Some friends have been meditating on the journey of the children of Israel in the desert recently. We have seen the challenges they faced – their pursuit by Pharaoh and his army right into the Red Sea, the challenge of various lacks – no food to eat, no water at all or the water available is not portable etc.
In all these challenges, unfortunately, God’s people specialized in complaining and grumbling, ever readily forgetting God’s miraculous interventions of the past. They virtually wearied God with their grumblings. In each of their situations, we see Moses crying to the Lord for his intervention. And God did intervene on each occasion. Not once did God fail them.
That is not our focus of this note but rather Israel’s first experience of battle in Exodus 17:8ff. The Amalekites came and attacked them. The Israelites had no war experience. Moses sent Joshua to lead the battle against the enemy while he, Aaron and Hur went up on the mountain where Moses lifted up his staff to heaven. When the staff is raised, Joshua was winning. When it went down, the enemy was winning. With the support of Aaron and Hur, the staff was permanently upraised until the battle was won. In a way, we do not understand how the upraised staff affected what was happening on the battlefield. It is the same way we cannot fully understand how raising the staff parted the sea or brought water out of the rock. However, we can righty conclude that what was happening on the mountain had effect on the battlefield and without the support of Moses and his team, the battle would have been lost.
How does this apply to us today? Worldlink’s missionary partners are facing the enemy (I purposely use singular because the real enemy is the devil) on the front line of battle in Latin America, Asia, Africa and some places we cannot even dare identify. We, who are not in the battle with them physically are called upon to support them with our prayers. Without your prayer support, they are doomed. Please continue to raise your arms and voices to the Lord on their behalf. We need that backup to ensure success on the battlefield. You have the tool to support them in your prayers on these pages.
Olaniyi Daramola
African Regional Coordinator
Sun 1. Worldlink UK
Please pray for God’s intervention in the health of our Treasurer, Ian Bartholomew. He suffered a heart attack on his way home from a visit to Africa. He is currently in critical condition in Nairobi Hospital, Kenya. Please pray for strength for his wife, Anna and the entire family.
Mon 2. Sandra – Guatemala
Coordinates volunteers and leads them to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with children and youths in various schools and Institutes. She often uses puppetry to engage with the children. Pray that God may continue to touch the children as they receive His message.
Tue 3. Mildred – Guatemala
Currently there has been increased crime in their area making the ministry to children and young people more urgent so they can learn early to follow God’s path. Thank God for 10 volunteers that have so far joined the ministry this year. Four training sessions were organized to equip them for the ministry. Pray that Mildred and her team of volunteers may experience abundant blessing in their ministry.
Wed 4. Felix – Argentina
Inaugurated an degree awarding Bible School in March to prepare young people for ministry in the churches. Thank God for 48 students that are currently undergoing training. Pray for wisdom for staff and students and God’s provision.
Thu 5. Jessy – India
Savarna, a 37-year-old woman, was battling with some family issues. Jessy had the opportunity to share God’s love with her and during one of the counseling sessions she accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior. She is rejoicing in her new found faith and growing in the Lord. Pray that the Lord may also touch the hearts of her family members.
Fri 6. D. Paul – India
Tamkula, a 60-year-old man, could neither walk or do things by himself. When he heard that Jesus Christ is the healer, he invited Paul into his home to share the story of Jesus with him. He soon opened his heart to the Savior and is now a fervent believer and active church member. Kindly uphold him in your prayers that he may be an effective witness in his local area.
Sat 7. Varaprasad - India
Thank God for opportunity to minister to children in Satupally and hold cottage meetings in Gangaram. Two souls were brought into God’s kingdom through these programs. One of them, sister Sathyavathi, accepted Christ after experiencing divine healing. Thank God for the peace that they both now have.
Sun 8. Komaram – India
Thank God for a family that came to faith in the Lord Jesus following Gospel meetings conducted in two villages and for two other families that are ready for baptism. Please pray for healing for Deepa, Komaram’s daughter.
