evangelism – Kenya

Sun 18. Hellen – Kenya

God led us to visit Kholfarar a few kilometres from the Kenya-Somalia border where we proclaimed the gospel message. We thank the Lord for a bumper harvest of eleven souls. Our team members are nurturing them in the Lord. We hope they can connect us with their friends, colleagues and families soon. There is a small makeshift church in the town. Pray for divine protection for these new believers.

Mon 19. Ananstacia – Mozambique

I was in school in the first two months of the quarter. In the last month, however, I went back to engaging people in friendship evangelism. Already, I have befriended a woman with whom I meet regularly to study God’s word. I am also teaching a small group of children. Please pray that some of these people may soon respond to the message and come to faith in our Saviour.

Drama at Worship Service – Nigeria

Drama at Worship Service – Nigeria

Tue 20. Shina – Sokoto, Nigeria

Conducted Evangelism Training for students on two campuses to mobilize and motivate them to engage in personal evangelism. Thank the Lord for 86 participants who made commitment to engage in regular personal evangelism. Following the training, campus mass evangelism was organised. The students went around the dorms to share the gospel with fellow students. Thank God for 81 souls who were won to the Lord during the two programmes. A weekend discipleship program was organized for the new believers and they all have been advised to join Discipleship Cell Groups which meet weekly for Bible study and fellowship.

At Committee Training – Bembérèkè, Bénin

At Committee Training – Bembérèkè, Bénin

Wed 21. Kiki – Bénin

Paid visit to City Committees in seven cities (Parakou, Bembérèkè, Banikoara, Kandi, Malanville, Djougou and Natitingou). During this tour, he conducted 23 training sessions to build the capacity of volunteer teams and church members, held consultative meetings with camp leaders in two centers and preached Sunday sermons in two churches. Thank God for these ministry opportunities.

Thu 22. Micheline – Beni, Congo DR

Conducted two training/teaching sessions in a local church in Ngadi. The first was for 26 women on management of income-generating activities. The theme of the second teaching program was “Our walk with Jesus.” Thank God for two women who received the Lord as their savior.

Participants - Negala Training, Ethiopia

Participants - Negala Training, Ethiopia

Fri 23. Bereket – Ethiopia

Visited six cities during the quarter. In one of the cities, Chuko, he conducted three-day training for 60 high school fellowship and youth leaders and in Negela, a one-day training for 85 high school fellowship leaders and team coordinators. Thank God for two prostitutes working in Halaba Hotel who came to faith in Jesus and 13 new believers in Hawassa

Sat 24. Mathe – Congo DR

Organised a seminar for couples in Katindo with 89 participants and a youth Bible camp in Ndosho with 134 people. The focus of the camp was on the life of Joseph. Thank God for 16 adults and about 40 children and youth who put their trust in Jesus during these progams.

Clean-up of Quthing - Lesotho

Clean-up of Quthing - Lesotho

Sun 25. Lehlohonolo – Lesotho

Led members of the Bible clubs in Quthing to carry out a cleaning campaign in their city. As people asked why they were doing this, they had the opportunity to share the ministry and love of God in their lives. This was an exciting day for the schools that participated for which we thank the Lord.

Mon 26. Stellah – Tanzania

Organized seminars to equip Sunday School teachers for ministry. The impact of these sessions has become obvious in many churches. Thank God for this and for seven young people who recently received Jesus as their personal savior during a program and who decided to receive baptism in one of the local churches. It was an exciting occasion for all.

Volunteers’ Training – Gulu, Uganda

Volunteers’ Training – Gulu, Uganda

Tue 27. Dickens – Uganda

Led the recruitment and training of over 120 full time volunteers from across the country. These volunteers are key to the success of all ministry activities in Bible clubs. They visit schools and serve as camp leaders. Thank God for their determination to serve the Lord and pray that they may effectively put into practice the lessons they have learnt.

Wed 28. Joannes – Sierra Leone

Conducted a three-day leadership training for three churches in Makeni. Ten leaders from each church participated in the training. Thank God for the impact of the training on the three churches. One of them was able to resolve a leadership problem that had existed since the departure of their minister over two years ago. Pray that the Lord may strengthen their fellowship.

Children listening attentively to teaching and seminar - Zambia

Children listening attentively to teaching and seminar - Zambia

Thu 29. John – Zambia

Conducted HIV/AIDS seminars for youth in Musonda and Twashuka communities. The aim of the seminars is to equip youth to make right and informed choices in life. These workshops were conducted in schools, communities and churches. About 320 boys and girls heard the “True Love Waits” message. Please pray that through this programme, many young people may daily make positive life decisions that glorify God.

Fri 30. Dennis – Uganda

Facilitated training for about 60 teachers from Soroti, Eastern Uganda to equip them to provide spiritual nurture for children. The teachers have gone on to start Bible clubs in their schools. Fifteen of the teachers received the Lord as their savior during the training. Some of the teachers are living in some of the most challenging communities in the region. Please pray that God will help them grow in their faith journeys and serve God faithfully.