Mon 9. K. Paul – India
Thank God for opening avenues for ministry in five villages during the quarter. Along with the gospel meetings held in these villages, Gospel tracts were distributed and one-on-one evangelism conducted. Of the 110 people that heard the Gospel message, there were five of them that accepted the Lord as their Savior. One of them, Karam, forsook idol worship after experiencing Christ’s miraculous healing power. Please support them all in your prayers.
Tue 10. Kunja – India
Thank God for regular services that are conducted in three villages – Dosapadu, Vepulagutta and Dorapadu. Please pray that the Christians in these villages may reflect Christ’s light to the dark world around them. Thank God for many that are turning to the Lord in these villages.
Wed 11. Anonymous Partner
Twenty-one new partners joined 42 previous trainees to share the Gospel message with Muslims living in the community. There were 462 people that heard God’s Good News, thank God for 73 that accepted God’s salvation through Christ. Twenty-one of them have been baptized and have joined one of the 45 discipleship groups that meet regularly.
Thu 12. Worldlink US.
Pray that God would direct the Worldlink staff and Board members as they finalize Worldlink's strategic plan and prepared for a new ministry year beginning July 1st.
Fri 13. Joseph – Burkina Faso
An old man received the Lord as his Savior during Bible meditation. He used to park his bike in front of a local tavern where he would go to drink. Since his conversion, this habit has changed totally. When his friends asked him why they no longer see him or his bike, he replied that his bike has changed station from the front of the tavern to the church gate because Christ has become his Lord. He is now constant in the church where he enjoys reading or talking about Jesus. His conviction and testimony has led to the conversion of his family and some of his friends. Praise the Lord.
Sat 14. Francis – Central Africa Republic
Conducted evangelistic outreach to FATEB (Theological Seminary) Secondary school. Apart from hearing the message of the gospel, God demonstrated his healing power in the life of a girl, Edna who was suffering from seizures. Thank God for 53 youths that received the Lord as their Savior. Pray for the follow-up program. (Francis is residing in FATEB compound where he ministers to 2000+ Internally Displace People that are taking refuge there from the war.)
Sun 15. Mathe – Congo DR
Currently, we are working in eight schools where we organize Bible study activities, life skills and HIV / AIDS prevention programs. We minister to 5,000 children through these activities. A new Bible study group was recently started in Ephata School for the Deaf with 23 members. Pray for effective ministry in these schools.
Mon 16. James – Liberia
Has focused on Bible Reading Promotion and Bible Story Telling programs to equip and encourage children to have daily bible meditation. He concluded the Bible reading promotion program with a day retreat that brought together 162 youths from 15 schools. Thank God for 31 children and young people that came to faith in Jesus Christ through these programs. James lost both his father and mother within an interval of four months. Please pray that the Lord may comfort him.
Tue 17. Jean Baptiste – Rwanda
Thank God for 40 couples that came for the meeting organized in March. They were all eager to know the mind of God for their lives. In small groups, they met to discuss the issues confronting them and on which future meetings should focus. Bible Reading Promotion (BRP) was conducted in 29 churches throughout the country during the quarter. Thank God for the volunteers that are committed to promoting Bible reading.
Wed 18. Helen – Beni, Congo DR
Co-facilitated a vacation camp for children of Mavivi on "healing inner wounds”. The camp was organized in partnership with a local church. An average of 650 children and 33 adults participated in this camp. Thank God for 31 young people that came to faith in Christ during the camp. She ministered to two girls that were raped and assisted them to receive medical care. Please pray for their full recovery physically and emotionally.
Thu 19. Gideon – Uganda
Organized training for 20 people from five churches in Budaka. The training was based on ‘Voice of Africa’, the ministry’s newest value-based outreach program. This training sessions were on the - “TRUTH”. Trainees were equipped to teach weekly 40-minutes lessons on Truth at both Primary and Secondary levels. Please pray for open doors and effective ministry.
Fri 20. Jean-Pierre – Congo DR
Organized day of reflection for families and a retreat for youths in Kikwit. Thank God for 15 people that responded to the gospel proclaimed at these and other programs organized during the quarter.
Sat 21. Joannes – Sierra Leone
Kadiatu is the only survivor of her mum’s seven children. Her father is a fanatical Muslim. Kadiatu responded boldly to the gospel message delivered during a visit to her school and prayed to receive the Lord Jesus into her life. She is currently a secret disciple because of her father but she comes to the office every Saturday for discipleship class. Please pray that God may sustain her faith and touch her father in a special way so he too may soon confess Christ.
Sun 22. Andre – Congo DR
Youth and adult Bible Camp was held from 4 to 8 January 2016 in Buta. Fifty-six people participated in the camp. Thank the Lord for touching the lives of all participants and in particular ten campers that accepted God’s salvation.
Mon 23. Romain – Beni, Congo DR
Organized training for fifteen primary and secondary school chaplains. They were equipped to prepare and lead bible studies and mentor the children under their care. Please pray that they may be effective in their ministry and help shape the lives of the young people.
Tue 24. Nestor – Congo DR
Bilonda was one of the first girls to join the BAMATU girl prostitutes’ training program. During a recent pastoral session, Nestor asked her, ‘What is your dream after your training?’ Her response, “I want to be married and be my husband’s only wife. I hate to be a second or third wife. God has truly forgiven me, he will do this for me. Also, I desire to be a great seamstress and designer. I have already grasped some knowledge. As I proceed, I hope to master other things in the sewing business. These are my two dreams." Her response was such an encouragement as we seek to bring healing, wholeness and hope to these precious girls who have been trapped in the sex trade. Two years ago, before BAMATU began, Bilonda could not have dreamed of such a future. Pray for God’s continued favor upon her and all the girls.
Wed 25. Brysceson – Tanzania
He was invited to participate in the Synod of Konde Diocese where he conducted Bible Reading Promotion and visited some churches to motivate members to read the Bible everyday using Wasomaji, the Swahili Bible reading material. One hundred people were at the Bible Quiz competition he organized, another effort to encourage bible reading.
Thu 26. Lawrence – The Gambia
On Easter Monday, his ministry, in collaboration with Youth For Christ and other para church organizations, raised the banner of Jesus high as they sang and marched through the streets of Banjul. This was the first march undertaken since The Gambia was declared an Islamic state by the President. There was great excitement and determination by the church of Christ to play its prophetic role in this Muslim majority (95%) nation. Pray for courage and wisdom as the few Christians seek to proclaim the lordship of Christ in this nation.
Fri 27. Norbert – Congo DR
Thank God for successful Bible camp organized for youths. Pray that the youths that attended this camp may remain faithful to the Lord and spread the light of the gospel among their peers.
Sat 28. Anonymous Partners
Through training, the young man, Yanti (pseudonym), has become active in sharing his faith, following the footsteps of his father, a retired evangelist. Last month, after sharing his faith, a local Muslim woman invited Yanti to meet her family. Yanti then explained Jesus to this woman and her family. The woman put her trust in Jesus. Pray for her husband who is still processing the message.
Sun 29. Vijaya - India
Thatti, 32, was possessed with evil spirits. We prayed for her deliverance and God heard our prayers. She is now completed delivered and has opened her house for cottage prayer meeting. We are, from here, reaching out to other members of the family. Pray that God may sustain Thatti and help her family members to respond to the gospel message.
Mon 30. Suku – India
In the month of January, we conducted a special gospel meeting in Palavancha area reaching a few villages during the visit. Thank God for 10 people that came to faith in Jesus Christ. Following this mission, we have adopted a few villages for future ministry. Pray for the team of ministers we have put together to continue this ministry.
Tue 31. Yohan – India
Sumadevi, 25, of the Koya community lived according to traditional beliefs and engaged in many idolatrous activities. She opened her heart to the gospel when we presented it to her, departed from her old faith and embraced Christ as her Savior. She is currently enjoying her fellowship with Christ and engaged in gospel work. Pray that she may remain faithful to the Lord.